Miraxus: Too Slow

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I frowned down at the bar as I wiped hard at a wet spot, grumbling to myself. The night before, Laxus and I had gotten into an arguement, and both of us were too stubborn to apologize. So, we were still mad at each other when he left for a job with the Thunder Legion that morning.

"Stupid Laxus," I sighed, stopping my abuse of the bar. 

"Are you alright, Mira?"

I looked up and saw that Levy was sitting in front of me, along with Gajeel and Lily.  Snap out of it, Mira. The guild isn't a place to be sulking about your boyfriend problems. "I'm fine," I told her, putting on my signature smile. "Just a few stains on the bar."

Levy grinned knowingly at me, as if she could tell what was really bothering me. "If you say so."

"Can I get you guys anything?" I asked, trying to get Levy's attention off of me.

"The usual," Gajeel said, the entire situation—thankfully—going over his head.

"Same," Lily nodded.

I gratefully escaped to the kitchen to get their food ready—a plate of scrap metal for Gajeel, and sliced kiwis for Lily.

"Good morning, Mirajane," Kinana smiled.

"Good morning," I nodded, getting the already prepared plates. I handed them to Lily and Gajeel before telling Kinana I was taking my lunch break.

Once outside, away from the prying eyes and ears of my guild mates, I let out a long sigh. Laxus and I had been dating for over a year, and we butted heads often. For some reason, though, last night’s fight had been worse.

It’s all his fault, I thought to myself, angrily. Frowning, I walked to my room in Fairy Hills. “Maybe it wasn’t all his fault,” I mumbled. “I mean, he had good intentions.”

The more I thought about it, the more I was convinced that the whole thing had probably been my fault. For the last three weeks, Laxus had been trying to convince me to move in with him. Since we had been dating for so long, it shouldn’t have been an issue. Actually, living with Laxus sounded incredibly exciting.

But, I always turned him down when he asked. We hadn’t been very public with our relationship, and I was afraid of how Elfman and Lisanna would react. Sure, they knew we had been dating, but moving in with him would be a huge step—one that was a little frightening.


I let out a small squeak when someone said my name. “Laxus!” I gasped, “Don’t sneak up on me like that! And what are you doing in here, anyways? If Erza finds you, she’ll—“

“I don’t care about that,” he frowned. He was stretched out on my sofa, looking way too inviting. His black shirt was a little dirty, and his hair was messed up. I found myself blushing as I forced myself to look away from him.

Mirajane, you are mad at him, remember? Don’t be moved by his muscular arms…or his sexy smirk…or that wind-blown, perfect to run your fingers through, hair—No! I shook myself. “What do you want, Laxus?” I asked, trying to sound cold.

When he smirked, I knew I had failed. I wanted to back away as he got off the sofa and made his way over to me, but I couldn’t bring myself to move. “I came to apologize.”

“You?” I scoffed.

“Mira, I mean it,” he frowned. “I shouldn’t have pushed the subject so hard.”

“No,” I sighed, “I can understand where you’re coming from. I just don’t know how I’ll tell Elfman and Lisanna.”

“Then let’s tell them together,” he shrugged. Before I could respond, he grabbed my hand and dragged me back to Fairy Tail.

“Laxus, what are we doing?” I asked.

“We’re going to tell them you’re moving in with me,” he said.

“What?!” I practically screamed. “Now?”

“Hey.” Laxus took a seat at the table with Elfman and Lisanna, ignoring me. “We need to talk.”

“About what?” Elfman frowned, looking between Laxus and I. I squeezed Laxus’s hand nervously, and he gave it a reassuring squeeze back.

“Mira’s moving in with me.”

I watched as Laxus’s words sunk into both of my siblings. When they were finally able to react, it was two completely different scenes. Lisanna jumped up and hugged me, squealing excitedly. Elfman, however, slammed his fists on the table and stood up.

“To hell she will!” He snapped, glaring down at Laxus.

“Like it or not, Mirajane is a big girl,” Laxus said, calmly, “and she can make her own decisions.”


“Elfman,” I said, quietly. He immediately sat down, grumbling under his breath.

“I don’t like this,” he told me.

“But it will make me happy,” I giggled, reaching across the table to grab his hand. “I want this.”

“Fine,” he mumbled. “How can I help?”

“We’ll start packing tomorrow,” Laxus declared. In one swift movement, he stood up, pulled me off the chair, and threw me over his shoulder. “Until then, we’re going to get things ready at my place.”

“Laxus!” I exclaimed, horrified that everyone in the guild could see us. He merely chuckled, causing my entire body to shake.

“Well, we’re home,” Laxus grinned, flopping me onto the bed.

“I thought we were supposed to be getting the house ready for tomorrow?” I giggled as he climbed over me.

“That can wait,” he smirked, “this is more important.”

“How so?” I asked, mirroring his smirk. He pressed his lips against mine, pulling away too soon.

“Because,” he said, swiftly untying the bow holding my dress up, “you were mad at me, remember? I’ll just have to convince you not to be.”

“If you can,” I teased, working on the buttons of his shirt.

I huffed in annoyance when he pulled away. “Was that a challenge, Mirajane?”

“Maybe,” I purred, grabbing his open shirt and pulling him back down to me. I kissed him hard, all of the anger caused by our earlier fight vanishing. I had loved Laxus since we were children, and being together with him seemed like a dream every day. He made me happier than I had ever been, and he truly cared about me.

Sure, we had had sex before, but something was different in that moment. I could feel his affection with every touch, and I suddenly wished that I could just requip my clothes away like Erza. Taking them all off was taking far too long—especially because Laxus seemed to be enjoying himself, watching me grow impatient.

“You’re being slow,” I taunted, watching as he slowly pulled my dress off and threw it to the floor. The smirk never left his face, even as he just as slowly shed his own shirt and pants.

I leaned up to meet his lips as he laid his body over mine once more. I could feel every nerve in my body, and they were all buzzing with electricity. I wasn’t sure if Laxus was aiding in that, or if it was my own reaction, but I liked it.

Suddenly, he broke our kiss and met my eyes, a serious look on his face.

“What is it?” I asked, placing my hands on his cheeks.

“I love you, Mirajane.”

I smiled. “I know. I love you, too.”

“Is moving in with me really what you want?”

I kissed him. “It is.”

“Good,” he chuckled, “because we aren’t leaving this room for a while.”

His voice was low and filled with a rasp that sent chills of pleasure straight to my groin. “Really?” I breathed

Instead of answering, he did away with our remaining clothes. He ran his hands down my sides, leaving fire in their wake. Growing even more impatient, I trailed my hands down his torso, stopping only when the tips of my fingers brushed ever-so-slightly against his hard manhood.

His breath caught in his throat, and I took advantage of the opportunity to grip him firmly, smiling sweetly up at him.

“I can go slowly, too,” I told him. My hand moved in what I knew were excruciatingly slow strokes, my slender fingers torturing him. I smiled in satisfaction when he cursed under his breath and buried his face in my neck. He trailed kisses down to my chest, and nipped gently at one of my nipples, pinching the other between his free forefinger and thumb.

My back arched in a response as a moan escaped my lips, and I tightened my grip on him. “Laxus,” I begged, releasing him so I could grab his face and force it back up to mine, “I can’t wait any longer.”

He pushed my knees apart and pressed his manhood against my practically throbbing sex. God, if he doesn’t hurry up, I think I’m going to die! I was on fire everywhere.

Finally, he thrust down, muffling my scream with a deep kiss. Our breath tangled together when we broke apart to breathe, and I could feel my orgasm building.

My nails dug into his shoulders as he went back to torturing my breasts with his mouth and hands. He moaned when I rolled my hips against his thrusts, seeking release.

Just as I felt myself begin to unravel, his muscles tightened, and I felt him release himself into me. That sent me over the edge.

I screamed as I clung to him, unable to really feel anything but the pleasure coursing throughout my entire body in relentless, intense waves. When it was over, Laxus collapsed onto the bed beside me, wrapping me in his arms and tucking me snuggly against his chest.

“I love you, Laxus,” I whispered, exhausted.

“I know. I love you, too, Mirajane,” he chuckled, repeating what I had told him earlier. “Now, get some rest.”

I smiled to myself as I closed my eyes and let sleep begin to wash over me. From now on, I’ll get to fall asleep beside Laxus like this every night.

This one was also originally requested by my wifey, BambooGreen! ^_^

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