Chapter 13

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Why hello peoples!!! So I know you're probably like "what the fuck! Why did it take you so long to update this chapter???". And I understand I took awhile to update this chapter. But I'm still having a small brain fart, well I guess I wouldn't call it small. And I'm still busy with school shit. But I got one week left and I'm so happy!!! Summer!!! Laziness!!! Fangirling!!! I can't wait! And then that shit's going to happen all over again at the end of it. . . . . . yay! (Not really) Any way, so I'm sorry it took me awhile, but I kinda got to get back into things here on Wattpad. But I would like to dedicate this chapter to LunaStormbluster! She is a new follower!!! And maybe reader. . . . not entirely sure. And that is another thing! Unfortunately going to have to skip over like a lot of people who I want to dedicate, because of how long I've been gone, I've gotten a lot of new followers and readers. SO that means that I am behind by like a lot! So those of you who are new to following me, or reading, or commenting, or voting. . . . . . do know that I do acknowledge it, and I appreciate it beyond words! But I just cannot keep track of who is who, and who I've already dedicated . . . .let me just say it's a cluster fuck for me. So again I'm sorry and I love you guys just as much as everyone else! And I wish I hadn't had that stupid story I had to write for school. But on the up side, the story I wrote for that class is going to be edited and some information changed around, then BAM!!! It's going in Wattpad!!! Yeah!!! Anyway, I'll shut up now. Love you LunaStormbluster! Love you guys! Enjoy the chapter!


POV: Lucy

The bell rang signaling that our fifth class was over, and Natsu followed me into the building and into the guild hall.

'That was so much fun! Even though I was only like two inches off the ground, but that still really fun!'

I turned to thank Natsu but he was already walking away. So I ran up behind him and hugged him from behind.

"Thank you." I whispered as I pulled away and walked over to a table that Loke was already waiting for me.

"Did you ask him?" Loke asked. I nodded. "What did he say?"

"None of your business." I told him and sat down across from him and took out my Astronomy books.

"You're a real pain in the ass." He told me.

"Love you too." I told him and we began our lesson for the day. But after a while I started writing my notes down as Loke waited patiently. "He said I have a nice right hook." I said, as I continued to write down notes.

"Well that was awfully nice of him." Loke said.

"What? That he saved my life? At least the little that I have left." I asked, whispering the last part to myself. But Loke must have heard me because he slapped the top of my head.

"Enough of that." Loke said, sternly to me and I looked away. "And I wasn't talking about him saving your life, I was talking about him complimenting you punching skills."

"What's that supposed to me?" I asked.

"I mean you don't have very good punching skills." Loke said. And I just stared at him blankly.

"Oh really?" I asked him as I turned my head to the side. Then the bell rang. And I punched him so hard that I sent him back to the Celestial World. "Try telling me that now." I said, and started packing up my stuff into my backpack. Then I walked out the door and started walking home with a little skip in my step.

"So?" Multiple voices asked me in my ear and I jumped about three feet. I turned to see Mira, Levy, Juvia, and Erza was standing there smiling at me. Except Mira, it looked like she was trying to burn a hole in my skin.

"So? What?" I asked not knowing what they were trying to ask me.

"So what was that earlier?  Mira asked, as she started to slowly get a little louder.

"What was what?" I asked matching, her screaming.

"You with Natsu!" Levy blurred out. And I swear I felt my face turn hotter than the sun.

"What do you mean exactly?" I asked really slow and carefully.

"What were you and Natsu doing in outside the school flying around?" Erza asked and the girls just stared at me.

"Umm, Natsu was flying me around a bit." I said honestly. Then Mira started squealing and jumping up and down.

"That's so cute!" All the girls cooed.

"But why were you so close to the ground?" Levy asked me.

"Umm." I said, not wanting to say anything.

"Well?" Erza asked in her stern voice and I looked at the ground.

"I have a really bad fear of heights." I said. And they just looked at me.

"Juvia wants to know if it was your idea to fly low or his." Juvia said, and the girls got a little closer to me, as my face got even hotter if that was possible.

"His." I whispered and the girls all squealed together and while they were distracted I took the opportunity to run away, and head home. I went the way I did yesterday and as I was on the path, I couldn't help but be on edge. And after a while I started to feel someone's eyes on me. I stopped and looked around. 

'I'm okay. Just on edge because of yesterday.'

Then I felt my keys start to heat up a bit and I placed my hands on top of them.

"Calm down guys." I told them and they did a little. I then started walking home again. Then after a little while I started to hear a weird sound and I turned around again, but there was nothing there, and the sound didn't stop, but it sounded to be coming up from above me. So I looked up and saw that something was crashing through the branches.


I jumped out of the way and grabbed one of my keys as I turned around.

"Open gate of the-!" I started to say to summon a spirit but stopped when I saw the color red. And there stood Natsu. "Natsu?" I asked and he looked at me and held his hand out to me. I put my key away as I took his hand and he pulled me to my feet. "What the hell is wrong with?" I yelled at him as I punched him in the arm. He looked like he was going to laugh but he stopped himself. I then forgot all about the part where he almost landed on top of me.

'It's kind of hard for me to be mad at him.'

"Well what are you doing here?" I asked him and he pointed at me. "Me?" I asked, and he nodded. "Why?" I asked again, and he pointed down the path. "You want to walk me home?" I asked and he nodded again.

'He's so sweet.'

We continued to walk down the path and it was quiet. But a comfortable quiet. He walked me all the way up to gate but stopped. I turned to face him.

"I guess I'll see you tomorrow." I said as I waved to him. I walked into the house but before I closed the door I waved to Natsu one more time. I closed the door and all of a sudden Spetto started running at me, and she had a look that was half worried and half afraid. 

'This can't be good.'

"What's wrong?" I asked her.

"Your father is asking for you right away." Spetto said and I started to drag me up the stairs, and down the hallway towards my father's office.

"Spetto." I whispered as she went to reach for the door. But she stopped and turned to me. 

"I know Lucy. Just be strong." She whispered and opened the door. "Master Lucy is home." She told him.

"You wanted to see me?" I asked him, as I walked into the room. I looked to see that he was staring out the window behind his desk.

"Yes I did." He said still not looking at me. "Spetto, you may leave."

"Yes sir." Spetto said slowly and looked at me as she closed the door.

"So who was that boy?" My father asked.

"Who?" I asked him.

"The boy that walked you to the gate who was that?" He asked me and I realized that I had just walked home with Natsu, someone from Fairy Tail, and my father has no idea that I'm going there.

"He was just someone I ran into in town. We just started talking and he offered to walk me home." I said, lying my ass off.

"Hmm." My father hummed and walked over to me and stared at me. Then he backhanded me and I fell to the ground. "Don't ever lie to me like that again." He warned me.

"Yes sir." I said as I stood up and then he smacked me back down on the ground once more.

"You have made me very angry, and you know what happens when you make me angry." My dad said as he slowly got closer to me.


POV: Spetto

"Spetto you may leave." Mister Heartfilia said. 

"Yes sir." I said as I slowly closed the door and looked at Lucy.

'Good luck sweetheart.'

I closed the door and started to walk down the hallway to go continue with my chores. But when I got to the end of the hall and went to turn the corner, I heard a loud, in pain, scream. I stopped in my tracks and looked back at the office doors.

'One day your knight will come. I know he will.' 

I thought and continued down the hallway, fighting the painful feeling of wanting to turn around.

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