Chapter 17

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So . . . . . . . All I have to say is, see? I told you that you were going to want to murder me! Well guess what, if you want to find out what's happens, you going to have to wait. Cause I can't finish this story if I'm dead! And I'm sorry.And warning this chapter won't be any better, and I'm sorry. I guess I won't say to much more, so I would like to dedicate this chapter to Rawr_ImScary! She's a new follower! Yeah! Love you Rawr_ImScary! Love you guys! Enjoy the chapter!


POV: Lucy

I slowly started to flutter my eyes open as the pain slowly woke me up. I was laying on my stomach, on my bed, and was facing the wall. I looked down to see that there was gauze all over my back and there was a bandage wrapping around my whole torso. Then I heard some noises behind me and it sounded like water. It must have been Spetto.

"Spetto?" I asked wanting to know it was her or one of the other maids, but there was no answer.

'What's going on?'

I carefully turned my head and looked to see that nobody was next to my bed, and I looked a little more to see that there was someone in my bathroom.

'She probably can't hear me with the water running.'

I laid my head back down and took a deep breath as the water stopped running, and I heard footsteps behind me.

"How bad was it this time?" I asked her, as tears started to collect at my eyes, but got no answer. "Spetto?" I asked but there was still no answer and I started to get worried. I turned my head to look back at the rest of my room and I didn't see Spetto, or one of the other maids. I saw a figure and I instantly knew it was someone who worked here in the mansion. "Ahhhh!" I screamed as I immediately sat up and backed up against the wall grabbing a blanket to cover the front half of my body, since I was practically naked. The figure started to get closer to me and I swung my arm at it.

"Lucy!" The figure said as a strong hand grabbed my wrist blocking me from hitting him. I looked up to see that I was right, they didn't work in the mansion.

"Natsu?" I said as tears finally fell from my eyes and I tucked my legs into my chest and I covered my face with my hands. I felt the bed dip and Natsu got on the bed next to me and wrapped his arm around me, and I leaned into him. "How much did you see?" I asked.

"Enough." He said, and I started sobbing into my hands. Natsu carefully reached over and gently picked me up and set me in his lap as I cried on his shoulder, and he stroked my hair.

"I'm sorry!" I sobbed.

"What?" He asked me, but I still didn't look t him.

"I'm sorry I got you tied up into this! I should have been more careful!" I said and cried even harder, gasping for breath, and Natsu stopped stroking my hair. He removed my hands from my face and held my face in his hands making me look at him. 

"Don't." He said, and he wiped the tears from my eyes, and I started to hiccup. "Don't be sorry for something that's out of your control."

"But I should have-." I started to say.

"No!" He said and it startled me. "Do not tell me, or anyone else, that you're sorry. You should never be sorry to anyone about this. This isn't your fault." 

"But-." I tried to say but Natsu stopped me by putting his finger on my lips. And he shook his head. Then I hugged him and he hugged me back.

"You should go to the police about this." Natsu said and I pulled away from the hug, and looked at him.

"No, I can't do that!" I said.

"Why not?" Natsu asked as he slid me off his lap and sat across from me on the bed. "Your father committed a serious crime, and was about to commit a sick one. This is not something to just brush off."

"That's what you think I'm doing?" I asked him. "I can't go to the police because I've already tried that."

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"I've already gone to the police multiple times, and so have all of the employees here!" I told him. "Every time I tell them it's the same thing, all they do is tell me I'm just a stupid little girl who doesn't know anything or someone who's just looking for attention!"

"You've gone to them before?" Natsu whispered confused, but he was so quiet that I didn't really hear him.

"And when somebody does believe me they come here to question my father and all he does is deny everything and then tell them I'm off my meds, or something!" I yelled as I started to cry again. "And afterwards it gets worse for so many week that it feels like it'll never end!" I held my face in my hands again and tried to hold it in. Natsu grabbed my wrists and pulled them away from my face and I looked at him.

"You've gone to the police for the same thing that happened earlier?" He asked me, a bit scared, and I nodded. "You mean this has happened before?" 

"Yes." I said.

"How many times?" He asked me and I shook my head, looking down at the sheets. "Lucy?" He asked, and I continued to shake my head not wanting to answer. "How many time has he abused you?"

"I don't know." I said.

"How many times has he. . . . . . . . . . . . raped you?" He said softly. I looked up at him with tears still rolling down my face.

"I don't know." I whispered. His eyes widened and he pulled me into a giant bear hug, being careful with my back.

"When did it start?" He asked me, and I buried my face into his shoulder. "Lucy?" He asked again a little more demanding.

"A week after my mother died. Almost ten years ago." I finally answered. "I was six." 

"How often?" He asked as he hugged me a little tighter.

"The only time I get a break, is when he goes on a business trip." I said and Natsu pulled away from me and looked at me, still holding my shoulders.

"Lucy! You have to go to the police!" He said almost shouting at me.

"No!" I yelled. "I can't, it won't help! Believe me, I know." 

"But what else am I supposed to do?" He asked me. 

"Pretending like it never happen is how I get through the day." I told him.

"How can you do this?" He asked me. "How can you act like everything's okay, when it's -?" 

"Not?" I asked finishing his sentence for him. And he looked at me. "I know there's nothing right about what happens, but I have no control over it. And there's nothing I, or anybody else, can do to stop it."

"Yes you can." He told me.

"How?" I asked him.

"By saying 'enough'." He said. "You can tell him no, you have your spirits. Let them help you."

"No! I can't do that. I can't bring them anymore into this than I already have." I told him.

"You have to do something. You can't just let him get away with this." He said and all I could do was shake my head no. He huffed and walked towards my balcony and was about to jump over the railing to leave.

"Wait!" I yelled putting my hand out and he turned to look at me, and pulled my hand back into my chest and I looked away. "Will you stay with me?" I asked him, still not looking at him and the next thing I knew he was laying on the bed. I layed down next to him not facing him. "Thank you." I whispered and he carefully wrapped his arm around my waist not wanting to make me to uncomfortable, and pulled me into his body.

"You're welcome." He said, and I closed my eyes. But after a little while I started giggling to myself. "What?" Natsu asked the back of my head, and I turned over to face him.

"I just realized that I got you to talk." I said giggling again, and he laughed a little which made him smile. "And smile, and laugh." I added to the list. "That's a new record." 

"Oh go to sleep." He told me, and he closed his eyes and I did the same.

'Maybe I do deserve that award.'

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