Chapter 21

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Hey! Sorry it took me awhile to get this chapter up! I've been a little busy. But that doesn't matter because here it is! There's not much excitement, but there is information! And the same will be in the next chapter! But a lot of it! So I'm going to shut up and dedicate this bitch! I would like to dedicate this chapter to axenshi! She is a new follower! I don't know if she is reading this or not, and I feel a little to lazy to go and look, sorry. But I love you axenshi! Love you guys! Enjoy the chapter!


POV: Lucy

"Well this is it." Natsu said as we walked up to a little cottage.

"It's a little small, don't you live with anybody else?" I asked him wondering.

"No actually I'm all by myself." Natsu said as he opened the door. But then I got attacked by something blue jumping at me.

"Ahhh!" I yelled and dropped my bag that was on my shoulder and fell on my ass. I looked to see that the thing that attacked me was a little blue cat.

"All except Happy of course." Natsu laughed at my response to meeting Happy.

"Hi there what's your name?" The cat asked me.

"Ahhh!" I yelled again and backed up from it.

"Oh calm down Lucy." Natsu said as Happy jumped up on his shoulders and Natsu offered me his hand. I took it and he pulled me up. "Happy this is Lucy, Lucy this is Happy."

"Hi Lucy." The cat said.

"It can talk?" I asked more of a statement than a question.

"Yeah, he was a gift from my father before he left." Natsu said and we walked into his house. I walked in behind Natsu and let me just say, his place wasn't the cleanest. "Sorry it's a little messy."

"A little?" I asked him, and he laughed.

"Well I've never been one for neat." He said as he started moving something's off the couch. "You can have my bed." He told me.

"And where will you sleep?" I asked him.

"I'll take the couch." He told me.

"Oh no. This is your house, I'll sleep on the couch." I said as I sat down in the middle of the couch.

"And you are my guest, you can have the bed." He said crossing his arms over his chest.

"You tell me that I'm taking the bed one more time, I'm going to go stay with Levy." I told him, knowing he didn't want me to be anywhere else. He lost his smile and we stated at each other and I smirked at him.

"So stubborn." He whispered as he walked into what I presumed was his room.

"I heard that!" I said.

"And I don't care!" He said back, and all I couldn't help but giggle.

"You like him." I heard a voice say, and I looked to see that Happy was next to me on the couch.

"Shut up you stupid cat." I told him and he hopped off the couch, laughing. But he turned his head to look at me before he walked into Natsu's room. "You didn't disagree." He said and ran into the other room. I couldn't help but blush.

'Why didn't I disagree?'

"Here you go." Natsu said from behind me and I turned to see he was holding a few blankets in his arms. I took them from him and for a moment our hands touched under the pile. I placed them besides me, while blushing to myself.

"Thank you." I said.

"For what?" Natsu asked me and he turned his head to the side a bit.

"For everything." I responded with a shrug. "Letting me stay here, saving my useless life." I whispered the last part.

"Your life's not useless." He told me.

"How'd you hear that?" I asked him astonished.

"I have dragon hearing." He said giggling. I thought about it for a moment, and then I remembered something.

"Oh my Mavis!" I said as I stood up.

"What?" Natsu asked me.

"I completely forgot about the essay for Weapon and Magic Defense!" I said, and Natsu looked disappointed.

"Ugh, homework." He groaned.

"Oh come on, it can't be that bad." I said. "How about we go get some dinner and work on it afterwards?" I suggested. And Natsu got a bit happier at the thought of food.

"Alright." He said and we left to go get food.


Timeskip: About an hour

We walked back into Natsu's house, laughing about our conversation.

"So Erza made you relearn everything?" I asked while giggling.

"Yeah, she practically tied me down to the chair." Natsu said. "That was back before the prophecy was translated anyway."

"What happened after that?" I asked him.

"They shut me out." Natsu said, opening the door and we walked into the house and I was greeted by a happy, well Happy.

"You guys are back!" Happy said as he jumped up into my arms. "Did you bring me a fish?"

"Right here." Natsu said holding up a small bag that held a fish inside it.

"Thanks!" Happy yelled as he vanished into another room, and the bag mysteriously gone from Natsu's hand.

"Hey!" Natsu called after the the little feline, and I laughed as Natsu took a deep breath. "So ready to tell me your magic?" Natsu said as he grabbed some paper, and we sat across from each other at the coffee table in his living room.

"Umm, not really." I said as I scratched the back of my head. "Is it okay if you go first?" I asked him.

"Sure." He said as I grabbed a pencil and paper to write notes down on. "What do I have to focus on?" He asked trying to remember.

"How about I just ask some questions for now?" I suggested to him. And after a moment he nodded his head. "What are some of your favorite spells?" I asked him.

"Fire Dragon: Roar, Fire Dragon: Iron Fist, and Fire Dragon: Wing Attack I suppose." He said and I wrote the spells down.

"What are some things that only a Fire Dragon Slayer can do?" I asked him.

"I can hold flames." Natsu said. "I can breath fire at will. I can walk through flames without being burned. I can catch my whole body on fire. I have Dragon hearing, which every Dragon Slayer has that. And I can eat flames."

"What do they taste like?" I asked, he looked down at his lap, in order to think of the closest thing he could think of that would compare to the taste.

"They taste like, strawberries and vanilla." He said.

"Strawberries and vanilla?" I asked him completely confused.

"Yeah, it's different for everyone, and to me it tastes like strawberries and vanilla." Natsu said shrugging. I started to think about what to keep asking him.

"Hmm, okay. What's it like to be raise by a dragon?" I asked, but he didn't answer right away.

"Awesome, I mean there's not a whole lot of people that can claim that they've been raised by a dragon. I mean there's Gajeel, but he's the only other Dragon Slayer I know about. Other than Ryder, but he doesn't matter now." He said smiling. I smiled too, as I thought about my next question.

"Why do you have horns, wings, and scales. . . . . but Gajeel doesn't?" I asked.

"It's called Dragon Force." Natsu said.

"Dragon Force?" I repeated.

"Yeah, for most dragon slayers they aren't able to achieve it. Like Gajeel, if he was able to go into Dragon Force, he would basically look like me. Except that he would only have scales on his body." Natsu started to explain.

"So he wouldn't have wings or horns?" I asked.

"No, he would only have scales and his strength and power would increase." Natsu said. "But that would only be for a short amount of time. While I have more power than he does, and I can use stronger attacks and fight longer, the entire time."

"Then why do you have them?" I asked him, pointing at him.

"Because Igneel trained me to be able to handle this amount of power." He responded. "That and Igneel gave me some of his power and strength to me, and that make it so I'm always in Dragon Force."

"If dragons can do that, why doesn't every Dragon Slayer have it?" I questioned him.

"Because only the strongest of each element can do that." Natsu said, sounding very proud.

"So Igneel was the strongest Fire Dragon?" I asked, and he nodded.

"Along with every other dragon." He said smiling. "He was the Dragon King." My jaw dropped.

"Dragon King?" I asked. Natsu laughed at my response.

"Yeah." He said.

"Why . . . . .?" I started to say but stopped. "Nevermind, let me think of something else to ask."

"What were you going to ask me?" Natsu asked putting his head in his arms on the coffee table and looked at me.

"It was nothing." I said shaking my head, trying to think of something else.

"Hey." Natsu said making me look at him. "You can ask me anything." He said, smiling, and I was silent for a moment.

"Why did Igneel cast that spell on you?" I asked him. "Why did he turn you into a discrete?" After those words left my lips, he lost his smile. "I'm sorry, I'll think of something else."

"No, it's okay." He told me and sat up straight. "To be honest, I don't know."

"Really?" I asked him.

"I had asked Igneel, but he never gave me a straight answer. He told me 'You are to do greatness in this world, and you will save those whom you care about, along with many others.' " Natsu said staring off into space as it looked like he was having a flashback to the day he first asked his father why.

"Where is Igneel now?" I asked him. He shrugged as he came back to reality.

"I don't know." Natsu said as he looked at me. And after that it was quiet for a few minutes between us. "Well how about we switch?"

"What?" I asked him.

"How about you tell me about your magic." Natsu said again, as he grabbed paper and a pencil.

"Umm." I said rubbing the back of my neck, as I got nervous of how he was going to take this information. "Okay."

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