Chapter 29

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Yoooooooo! So I re-thought through my head about how the chapters are going to work. Aaaaaaaand, there is a small possibility it will end either just before, or right after 40. . . . . maybe. . . . I don't know. . . yet . . . . . . we'll have to wait and see. And I got this chapter up quick! Which means I got out of the brain fart I was having!!!! Yay! That's a good thing. Any way, I'll stop talking now. I would like to dedicate this chapter to fairytaillover220! She is a new voter and commenter! Yay! Someone new! That's a first in a while. Anyway, love you fairytaillover220! Love you guys! Enjoy the chapter!


POV: Natsu

I sat on the couch as I did my homework, which wasn't too hard, since it was the last few days of school and really we just had puzzles we had to do for our classes. Unlike Lucy, she was sitting on the floor next to the couch and was busting her ass on her story.

"Hey Luce, how much more you got for that story?" I asked her.

"I am about to be done. . . . If you shut up." She said as she continued to write. I laughed to myself and continued on the crossword puzzle I was given for Reading Class. I put my stuff in my bag and set it by the door.

"Done!" Lucy yelled and it made me jump. "I have finally finished it." She said proudly as she placed the last piece of paper on the six-inch pile of papers.

"You really expect Jason to read all of that?" I asked her.

"Well yeah." Lucy said turning to me.

"How?" I asked. "There are literally four days of school left."

"Jason's going to be using Gale-Force Reading Glasses." She said.

"Oh." I said. Now it made sense. "So it's finally finished?" I asked.

"Yes. Well, sort of." She said. "I just have to re-read it, edit it, and then put it in this binder so Jason can read it without the papers flying everywhere." She said as she held up a six-inch-wide binder.

"And when is the story due?" I asked already knowing the answer, but really wanted to see her reaction.

"Tomorrow." She groaned. And I laughed at her. Then she threw a pencil at me and I was lucky enough to duck. "How am I supposed to do this?" She asked as she placed her head on the coffee table.

"I've got an idea." I said.

"For once?" Lucy asked. "Are you sick?"

"Do you want to hear it or not?" I asked.

"Go ahead." She said and sat up.

"Well, you have a pair of those glasses to right?" I asked.

"Yeah." She answered, wondering where I was going with this.

"Well put your story in the binder, and then re-read it with the glasses." I said. "And edit it as you go."

"Natsu you're a genius!" Lucy said as she got up, and hugged me. Then she pulled away and looked at me. "Well that was strange."

"No kidding." I said, and Lucy sat back on the floor and started putting the story into the binder chunk by chunk. "How about I go get food, while you do that?"

"That would be great." She said.

"What do you want?" I asked as I slipped my shoes on and my scarf.

"Pizza?" She suggested.

"Sounds good." I said and opened the door.

"Pineapple and-!" She started to say, but I cut her off.

"Pineapple and ham!" I yelled. "Along with breadsticks, I know!" I then closed the door and walked into town.


Time Skip: Thirty Minutes

I walked out of the pizza joint carrying two boxes of pizza. As I walked through the middle of town I looked at all the different booths that were still open but not for much longer as the owners slowly started putting their items away.

"Young man!" I heard someone call and I turned just to make sure that the person wasn't talking to me. And when I did I saw a woman standing behind a jewelry booth, and she was talking to me. I walked over to her booth.

"Can I help you?" I asked her.

"Yes you can, will you please take this?" She said and held out a small velvet box.

"Umm, I don't intend on buying anything from this booth." I said.

"That's alright, I don't intend on having you buy this from me." The woman said.

"And why is that?" I asked.

"You are a friend of Lucy Heartfilia, are you not?" She asked and this surprised me.

"Yes." I said getting very suspicious.

"Then please take this and make sure she wears it on the day of your prom." She told me and shoved the box into my chest and pushed me backward at the same time, I looked down and made sure I had a hold of the jewelry box and the pizzas.

"Hey wait, I can't just-!" I started to say getting really aggravated. But when I looked back up to give it back, the woman and the booth were gone.

'What the hell?'

I then looked back and forth down the street, but there was no sign of the lady, visually, or through sent. She was completely gone.

"Hmm?" I hummed to myself and put the box in my pocket. I then headed back home.


Time Skip: Fifteen Minutes

I walked through the door and walked into the kitchen.

"Hey Luce, you're never going to believe this." I said as I put the pizzas down on the counter and walked back into the living room. But when I got there, Lucy was passed out and had her head on the table with the glasses still on her face. I laughed to myself silently and looked to see that she had the binder closed.

'Hopefully, she finished it.'

I thought and kneeled down next to her and carefully took her glasses off, and then picked her up.

"Natsu?" She asked, waking up slightly. I stood up and started walking to my bedroom.

"Yeah, it's me, Luce." I said letting her know it was me. "Did you finish the story?"

"Yeah." She said as she fought to stay awake. I then placed her on the bed and put her under the covers. I went to walk away to let her sleep, but she grabbed ahold of my hand and I looked down at her.

"Will you sleep with me?" She asked me. And I looked at her weird. "Not like that, I started having that nightmare again."

"The one about the Academy?" I asked and she nodded. "Alright, give me a few minutes I said as I grabbed some clothes and went and got ready in the bathroom. And when I walked out, Lucy was still awake in the bed, and I saw that Happy joined her at the foot of the bed. I then scooted in on the other side and Lucy snuggled up close to me.

"The prom is in a couple of day's." Lucy said as she traced the scales in my arm.

"Yeah." I said.

"And I'm still scared." She said. I then put my finger under her chin and made her look at me.

"What do you think I'm going to say?" I asked her.

"Everything is going to be okay." Lucy said.

"That's right, why?" I asked her.

"Because nothing bad is going to happen." She said rolling her eyes.

"Exactly." I said. "And if anything does?"

"You, and everyone in the school, are going protect me." She said.

"Yep." I said. "Now get some sleep, that book kicked your ass."

"Yeah, it did." Lucy said and closed her eyes and as soon as she did, she was a little more than halfway to dreamland. I laughed to myself.

'At least I hope it will be okay.'

"I agree with him." Lucy said, not opening her eyes.

"Who?" I asked.

"Igneel." She said. "I think he was right when he said you were meant to do great things."

"How so?" I asked her.

"You've given me hope." Lucy said looking up at me. "And that is the greatest thing, anyone has ever done for me." She said smiling. I smiled back at her and hugged her close to me.

'I know it will be.'

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