Chapter 39

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Hey! Hi! Hello! I'm sorry! Look guys I know it's been a while, and I'm sorry for that, but I've been busy with a lot of shit! Like It's getting closer to getting back into school! So I'm freaking out about that. And also I'm moving! Wait what? Yeah, you heard me! Well more like read me! That just sounds weird. Anyway, yes I am moving, and the people that are supposed to get the papers in order for us, fucked everything up! So my parents are freaking out. Aaaaaaaaaand, yeah. I know it doesn't sound like a lot, but trust me. It's a lot! So just so you know, there will most likely be a gap between a chapter and the next. Not this one that I know of, but there will probably be a time gap. I know you guys probably don't want to hear my excuses, but I have a lot on my plate, and I'm trying to update as fast as possible! Talking about updating! Or writing? Reading? I don't know. Anyway, This chapter is quite long, not as long as the last chapter on my first book. But it is still long. Lots of action, and a shit ton of badassery! I'm so excited to see how you guys respond to this chapter! And please do comment, especially for this chapter. So I would like to dedicate this chapter to Meganh554! She is a new follower! Yay! Anywho, love you Meganh554! Love you guys! Enjoy the chapter!


POV: Nobody's

Jude Heartfilia stood there, completely shocked at what his daughter had just said.

"What did you just say?" He asked, getting angry.

"You heard me." Lucy said as she looked up at her father. "I said, 'enough'."

"And what makes you think I'm going to listen to you?" Jude asked her.

"Because if you don't, I'm going to make you feel the pain that you made me feel." Lucy said. "For the last ten damn years!"

"You think you're going to hurt me?" He asked. "I'm more powerful than you, I mean look around. I've summoned only some of my spirits, and you can barely summon three."

"I wouldn't be so sure about that." Lucy said.

"And whys that?" He asked.

"Because you've never seen what I can do." She told him. "And I'm full of surprises." And after Lucy said that blue ribbons shot out her necklace and swirled all around her body. Lucy closed her eyes and the ribbons of light covered her head to toe.

"What's going on?" Jude yelled. "Lucy! I demand you stop this at once!" But Lucy didn't do anything, except let the necklace do what it wanted. And when the ribbons disappeared, Lucy stood there in a white tank top with ruffle at the top of the neck, a coat that went from blue most of the way down and faded to a lighter blue with gold stars, with swirls surrounding them (yes I know there flowers, but roll with me here.), the sleeves went down to just passed her elbows with ruffles on the end, and she had white and black tights on, and a black belt that went around the coat, that held onto her keys in a small pouch. And her hair laid on her shoulders in perfect curls.

Everyone was quiet as they stared at Lucy.

"I change my mind. Blake have fun with her." Jude said to a boy that had long gray hair that went back into a ponytail, and he was wearing jeans and a gray shirt.

"Yes sir." Blake said. But he advanced towards her anyway, and when he was about ten feet away from her he held his hand out and a sword appeared. Then when he was only a few feet away, he went to strike her. But then she opened her eyes, they glowed yellow and a wave of magic came off her body, pushing Blake backwards. But Lucy didn't do anything.

"What are you waiting for?" Jude yelled at the boy. "Finish her."

"Yes sir." Blake said in response. So he went to hit her again, but Lucy side stepped, and kicked him in the face. Blake stepped back holding his nose, as it started to bleed a little. He glared at Lucy and she just stared at him, turning her head ever so slightly. Then she reached up and into her pouch that was connected to her belt, and grabbed something. It was one of her keys.

"Gemini." Lucy said, as she held out the key and it formed into two sia's.

At first Blake didn't attack, but seeing that Lucy wasn't attacking he decided to attack first. Blake went to stab Lucy in the gut, but Lucy swung her right arm up, using one of the blades to hit Blake's sword, and flung Blake's blade away from her body. After doing so she spun around his body and stabbed Blake in the back and pushed the blade upwards and pretty much sliced Blake in half. Then he disappeared back to the Spirit World. And after seeing that, nobody said a word. Lucy turned her head, to look at her father.

"Who's next?" Lucy asked with her voice echoing.

"Nathan!" Jude said with a hint of fear in his voice. A man with short green hair, a brown coat, blue shirt and brown pants ran at Lucy. Lucy then made Gamini turn back into a key and placed it back in the pouch and grabbed another key.

"Plant: Wrap!" Nathan yelled as he threw seeds a the ground near Lucy and large vines grew up and wrapped around Lucy at a rapid pace. Jude smiled once she was wrapped head to toe. But then there was a small movement.

"Taurus!" Lucy said and flung her hand to the side slicing the vines off of her. And in Lucy's hands was a purple axe with some gold edges, and at the base of the handle.

Nathan stood there shocked at what Lucy had just did. Lucy looked up at Nathan, but before he could prepare for the next attack, Lucy threw Taurus at him and it slammed into his chest. Nathan fell to the ground and when he hit the ground he disappeared back the the Spirit World. Lucy held out her hand.

"Come." She said and the axe flew back to Lucy and turned back to a key once it was in her hand.

"Johnny! Gabriel! Ethan! Matthew! Riley!" Jude yelled and five more of his spirits ran forwards. Lucy reached up in her pouch and grabbed another key.

"Aries!" She said, and the key turned into a large pink smoke bomb.

Lucy pulled the pin and threw Aries on the ground at the boys that were running at her and then smoke erupted from the pink tube, blinding the boys. They groaned in pain as the smoke met their eyes, and Lucy grabbed another key, holding it between both of her hands.

"Leo!" Lucy said, and the key stretched around both of Lucy's knuckles, turning into a pair of purple knuckle rings, with gold spikes, and diamonds between the knuckles.

(Yes, I know it's for a phone case! But it's Loke we're talking about here, he's always been a fancy little fucker! So, again, work with me here!)

Lucy then walked into the thick cloud of pink smoke and all that could be heard was groaning, moaning, and the boys screaming in pain. Then there was four flashes of light, meaning the four more spirits went back to the Spirit World. And then the last boy went flying out of the smoke and his back slammed against the frozen acid cage. Natsu reached through the bars and grabbed the boy's jacket and held him on the cage keeping him from moving and he screamed as the cage burned into his skin, and he disappeared back to the Spirit World.

"This can't be happening." Jude said. "Logan! Fry them already!"

"Yes sir!" Logan said, and was about to touch the cage that would end up killing everyone inside.

"Oh, no you don't." Lucy's voice was heard and it made Logan stop for just a moment. "Sagittarius!"Then a blue arrow, with a gold tip and fletching came flying out of the cloud of smoke, and hit Logan right in the chest. He looked down at his chest and back up at the smoke. Lucy then came out of the smoke with a blue crossbow, with gold edges, pointing right at Logan.

Lucy shot off a couple more arrows, and they all hit Logan in the chest, until he fell backwards and went back to the Spirit World right as he hit the ground. Lucy the turned her attention back to her father, making Jude reached into his pocket and grab something. It was a ring of keys. Jude then summoned two more Spirits, and they appeared standing next to him.

"Cancer!" Lucy said and his key formed into a throwing star. Lucy then fanned it out to show that she had multiple gold, with diamond jewels and blades throwing stars.

Lucy then chucked them in her father's direction only to hit the two Spirits. Making them go back to the Spirit World. Jude looked at his daughter with wide eyes as sweat started to collect on his forehead. Jude then grabbed a few more keys. Jude then summoned two more Spirits.

"Come." Lucy said, as held out her hand with her palm up, and the throwing stars flew back into her hand, and when they were all there they turned back to Cancer's key. She then put his key back, and grabbed another right as the two new spirits charged at her. "Scorpio." She said and the key turned into a sword, with blue jewels going all the way to the tip.

Lucy then swung the sword downwards towards the one of the two spirit coming at her, and the sword became a whip and stretched through the air and hit one of the Spirits. Lucy swung again at the other Spirit and he tried to avoid it, but was still hit, sending them both back to the Spirit World.

"Come on." Jude whispered as he summoned his last five Spirits. And they all raced at her. Lucy then calmly put Scorpio back and took out another key.

"Virgo." She said and the key formed into a knife, with a black handle, and a long chain attached to the end of it.

Lucy raced forwards and met the first Spirit, with the knife. Then moved onto the second one by swiping it across his chest. And when she got to the third Spirit he dodged her first attack, but Lucy was faster than he thought and spun around and stabbed him in the chest. Once Lucy pulled the knife out of him she swung her arm behind her and the fourth Spirit ran into the blade.

"Jackass." She told the fourth Spirit. Then at the same time the four Spirits went back to the Spirit World. Lucy then turned to face the fifth Spirit, who was standing there patiently and smiling at Lucy.

"Come on Johnny!" Jude said as he grew more and more worried about what would happen.

"Beast Soul: Python." Johnny said and a magic circle appeared under him and his body changed. His skin changed to scales, he got down on all fours, his fingernails grew into large claws, his neck grew, and he also grew a very large and long tail.

"That's not good." Levy said.

"That's definitely not good." Natsu said. Then Johnny lunged at Lucy, and spun around hitting her with his tail. She went flying and her back hit the cage. Natsu pushed her off the cage just in time before it had enough time to burn her. Lucy got up and was about to run at Johnny, but was stopped by a hand on her wrist.

"Lucy." Natsu whispered as he was being careful not touch the cage. "Remember." He said. And Lucy knew exactly what he was talking about, and she nodded a little.

"What?" Johnny said, getting Lucy's attention and Natsu let her go. "Is someone scared?" Johnny teased her, making Lucy glare at Johnny as she dropped Virgo and held the chain. Then as Lucy started walking forwards towards Johnny, she started making chain spin and the knife go in circles. And then Lucy started spinning the Virgo even faster and ran forwards. Johnny swung his tail at her again but she jumped onto his tail and run up towards his body. Johnny thrusted his arm at her and she ducked just in time.

"Finish her god damn it!" Jude yelled at Johnny. Lucy threw the chain around Johnny's neck and started to pull, trying to choke him, but Johnny brought his tail up behind him, and wrapped it around Lucy. She went to stab his tail, but it was too late. He flung her high up into the air, but stopped short when the chain on attached to the knife pulled on Lucy's grip. So she started coming back down she pulled on the chain that was still wrapped around Johnny's neck. And what he didn't know, was that Lucy was coming back down already. So when he looked up, all he saw was the blade, and an angry Lucy.

"Is that all you got?" Lucy asked her father and her voice echoed, as she landed on her feet and Johnny headed back to the Spirit World. Jude wasn't doing too well and everyone with a pair of eyes could see it.

"I will not let you win!" He yelled and grabbed all of his keys and summoned all the Spirits Lucy sent back to the Spirit World appeared again.

"Have it your way." Lucy said. She then gently put Virgo back and grabbed another key. "Capricorn!" She said, and the key grew into a staff, with a blue handle, gold top that was holding a crystal ball. And Lucy closed her eyes.

"Oh beloved stars."

Lucy said, as she started to speak that she gained from Capricorn.

"Open the gates of the heavens.
Show me thy shining grace.

Let these forms be taken."

"What are you doing?" Jude yelled. "Stop her!" Jude's small army then started running at her.

"For I am the guardian of the heavens.
True ruler of the night sky.

I order thee.

Lend thy strength to me.

With the 88 stars of the heavens."

Lucy's eyes shot open.


Lucy said as she held the staff so it was pointing at Jude's army. And a blinding white light shot from the staff at the Celestial Spirits. Everyone shielded their eyes from the light, as the Spirits screamed in pain. And once the light faded. Everyone looked to see that the Spirits were gone, and Jude stood there in his spot, about to fall over.

"I'm not done yet!" Jude said. "You forgot one, Ryder!" Lucy looked over at the cage as Ryder walked out from behind the cage that held Fairy Tail students hostage.

"Damn it." Lucy muttered, and placed Capricorn back in the pouch and grabbed the last key she had, for the last fight that will happen. "Aquarius!" Lucy said and the key turned into a long katana, with a black handle, and blue spirals traveling towards the tip of the blade.

Ryder then decided to change his skin into frozen acid. Lucy took a deep breath and at the same time they both ran at each other and Lucy swung downwards at Ryder and he put his arm up to block the hit.

"You're quite impressive, you know that?" Ryder said, as he mocked her. Lucy backed up and swung again, and Ryder dodged her hit. "But unfortunately you won't be able to win, against me." Lucy spun around swinging another time, and Ryder put his arm up to block the hit again. But instead of just hitting his arm, the blade nicked the ice and cracks appeared all up and down his arm. Ryder looked at Lucy in shock at what just happened.

"You were saying?" Lucy said and swung at Ryder again, multiple times, before Ryder even had a chance to try and block her hits. And each time Lucy cut straight through his ice body. And once he had no arms Lucy slammed the blade into his gut and he stared at her in shock.

"How?" He asked her in surprise.

"Aquarius is the water bayer, you're partially made of water, dumbass." She said as she smiled and pulled the Aquarius out of his stomach and cut his head off. And when his head started to fall off his body he went back to the Spirit World. "I win." She said. And then looked in front of her, at her father. She then started heading for him.

"Lucy." Jude said as he slowly started backing away. "Darling, you know I didn't mean any of those things." He said as Lucy got closer, and closer. "I was just teasing."

"Liar." She said, and her voice echoed and spread out through the air, with enough force to make her father fall backwards not to far in front of Fairy Tail, who were not longer in a cage.

"No, I would never lie to you sweetheart." Jude said.

"Shut up." Lucy ordered. Then she turned her head a little. "'Get on your knees'." Lucy said quoting him. Jude slowly then did as he was told and Lucy lifted the Aquarius's blade up to the side of her father's neck with both hands, and drop of sweat rolled down her father's forehead. Lucy then brought the blade over her shoulder, as she stared into the eyes of a monster. Then what felt like in slow motion, Lucy brought the blade towards his neck and Jude closed his eyes.


Natsu's voice echoed in Lucy's head. Lucy stopped her arms from moving any further. Lucy then looked up at the large group behind her father and looked at all the people who were there for her. No matter what, she knew they would always support her. That's when her eyes stopped glowing, and she blinked a couple of times as her eyes returned to normal, and she put the katana down.

'My anchor. My family.'

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