Chapter 4

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Hello!!! Look a new chapter and from here on out, things are going to get a bit more interesting!!! Yay! Finally, I know. I'm sorry if you weren't enjoying it to much before, cause it was going so slow. But know it will start to pick up speed and be more interesting. Especially this chapter! Lots of action! Literally! Anyway, I know you guys have been waiting a little while, I hate going more then two days with out updating. For me it just feels like I'm taking to long on writing one chapter. And I hate that feeling! But with school and just plain life in the way. . . . it makes it a bit more difficult. And having writers block for a few hours, which felt like days, sucks to! Anyway, where was I going with this? Oh yeah, I would like to dedicate this chapter to Ezra00!!! She's a new commenter!!! Hopefully I won't get so far behind like I did in my last story, that sucked not being able to dedicate a chapter to someone who earns it! Well I'm praying that doesn't happen like it did last time. . . . and if it does I'm able to keep track and dedicate to everyone! Any who, I'll stop talking now. Love you Ezra00! Love you guys! Enjoy the chapter!


POV: Lucy

The bell rang and I pack up my stuff and started to head towards the door with Levy.

"Oh wait Lucy!" I heard Jason call after me, so I turned around.

"What's up?" I asked him.

"So every week I give out a writing prompt for homework and the kids got to have it finished by the end of the week. Since your new I'll let you get away with this week." He told me.

"Alright." I said, and started to turn away. 

"However." He said stopping me from leaving. "At the beginning of the year I gave out a couple of prompts to everyone to write a story or book, and it's due by the end of the year."

"Oh really?" I asked, and Jason nodded.

"Yep. And at the end of the year, before everyone goes on Summer Break, I'll announce the top five stories I thought was the best, and if those five want, I will give them to a few friends of mine that are publishers. And then if they like it, there's a chance that might publish it to all of Fiore."

"That sounds like fun." I said.

"Yeah, so here's those prompts." Jason said handing my a sheet of paper, with multiple Prompts on it front and back. "And have a good rest of the day. And good luck in your next classes." 

"Thank you. And I will, you do the same!" I yelled as I ran out the door meet back up with Levy. And she was talking to Gray and Erza.

"Hey Lucy, you ready to get your ass kicked?" Gray asked me as I walked up to them.

"What?" I said as I sweat dropped. Erza and Levy both smacked him on the back of the head.

"Oww!" Gray said as he rubbed the back of his head. "I was just kidding, sorta."

"Well come on Lucy, the bells about to ring." Erza said ignoring Gray and we all went our separate ways. Me and Erza walking down the hallway, with Gray behind us recovering from his slaps. And Levy walked the opposite direction towards her second class.

"So whats this class going to be like?" I asked Erza as Gray caught up to us.

"You'll see." Gray said smirking and so did Erza.

"What does that mean?" I asked, getting a little nervous.

"It means you'll see." Erza said, smiling.

'Oh boy.'

We walked into a large room that resembled an extremely large gym, but had a large ring in the middle and multiple smaller rings surrounding it. Then there was mats, punching bags, dummies and tons of other stuff around the smaller rings. My guess was to train.

"Hey, yo! Gildarts!" Gray called. To a handsome man with somewhat long brown hair, and a nice beard.

"Hey Gray!" He yelled back and walked towards Gray with open arms. Then Gray was in arm's reach Gildarts wrapped an arm around Gray's neck and started rubbing his knuckles in Gray hair.

"You sly bastard." Gray said after he escaped, Gildarts grasp. I laughed at their childness and the guy named Gildarts, looked over at me.

"And who is this?" Gildarts asked.

"Gildarts this is Lucy, she's new to Fairy Tail." Erza said.

"Well it's nice to meet you Lucy, I'm Gildarts." Gildarts said, sticking his hand out for me to shake it. I took a hold of his hand and shook it.

"It's nice to meet you too." I said. 

"Gildarts here is the Weapon and Magic Defense Teacher." Gray said pointing to Gildarts. 

"Lucy, may I ask you a question?" Gildarts asked me.

"You just did." I said. 

'Dear Mavis, someone hit me with a rock.'

For a moment Gildarts looked surprised, but then smiled.

"Looks like we have a feisty one here." Gildarts said, laughing. "Anyways, what type of magic do you possess?"

"I'm a Celestial Mage." I replied. Gildarts looked at me with astonishment. 

"Celestial Mage?" He asked. I nodded. "Well I feel sorry for you." 

"Don't be." I said. "I know for sure that I'm not sorry for the Spirits that I have collected."

"You don't feel bad at all?" Gildarts asked.

"Well of course I feel bad. I feel bad that my Spirits have had to go through what they did." I responded to him. Gildarts did nothing but smile.

"It nice to know that you're one of the few good ones." He said. "At least out of those Celestial Mages that are left." I nodded.

'Does every teacher know about the Celestial Mages? I'm not to surprised if they do, it wasn't that long ago that it happened.' 

"So, you ready for your first fight?" Gildarts asked me.

"What?" I asked, a little nervous.

"You guys didn't tell her anything about this class, did you?" Gildarts asked Gray and Erza. They just smirked, laughed silently to themselves and walked away. "Well Lucy, in this class we train, enhance our magic and fighting ability, so everyone fights each other at least once a day."

"Fights each other?" I asked.

"Yep in fact, Gray! Erza! Get in the ring!" Gildarts said, smirking to himself. "Show the new girl what you got." I looked over at Gray to see him cowering in the corner.

'Gray looked like he'd rather die in that corner then fight Erza.'

They both walked into the ring facing each other.

"And ready?" Gildarts called. "Set?" Erza and Gray got into their fighting stances. "Fight!" Then they both started their match.

"Ice make: Cannon!" Gray yelled, and a giant cannon made of ice appeared over Grays shoulder.

"Requip: Flame Empress Armor!" Erza yelled back, and her outfit changed to a red a swimsuit looking armor.

'So Erza can Requip Armor, and Gray has Ice Make Magic.'

Gray shot a ball of ice at Erza and she quickly swing her sword at it many times, it cut in multiple places and it exploded into snow. And as the block of ice exploded, Erza emerged from the explosion swinging her sword downwards at Gray, yelling a battle cry.

"Ice Make: Sword!" Gray yelled and held it both hands, one hand on the blade the other holding the hilt, as Erza's blade met his.

"You're reflexes have improved since last time Gray." Erza complimented him, as she swung her leg up and kicked Gray in the stomach, causing him to fall into his back.

"Not to bad yourself." Gray said as he took Erza's hand, and she helped him up.

"Isn't he out?" I asked Gildarts.

"Nope, someones got to be kicked out of the ring for the match to be over." Gildarts explained.

"What are the rules for these matches?" I asked him.

"Don't break anything, from bones to equipment. No stabbing. And don't kill each other." Gildarts said as Gray got thrown in the air, like a rag doll.

"That's it?" I asked him.

"Yep." He said smiling. "Let me ask you this Lucy." I looked at Gildarts. "Do you have any experience in fighting?"

"Umm. . . . no." I said, scratching the back of my head.

"Thought so." Gildarts said. Then all of a sudden Gray got thrown out of the ring, and went face first into the wall. "And our winner is Erza!"

'Wow that was fast'

"Alright Lucy and. . . . . . . Cana, in the ring!" Gildarts said, interrupting my thoughts.

"Wait what?" I yelled.

"Don't worry." Said a voice, and I looked to see where it came from. I looked over to see a tall girl with long brown hair, And was wearing maroon jeans, and a blue bikini top. "I'll go easy on you, since this is your first time." 

"Lucy this is my daughter, Cana." Gildarts said introducing me to her. "Cana this is Lucy."

"It's nice to meet you." I said, shaking her hand.

"Same here." She said. "And you know what since this is your first fight, you can bring a weapon into the ring." 

"Really?" I asked, and Cana nodded. 

"The weapons are over there Lucy, choose wisely." Gildarts said and I walked over to where he pointed. I looked at all the racks that held swords, axes, and many other types of weapons, but nothing seemed to look like something I could use. That would fit me.

'What the hell am I going to use?'

Then out of the corner of my eye I see a black whip with a heart tip hanging on the wall. I walk over and grabbed ahold of it. 

"A whip?" Erza asked.

"Are you sure you don't want to choose something else?" Gray asked.

"Yeah, I'm sure." I said as I walked towards the ring.

"You ready to get your ass whooped kid?" Cana asked me. 

"In your dreams." I tolded her as I stood across from her.

"Ready?" Gildarts asked. "Set." Cana spread cards out in her hand as she got in a stance, and I cracked my whip while getting into a stance as well. "Fight!" And as soon as Gildarts have the signal, Cana launched cards at my head. Luckily I ducked in time.

"Thought you said you were going to go easy?" I said.

"Oops." Cana said, shrugging, and then she threw more cards at me. But this time I was prepared.

"Open Gate of the Golden Bull, Taurus!" I yelled. Taurus appeared in front of me. And swung his axe at the cards splitting them in half.

"Moo! I'm so mooved by miss Lucy's sexy body!" Taurus yelled.

'Why does he have to be a pervert? Just . . . , , why?'

"Hey, this is cheating! No two against one!" Cana complained while an angry mark appeared on her forehead.

"Oh don't worry Cana, we'll go easy on you." I said sarcastically. Cana put her hands on her hips.

"Well look at you being a little smartass." She said.

"Come on ladies, we don't have time for chitchat!" Gildarts yelled to us.

'Alright I can do this.'

"Taurus go back." I said.

"Are you sure miss Lucy?" He asked. I nodded, and he he started to go back to the Celestial Spirit world. "See you and your sexy body later."

"Oh dear Mavis." I said. Then Cana pulled out a card that had multiple colors on it.

"Weapon card: Grenade!" Cana yelled. (Sorry if you don't like how I'm going to have her do spells, if you don't like it . . . . screw you.) She chucked the card my way, and as soon as it hit the ground, it exploded, and I flew backwards. I whipped my arm forward, and the whip attached to the ropes on the other side of the ring, right passed Cana, and she turned around to see where the whip landed.

'Please work.'

And I pulled with all my might on the whip. I launched at Cana and thrusted my foot towards her, and as she turned around she saw what I was doing. My foot met her chest and she went flying backwards, out of the ring.

"Holy crap, I did it." I whispered to myself. Then all of a sudden everyone erupted into cheers. I got out of the ring and walked over to Cana who was trying to get up from have the wind knocked out of her. I put my hand out to her, offering her help. She smiled and took my hand. Then I pulled her up to her feet.

"Not bad kid." Cana said. She patted my shoulder as she walked passed me. "Not bad at all."

"Lucy! That was awesome!" Gray and Erza shouted as they came running up to me, almost tackling me.

"You did really good for your first fight." Gray said.

"But do know, it won't be so easy later on." Erza said.

"I know, I can't wait." I said.

"Alright, class is almost over. Go ahead and leave already you punks!" Gildarts yelled to us, and I giggled a little.

'This class is pretty fun.'

I started to walk towards the exit while talking to Erza and Gray, and I wasn't paying attention so I ran into someone.

"Oh, I'm sorry! I wasn't paying-!" I said looking ahead of me, only to see a boy with salmon hair, glare at me. He was wearing a black long sleeve shirt that only had one sleeve on the left and his right arm was showing. But that wasn't what stood out. What did stand out was that he had horns, a pair of red wings, and red scales covered most of his body. "-attention."

'He looks like a dragon!'

"I'm sorry." I said, giving him a smile. "I wasn't paying attention. Are you okay?" He then just stared at me with wide onyx eyes, not moving a muscle. He looked shocked that I was talking to him.

"Umm, Lucy come on we have to get you to your class." Erza said, grabbing a hold of my arm, and started to drag me to our cooking class. Which was in the kitchen. We met up with Gajeel and Juvia in the hallway. "Gajeel, Juvia, come on." Erza said before he could say a word.

"Juvia wants to know if something bad happened." Juvia said as she and Gajeel ran to catch up with us.

  "Yeah did something happen?" Gajeel asked as we all slowed down as we came to a corner.   

"I'll tell you in a minute." She said. As soon as we turned the corner Erza turned around to face Gajeel. "Lucy ran into Natsu. Literally." She whispered.

"What?" Gajeel and Juvia almost yelled. As they continued to talk about the boy I ran into I looked around the corner to see the boy was still there, looking at the corner that I was standing next to. I gave him a smile.

"I don't know, We can talk about it at lunch." Erza said and then walked away off to her next class.

"Lucy." Juvia called. I then looked over at her and she was motioning me to follow her and Gajeel. Before I continued to walk to class I looked back to look at the boy again, but he was gone. "Lucy!"

"I'm coming." I said, giggling. I then started to get lost in my thoughts.

'So his name is Natsu? What a nice name.'

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