Chapter 6

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Hello! And holly shit! My story just reached over 100 views on the last chapter! And I haven't even published that many chapters yet!!! This is so exciting!!! Before it took forever to get to 100 views and now we're at over 100 views, with just 6 chapters! Technecly 5 chapter, cause that's how many it took to get over 100 views. . . . whatever!!! Any way, I would like to dedicate this chapter to xchloecocox! She is a new voter on my first story, "Come Back To Me", and you guys know how much I like voters!!! Keep those votes coming peoples!!! Anyway love you xchloecocox! Love you guys! Enjoy the chapter!


POV: Lucy

I walked towards the guild hall which is where Master Makarov said that I could do my Astronomy class, for a while. After I got there I sat down and pulled out one of my keys.

"Open, Gate of the Southern Cross, Crux!" I said.

"Why good evening miss Lucy, what can I do for you today?" Crux asked me, after the cloud of smoke disappeared, and I saw him sitting across from me.

"Well I'm sure you already know that I switched schools and is now going to Fairy Tail Academy." I said.

"I do indeed. Do you need help on homework of some kind?" He asked.

"Actually homework isn't what I need help with, I was wondering if you and all of my other spirits would be willing to be my Astronomy teachers? And if you guys would also be my trainers for Weapon and Magic Defence Class." I asked him. At first Crux seemed shocked that I was asking him and the rest of my spirits for this kind of help.

'Crap is he going to deny me? What will I do then?'

Then Crux smiled and laughed to himself.

"What?" I asked.

"Turn around." Was all that Crux said and standing there was every single one of my spirits.

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked.

"We're here to teach you." Was all that Loke said.

"You guys mean you'll do it?" I asked.

"Of course we will." Mini, one of the Gemini twins, said.

"We would do almost anything for you." Gemi, the other twin, said.

"Speek for yourself, I'm only doing this because Scopio asked me to." Aquarius said.

"Thank you all so much." I said.

"Don't worry Lucy, we will always be here for you." Loke said.

"And we'll do anything to protect you, princess." Virgo said.

"Yeah, that's what I'm afraid of." I said.


Timeskip: After the last bell

"Bye guys!" I yelled to Levy, Gajeel, Gray, Juvia, Erza, and Mira as I walked away from the front gate, and started heading home. It was such a nice day out that I decided to take my time walking home. Especially since Fairy Tail got out sooner than my old school, so I didn't have to be in a hurry to get home like usual. I was walking through the market and I started looking at all the different stands that were out today. One had a bunch of Jewelry out and I was looking at all the beautiful necklaces, when I suddenly got the feeling I was being watched again.

'Why do I keep getting this feeling? This is the second time today!'

I looked around and didn't see anybody looking at me, but I still felt someone's eyes on me. Then I looked up on the roofs and when I was about to look at the roof that was on the other side of the street. It disappeared.

"Miss, can I help you?" Asked the old woman, who was running the stand, asked.

"Oh, no I'm just looking right now." I told her.

"Well, do you see anything you like?" She asked.

"Their all so beautiful. There's no way I could pick just one." I said. The old woman looked at the table for a moment, and then back at me. The repeated the process.

"You know, I don't see a necklace on my table that I think would fit a pretty face like yours good enough." The elderly woman said. And then tapped her lips while thinking. "But. . . . "

"But?" I asked, giggling. She smiled.

"But I have a necklace that I had just finished making, and I think it would be perfect." She told me. "Wait right here." She then walked over to a wagon that was behind the stand and got into the back of it, and started to search through it. I then got the feeling someone was watching me again.

'What the hell is with this feeling? Am I really that paranoid?'

Then I quickly turned around to look at the roof across the street again, but no one was there. And the feeling vanished again.

"Here it is!" The old said startling me. And in her hands there was a dark blue velvet box. And when she opened it there was a gold chain, that was gently holding onto a beautiful blue blueheart shaped jewel, that had gold surrounding it, and had a total of twelve small diamonds surrounding it as well. (Necklace above.)

"It's beautiful." I complimented her, in amazement.

"Of course it is!" She yelled at me, in delight. "This jewel right here is said to be the heart of the Celestial Spirit Queen herself. You know how sacred things like this can be." The old lady whispered to me.

"Celestial Spirit Queen?" I asked getting nervous.

'She knows I'm a Celestial Mage.'

The old lady nodded.

"Don't worry sweet heart, I know a good Mage when I see one." She told me, and those words helped calm me down a bit. "Anyway, I think you should have this, it's said that with this stone it can give the reincarnation of the Celestial Spirit Queen much power."

"Wait, you think I'm the Celestial Spirit Queen's reincarnation?" I asked.

"Well of course I do, there aren't very many Celestial Mages out there anymore. Especially good Celestial Mages." The old woman said, and she held the necklace out to me more.

"Oh, no. I can't take this." I said shaking my hands.

"Well how about this, I make you a deal?" She suggested.

"A deal?" I asked wondering what she was talking about.

"Yep. You try this on and if it react to you, you can have it." She said, as she started to take it out of the box.

"Umm." I said thinking about it for a second. But before I could say anything else, the old woman spinned me around and started putting the necklace on. "Oh, umm. I don't think it's going to work. There's no way that I could be that Celestial Spirit Queens reincarnation."

"Well there's not very many celestial Mages left in the world." The old woman said as she connected the necklace. "In fact you might be the last good one." She said a little sad. "And I would rather this necklace go to you then a Celestial Mage that's just going to abuse the power that this necklace can give them.

'She's right. Even though I shouldn't take this necklace, it would probably be safer with me. Because I could protect it easier then this woman could. But then again if it's not meant for me, I don't want to take it away from the one who is supposed to have it.'

"There we go, come on turn around and let me see." The woman said excitedly. When I turned around her face went from excited to shocked in a split second.

"What, does it look bad?" I asked. The woman shook her head no.

"No, it looks perfect on you." She said and then started to get a little sad.

"What is it now?" I asked her, turning my head to the side a little.

"The jewel." She said. "It's not reacting." I looked down at the necklace to see that the blue Jewel wasn't doing anything at all except looking pretty.

"Well, it just wasn't meant to be." I said as I took it off and carefully placed it back in the box.

"No." The woman said.

"I'm sorry?" I asked.

"No, it is meant to be." She said, realizing something that just made me more confused. "Are you going through something traumatic in your life right now?" Her question startled me quite a bit to where I flinched.

"Y-yeah." I answered.

"Well that might be why." She said. "In order for the Celestial Spirit Queens reincarnation to fully be completed you must overcome the most traumatic event in your life."

"Umm. Or maybe, I'm just not the one." I said as I started to back away from the stand.

"No, I know that it's you. Here." She said as she held out the box with the necklace in it. I shook my head no. "But dear you must take it, if you don't you might never see it again!"

"I-I'm sorry!" I yelled as I took off running down the street away from the woman, and her beautiful stand. I didn't stop until I saw the Heartfilia entrance. And when I got inside I took a deep breath.

"Miss Lucy!" Spetto called cheerfully, as she stopped dusting and ran up to me. "How was your first day in your classes at Fairy Tail." The short, middle aged, woman asked in a loud whisper.

"Shhh." I shushed Spetto, playfully, while smiling. "It was good Spetto."

"Well that's good." Spetto said as she continued to dust. "Anything interesting happen?" She asked.

"Well, I got a writing prompt in Writing class that's due at the end of the year." I whispered not to loud so my father didn't hear anything.

"Um-hm." Spetto hummed.

"I kicked a girls ass in Weapon and Magic Defence Class." I whispered again.

"Language." Spetto hissed playfully. We both giggled.

"And then . . . . . " I said dragging out the ending.

"Then?" Spetto asked.

"Then, I met a boy." I whispered extremely quietly.

"Oh well thats nice." Spetto said as she continued to dust. Then all of a sudden she froze as what I said seeped into her brain. She slowly turned to look at me, still holding the feather duster in the air. "A boy?" She repeated to herself.

"Yeah." I said.

"A boy." She repeated again. And I nodded. "Oh my goodness!" Spetto cheered, while jumping up and down and clapping. We both started laughing but then we stopped.

"Lucy!" A loud voice boomed through the entire mansion. And my heart stopped.

"Spetto." I cried out in a whisper. She quickly hugged me tight, and then started to push me towards the stairs to go up to my fathers office.

"Go child." Spetto said. "Remember the faster you hurry the quicker it will be."

"I wish it was that easy." I whispered as I started to walk up the stairs.

"I do too." I heard her whisper, more to herself.

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