A last and final battle

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{Wendy's point of view:}
I couldn't believe it, this can't be happening, Bisca is dead. I made a promise to Asuka that I would protect her parents, but I didn't do anything, I broke my promise. I was so frozen in shock and lost in my own thoughts I didn't even notice the dragon running towards me. All I could hear was Asuka crying, and Natsu's anger starting to rise as he stared at the dead body of his guild mate. How could I let it come to this? This is all my fault! I'm to blame for the death of Asuka's mother, I couldn't protect her.
"KID WATCH OUT!" Gajeel shouted, as the dragon attacked me with a powerful roar, sending me crashing into the wall, the dragon slayers had to jump of me in order to avoid the attack. I fell to the floor. My wings were drooping over me, I don't want to fight. I won't be able to protect anyone, what was I thinking?! I've wasted my own life and others are dying now because of my foolish mistakes. I looked up to hear painful cries as the dragon slayers got sent back by a powerful roar. This is pointless, we can't win.

"Fire Dragon Iron Fist!" Natsu punched the dragon, sending it skidding backwards slightly, but it remained on it's feet. The dragon slammed down it's own fist near Natsu, creating a magical impact that sent Natsu onto the ground with a thud. Even Natsu doesn't have a chance, there's no way I could have a chance against this dragon. I'm not worthy of being a dragon slayer. Cobra landed near me, after he had to jump out of the way of the dragon's attack.
"Listen you need to snap out of it! Your are only chance to defeat this winged-lizard!" Cobra said.
"There's no way I can defeat it, I won't be able to protect everyone." I replied sadly.
"Listen your dragon form was the only thing that has an advantage against this dragon. I could tell by your power you were stronger. Sometimes you need to ignore those thoughts in your head. Look around you, most of your guild mates are knocked out, and I'm pretty sure you don't want to disappoint any of them." Cobra said, looking at me seriously. He's right. I can't give up so easily, if I couldn't protect Bisca, that means I have to keep everyone else safe! There was no other option! I will protect my guild mates and fight with everything I have. I stretched my blue wings out and rushed straight towards the dragon, knocking it over as it was about to hit Gajeel. I used my wings to create a much more powerful version of Sky Dragon Wing Attack.
"Mom, I'm going to make you proud."

"Sky Dragon Wing Attack!" I shouted, trying to perform an attack but it was useless as only a small gust of wind surrounded me that did nothing but knock me off my own two feet.
"Owww.." I whimpered. I hear my mother chuckle softly, as I pouted at her in slight annoyance.
"It's not fair! This is to hard! I can't do it, I'm sorry Mom." I said, looking down to the floor sadly. She wrapped one of her fluffy warm wings around me,hugging me.
"My dear child, you won't be able to master the spell if you give up so easily. You need a positive attitude to learn this spell." Mother uttered. I sighed, leaning into the hug.
"But mom it's to hard! I can't do it! It's like I can't control the wind!" I exclaimed, placing my hand on my chin.
"Wendy your magic isn't just something you control. You don't fight against your magic, you fight with it. Your magic is your ally. It gives you power to protect those you love and protect yourself. That's why you have to work with it, not against it." Gradine said encouragingly.
"Wow mom! Your so amazing! I wish I was like you!" I exclaimed. She smiled at me nuzzling my head, causing me to giggle.
"Wendy you already are amazing."
{end of flashback}

She's taught me so much. I can't let her down now. I can't let anyone down. Not fairy tail. Not Lucy, Gray, Erza and Natsu. Not Romeo or Asuka... I won't let any of them down. The dragon cried out angrily before preparing a powerful roar attack. I also prepared to attack the dragon with my Sky Dragon Roar attack. Trying to produce as much magic energy as I could.
"Come on! She's going to need all the support she can get!" Laxus shouted, as he prepared to use a lightning roar attack. The other dragons prepared there roar attacks. I let out a cry as I unleashed my attack, combining it with the dragons slayer's magic. Together our attack quickly over powered the dragon's. The attack collided into the dragon, causing it to scream out in pain as it fell to the floor unconscious. The dragon slowly started to fade into magic dust,and all the power that was absorbed from all of us was returned. We did it finally! Sting and Rouge fist bumped as they cheered in victory. Natsu started doing some silly victory dance as Gajeel just face palmed at him, but he did laugh slightly.
"Gihee when we get back to the guild, I'll have to sing a song to celebrate." Gajeel said.
"Don't you even think about it Metal Head! Your singing sounds like two cats strangling each other!" Natsu exclaimed. Gajeel butted heads with him angrily.
"Well my singing is ten times better then yours could ever be!" Gajeel snapped back, but they soon both shut up as they got hit by a struck of lightning.
"Would you two shut it? We just won a fight and then you start fighting each other. Your like two year olds." Laxus replied calmly, and Cobra laughed in response.
"You seem like the only tolerable one out of all them." Cobra said to Laxus. I smiled at all of them,then a bright flash surrounded me. I returned to my human form, and I already felt a wave of tiredness wash over me. My body feels so weak. Everything started to go black and I was starting to fall to the floor. The last thing I hear was my name being called out, and Natsu and Gajeel were running to me closely followed by everyone else.

{Romeo's point of view:}
"Please Romeo...just put an end to me." My mother exclaimed, squeezing my hand gently. What! Why would she say that!? There has to be another way to defeat her, I can't kill her. She's my mother.
"Mom, you know I can't do that, I c-can't kill my own mother." I replied nervously my voice stuttering. I kneeled down beside her and she took hold of both of my hands.
"Romeo I can't control this demon inside me. I'm struggling to control Reverentia right now. This isn't about killing me, this is about killing her." My mother replied, looking down to the floor. I shook my head, refusing to let her die. There's no way I could do something like that.
"But I'll still be killing you! I won't do this! I refuse! Your my mother, I care about you!" I exclaimed. She threw her arms around me, pulling me into a sincere hug.
"Listen to me Romeo. We barely spent any time together. I..I left you and I left you at such a young age!" My mother replied, and I could hear her starting to cry.

"Mom..why did you leave?" I ask hesitantly. She broke away from the hug, and looked at me sadly.
"It happened quite a few years back when you were still very young. There was this man, well at least at the time I thought it was a man, called Akuma. He could play with my mind so easily he created this story in my head about him being my father, and fairy tail killed him. I told myself not to believe him. But apart of me felt doubtful and wanted to believe him..to be quite honest it scared me. Then he granted me this power! This amazing power, and I just felt myself lose all control. The truth is this Akuma is a demon. One of the demons of the book of Zeref, not my father. He is the creator of nightmare magic. He's dangerous Romeo. And so am I! Don't you see! ROMEO THAT'S WHY YOU HAVE TO PUT AN END TO ME!" My mother shouted, grabbing my shoulders as she started to cry. I felt tears strolling down my own face.
"I'm sorry but I can't do that..I don't care that you left, I have the chance to get the normal you back-"
"Romeo there is no chance! I can't come back! I'm losing control as it is! I won't be able to fight back Reverentia for much longer. Romeo look around you. Look at all your guild mates. They are your family, t-they were once my family to.. I don't want to kill any of them. I know you don't want any more of them to die! I already killed your friend's mom! Please Romeo...I know you don't want this, but I do! I don't want to hurt anyone anymore! Please do this for me!" My mother exclaimed. I didn't know what to do. She's so adamant about this, but I couldn't kill her. I barely had any magic as it is, but it's not like she'll fight back this time. It'll only take one blow...what am I thinking! She's my mother I can't kill her! I just can't...

"WENDY!" I turned around to see Natsu holding Wendy's unconscious body. Oh no...what's wrong with her! She's back to normal but..
"Wendy come on! Wake up!"
"Salamander shaking her like that won't wake her up! Her breathing it's shallow. She needs medical help right now!" Gajeel exclaimed.
"Wendy.." I whispered to myself. I felt my mother scream out. I looked at her grasping her head, her eyes starting to go red again.
"Romeo I can't tell you care for her! She's important to you isn't she! Look at the state she's in! If I turn back to Reverentia I could kill Wendy in an instant! Is that what you want! You need to kill me to protect her life!" My mother shouted, letting go of my head as her body started to shake. Sweat dripped down my forehead, I kept breathing anxiously, my magic surrounded my head, and I produced a sword made out of fire. I couldn't stop the tears falling down my face. I didn't even try to. My body couldn't stop shaking as I aimed the sword near my mother's heart. I lifted it up, but I just couldn't gather the courage to kill her. I closed my eyes, trying not to look at her.
"DO IT ROMEO! KILL ME!" I heard her voice, and I slammed the sword made out of fire devil slaying magic into her chest. She gasped in pain, and her face started going pale. The tears wouldn't stop streaming down my face. What was I doing!? How could I do something like this!
"Romeo finish me off." My mother said.
"I can't.."
"Romeo do it for your guild. For Asuka. For Wendy." She said. I cried out, and a bright fire enveloped the two of us, as my magic energy came pouring out. My mothers body started to fade away, and I tried to reach out for her hand. In her last second of her life she grabbed my hand.
"I love you Romeo." She whispered, before she completely vanished. The fire dispersed,and one more tear slid down my cheek. Completely tired, and out of magic energy, I passed out.
Hope you all likes the chapter and the final fights of this book. Only like a few more chapters to go now. Hopefully I can reach that 100th chapter. Thank you to all my readers who have continued to support my book. Hope you enjoy these next few chapters.

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