Asuka vs Mylo

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{Asuka's point of view:}
" don't.....please.....I can't fight you, no please don't let him control you!" I pleaded desperately. I could not see his eyes, as they were hidden by his hair. His head was hung low, and his body was stiff and unmoving. He didn't respond to what I said, but he hasn't attacked me yet either. Maybe the spell hasn't fully controlled him. Maybe I don't have to fight him once and for all. Not that I would anyway, I would refuse to fight him. I mean he's my friend. I can't hurt him. Please don't be under his control.
"Mylo......I-It's me......Asuka. Can you hear my voice, you have to break through that control alright" I said softly, slowly walking towards him. He still stood there, his eyes covered beneath shadows, and his body as still as a statue. I reached my hand out and placed it gently into his shoulder. He slowly looked up, and when I saw his eyes, they no longer looked kind and caring, but instead mean and cold. He kicked me in the stomach sending flying into a lump of freezing, cold snow. I held my stomach in pain. No. He was under Somnium's control. I can't fight him, he's not even himself. He doesn't want to hurt me. I won't fight him, I would hate myself for it! A magical light enveloped Mylo, and seven crystals arises from the ground. His plan grasped the murky yellow crystal tightly, and zaps of lightning fell down upon him. He wore a yellow body suit that was crackling with electricity. He was in lightning form. I've seen his fire and water firms and I assume that his lightning form is just nearly as deadly, even more so know that he has the added power. Even of I did try the
fight him, I don't think I's be able to win, especially if I'mm not determined to even win. Why would anybody be.? If it meant hurting a friend.
"Thunder clasp!" Mylo shouted, clenching his outstretched hand. A yellow magic circle formed underneath me, and when I tried to jump outside it my whole body got zapped with electricity. I stepped back, wincing in pain as my whole body felt like it was electrified.
"I'm afraid Asuka you've seen nothing of Mylo's Magic, I actually trained him how to use magic, so I know how strong he is and the massive amount of potential he has inside of him!" Somnium said laughing menacingly as a strike of lightning rained down upon me. My whole body felt like it was on fire. The electricity was running all through my bones, and I screeched in pain. I wanted to fall to my knees and grasp my head, but the pain was so intense I couldn't move, I was frozen in place, witnessing the unbearable pain.
"Mylo please, listen to me! I beg of you! Stop this!"
"Stop? But Asuka Mylo hasn't even got started yet?" Somnium whined childishly. I really,really, really dislike this guy, and that was putting it lightly.
"Blue fire!"
"Sky dragon roar!" Despite the intense pain I was feeling I managed to turn my head towards Romeo and Wendy. They were both panting, badly hurt(especially Wendy) and they both looked literary had regret in their eyes. That's strange Romeo is under control, he shouldn't be able to feel regret. Does that mean Mylo feels regret to? I stared at Somnium for answers after all I'm sure he knows exactly what I realised.
"Your quite perceptive for such a young girl, the truth is my magic has their bodies and their magic completely under control,they're forced to do what I tell them, but there mind, in their mind they're still aware of what they're doing! It makes it more exciting by doing that, especially if they're fighting a friend." Somnium exclaimed cold and merciless. He was so sick!
"Listen to me Mylo, I know you can break free of this control he has over you." I shouted determinedly. At least now I still know he can hear my voice.
"I-I can't Asuka,I-I'm so-argh!" Mylo shouted grasping his head tightly in pain. Mylo....
"Lightning spear!" He screamed harshly. Hundreds of spear made out of lightning came raining down. I could counter attack it with this new spell I learnt recently.
"100 bullets!" The colts of lightning and the metal bullets clashed against each other, creating a massive explosion that caused the ground to shake. I might be able to counter attack him, but I can't fight him. One he's stronger then I am,there's no way I'd stand a chance, and two I don't want to fight him I refuse to.

{Romeo's point of view:}

Stop it Romeo! Don't hurt her, t-try and fight back!  I fell onto the snowy floor in unbearable pain, crying out as I tried to fight back the control he had over me. Please let me be able to fight back, I don't want to hurt her...please.
Fight her!
Hurt her!
Defeat her!
Bring her to me!
Hurt her so much that's she barley alive!
My mind told me not to her her, to stay still and keep fighting the control, but my body had a mind of its own. My legs forced me to stand up, and my back straightened. My fist rose up and ignited itself in a purple fire. I charged towards her,my feet step by step moving closer. I didn't want to. I really didn't want to hurt her, but I had no choice. I couldn't fight back against his magic, it was to strong. Wendy quickly threw up her arms creating a wind shield, to barricade my attack.
Defeat her!
My fist pressed hardly against the barrier made out of gusty winds. Fire against sky. The barrier sparked as my flames pressed against it. Little by little the barrier was breaking. Wendy eyes widened in fear as cracks were forming in her shield. The shield quickly broke allowing me to send Wendy flying into the ground from my ignited fist. She fell to the floor harshly, in a coughing mess. Her hair was doing over her face, and her fist were clenched up in fists shaking. She still didn't want to fight me, but I didn't want to fight her either, but if she beats me then Somnium will lose control over me and she won't have to go with Reverentia.
"I really don't want to fight you Romeo, I'm finding it really hard to, and if Asuka doesn't beat Mylo then neither of us will be able to defeat Somnium. I can't fight you!" Wendy cried out, her head facing down, defeated.
"But y-you have to,Wendy, if you don't defeat me then Somnium will take you, and I'll be stuck in t-this control argh. Please I don't want to be stuck, not in his control, you have to fight me. I d-don't want to hurt you either or fight you, but I c-can't stop him so Wendy please!" I begged her. She has to fight me, she has to defeat me. I know she can, even if my magic is stronger.
"Rainbow fire!" I shouted, regretfully blasting flames of a rainbow colour towards her. She stood up shaking, and turning he head away from mean once more as she attacked.
"Sky Dragon Roar!" A blast of wind countered my rainbow flames. The two spells clashed against as Wendy tried to hold her roar. My flames overcame her magic and shit towards her. However she mages to flip out of the way.
"Arms!" Wendy shouted enhancing her magic energy. That's it Wendy. Increase your magic. You can defeat me, I know you can!
"Sky Dragon Wing Attack!" Huge blasts of wind traveled quickly toward me. I was sent skidding across the floor, as the sharp blades of wind powerfully pushed me back a grazed my skin. Sweat trickled down my forehead, trying to fight back the control really tired me out. But that's a good thing! It gives Wendy an advantage.
Don't let her win!
Defeat her!
Your stronger then her and you know it! Stop trying to fight back!
The words were like a hypnotising trance, I couldn't stop myself from listening to what he had to say.
"Yellow flame!" I lit a yellow fire in my hand, releasing a powerful has that had a stinky stench. The only one who could tolerate the smell was myself as I had grown used to it. Wendy covered her nose in disgust coughing vigorously. But Mylo and Asuka were coughing as well as Somnium. I hated making Wendy,Asuka and Mylo suffer the stink but Somnium deserved it.
Would you fight more practically!
Stop disobeying me and defeat her already beat her up so she falls to the ground and is just barely breathing a single breath! Somnium screamed in my head. Unleash your true power within you!

{Asuka's point of view:}

"ARGHH!" I screamed as sparks of electricity rushed through me. It was like my whole body was on fire. This isn't Mylo I know he doesn't want to hurt me. He has to stop! I know he's still in there, so maybe just maybe I can reach out to him! He's strong he can break through the control I know he can! I screeched in agony once again as more blasts of electricity were sent towards me. Each time he would send an attack I would be sent flying into ground, as he added more intense and frightening power. Why couldn't I fight back. If I fought back and defeated him then I would be able to break Somnium control over him. But I haven't even been friends with him for that long what was stopping me from fighting him. We are friends....just because we haven't known each other for very long doesn't mean we're not close friends. So it's decided then. No matter how much pain I go through, I won't fight him. I can't hurt him. I refuse to. I won't harm any of my friends!
"So your not fighting back. Your not being entertaining. But if you won't get in my way that's all that matters." Somnium murmured in boredom. What a jerk! He won't win!
"ARGH!!!" I hunched back in pain ask chrome once again rained down onto me. I bit my lip to hold back the screams and my body winced in pain.
"A-Asuka I'm s-sorry.....please forgive me, I can't stop what I'm about to do." Mylo whispered softly.
"I forgive you Mylo. I know this isn't your fault so I wouldn't be mad at you whether you apologised or not this isn't your fault, please don't blame yourself for it okay." I whispered smiling at him sweetly. If he's apologising then I assume he's about to perform a powerful attack. Who knows maybe it could kill me. I don't want to die, I'm to young, I haven't even found mom and dad yet. But even so of this means I won't hurt a friend. Then so be it, I might not have known him for very long but he's friendship was worth everything to me. Wendy and Romeo I've always looked up to them like siblings or parents. I was so thankful to have them as friends. They cared for me, looked out for me I was so grateful. The only thing is, I never had anyone near my age. But then I met Mylo. I only met him a few weeks ago, yet we've become the best friends. I just hope he still joins fairy tail. His body cracked with electricity. He took one step closer to me. Then another. Until eventually he was one step away from me, then he lifted up his first, electricity gathering around him....

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