Blood ties

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Do you guys like the picture? The left side is Enno, and the right side is Reverentia.
{Wendy's point of view:}
"Romeo?!" I asked, as he blocked my attack. Why did he do that?! And why did he have red markings all over his body, and I could feel such strong power rising from him! He looked up at me, and which just stared at each other, there was this strange tension.
"YOU NAIVE FOOLS!" Reverentia screamed, attacking us with a powerful nightmare spell. There was this powerful magic rising from Reverentia, I could feel the intense,dark,magic power. Purple-black veins started to form around her body, and her eyes turned a demonic red colour. She looked like a demon had took completely possession over her.
"My second origin has been unlocked!" She exclaimed, and my eyes widened at her statement! She hadn't even unlocked her second origin, yet she was so powerful! But I can't give up, just as I was about to run towards Reverentia, a hand grasped my arm, stopping me from moving. I turned around to see Romeo crying.

"Romeo your...why are you crying?" I asked confused and worried.
"Please you can't hurt her..." Romeo whispered and I just stared at him wondering what he meant.
"Please don't she's my..she's my mother." Romeo confessed his head hung low. His mother?! What? How was that did he find out?
"Oh so because I'm your mother you don't want me getting hurt, oh how sweet..TO BAD THAT I DON'T CARE ABOUT HURTING YOU OR YOUR FRIENDS!" Reverentia exclaimed sending another powerful blast of magic towards myself and Romeo.
"Despite only caring for power, I couldn't bring myself to kill you, there was a past of me that was resisting killing you. But I no longer care anymore, I know what your magic is, as I contained it myself. Your a threat Romeo, you can't be around any longer!" Reverentia exclaimed, preparing to cast another powerful spell. I stood in front of Romeo protectively my arms outstretched.
"I won't let you hurt him!"

"Wendy.." Romeo whispered, looking up towards me, I looked him back, staring him straight in the eye.
"I know she's your mother and you don't want me hurting her, but if we don't defeat her, we won't be able to save fairy tail." I said with pity and worry.
"I know it's just that it's not really her..she's possessed." Romeo murmured sadly.
"Well then deep down she'd want to go back to normal, you have to let me do this for her." I said, placing my hand on his shoulder, squeezing it reassuringly.
"AGGGHH!" I quickly turned to my side to see the dragon slayers screaming in pain as the dragon unleashed a roar. My eyes widened in worry as I saw how beat up and injured they looked. Just how strong was this dragon?! I heard Romeo sigh and I turned round to face him.
"Go help them Wendy, they need your help, you've defeated Reverentia enough times as it is, you can leave this to me. She's possessed, and like you said I have to help her, and my magic might be the only thing that can help her." Romeo said, looking towards his mother who was smiling sinisterly at the two of us.

"Are you sure?" I asked hesitantly. Both Reverentia and the dragon were dangerous, I wanted to help Romeo and the dragon slayers beat both of them. But the fact that six dragon slayers weren't enough to to defeat that dragon, I had to help them!
"I'm positive, I've got this! The whole of fairy tail depends on us, I have to protect the guild to!" Romeo exclaimed. I nodded towards him in understanding before rushing off towards the dragon slayers. They were all trying to stand up, but were struggling immensely with the amount of damage their bodies took.
"Enhancing all abilities! Armor! Arms!" I casted.
" Thanks Wendy!" Natsu said, turning to face me, giving me his signature grin. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I turned round to see Gajeel.
"You ready kid?" Gajeel asked me, as we both stared up towards the powerful dragon staring us all down. The dragon's magic was intense!

"Yeah I'm ready, we're all going to need to give it are all." I exclaimed.
"That's right!" Sting said.
"We are dragon slayers after all." Rouge replied.
"We have to make are guilds proud." Laxus said.
"I couldn't really care much about all that, but as a dragon slayer I can't let this reptile over power me." Cobra uttered.
"Igneel, I'm gonna defeat this dragon, with the power you gave me. I'm all fired up now!" Natsu shouted, his fists flaring with fire.
"I'll provide support! O swift wind that dashes through the heavens..VERNIER!" I shouted, casting the magic on myself and the rest of the dragon slayers. A magical aura enveloped us, allowing us to hover in the air. We all charged forward towards the dragon, attacking it with are magic.
"Sky Dragon Wing attack!" I shouted, blasting a powerful wind towards the dragon. But the dragon stopped the attack with just it's tail! My attack was useless! The Dragon unleashed a powerful roar and I barely managed to dodge it, the blast was that huge!
"I can't hear or predict it's movements!" Cobra shouted, dodging the dragons tail as it swooped down to try and catch him off guard.

The Dragon unleashed a painful cry, causing all of us to cover are ears. The sound was unbearable! The dragon once again unleashed a powerful roar, sending all of us harshly to the ground. I cried out as I clutched my body in pain. I forced my body to stand up, I couldn't give up! Not now! None of us could! This Dragon could destroy the entire of Fiore! It wasn't even a proper dragon, just made out of our dragon slayer magic, it has no purpose just to follow Reverentias orders.
"Healing bell!" I muttered, a green light surrounded Natsu,Gajeel,Sting,Rogue,Cobra and Laxus, healing all of their wounds and supplying them with energy. If only I could heal my own wounds. I panted tiredly, that spell took up a lot of magic, and I was still trying to regain the magic I lost!
"Are you okay kid?" Gajeel asked, seeing the state I was in.
"I-I'm fine, I'm not a kid anymore, I have to fight to!" I exclaimed, taking a step forward.

"How are we supposed to slay this dragon, if are attacks do nothing?" Laxus asked solemnly. To be honest I wasn't sure of the answer to that question myself. I barely have any magic, even if are attacks did effect it, mine certainly wouldn't, not in my state.
"We're just going to all have to attack it at the same time, and push are strengths to the absolute limit." Rogue said. Sting looked towards him, and they both nodded in understanding. A powerful magic surrounded them. White markings spread across Stings skin, where as black markings spread across Rogue's
"Wendy if you enhance are spells, we should all attack the dragon at the same." Cobra said, everyone else agreeing.
"All right, we can do this!" I exclaimed. Push my self to the limits..maybe I should use that I don't have enough magic energy, and I only use that spell if I absolutely have to!

Cobra looked at me curiously. I forgot he could read my thoughts.
"O great power of the wind, lend me your intense power burrowed from the heavens. Enhancing power, speed, stamina, defence. Deus Eques! Deus Corano!" I enchanted, increasing the dragon slayers magical power. The dragon rose up, staring down at us intensely. I should decrease the dragons magical power, to give us all a better chance.
"Deus Zero!" I casted, my magic spell surrounding the dragon.
"Holy Shadow Dragon's Flash Fang!" Sting and Rouge shouted, combining their magic into a unison raid.
"Lightning Poison Dragon Roar!" Laxus and Cobra exclaimed.
"Iron Fire Dragon Roar!" Natsu and Gajeel bellowed.
"Shattering Light:Sky Drill!" I screamed, sending my most powerful attack towards the dragon. All the attacks combined together, and they headed straight towards the dragon. This it! Maybe now we can defeat it! The powerful combined spell attacked the dragon, and the magic power exploded, causing smoke to rise around the dragon.
"Did we finish it?!" I asked hopefully.
"I think we did!" Sting said excitedly, smiling at me. Just as we were both about to celebrate Gajeel stopped us.
"It's not over yet."

The smoke dispersed, and the Dragon was still standing. It was injured,but it was still standing. My eyes widened in shock, we gave it are all! How was this possible?! It wasn't even a proper dragon! I panted tiredly and collapse to the floor. My magic is completely drained.
"Wendy!" Natsu shouted, and even if he was still standing he looked so worn out and tired as well. They all looked like they were about to topple over as well. The dragon unleashed another bellowing roar.
"AGGGGHHH!" We all screamed in pain, as the roar sent us flying up into the air, and sending us harshly back onto the floor. Come on body move! Don't just stand still! Get up!

I finally got this chapter done! Sorry it took so long again, I was just really tired, and wasn't in the writing mood but I wanted to do it for you guys. But there might not be an update next week as I have exam week. Thx for reading x😊

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