Finding the cure

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Finally getting to the good part😈😈 Are you ready??? Are you absolutely sure you're ready??Because this maybe getting to the good part but it's certainly not the best part. Anyway enjoy!! 😊
Wendy's point of view:
I've been traveling this volcanic mountain for days now. My legs were numb and my body was sweaty. It was quiet and boring as I had no one to walk or talk with. That was my problem to be fair, as I brought no one with me,nor had I told anyone where I was going.The mountain paths were rocky and unstable and I was running out of water. The air was hot and I felt like using my wind magic to cool myself down. But I didn't want to waste it, if I encountered the other group of people along the way I might have to use my magic then, which means I have the save my magic energy. I could always take a rest. No if I did that I might just stay in unconscious for to long, I could possibly stay in unconsciousness for days. I had to keep moving. I had no other choice, it's for the guild. I wiped the sweat that was trickling down my forehead and took my last and final sip of water. Because there was one last final push to reach to the peak of the mountain, I found some hidden energy inside me and sped up. Despite the tiredness and numbness I decided to distract myself with questions. Is the guild worried about me? What if the other group of people made it before me? I shook my head, dispersing the thoughts out of my head. I shouldn't think like that now not when I was so close to the cure that I could see the peak of the mountain. I trudged along further my feet scraping the solid and dirty rocks. My head felt hazy and I literally think I could pass out at any moment but I kept on walking. Just one last step. I grasped one of the sturdy boulder-like rocks and hauled myself up to the top. I was greeted with a green grassy surrounding, filled with these ruby red plants. It brightened up the whole area. There was no one about just me,which means I made it in time. These plants must be the cure. My tired smile turned into a bright,energetic smile as I rushed towards the plants knowing I could cure my friends. But as soon as I ran I was stopped. It felt like an invisible war was blocking my path. As I looked up a type of gravity magic was pushing me away from the plants. I turned behind me to see a group of people in white and red hoods a black serpent shaped guild sign on there back . As I turned around again they were all surrounding me, at every inch of the volcanic mountain. Bursts of fire and electricity came shooting down but not at the the cure. The ruby red plants turned into ruby red flames as they were turned go fire and the only remains were there ashes. How was I meant to save my friends now, when they set the plants on fire. My friends they did this.... should I make them pay? That wasn't like me seeking revenge, I didn't like to hurt people, not that I could anyway but now they took away the only chance of my friends being cured. Wind and air surrounded me, became a part of me. I closed my eyes sucking in the air and refilling my appetite. I opened my eyes once more, they were filled with rage and anger. I let out a burst of wind sending everyone flying into the painful solid boulders.
"That little brat is going to pay for that." A masculine voice said coming from an unknown hooded figure. One of the other hooded figures lifted his/her hand up signalling them to stop fighting. Whoever they are were must be the leader because they can command the others what to do. That means she carried out the plan.
"Sky dragon roar!!" I shouted sending a parallel of wind chasing after them. The magic exploded, and smoke arises from the ground. When it was dispersed, no one was there. They must've escaped. That wasn't the major problem because my explosion caused the volcanic mountain to rumble. It was about to erupt into lava. The ground shook beneath me like an earthquake making it hard for me to stay stand-still on my feet. What to I do? I couldn't run away from here on time, there was only one thing I could do. With that I dashed to end of the mountain climbed up the top, took a deep breath and I jumped from a impossible height. A jump that I shouldn't be able to make.
Question of the day if there was one thing you would change about fairy tail what would it be?
Thx for reading😊

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