Friendship like no other

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This is Lucy, Erza and Levy friendship. I hope you enjoy.
Levy's point of view:
Jet and Droy had been pestering what was wrong with me for the last 4 hours of the day. While I appreciated there concern, it was hard to talk or look at them after that nightmare. Hopefully the nightmare won't happen again tonight, but I was still worried. What if Jet and Droy really did think I was pathetic. They just pretended to be infatuated with me so they won't hurt me. As annoying as it was having them obsessed with me, I'd rather have that, then what they were like in the nightmare. The things they called me, it's horrible just to think about it. Did I even deserve to be in Shadow Gear?
Erza's point of view:
Every single day. Every single day, I walk into this guild and I feel so shaken up. Most definitely because of the nightmare I had, but everyone has been shaken up lately. Every time I walk into fairy hills, I notice Levy and Lucy look so hesitant to walk into their rooms, Juvia as well. In fact all the girls and the boys in fairy tail seemed so frightened of something. Even master. Maybe I should talk to someone about it. But who would open up to me about it. Levy and Lucy might. Maybe I should talk to them about it.
*timeskip nightime*
Lucy's point of view:
It was around midnight, the moon rise high in the night sky and it was surrounded by stars twinkling like fireflies. It was a peaceful night, but I was afraid. Afraid to go to sleep. Afraid to have those nightmares again. I never had a nightmare before where I was so traumatised. I was about to close my eyes into darkness, when I heard a gentle and loud knock on my door. I walked over to see Levy and Erza hanging outside my dorm room.
"I demand answers, I want them now." Erza snapped seriously. I didn't even do anything, Mavis help me.
Levy's point of view:
Me and Lucy were petrified, but Erza only asked us if we knew what was going on with the guild lately? I wasn't quite sure what she meant but when she explained it made me realise how strange the guild had been acting.
"Are you sure you two aren't hiding anything from me? Are you sure you don't know what's going on? Erza questioned demandingly. We shook are heads slowly.
"Very well what's been going on with you two then? You might not know what's been going on with the guild, but I do know you two seem scared and upset." Erza asked in concern. I hung my head low. I guess I couldn't hide it. Was it really that obvious. Erza turned to me expected an answer.
"I've been having nightmares. About not being... Not being good enough to be a leader of team shadow gear and Jet and Droy hating me.
Lucy's point of view:
"Levy are you kidding me? As much as it annoys you Jet and Droy are obsessed with you, and you make a great leader, your so calm and reliable. Your very organised and you keep your team in check. I wish you were my leader." I said to Levy comfortingly. I can't believe Levy would have nightmares about that. It would never come true. I wouldn't let it come true. Levy is one of my best friends and I would not let that happen to her.
"Lucy's right you have nothing to worry about Levy. What about you Lucy?"
Erza asked worringly.
"I've...I've been having nightmares as well. About losing my celestial spirits. There's this women and she breaks my keys and she torments me, and it's...I can't talk about this anymore." I replied shakily.
"Lucy if someone ever did that to you, understand that I will come to you and help you, I won't let that happen you hear me." Erza replied sternly.
"I know. Thank you Erza. But what about you? Me and Levy aren't the only ones acting strange. You've been aswell."
Erza's point of view:
I never expected Lucy to ask me what was wrong. I thought I wasn't acting strange in front of people, but Lucy must've saw right through my act. It was personal to talk about, but I'm sure it was for Lucy and Levy as well, so it was only fair I tell them.
"I've been having nightmares as well. It's about not being able to keep my promise to Natsu or to the guild. The promise of staying alive. I-In my nightmares, I always end up passing away, and I have to see you all so upset, it pains me to see it.
"Erza I know you. You are the strongest person I know. I admire and look up to you. You won't be defeated so easily after all there is a reason they call you Titania. Besides I know Natsu, he wouldn't let you die.
"You should listen to Lucy, after all she knows her boyfriend pretty well."
"O-oh he's not my boyfriend, we aren't quite like that." Lucy says blushing bright red. I smile at my friends. They were right I didn't have to worry about my nightmares, because I know I ave great friends who will support me through the nightmares and I'll support them.
That's the end. I don't think I did a great job but it was sweet and cute towards the end, so I hope you guys liked it.😊

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