Gajeel's nightmare part 1

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Slight spoiler if you don't know who Gajeel is, although most of you probably do. Anyway enjoy the chapter.Also contains slight language, it's Gajeel.
Gajeel's point of view:
Metallicana left me. Who else did I have. Maybe he couldn't handle dealing with a nuisance like me, gihee. But still it hurt, it scared me, I began to not trust others, to not care about how others felt, because when you do love someone, someone I looked up to as a father figure, left me.
"METALLICANA YOU STUPID BASTARD!!"  I screamed to the earth, my knees crashing down onto the floor, my eyes brimming with tears, but I wiped them away, no I would not cry, not cry over something so pathetic, he left me.that was his own problem, because when I find him he has a lot of explaining to do. It would be his fault how I acted in the future. A bright light enveloped me, transferring me into a completely different place. I was put in a steel room, with no exit. The only thing I could hear was soft whimpers, I looked towards where the sound was, and saw Levy hunched over, beaten up and crying, then several people behind her from the fairy tail guild was beaten up, bruised and crying behind her, Jet and Droy, Bunny Girl, Salamander, Gray, Pantherlily and Juvia(why would I harm my best friends) and lastly Wendy. She was like my little sister, even if she was new to the guild, she had trusted me as a fellow dragonslayer, despite me telling her many times she will never find her dragon, she was still nice to me, it hurt me to see all the people I care about, all the people who changed me for a better good, were beaten up and bruised.
"Who did this to you, I'll beat them up." I exclaimed with a deathly tone.
"You did this Gajeel, you can't change, you never will, to think that I trusted you." Levy said sadly.
"I did this?" Then a bright light developed us, I tried to call out to shrimp, but she didn't respond, I can't believe I did that to them.
I woke up only to bang my head against my wooden bed post. I grunted in annoyance. Was that all just a dream? It felt so real, the way I acted to Metallicana leaving me was definitely real. But what about the other part.I'll figure it out if it happens again.
So how did you like the Gajeel character, did you think I did an okay job at his character, who do you want to see next, you can't say part two of the last three characters though, because it all adds up to the story.😊

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