Happy's nightmare part 1

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Contains slight spoilers, if you haven't watched the episode where Wendy casts Milky Way don't read. Sorry, anyway enjoy. 😊
Happy's point of view:
"Natsu, stop it. This isn't you. NATSU!!" I screamed staring straight through the beast in front of me. Natsu's eyes which were once filled with kindness are now filled with anger and rage, and have a yellow mouldy colour. His skin had turned to salmon scales, and two scaly and large wings grew out of his shoulder blades. A tail hung loose from his back, swaying back and fourth vigorously. Natsu had turned into a dragon, his eyes full of furry. He wasn't aware of himself and listened to no one, not even Lucy. All he knew was bloodlust as he used his tail to throw his guild mates his family like rag dolls. It was so unfair. Natsu was so kind, so caring and protective. His was my best friend, but he's forgotten I was his.
"...Natsu" I whimpered. Tears fell from my eyes, dripping in sorrow. Just as Natsu was about to swipe at Lucy, I swooped down to catch her.
"Let me go, Happy I have to save him, I have to reach out to him." Lucy shouted, struggling against my grip, screaming and crying. But I kept flying away, there was no hope. The dragon slayers couldn't fight him. They couldn't bring themselves to, except for Cobra but even he had regret in his eyes. They were no match for him he was stronger then Acnologia himself. It was horrible seeing my best friend hurt my guild mates like this. But the worst part of it all was that he slammed his hand onto someone, crushing them, they called out to me, but there was no way I could save them in time, not while I was carrying Lucy.

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