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This is a short story for CrazySaggiQueen I had a lot of fun writing this.
Wendy was walking casually around Magnolia until she remembered she needed to ask Gajeel if he wanted to go on a mission with her requesting for two dragon slayers. She would've asked Natsu but he was going on a mission with Lucy, which was fine by her because after Mira taught her what Nalu was she shipped it. She didn't know where Gajeel was as he could be anywhere in the streets of Mangnolia. What would she do? She couldn't exactly ask the other dragon slayers. Laxus was on a mission with the thunder leigion. Sting and Rouge were to far away as they were in the Sabertooth and Cobra was in jail. Then it came to her. She knew how overprotective Gajeel could be, she just needed to get his attention. Using the wind to raise her voice as loud as she could she shouted...
"Wendy is the worst dragon slayer ever!!"
With Natsu on his mission:
He may be traveling on the cold mountains with Lucy and Happy far away from Wendy and Magnolia, but his dragon senses let him hear that He was ready to kill someone. He rushed towards Magnolia in super speed leaving Lucy and Happy to suffer from the cold.
With Gajeel:
Oh someone did not just insult his little sister, how dare they, he was furious and he was ready to give some idiot the beating of there lifetime.
With Laxus:
Someone did not just insult the only dragon slayer Laxus is fond off. He was furious and many bolts of lightning enveloped him. He rushed over to Magnolia.
With Sting and Rouge:
"WHAT!!!" Two loud voices bellowed through Sabertooth. The twin dragons heard everything, they weren't happy because who ever insults Wendy deals with all the dragon slayers and they have to pay the price.
With Cobra in prison:
His magic energy surrounded him snapping his handcuffs and breaking the entire prison cell. He stormed out the prison, his magic energy so strong no one dared to stop him, he was about to kill the person who insulted Wendy.
Back with Wendy:
Wendy's eyes widened as the dragon slayers surrounded her and demanded who insulted her.
"I don't know who it was, they took of." Wendy replied nervously laughing.
"Let's find them, are dragon senses will tell us who hurt her." Natsu said and with that all the dragon slayers stormed off into Magnolia. Wendy let out a sigh of relief. But she forgot to ask Gajeel about the mission...
End of story hope you liked it, like I said this is a request not canon to the story😊

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