\\~Rowen~\\ vs//-Reverentia-//

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I think I went overboard on the title anyway enjoy.I own no right to the picture above.
{Asuka's point of view:}
"Sorry to hurt you, but I did warn you, I'll be taking the Queen now." Mylo said, extending his hand towards the Queen. Out of the blue, a blast of rosy pink magic sent Mylo backwards.
"Lux! Y-Your here!" I exclaimed relieved. She sent me a warm smile.
"Asuka can you get up?"
"I-I think so. I'm sorry I couldn't defeat him, t-this *sniff* is all my fault."
"Don't be silly, you destroyed the rubble, you can escape now, I'll take care of this! Just get the Queen, out of here." Lux said sweetly.
"But he's to strong!"
"Well then at least let me hold him back, just get the Queen out of here."
I nodded my head reluctantly towards her, grabbed the Queens hand and ran towards the exit.
{Wendy's point of view:}
"Tears of Nightmares!"
"Sky shield!" I casted sending a shield around myself and Romeo.
"Stop protect yourself sweetie, it won't do you any good, you little brat oh how you've got on my nerves, well I'm sick of it. I'm going to end yours and your friends miserable here, and not even your dragon force can protect you from that! Nightmare Blast!" Reverentia screamed, breaking my shield, letting it disappear into the red, night sky.
"You underestimate my power sweetie, and that will be your downfall, for the rest of what little, life you have left." She teleported behind me once again know cling me to the ground. She kicked me again and again and again. Increasing the pain each time, whist laughing my like a maniac I closed my eyes in pain, trying to hold onto something, so I could get up and fight.
{The day before fairy tail got taken:}
"Hey Wendy!" Team Natsu said coming up to me, with a brown bag.
"What's in the bag?" They tipped the bag over and lots of candy fell out. My eyes sparkled at the sight.
"Thank you, if you don't mind me asking why did you guys get me this?"
"Because Wendy, you've become a lot stronger, as a wizard of fairy tail." Erza exclaimed in pride.
"Yeah especially from when we first saw you, well done kid." Gray said.
"You really mean it?"
"Of course we do Wendy, I mean none of us were that strong at your age."
"We're proud of you Wendy. Remember what ever happens, always be that strong girl we know you are. And always be my little sis." Natsu said whispering the last part in my ear. I hugged all of them tightly.
That's right. I have to fight for my friends in fairy tail. I clenched my fists tightly and just as Reverentia wing her leg forward, I caught it.
"Let me go, you little brat!"
"Sky dragon...crashing fist!" I punched her in the jaw sending her skidding across the stone-ground floor, harshly grazing her knees. I stood up and starting breathing in the wind, letting my pink hair flow and wave at my surroundings. Once I felt refuelled, I looked towards Reverentia dead in the eye. My eyes lit with a passionate fire. Part of me didn't want to hurt her, I knew nothing about her, but I had to.
"Sky dragon double wing attack!" I sent two huge blasts of wind towards her, but despite the attacks power she blocked it with her own two hands.
"Nightmare imprisonment!" A huge blast of magic came hurling towards me... but I felt no pain, instead I felt my eyes slip into darkness.
What's going on? Where am I? Why is everything so dark? I stood up, trying to look around me, and I saw a soft white glow, that glistened in the darkness.
"Wendy...I'm disappointed in you, I wish I never raised you."
"Your all grown up, yet you act like the pathetic child you were ages ago."
"She's right, I can't believe I used to think of you as a little sister."
"I can't believe we let her into fairy tail!"
"Don't forget about us."
"Lucy, Gray, Erza."
"See, look how pathetic she is."
"Just get out of here."
"I'm glad I can't see you again."
"I can't believe O thought of you as a daughter."
"You don't even have the right to call yourself a wizard, because you can't protect us."
"No! Stop it! Please stop it!"
"This will never stop sweetie!"
"You see I've cast a spell on you, where your trapped in a eternal nightmare, and in the outside world I've got you trapped around this bubble, a barricade. It's pretty much impossible to break. So that means you'll be trapped in here forever. Sorry."
"N-No you can't please let me go!" I said whilst crying. Tears streamed down my face, causing my cheeks to go red and puffy.
"Yes, yes, cry your sweet little heart out, it entertains me. But I'll have you know it won't do anything to help you. Your wasting your time!"
{Romeo's point of view:}
"Wendy!" I shouted worried. I forced myself to get up and run towards the red bubble around her. But a blast of magic sent me flying.
"Not so fast, you won't save her, Romeo."
"Just watch me, purple flame!" My fire magic restrained her legs and arms stopping her from moving. I rushed towards the barricade, exploding it with rainbow fire, breaking it!
"That's not possible, your not meant to be able to break it !"
"I can, because I'm a fairy tail wizard! Protecting a person who I care for."
Wendy eyes flashed open, and erupted with tears. I haven't seen Wendy cry in ages, it was like I could picture her back to her normal self.
"Wendy are you okay?"
"Y-Yeah, thank you, but leave it to me now I'll defeat her."
"No way, we work together ok, and that's final." I said standing up and offering her a hand. She smiled at me sweetly and grabbed my hand, letting me pull her up.
"You know what I'm thinking Wendy."
"Yeah, I know what your thinking."
We faced back to back, we leaned our heads back, and clasped our hands together. A red and green light glowed onto us, lighting our features.
"Oh eternal light of sky and fire, le arms, le increase thy power, unison raid!" A dragons roar screeched in the sky, as a dragon, made out of fire and sky magic, came soaring towards Reverentia. He released a sky and fire dragon roar sending her flying into the floor. Then it crashed viciously down into her sending her through several layers of the floor. Me and Wendy fell to our knees, panting heavily and leaning against each other. I jumped and laughed, making Wendy g be me a confused look.
"Wendy we did it!" I exclaimed doing a victory dance.
"Hehe, Romeo your so silly." Wendy said giggling. I felt my cheeks rise up in heat, as I blushed furiously.
"Anyway, we did it! So how high five."
We high fived and performed our signature handshake.
"Why are you celebrating?!" Reverentia said rising up from the ground.
"Now you've used up all your magic energy and can't fight me at all, I will admit though you both put up a great fight, and that last attack was very powerful."
"It can't be!?" Wendy said, her dragon force disappearing. Reverentia just smiled creepily as she presses her hands together creating magic energy. She forges her magic into an arrow sending it flying towards Wendy's heart. She can't do this, she can't kill her.
"NOOOOO!!!!" A huge light, made of fire erupting from me, and that was the last thing I remembered, before I fell into unconsciousness.
Okay guys hope you liked this chapter. I had fun writing this actually and there was unison raid between Romeo and Wendy, what was that flash of light that Romeo released find out next chapter. Don't forget to comment, vote and rate.😊😊😊

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