Shattered pieces

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Asuka's point of view:
I couldn't believe it. The whole place looked like it just collapsed into millions of shattered pieces. How did this happen? There were several of guards surrounding the area, and princess Hisui was crying her sweet heart out. We haven't seen her for years now, it's been so leg since we've saw anyone. It was quite sad actually. I haven't seen mom and dad for a long time, I missed them so much. But Wendy promised me, she'd save them, so I'll put my trust in her. After all a promise is a promise. Wendy's so strong and caring I look up to her so much in fact one day I want to be exactly like her. Romeo's pretty cool to, I guess. Not as cool as Wendy.
Romeo's point of view:
For some reason,I felt like I just got compared to someone, strange. We made are way to Princess Hisui to ask her what's wrong. Of course we didn't want to be to direct after all she clearly was going through emotional pain.
"Princess Hisui, what's wrong? D-Do you need any help or is there anything we can do?" Wendy asked softly to the broken princess.
"I doubt there is anything you can do, but thank you very much f-for asking. Also it's s-so nice to see you*sniff* Wow Wendy your all grown up. I-I heard what happened to fairy tail, I'm so sorry, but it actually leads me to the situation I'm in now." She replied sadly. Wait was she talking about Reverentia and her guild? We still weren't sure what exactly they were called.
"I think you might've guessed but Reverentia,and from what we found out her guild Poison Vile, attacked our kingdom last knight, everyone managed to escaped unharmed but the damage has still been made and it's going to take forever to build again. I feel like I've done an awful job of running this kingdom, I'm going to be crowned queen soon as will, I don't deserve the title!" She cried. Myself and Wendy both placed reassuring hands on her shoulders. Poor girl I don't think I could handle running a kingdom. Perhaps there was something we could do about this.
"I've got an idea." Wendy exclaimed.
Wendy's point of view:
"We're going to help rebuild your kingdom, I can arrange Dragon Shield to meet up with us and we can help rebuild this castle. I don't suppose you know anywhere we can stay. That's the only problem we face." I said excitingly.
"Actually the town has plenty of inns you can stay in so I'm sure you'll be fine also thank you so much, it would be much appreciated, I'm sorry I can't do much for you but I'll ask my guards to work extra hard on finding the missing guilds." She replied happily, she seemed cheered up now thank god, I hated seeing people so upset. Well time to make our way to the inn.
{time skip, because I'm lazy and I'm a fabulous amazing pineapples}
We finally made our way to the magic dreams hotel. We made our way inside to the reception.
"Excuse me, hello miss do you have an-
"Do you have a single room with one single bed please?" Asuka asked politely.
"Sure" the receptionist replied giving us all a suspicious look.
"Asuka what was that for?! You know you and Wendy always share a room, me and Wendy can't share a bed!" Romeo exclaimed embarrassingly. I felt a warm,tingly heat rush up to my cheeks. I swear sometimes Asuka was raised by Mira not Bisca and Alzack. This was so embarrassing!
"Why can't you!?" Asuka asked oh, so innocently."Mommy and Daddy do all the time, all three of us would cuddle on the bed, I just miss them so much and now your mad at me for it, please let's all share a room, just this once!" Asuka stared up towards us with her puppy dog eyes, sparkling. Me and Romeo shared a shy glance but we ended up saying fine and the next thing I know we're all cuddled up in bed,like Asuka told us to, her in the middle and myself and Romeo were at different sides from Asuka hugging her like she told us to do. Why do small kids have so much power. This was so embarrassing! Well then again it wasn't so bad. Being with both of them made me feel so safe and secure and it made me feel less lonely. They're the only people from fairy tail I have left. For now that is... I promise fairy tail I will find you.
Sorry for the slow updates but I still have to exam week next week but I promise I'll try my very best. Anyway rate this chapter out of ten and tell me what do you think of me adding oc's from dragon shield if you don't want any that's fine I know some people don't like them. So let me know in the comments thx for reading and your all fabulous amazing pineapples xx

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