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{Romeo's point of view:}
Juliet was my sister. To be honest I'm finding it hard to believe,I have no memories of her.But what she was saying was true, I have no solid proof that she wasn't lying but I could tell by the look in her eyes. So all this time I had a sister and I didn't even know about it. She knows who my mother is,who our mother is. She wouldn't tell me,why not? Why didn't Dad tell me!? She's the exact age as me,we're twins so he must've known he had a daughter. And he said mother was dead which was a total lie. Why does everyone in my family have to lie to me,it's not fair.I have a right to know who is related to me! I don't even know what to believe anymore. Has my own father really lied to me all this time.
"Romeo what are you still doing out here, come inside,your going to catch a cold at this rate." Wendy lectured,peeping her head around the corner. She was right it was getting rather cold, my whole body was shivering. I can't wait to get out of this mountain,we were so close to finding fairy tail.
"Alright Wendy,I'm coming." I replied.
"Hey are you okay? Where did Juliet go?" Wendy asked curiously.
"She's not our comrade is she,I'm not sure where she went she just disappeared." I replied sadly.
"You know you didn't answer my first question. But I don't think I need an answer.Romeo what's wrong?" Wendy questioned worriedly.
"It's nothing, don't worry about it."
"I'm not dumb Romeo,what's going on?  I'm your friend you know you can tell me anything."
"I know that Wendy, it's just it might take you off guard, and you probably won't believe me, I had a hard time believing it myself." I replied.
"When have I never not believed you Romeo, come on tell me what's wrong?"
"It's about Juliet...I...I just found at she's my sister."
"I only just found out, and I know she could be lying, but to be quite honest I don't know what to believe anymore, all my family just seem to be lying to me, why should I trust what anyone says Wendy!" I shouted angrily!
"Romeo, whether she was lying to you or not, there is always someone you can believe in, a family you can believe, you can trust fairy tail. Asuka's in fairy tail, you'd trust and believe in her wouldn't you. And I'm in fairy tail so I'd hope you'd believe in me." She replied quietly.
"Your right, and at the moment I should be focusing on fairy tail, you always comfort me Wendy, sometimes I just wish I could return the favour, thank you."
"It's nothing honestly,and you comfort me more then you realise. But let's go inside, we're both tired and I don't want you getting ill again." We both headed inside the cave, and towards are sleeping beds. As soon as my head hit the pillow, sleep overcome me.
"Romeo, get out of bed, I wanna play!"
"5 more minutes Juliet."
"You always say that and you end up staying in bed for another hour! Come on please." Juliet said, her puppy dog eyes sparkling and pleading.
"Why do you know that puppy dog eyes are my weakness?"
"Because I'm your sister."
"Why do you want me to constantly play with you anyway Juliet?"
"Because mommy and daddy won't play with me, unless do you not want to play with me?"
"No it's not that, it's just, maybe it's time for both of us to make some friends, I mean they'll be a time in life when we won't want to play with each other."
"Yeah but we're still very young at the moment, and we should make the most of it, besides I'm not very good at making friends, your the only friend I have, I know your my brother but your my best friend as well."
"I know sis, your right we're still young,so what game do you want to play?" I asked kindly.
"Oh! Hide and Seek!?" Juliet exclaimed excitingly.
"Again?!" I whined.
"Yeah again!"
"Fine, but next time we're playing a different game."
" time." Juliet said sadly.
"Wait what's wrong? You sounded sad."
"Oh it's nothing, anyway you count to ten and I'll go hide."
{Wendy's point of view:}
"Hey Romeo wake up,we have to get a move on already, your such a heavy sleeper." I exclaimed,trying to wake him up.
"What time is it?" He asked tiredly.
"It's time to go, look I understand you want your rest but the blizzards gone completely, meaning we should get a move on, the quicker we leave, the quicker we find fairy tail,sorry but that's how it is."
"I know,I know." We all packed our bags, and headed outside the cave. It's finally time to get out of this snowy area. We need to find fairy tail and fast. Who knows what's happened to them by now. I hope they're not hurt.
"Hey Mylo are you okay, you seem quiet today?" Asuka asked curiously. He wasn't answering instead he was looking around urgently.
"Oh no.....GET DOWN NOW!"
"What?" I replied. A bright blast of light came traveling toward us at the speed of sound. It surrounded us, and for a second I was blinded by the flashing light.
Where, where am I? What's going on? I looked around,to find myself in the fairy tail guild. That's strange what am I doing here? I thought fairy tail were captured. But I was in the guild and everyone was here.
"Natsu did you seriously have to destroy the whole town when you fought, we had to spend the reward money on repairs and at this rate I'll never be able to pay my rent." Lucy whined in annoyance, crossing her arms over her chest, glaring harshly at Natsu. Staring him dead in the eye.
"Lucy..." I whispered to myself. She was actually here, she was okay, but it's been 5 years I thought she'd look a little older, but she looks exactly the same as she did 5 years ago, before fairy tail was kidnapped. That can't be possible, how is she here? Lucy!
"I'm sorry Luce, but hey at least that loud mouth,ice stripper didn't tag along this time." Natsu replied.
"Aye!" Happy said in agreement.
"Natsu.....Happy..." There both here as well, and they both look the same, and there hanging out together as always. I can't believe they're actually here. I can finally be with everyone again. It's what I've always wanted.
"What's that supposed to mean you lame brain lizard!" Gray shouted.
"Exactly what you think it means you slanted eye freak!" Natsu shouted back harshly and in annoyance.
"Will the both of you stop fighting and shut up already, I'm trying to eat my strawberry cake peacefully!" Erza screamed angrily.
"We're sorry Erza, we'll get along like best buddies do!" Gray and Natsu exclaimed in fear, wrapping their arms around each other's shoulders and fist bumping, acting like the best of friends.
"Erza....Gray...." Erza always did have a talent of getting people to behave, and place fear in people's hearts. it was so nice to see her and Gray again. I felt like crying, I get to see them again. I get to see everyone again.
"Lu-chan, how far have you got in your novel." Levy said running up to Lucy happily, Jet and Droy running behind her following her like that always do. Poor Levy, nothing ever changes for her.
"I haven't got a chance to write in a while, Natsu and Happy keep surprise visiting me in my house everyday. They could at least give me a little warning before they get here, but they don't." Lucy complained.
"Ghee, figures salamander would be a nuisance." Gajeel exclaimed laughing.
"What did you just say Iron head!?" Natsu said butting heads with Gajeel.
"Exactly what I said idiot!" Gajeel replied. They're they go again, fighting as usual. I usually hate it when they fight, but it's been so long, it was so nice to see. Everything was back to what it was, and I've never been so happy before.
"Wendy!" I turned around to see Romeo running up to me, but he liked different...
"Romeo...WHAT! YOUR YOUNGER,YOUR 13 AGAIN!" I exclaimed, pointing at him confused.
"YOU LOOK YOUNGER AS WELL! What's going on! We weren't this age an hour ago!" Romeo exclaimed. He was right what is going on? Everything is the same as it was 5 years ago.
"Wendy,Romeo what's going on?! Everyone is back!" Asuka exclaimed running up to us. She looked younger as well. Why were we all the same age as we were 5 years ago!
"Asuka,Wendy,Romeo, get over here come try theses new vanilla milkshakes I made, for all of you!" Mira exclaimed calling us over to the bar. She gave us that sweet smile as she handed us the milkshakes.
"I never knew you three were such good friends, but I'm glad you are, I made these milkshakes for the younger people of the guild because they shouldn't have alcohol. So how do they taste, good?" Mira asked sweetly.
"Yeah they're really nice Mira." I told her kindly. They were quite tasty.
"Do you like them Asuka?" Bisca and Alzack asked Asuka walking up towards the three of us, holding hands.
"Mom,Dad!"Asuka said her voice shakes,and her eyes widened in shock. She jumped out of her chairs and into their arms holding them tightly.
"Mommy,Daddy!" She cried, hugging them tightly.
"Asuka why are you crying?" Alzack asked confusingly, but hugging her back,trying to calm her down.
"Are you okay sweetie?" Bisca questioned. Me and Romeo shared a knowing look.
"Thank you for the millshakes Mira but we've got to go!" I grabbed Asuka's hand, and all three of us ran outside.
"Just what is going on!?"I exclaimed.
"I don't know, it's like nothing ever happened." Asuka replied.
"I don't know but Asuka's parents seemed surprised when you saw them, and I spotted my dad in the guild as well, I didn't say anything because I wanted to find out what was going on first." Romeo replied.
"But this isn't real, because the events that happened 5 years ago, never did actually happen, this has to be some kind of dream,some kind of magic."
"Your right Asuka, because Mylo isn't here as well." Asuka said. She made a good point.
"That's right, this isn't real, it's all just a dream, but in these dreams you can have anything you want, anything you can dream off and you can live here forever, in this perfect world." A man around the age of Reverentia said, lurking towards us.
"Who are you?!" Romeo demanded.
"My name is Somnium, I am the the master off dreams and illusions, I have the great magic power known as day dream magic."
"Take us back to the real world, okay!" Romeo demanded harshly.
"You want to go back?" He asked, acting surprised.
"Yeah we do, everything here isn't even real it's just a dream." Asuka answered defiantly!
"Just because it's not real, doesn't mean it can't feel real. I could give you anything you want." Somnium exclaimed convincingly.
"You can't tempt us, now take us back!" I shouted.
" I can't do that, unless all of you really want to go back to the real world, only the three of you can break the spell. But quite clearly all of you want to stay here a little I mean who wouldn't, here you can have anything you want." He told us, empathising the word anything. Why would we? I refuse to believe that he's playing mind tricks with us. We would never want to stay here, it's just an illusion!
"On the contrary dear, you want to stay here the most. After all I can bring back all the people you've loved and cared about." He said pointing at me. He lifted his hand, and emitted a soft bright glow. The next thing I know Grandine was appearing right in front of me.
"Wendy." Grandine said softly.
"Wendy don't listen to him, she's just an illusion, this is a dream it's not real!" Romeo shouted.
"But I can touch her, I can hold her."
"Wendy don't, she's a fake." Asuka shouted angrily.
"But she's still here, fake or not, I can still to her, he can become my everyone I care about back to life, even if they aren't real, I can still talk to them again."
"That's right, and Grandine isn't the only person you can talk to, I can bring back Chelia, and you could see your dear friend Mystogan again." Somnium exclaimed. Here in this dream world, people that have died, or I can't see again, can come back, I can talk to them again.
"Wendy of we don't get out of this dream world we won't be able to save the real fairy tail!" Romeo said. Real fairy tail....he was right, they're still in pain, they're still suffering yet I wanted to stay here, how could I be so selfish, I've got to get back I've got to save them! Another bright white glow surrounded us.
"Well done! You broke the spell, I'm quite impressed, no one has ever broken the spell, they all like to stay in that perfect dream world." Somnium said, mockingly clapping.
"Romeo,Wendy,Asuka! Your all okay! I thought I lost you for a second!" Mylo exclaimed happily. I looked at him and then at everyone else. Looks like we're back to our normal age again. But something tells me that the fights not over.
"Why are you here?!" Romeo asked harshly.
"Well isn't it obvious I have come to collect Wendy, considering Vanitate and Juliet couldn't, I'm here to get Mylo as well. Reverentia ordered me to collect them. Now you two can come peacefully, or we'll have to handle this the hard way." Somnium said solemnly. I could now tell that he was getting serious and no longer playing any silly games. I don't u set stand why Reverentia would want me? I'm going to see her soon anyway when we take fairy tail back. And why would she want Mylo he betrayed her? Whatever the case I have to fight him.
"Sky dragon roar!" I said blowing a gust of wind towards him sending him flying to the ground. There was a minute of silence before he stood up, and a bright red aura covered him.
"No not this magic!" Mylo exclaimed worried.
"What kind of magic is this?!" Asuka asked him.
"You see Somnium doesn't have any magic that he can use to attack you himself, which means every mage is stronger then him, but he can use that to his advantage, you see he has a type of magic other then his day dream magic, for any wizard that's stronger the him he can control them, and force them to fight each other."
"What?" I shouted worriedly. A red beam of light came hurling towards me, but zoomed straight past me, and hit Romeo straight in the chest.
"Romeo!" We all screamed. He lifted his head up and faced towards us. One of his eyes had turned into a blood red colour. He set his fist on fire, a purple flame glowed around it. Then he rushed towards me lifting his fist up!
Okay we're ending it there, so it seems Romeo is being controlled and has attacked Wendy. Sorry this chapter took so long, I have no excuse and I'm going to be completely honest I just felt lazy I'm sorry. Anyway I'd like to thank sky-dragon-slayer for coming up with the idea of day dream magic, it really helped out so thank you. Hope you enjoyed the chapter don't forget to vote,rate and comment, thank you for reading😊
Next chapter is called:Romeo vs Wendy

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