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{Asuka's point of view:}
We have to pick one fairy tail wizard to join us in this fight. Wait that means I could pick my mom or dad! But which one would I choose? I want to see them both. It depends on who's stronger. Mom is better at long distance, but dad is better at short. And they're both fairly even in middle range(where my strength lies). Then again we can only pick one member, and Romeo would want his dad to join the team as well. We're going to have to pick someone who's strong. Macao, mom and dad are strong, but I don't think they're strong enough. So we're going to have to pick one of the stronger wizards. Laxus, Natsu and Gajeel would be good choices but we can't pick the dragon slayers. I don't get why though! But if we're going to save are friends, we have to follow these rules. There are the S class wizards. Mira, Erza and Gildarts, the ire all very powerful. Gildarts is the strongest out of all three of them. But Wendy might want Erza as she's the closest to her. And Romeo will most likely pick Mira, as Macao and Wakaba were fond of Mira. Still though we're going to have to agree on something.
"We should pick Gildarts. He's really strong imagine the damage he could cause." I reasoned with Romeo and Wendy.
"That's the problem Asuka. He could cause so much damage, he could make the building fall and collapse on all of us. I feel as if Erza would be the best option, she never gives up." Wendy exclaimed.
"Erza or Mira." Romeo replied.
"Alright then let's pick Erza." I said, smiling as Wendy's face brightened up.
"So your picking the great Titania. I've heard rumours about her, this will make things more fun. Okay then sweeties, I'll bring her right now." Reverentia said.

{Wendy's point of view:}
With a click of her fingers, the illusion of Reverentia, made Erza appear out of thin air. Erza fell to the floor, wincing in slight pain as she stood up.
"You! Your the one who caused this great pain onto fairy tail! Do you not realise what a guild actually means to people! You hurt fairy tail and for that you will face the consequences." Erza shouted, equipping her sword and running straight towards Reverentia. As she swiped her sword at Reverentia, the illusion disappeared.
"What...?" Erza murmured to herself confused. Erza....she's actually here. She's right in front of me. She looks so tired and distressed. And hurt? Did Reverentia do that to her?!
"Erza..." I whispered softly. She turned around to face me, Romeo and Asuka. Her eyes widened, and her body started to shake. Tears were forming in her eyes, as they were for the rest of us. It's been so long since we've seen an actual member of fairy tail, of our family. And Erza was the reason I joined fairy tail in the first place. She's like my big sister, I've admired her so much, and to see her right in front of me after 5 years. I quickly rushed towards her and and we both hugged each other. I cried happily, as I hugged her tightly. She was here. This was real.
"Look at you Wendy, your all grown up. You've become a beautiful young woman. I can sense how powerful your magic has become. I can't believe I never got the chance to see you grow up. I never got the chance to see any of you grow up. Romeo, Asuka look at the both of you as well. Fairy tail has missed you so much. We've waited for you for so long and now we'll get to see the three of you." Erza whispered softly.
"...I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! I'm the reason you all had to wait for so long! I should've saved you all sooner! I'm so sorry! Look at you, your hurt. Was it Reverentia that did this to you?!"
"You don't have to be sorry Wendy and I'm afraid so. She's been hurting every member of fairy tail! I don't know what she's doing to the dragon slayers but I could hear their screams everyday. And it's not just are guild she hurt, but all the others as well! We have to save them and for my comrades I will defeat Reverentia." Erza exclaimed, standing up, despite the pain she was in.
"Here let me heal you!" I said, rushing to her side, quickly tending to her wounds.
"Erza, if you don't mind me asking is my dad and Wakaba alright?" Romeo asked.
"My parents to?" Asuka questioned.
"Alzack and Bisca have missed you very much Asuka, but they're to hurt so don't worry. Wakaba is doing fairly okay as well, he shares the same cell as your dad Romeo." Erza replied.
"But what about my dad?!" Romeo asked, raising his voice slightly as Erza was trying to avoid the question.
"Macao...he's not hurt. Reverentia hasn't gone anywhere near him. But every time she's nearby, he gets so scared and shaken up. He won't tell any of us why. He's really missed you Romeo, he'll be so glad to see your back, just as the rest of us will be."
"But what about the dragon slayers! And the rest of the guild,how badly hurt are they?!" I asked Erza.
"I don't know what Reverentia is doing to the dragon slayers, I'm sorry I can't give you a clear answer. But she did hurt Levy, when she found out she was talking to you Wendy. I was stuck in this magic restricted cell! I had to watch Levy get beaten up before my very eyes, she was in so much pain...and the only thing I could do was watch! And poor Lucy, Reverentia has broke the majority of her keys! She will pay the consequences of her actions!" Erza exclaimed, clenching her fists tightly.
"Reverentia hurt fairy tail. I couldn't do anything about it Erza, so don't blame yourself when it was my fault. But I won't let her get away with this. She's going to pay for what she's done! Reverentia will face my wrath!" I shouted, standing up a fire lighting in my eyes. She's going to pay! I won't let her hurt another member of fairy tail! Not on my watch! I can't stand her! She's merciless. She enjoys seeing other people's pain! How dare she!
"Wendy..." Erza muttered to herself, shocked in my sudden change of behaviour.
"Through those doors, we'll eventually cross are paths with Reverentia. I don't want to waste anymore time. Let's save all the guilds and fairy tail!" I shouted. We all rushed through the doors. Ready to fight whatever may come in are way!

{Asuka's point of view:}
This is it! Now a the time we can save everyone! I won't hold back. I can't be weak anymore, I've got to push my power to its true limits. I'm ready to face whatever comes my way. We all pushed open the doors, leading us to this one dark room. I can't see anything! What's going on?! A small light flickered, and eventually covered part of the room. It shined over this prison cell. And inside was every member of Mermaid Heel. They were all chained up by there wrists and ankles. And each member looked worn out and beaten up. Oh no this was horrible!
"Kagura, Milliana! What happened to all of you?! Who did this to you?! Show yourself!" Erza shouted.
"So this is the great Titania that I've heard about. I can already sense your magic power, despite the fact that you haven't used it in five years." Vanitate said as he the lights in the room came on and focused on him.
"Oh no, we have to be careful everyone he's really powerful." I exclaimed, already re quipping my gun
"Didn't Reverentia say only one you can fight each of us at a time. Or do you dare disobey my mistress orders?!" He screeched, his loud booming voice echoing across the room.
"I will fight you." Erza said, equipping into her heavens wheel armour.
"Erza are you sure, he's incredibly powerful and you haven't used your magic in 5 years."
"His power might come from his magic, but mine comes from my comrades, friends and family in fairy tail." Erza replied.
"Don't worry Asuka, Erza will be just fine." Wendy replied, smiling at me comfortingly. I quickly had to catch up to her and Romeo as they were already running to the next door.
"Good luck Erza!" We all shouted, before finding are selves in a new room. The room was once again bland, but not dark like the last one. A huge prison cell was in the room. It contained the members of Blue Pegasus and Quatro Puppy. I wonder who was in this room. I didn't have to wait long to find out, as a black portal appeared out of thin air. And the person who stepped outside it was...Mylo.
"Mylo what are you doing here?! We came to save you does that mean your safe! Thank god! But what are you doing here!" I exclaimed happily, running up towards him.
"Hey, why aren't you saying anything. Mylo are you alright?" I asked taking a step closer to him.
"Asuka watch out!" Romeo shouted.
"What..?" I asked confusingly, I turned towards Mylo again, but as soon as I did, a blast of magic sent me flying across the room. I screamed in pain as I was pushed into the wall behind me. Why? Why was he doing this?
"I've chosen my opponent, you may go." Mylo said to Romeo and Wendy.
"You traitor!" Wendy shouted.
"How could you do this to Asuka?!" Romeo asked furiously.
"According to the rules your meant to move on to the next room. Now go."
Mylo was a traitor...no but he betrayed Reverentia...so how..why is he betraying us now. No I can't believe it! I refuse to! But why else would he attack me. Mylo...
"ARGHH!!!" I screamed in pain was again, as he sent another blast of magic towards me. This isn't real right. He's my friend. Friends don't betray each other. So why...why is he doing this. If this is a joke, it isn't funny. I came here to not only save fairy tail and the rest of the guilds. But Mylo too. So why....is he hurting me?
"ASUKA!" Romeo and Wendy shouted, rushing towards me.
"I said stay back!" Mylo shouted, sending a blast of magic towards them sending them blasting into the other room. The doors quickly shutting behind them. So this was real...I have to fight Mylo. But what if it's like before maybe he's under Somnium's control!
"I know what your thinking. I'm not under anyone's control, just Reverentia's orders. Now get up and start fighting me!" Mylo ordered, his voice cold and emotionless, no longer filled with that care and joy from before. This isn't the Mylo I know.

{Romeo's point of view:}
"ASUKA!!!" Wendy and I shouted, as we tried to open the door again. Mylo hurt Asuka! I should've known we couldn't trust him! And now Asuka has to fight him. She won't want to fight him! And if that's the case then not only will she get hurt, but we won't be able to save fairy tail.
"Stop shouting. You won't open those doors so stop wasting your energy." A feminine voice from behind, said. I turned round to see Juliet, and Lamia Scale(trapped in a prison cell) behind her. Juliet...the last time I saw her, she told me she was my sister. I'm still not over that, I don't even know what to think anymore! I don't want to fight her, but I know Wendy would want to save Lamia Scale, especially considering Chelia was apart of that guild. I have to do this, for Wendy, Asuka and fairy tail.
"I can fight this for you, if you want?" Wendy asked, placing a hand on my shoulder.
"It's okay Wendy, I know how much you want to defeat Reverentia and for Chelia's sake you'd want to save Lamia Scale. I'm willing to fight this for you, and for Asuka, and for fairy tail."
"If your sure, thank you Romeo." Wendy said running into the next room. I turned to face my sister...well at least I'm pretty sure it's my sister, still confused over that.
"Just because your my brother I won't show any mercy. I don't care for you. So are you ready to begin.
"You bet!" I said lighting a blue fire in my hand.
"I'm all fired up!"
Okay let's leave it it there, thx for reading, don't forget to rate comment and vote, also I'm sorry I probably did a bad job writing Erza😅

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