Chapter 4

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Gajeel POV
We have been looking for Levy's Dimension... person thingy??? GRRRR!!! WHATEVER THE HELL THAT THING IS CALLED WE HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR IT FOR 3 HOURS!!!!
To be completely honest I have no idea what is looks like and don't much care, but Levy sure seem to care about it, so if she cares I care.
"Found anything?" Levy asks.
"Not a thing shrimp,"I reply.
Levy shrugs her shoulders and looks at the ground in disappointment. Seeing her upset makes me sad.
"Hey," I say as gently as possible," we will find it. Let's go back to guild to take a break. Maybe you a book or something?"
"Ok. Yes we should take a break." She says discouraged.
I awkwardly pat her back, and follow her in the general direction of the guild.

-back at guild-

Levy POV
Gajeel was talking to me about the difference in irons and how certain ones apparently taste WAYYY better for some reason. I wasn't really listening. I was still upset about not finding that stupid lacrima. I bet Natsu touched it and now he is in another dimension. I internally laughed at the thought.
No, he's dense but not stupid enough to do that.
I ponder in thought a little more.
I suddenly hear the guild doors open and Juvia scream "MY GRAY-SAMA HAS ARRIVED"
I turn around and see a shirtless Gray getting tackled by a love crazy Juvia. I noticed a small reflection on Grays hand.

Wait a that..

I squint to get a closer look. When I realize what it is I practically fall out of my chair. I jump up and sprint across the guild climbing over tables, chairs, and annoying people who can't get out of my way fast enough. I run up to Gray, and tackle him on the floor.

"Give that to me now,"I say pointing to the small lacrima in his hand.

"What the hell," Gray said," No way."

"I said NOW!" I snatched the lacrima out of his hand and smiled triumphantly. I felt the lacrima in my hand.

Hmm that weird. The lacrima is unnaturally hot.

"Um Juvia would like to know what Levy is doing to Gray-Sama,"Juvia shouts.

What is she talking about...

I look down and I realize that I'm sitting on top of Gray. My face turns a color of red that rivals Erza's hair. I jump off him and apologize.

"What the hell is going on here" Gajeel was already in Gray's face.

Aww geez

"What do you think you're doing to Levy." Gajeel yelled.

"I didn't do anything SHE jumped on ME" Gray shouted back.

"Well maybe she wouldn't have if you didn't steal her lacrima!" Gajeel retorted.

Juvia joined the screaming match and jumped in front of Gajeel. " Gray-Sama would never steal. How could you say something like that!" she screamed back in his face.

"I don't have time to deal with you now, rain-for-brains, you will get your turn, but right now I have to deal with this pervy popsicle." Gajeel said, while stepping past Juvia and in front of Gray again. Gray was about to say something, but before he could a huge sphere of water surrounded Gajeel.

"I won't let you lay a finger on my Gray-sama" Juvia said. The two ex-Phantom Lord members started to fight. Water and iron was flying everywhere. I glanced at Gray. He rolled his eyes and mumbled something. Then he smirked.

What is he smiling at....

My thoughts were cut off by a burning sensation in my hand.

"AHH" I screamed. I realized that the lacrima had started to glow. The guild got unnaturally quiet. Even Juvia and Gajeel stopped their little brawl to see what was going on. Everyone's eyes drifted to me. I stood there, uncomfortable with all the eyes watching me. I tried to think back to what I read when I tried to make the teleportation lacrima.

Why would it be doing this?

I could feel everyone getting more anxious by the second.

What should I do?

I was about to confess that even I don't know what's going on, until a thought popped in my head. I quickly ran over to my bag and grabbed out the book I used to create a teleportation lacrima. I started to flip through it knitting my eyebrows as I scanned the pages.
The lacrima was getting brighter by the second.
Shoot I need to hurry. Let's see.... Nope... Not it... No... No...No......
I finally flipped to a brightly colored page.

"I found it!" I exclaimed. "Ok everyone stand back."

My guild members slowly backed away. I cast a spell to release all the magic energy in the lacrima.  When I finished Gajeel was the first to speak.

"Uh, what just happened?" He said.

"I released the excess magic energy, that was built up in the lacrima. There was a TON of fire magic built up in there, so that's why it was so hot." I explained.

"How does that thing work Levy" Juvia asked.

Oh yah I guess I never gave a clear explanation of what this thing is.

"This," I say while holding up the lacrima," is a dimension rift lacrima. It can take you to a whole new world, just by putting a little magic energy into it. The thing is if you put too much magic energy into it it could take you anywhere in existence. Also, it could shatter the lacrima and prevent you from going back to your original world. Theoretically, the possibilities of what could go wrong, are endless. So if you use it hit it with a weak spell, or have a weak magical object touch it."

"Wait did you say fire magic," a female voice said behind me. I turn around and see Mira standing there smiling like something amazing just happened.

"Yes, fire magic." I reply. Wait a minute. FIRE MAGIC?!?

Oh no.

"Then client from Natsu and Lucy's job just called. He was asking why the wizards he hired aren't there yet." Mira said. " I was going to ask if you have seen them, but after hearing your little speech I think I know where they are."

Mira did a little happy dance and was now smiling bigger that ever.

"OMG NALU IS IN ANOTHER DIMENSION, TOGETHER!!!!!!" Mira screamed so loud I'm pretty sure that the Sabertooth guild heard her.

"Just one question," Gray started,

"What the hell is NALU?!?"

A/N I know this was a late update, but I got it done! Don't forget to check out my one shot book Dragon Slayer One Shots Fairy_Tail_Maniac helped me write the first chapter. Got check out her books (if you haven't already) Fairy Tail Texts and Remember Me. They are both AMAZING AND HILARIOUS!


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