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      The morning sun peaked above the buildings, eventually waking up the celestial mage. Lucy groaned as she sat and stretched. She turned her head, gazing out the window at the sight that beheld her.
      "What a beautiful sunrise," Lucy said to herself, a small smile creeping on her face.
      "Yeah," A soft voice said behind her. Her head shot around, coming face to face with the famous fire dragonslayer, Salamander.
      "LUCY KICK!" Lucy shouted and sent the dragonslayer flying into the wall. She swung her legs over the side of the bed and sat at the edge of it.
      Lucy crossed her arms, frustration written all over her face. "What are you doing here........ again?"
      "We came to get you. There's something going on at the guild," Happy replied while making sure Natsu was okay.
      "There is? Okay, just let me take a quick shower, and I'll meet you there," Lucy said and went over to her dresser. She took out the clothes she would be wearing, and took them to the bathroom, where she then closed the door, and took a shower.
      Once she came out, she saw Natsu, sitting on her bed, talking to Happy. She smiled, glad they waited for her, and did not barge into the bathroom.
      Natsu looked up and grinned, before racing over to Lucy. He lifted her up bridal style, and they went flying out the window, with Happy following close behind.
      Once his feet hit the ground, Natsu put Lucy down, but grabbed her hand and dragged Lucy along with him, all the way to the guild hall.

      The door to the Fairy Tail guild hall burst open, and Natsu, Lucy, and Happy sprinted inside.
      "You're just in time Lu!" Levy shouted to her best friend, and dragged her to where she was sitting. Natsu followed, and sat down right next to Lucy.
      Everyone faced the stage as soon as the lights darkened. A single spotlight filled the stage with the light of its glow, revealing the ever so famous model, and Fairy Tail barmaid, Mirajane.
      "Welcome everyone! I'm sure you're all wondering why we called you here today," Mira started, pausing for a quick moment for the guild members to quickly agree, before continuing. "Master has a very important announcement to make." With that, Mira handed the microphone to Master Makarov.
      "Hello my children. The reason we called you here today is..." Master paused.
      The guild members looked around uneasily, until Master Makarov's voice boomed in their ears. "THERE IS A NEW RESTAURANT THAT HAS OPENED UP, AND THE OWNERS WANT IS TO BE THE FIRST ONES TO USE IT! ONLY US!"
      Everyone stayed silent, u sure what to think of it. "Everything there is free today as well." The guild burst into cheers.
      "Master, do you think this is a good idea? Knowing our guild, it will be destro--"
      "When we go there today, if there is damage, we will not have to pay, but only for today. That goes for the free food and drinks too," Master interrupted. Mira smiled and nodded.
      Master Makarov walks out of the guild, and towards the restaurant, with everyone following behind him.

      Everyone stood outside the restaurant, dumbstruck. It was so big and fancy! When they entered the building, their mouths fell to the ground. The inside looked even bigger and fancier.
      Suddenly, many waiters and waitresses rushed and stood in front of them.
      "Hello Fairy Tail. We will lead you to your seats. When one of us calls your name, just follow them and they will bring you to your seats. We will bring you your drinks shortly," He explained, and then waiters went up to each one of the Fairy Tail members. Each one of them were being led away.
      Finally, a waiter with dirty blond hair came over to Lucy and led her over to... a seat in the corner.
      "Wait, is this some kind of joke? Shouldn't I..."
      "No. That is your seat and you must stay there," The waiter snapped, before turning around and leaving her in her shocked state.
      "Wa..." Lucy tried to call, but the waiter had already disappeared into another room. She sat down and stared at her hands.
      Suddenly, her chair was lifted off the ground, with her still on it, and was carried over to a table. Her chair was set down at a table with Erza, Gray, Juvia, Wendy, Carla, and Happy.
      Lucy looked around to see who brought her over. It was Natsu! He sat down in his chair right beside her and gave her his usual toothy grin.
      However, his expression soon darkened, his eyes no longer on Lucy, but fixed on something past her. She turned around and saw the waiter, the one who brought her over to her seat in the corner in the first place, was walking over to where he sat her before.
      As soon as he reached the corner, the waiter saw she was not there, and started to desperately look around, until his eyes met hers.
      The waiter stomped over to Lucy, until he was face to face with her.
      "I thought I told you to stay where you were seated," The waiter growled. Lucy cowered back in fear, sent aback by the man's dark aura.
      Suddenly, the waiter was pushed back, and was pulled towards Natsu by his shirt. Natsu looked angry, really angry.
      "I moved her over here. If you are not going to let her stay with us, and have her sit all alone, your going to regret it," Natsu growled.
      "Natsu, stop. I'll just do as he says. If he wants me to sit alone, then I will," Lucy said as she pushed the waiter and Natsu apart. However, Natsu still gave the waiter a dark glare, and this time, the waiter cowered back in fear.
      "N-No no. That's okay. I-I need to get all of your drinks anyway," The waiter stuttered and ran into the kitchen. Once he disappeared behind the kitchens door, Natsu's expression softened, and he sat down. Lucy smiled and shook her head. She sat down.
      Another waiter came up and put some appetizers on the table. Natsu dove for them, obviously. Everyone sweat-dropped.
      Soon enough, everyone forgot what happened a few minutes before and chatted away, until the waiter came back with their drinks.
      Wendy was handed a vanilla milkshake, and she thanked the waiter. Erza took a sip of her cake flavored milkshake and smiled. Gray's ice water was slid across the table to him, as well as Juvia's regular water, which he handed to her. Carla's tea was set beside her, and she pulled it close to her, the steam rising in the air. Happy was handed a glass of water, which was soaking in fish. Lucy's strawberry milkshake was carefully handed to her. Finally, Natsu's drink was thrown to him, which turned out to be a bottle of hot sauce.
      Everyone took a sip of their drink.
      "This is delicious!" Wendy exclaimed.
      "Yes, you are quite right," Carla said. Everyone nodded.
      "Yeah, this i..." Lucy suddenly stopped.
      "Lucy, are you alright?" Wendy asked concerned. Lucy's expression turned to one of pain as she clutched her chest, and stood up.
      She started to fall, but Natsu was quick to catch her.
      "LUCY!" Everyone at the table shouted, silencing everyone.
      The guild turned to where the commotion was coming from. They saw Lucy passed out in Natsu's arms and rushed over.
      Once they reached the group, everyone's eyes widened. Black, purple, and yellow veins started to cover her body. Soon enough, they covered her whole body.
      Wendy's eyes widened and she put her hands over her mouth.
      "No, it can't be," Wendy whispered through her hands. Carla turned to Wendy and put her hand on her leg.
      Suddenly, she stopped and put a paw on her head. She started to shake as she looked at Wendy.
      "Child, what is it? What's happening to Lucy?" Carla asked.
      "Lucy has been poisoned," Wendy replied, and everyone looked at her as she continued. "With Nycarion poison."
    "Nycarion? I've never heard of a poison like that. Wendy, what do you know about this poison," Erza asked.
      "All I know is the name, and the first effects of it, which is what's happening to Lucy right now. Sadly, that's all I know, sorry," Wendy voice quivered, and hung her head low.
      "Wendy child, do you know if this poison is deadly?" Master Makarov asked. Wendy shook her head.
      "AHA!" Levy suddenly shouted. Everyone turned to see Levy, with a book about poisons in her hand.
      Levy put on her reading glasses and read aloud, "The Nycarion poison. One of the most mysterious, and most deadly poisons," Everyone gasped. Natsu, who was holding Lucy, looked up at the book worm in shock. "This particular poison is made from the Abyss flower. The effects begin with the victim passing out, veins the color of the sun and the night sky covering their body. Then, the magic of the one that has been poisoned starts attacking itself, gradually getting worse, up until death. This happens during a span of a week." The guild gasped once again.
      "Is there a cure?" Gray asked.
      "Yes, there is. It can be cured with a petal from the Eclipse Flower. However, this flower only grows on an eclipse, in the Cave of Dreams," Levy replied.
      "Where is this cave?" Erza questioned.
      "The Cave of Dreams is an unknown location. Only the one who currently possesses the Abyss flower gains the knowledge of its location," Levy answered.
      Natsu and the ones who were with Lucy knew exactly who it was, and started to desperately look around for the waiter. However, he was nowhere to be seen. He must have escaped.
      "Here he is," Gajeel said and held up the struggling waiter from the back of his shirt.
      "Gajeel? How did you find him so fast?" Levy asked.
      "Well, right when we first came here, I noticed something off about this punk. Turns out I was right. So I followed him," Gajeel explained. He set the waiter on the ground, but still held onto him.
      Natsu carefully handed Lucy off to Wendy so she could try to slow the effects of the poison as much as possible.
      Natsu's hair covered his eyes in shadow as he made his way to Gajeel and the waiter.
      "Talk," Natsu growled, his eyes burning in fury. He grabbed the waiter by his shirt and brought him face to face with him. The waiter smiled, brought his hand up, and swung at Natsu with a dark magic infused fist. However, Natsu grabbed the fist before it could come into contact with his face, and he burned off the magic on the waiter's hand. The waiter gasped and tried to get away, but to no avail. Natsu would not let go.
      "Fine fine. I'll talk," The waiter said, finally giving in.
      "Natsu, we are going to take Lucy to Porlyusica to see if she can slow the effects of the poisoning." Wendy said.
      Natsu nodded and watched as Mira picked up Lucy, and turned into one of her demon forms.
      "We have to get there quick," The she-devil said and flew away. Wendy was picked up by Carla and they flew after the two. Levy was about to follow when Gajeel grabbed her shoulder.
      "Take Pantherlily with you. You'll get there faster." Gajeel said. Levy smiled and nodded, and she and Pantherlily flew to Mira, Lucy, Wendy, and Carla.
      Soon enough, the four girls and two exceeds were gone. Natsu turned back to the waiter, who was still being held up in the air. The fire dragonslayer set the young man down, but grabbed his wrist, keeping it in a tight grip.
      "Follow me," The waiter mumbled. Erza signaled everyone except Happy, Gray, Juvia, Master, Gajeel, and obviously Natsu to stay behind.
      The waiter led them out the restaurant and to an old wooden house across the street. Once they entered, the seven Fairy Tail members gasped. The walls were covered with pictures of Lucy, all of which had a giant red X, or her eyes were scribbled out with red ink.
      "What is all this?" Erza gasped.
      "Why are there all these pictures of Lucy, and why are they either crossed out, or her eyes are scribbled out?" Happy asked. The waiter stayed silent.
      Natsu's hand, the one he was using to hold onto the waiter, burst into flames.
      "Tell us... everything." Natsu growled. The waiter screamed in anguish, but agreed while begging him to put out the fire. Natsu extinguished his hand, but still kept a firm grip on the waiter.
      "My name is Kyle Virect. I want Lucy Heartfilia, the last of the Heartfilia's, dead," The waiter, Kyle started. Natsu's grip tightened, and Kyle winced in pain.
      "Why do you want Lucy dead? She hasn't done anything to you." Juvia questioned. Kyle chuckled slightly.
      "She did nothing. It was her father. Her father took everything from me. When I was little, my parents lived on the Heartfilia estate. One day, my parents were kicked off the estate, with no money at all. They died of sickness about a month later since they had no money for medicine. After that, I was forced to live alone. It's the Heartfilia's fault all that happened, and they must pay. Since I can't kill Jude Heartfilia, since he is already dead, along with Layla Heartlilia, I just have to kill the last of the Heartfilia line. Also, I have to finish what my parents started. Wipe out the Heartfilia bloodline," Kyle explained. Natsu threw Kyle against the wall.
      "Your parents were kicked off the estate for a reason, for trying to wipe out the Heartfilia's. If they never did that, or thought of doing that, they would probably still be here today," Erza stated coldly.
      "My parents wouldn't be here anyway. Jude would have killed them anyway, as well as the rest of their family." Kyle shot back and stood up. Natsu pushed him to the ground.
      "The Heartfilia's would never do that. From what I heard, and when I saw Lucy's father, he seemed to have been strict, but never the kind of person to do that. And Lucy's mother, what I heard, she was kind, and not the kind of person to do that, as well as Lucy," Natsu growled, bringing Kyle face to face with him.
      Kyle tried to get away, even punching Natsu in the face. However, the fire dragonslayer would not budge. His grip only tightened.
      "Lucy got all the attention, everything she wanted. Of course she would say that," Kyle mumbled.
      "Lucy didn't have the childhood you thought she did." Gray said angrily.
      "What do you mean?" Kyle asked, clearly confused.
      "At a young age, Lucy's mother died. After that, her father shut her out. He didn't even celebrate her birthday anymore. She ran away because of that, and ended up in Fairy Tail. Yet, her father wanted her back for an arranged marriage, and hired another guild to destroy our guild in order to get Lucy. She was tortured by that guild. You know nothing," Natsu growled. Kyle's eyes widened as the information filled his ears.
      Gajeel lowered his head, memories of the past filling his mind, before lifting his head back up. His hand transformed into a metal pillar and he smashed it right next to Kyle's head. Kyle shook in fear.
      "Where is the Eclipse Flower?" Gajeel demanded. Kyle was hesitant at first, then looked over to a door that led to another room. The group went in there, with Natsu still tightly gripping Kyle's wrist.
      Once the group entered, they gasped. It was a small room, a bedroom only a bed and a desk. However, on the desk was a pitch black flower with glowing mint colored cracks all around it.
      "The Abyss Flower," Master Makarov whispered in shock. Then, his gaze shifted from the flower to what was set next to it.
      Makarov picked it up. It was sheet of paper with the same colors as the Abyss Flower. There was a map on it, and the ending point glowed purple and yellow.
      "Is this the map to the Eclipse Flower?" Master Makarov demanded an answer.
      Kyle nodded. The Master's expression softened, but turned serious. "For attempting to kill one of my children, you will be locked up. The rest of you, I will send a small team out early tomorrow not to go and find the Eclipse Flower."
      Everyone in the room, except Kyle smiled, for they found the map to the one cure that could save their friend.

      "How is she doing?" Erza asked as she, Natsu, Gray, Juvia, Gajeel, Wendy, Carla, Pantherlily, and Happy rushed into Porlyusica's house.
      Master Makarov was not among them, since he had to lock Kyle up. The rest of the group went to see how Lucy was doing.
      When they all entered, Porlyusica was about to shout at them to get out, but let it go, knowing they came to see how their friend was doing.
      "Not good. The poison is spreading to her magic quickly. The good thing is she hasn't woken up yet. When she does, the pain she feels would be unbearable. The only way of saving her is with the Eclipse flower," Porlyusica replied. Erza held up the map, and Levy took it to analyze it.
      "Wait, the Nycarion flower only grows when there is an eclipse," Wendy said, and Levy smiled.
      "Good news. The location of the flower is near the town Eclipseron. They're supposed to have an eclipse in six days," Levy explained, and everyone sighed in relief.
      "A group should go out now to find this flower. Gray, Juvia, Wendy, Carla, Gajeel, Pantherlily, Levy, and I will go to find this flower, and bring it home to save Lucy," Erza said.
      "Wait, what about me?" Natsu asked.
      "You stay here with Lucy." Erza answered .
      "Why? I can help!"
      "Lucy needs someone by her side while we are gone." Erza replied.
      "Yes ma'am." Natsu sighed and sat at the foot of the bed where Lucy was laying.
      "Okay, it's settled! Let's go so we do not miss the train. I went to that town once. By train, it's a days journey, so let's go!" Gray shouted shot his fist in the air. Everyone did the same, and soon enough, they were gone, getting ready to go retrieve the flower.
      Natsu leaned his head against the edge of the bed and closed his eyes. Suddenly, someone tapped him on the head with a broom.
      "We need to bring her to the guild infirmary. Now," Porlyusica ordered. Natsu nodded and picked Lucy up gently. He soon disappeared out the door.

      The train to Eclipseron left Magnolia station. The Fairy Tail members that went to get the Eclipse sat in a row of seats, silent. Levy was busy analyzing the map while everyone else just sat there.
      "There doesn't seem to be anything else about this map other than the location of the Cave of Dreams. I was hoping there would be something else here that would help us, but there doesn't seem to be anything else," Levy said and sighed.
      "It's okay Levy. We have the map, which will lead us to the Eclipse Flower, and an eclipse is happening in six days. We're doing fine," Wendy reassured and put her hand on Levy's shoulder.
      "Yes, that's true, but it will not be easy. Nothing is that easy," Erza reminded, and everyone nodded in agreement.
      They sat quickly, until Happy broke the silence.
      "Why are we leaving now, when the eclipse is in six days?" He asked.
      "It's better to find the flower and then wait for it to bloom, than come late and miss the eclipse as well as the blooming flower, since an eclipse does not last long. Also, it's a days journey to Eclipseron, according to the train station's billboard," Juvia replied, and Happy nodded.
      Then, Juvia held up a book, and handed it to Levy.
      "I was looking for this everywhere! Thanks Juvia!" Levy replied and hugged the book.
      "You dropped it on your way home to get ready. I decided to give it to you while on the train. I read some of it in the meantime," Levy smiled.
      "You're welcome to borrow any book anytime," Levy said and smiled, and the water mage smiled back.

      Hours passed, and the Fairy Tail members drifted off to sleep to the sound of the train rattling on the tracks.
      Erza was awake though. She watched her friends sleep peacefully.
      Wendy's head was rested against the window, Carla slept in her lap, and Happy was rested against the sky dragonslayer's leg. Juvia had her head rested on Gray's shoulder, while his head rested on hers. Levy was sleeping on Gajeel's chest, Pantherlily in her lap. Gajeel's arm was wrapped around the bookworm. Erza smiled sweetly.
      "Can't sleep?" A hooded figure asked.
      "No. My friend has been poisoned with an almost incurable deadly poison, and the only cure is the rarest plant in the entire world. How can I Jellal?" Erza replied. Jellal smiled from beneath the shadow of his hood.
      "I could lend you my assistance," Jellal suggested. Erza turned him.
      "Oh no, you don't have to. Besides, you probably have things you already need to do." Erza said.
      "Well, actually I don't. I was just heading back to where the rest of the Oracion Seis is located. I was actually not supposed to return for another week or so, so it wouldn't make a difference," Jellal replied.
      "Okay, you can help," Erza sighed and smiled, then filled him in on everything he needed to know.

      "Next stop, Eclipseron Station," The speaker system rang out through all the cars of the train. The Fairy Tail wizards woke up.
      Wendy rubbed her eyes and stretched. Carla, who was still sleeping, started to slide off her lap, but Happy caught her.
      "Oh, sorry Carla." Wendy apologized, and Carla just nodded.
      Pantherlily had woken up, and was sitting next to the bookworm and iron dragonslayer. He chuckled.
      Levy rubbed her eyes. Then Gajeel, who was still asleep, pulled her closer to him. She blushed and tried to get away, but to no avail.
      Gajeel woke up to Levy squirming to break free from his grasp. He chuckled and loosened his grip just a However, he did not expect Levy to break free. She did though, and hit him in the face with her bag.
      Gray woke up to all the commotion. He felt someone's head on his shoulder, and turned to see Juvia.
      'She's cute when she sleeps.' Gray thought, then blushed and mentally slapped himself for thinking that.
      Juvia slowly woke up. Once she did, she hugged Gray. Well, more like squeezed him. Everyone sweat-dropped, then looked over to see that Erza was not there.
      They looked over to see the requip mage in another row, asleep on a hooded figure's shoulder. Everyone chucked, knowing full well who it was.
      Erza and Jellal woke up with a start to see all their friends snickering at them. Erza started to stutter when she cleared her throat.
      "I'm sure you already know who this is. He will be joining us," Erza said, not even saying Jellal's name in case there were spies of the magic council. Everyone nodded and soon, they arrived at Eclipseron.
      "Let's find the Eclipse Flower," Gray started.
      "And save Lucy, " Levy finished.


      Natsu jolted awake, only to see Lucy, screaming in pain. The morning light signaled it was the second day.
      The fire dragonslayer sat beside Lucy and held her. Lucy cried into Natsu's shoulder as she gripped his arm, her hands turning white. However, the pain suddenly left and she slumped down, exhausted.
      "It has begun," A voice said behind the two. They turned to see Porlyusica. Natsu looked down and held Lucy tighter.
      "B-Begun? What has begun?" Lucy asked, still shaken up and confused on what happened a moment ago.
      The sound of footsteps interrupted the three. Mira, Elfman, and Lisanna burst into the room.
      "We heard screaming. We came to check if everything was okay, and if we could do anything to help," Lisanna slightly shouted.
      "Go get these supplies from my place. Also, get these berries and herbs from the forest. They might help," Porlyusica said and handed the Straus siblings a list and a picture of each plant.
      "Yeah! Berry picking us the man!" Elfman shouted as he and his sisters went to go get what they needed.
      "Help? What is going on?" Lucy asked, clearly concerned. Porlyusica sighed.
      "You've been poisoned," She said.
      "P-Poisoned?" Lucy gasped. Porlyusica nodded. Natsu's head dropped, resting on the side of Lucy's head.
      The celestial wizard took a deep breath and asked in a shaky voice, "What have I been poisoned with?"
      "Nycarion," Porlyusica answered. Lucy gasped and brought her hand to her mouth. Natsu lifted his head up and looked at her in confusion.
      Porlyusica noticed both of their expressions. "I see by your expression that you are familiar with this poison." Lucy nodded.
      "Yes, I know about Nycarion. I learned about it on a job I took not too long ago. I needed to fi..." Lucy suddenly stopped and her eyes widened. The black, yellow, and purple veins on her body started to pulse and glow.
      Then, Lucy screamed in agony. Porlyusica shouted at Natsu to move out of the way, and he did. Once Natsu let go, Lucy fell backwards on the bed, and her back arched.
      Suddenly, yellow glowing particles and tiny stars started to surround her body, forming a layer of magic.
      "It has reached her magic. WHERE ARE THOSE DAMN KIDS?!" Porlyusica shouted in a panic.
      "RIGHT HERE!" A voice shouted back. Porlyusica and Natsu turned to see the Straus siblings burst through the doors, each with a basket in their hands.
      Porlyusica rushed over and grabbed the baskets from their hands. She quickly glanced inside the basket to see if everything was there, then got to work.
      "You two, I need you to help me! The rest of you, OUT!" Porlyusica shouted, and Elfman and Natsu were pushed out of the infirmary. The door slammed in their faces.

      Meanwhile, in a dark cell, dimly lit by a torch, Kyle sat on the cold floor. Screams echoed throughout the cell. The boy smiled darkly and chuckled.
      "You think that's funny?" Kyle jumped and turned to see a dark figure standing outside of the cell, leaning against the opening that led to the upstairs.
      The figure spoke again, moving closer to the cell bars. "You think someone else's pain is a joke?" The figure came into the light of the torch, revealing Natsu.
      "You!" Kyle gasped and tried to move back and out it reach of the angered fire dragonslayer, but he was not fast enough. Natsu grabbed him by his collar.
      "Your mistake was hurting Lucy," Natsu growled. Kyle turned his head and noticed many more figures coming out of the shadows.
      "By hurting one of guild members, you have made an enemy of Fairy Tail!" Master Makarov shouted as he and most of the members of Fairy Tail came out of the shadows. They all stood behind Natsu, hate shining in their eyes.
      Kyle squirmed around in Natsu's grasp until the fire dragonslayer let go.
      The Fairy Tail members gave Kyle one last glare before heading up stairs that led out of the room with the cell and onto the main floor of the guild hall.
      Natsu trailed behind them, but turned around one last time. He sent a dark glare to Kyle, who quickly backed into the corner in fear.
      Then, Natsu disappeared up the stairs. Kyle sighed in relief.
      A scream, one of agonizing pain, rang out throughout his cell. Kyle's head bent down, and his hair went over his eyes. A small smile crept up on his face.

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