Chapter three Gruvia-I'm sorry

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Hello everyone I'm actually updating a story!!! So yes I'm alive and I'm doing okay and I came up this story idea this morning so it's probably gonna suck

Disclaimer-I don't own Fairy Tail and never will


"Why were you with him?!" Gray screamed at his girlfriend.

"That is none of your business!" Juvia screamed right back to him.

"Hell yeah it's my business why the hell were you hanging out with Lyon?!"

"Can't juvia do anything without your permission?!" Juvia screamed her eyes filling with tears.

"What are you talking about?" Gray asked confused.

"If you really loved Juvia you would trust her!" Juvia screamed in rage with a tear falling down her face.

"Juvia I do love you!"

"I don't wanna hear it!" After those words left her mouth she left slamming the door.

Gray was surprised by how she talked in first person, and more surprised by how she just left.

He sighed and sat in the chair that was by the window. The two of them have been dating for two years and never had a fight like that. Gray was honestly nervous about what could happen between them.

Gray was still thinking about away to apologize when the sound of a woman's scream and a loud crash startled him.

Gray suddenly felt sick to his stomach. He brought his shaky hand to the curtains of his window and pulled them. What he saw was something he wished he didn't see. His girlfriend was lying unconscious in the middle of the road with a car right beside her.

Gray rushed downstairs at the speed of light and finally arrived to the scene. He could already hear the sirens, alerting that help was about to arrive.

Gray pushed through all the people and finally arrived to his girlfriend, she was unconscious and bleeding from her head. He collapsed to the ground hard on his knees and started to cry.

The paramedics arrived and gently put Juvia into the ambulance. Gray walked to the ambulance, his eyes were red from his tears. He was stopped by one of the paramedics.

"Sorry sir but only family is allowed with the patient."

"I'm her boyfriend please just let me be with her." Gray said trying to hold back more tears.

The paramedic surprisingly understood and allowed him to board the ambulance. Gray's eyes drifted to Juvia's as he watched her cheast move up and down. He couldn't believe what had happened, all he could ask was why. Why couldn't it have been him instead?

After they arrived at the hospital they took Juvia off to emergency treatment and told Gray to wait in the waiting room. Gray reluctantly agreed and was sitting and just well waiting.

Ten minutes later

"Gray!" Natsu screamed as he busted through the doors if the hospital.

"Where is she?" Lucy asked with teary eyes.

"She's in emergency treatment I haven't heard anything from them on Juvia's condition." Gray said his voice shaky the entire time.

"Erza and Jellal should be here any minute they said that traffic was pretty bad." Natsu commented.

"Funny how could be so busy at midnight." Gray muttered bitterly.

"Gray please don't be mad it's not anyones fault that this happened." Lucy said trying to calm Gray down but it ultimately failed.

"To hell with that, it is someones fault and that someone is me! If I didn't get so jealous about Juvia hanging out with Lyon then this wouldn't have happened! Juvia would still be unharmed and safe and none of us would even be here!" Gray screamed at the top of his lungs with tears rolling down his face.

Everyone stayed quite after his outburst. After a couple of more minutes of silence Erza and Jellal finally arrived with Gajeel and Levy.

"Just so you know ice boy I'm not blaming you for any of this." Gajeel stated as he took a seat. Erza gave Gray a comforting hug and assured him Juvia was going to be fine. While Jellal gave him a bottle of water. Gray gratefully took the bottle and took a sip. Levy gave Gray a reassuring smile and took a seat right next to Gajeel.

Everyone just sat there in complete silence just waiting for an update on her condition. When finally a doctor walked out.

"Is Mr Fullbuster here?" He asked scanning through all the faces in the room.

"Right here." Gray said nervously. He was terrified at what the doctor was about to tell.

"Please come with me." The doctor replied calmly as he led Gray through countless hallways until they finally reached a room.

"She's alive Mr Fullbuster and it's a miracle she is, if she had gotten here any later she would have been a goner." Gray nodded at what doctor said feeling slightly relived that she was alive.

"Her condition is stable, but she is in a coma." The doctor said sadly looking at Gray.

Gray couldn't take it anymore and he collapsed to the floor and started bawling. He let out all of the pain he was feeling right in front of the doctor. After a few minutes he finally managed to calm and then the doctor said something that oddly made him feel a little bit better.

"I almost lost my wife when she gave birth to our daughter. She was actually in a coma for about a week. To be honest I thought I was going to lose her but then suddenly she opened her eyes! Mr Fullbuster the reason I told you about my wife is because anything can happen and I bet that your girlfriend will be okay."
The doctor gave a small smile and left.

After the doctor left a young nurse opened the door to the room and said.

"Are you Mr Fullbuster?"

"Yes I am"

"Would you like to see her?"


The nurse allowed him to enter the room and inside was Juvia. She had bandages wrapped around head and her arms. She also had a cast on her leg and an oxygen mask on her face.

Gray slowly walked up to her bed and touched her face. She was warm surprisingly. The nurse had already left the room so Gray could have some privacy with her.

"I'm so sorry Juvia." Gray whispered as he wrapped his hand around hers and just sat there and cried.

Three months later

Gray walked through the far to familiar hallways carrying blue roses in his hands as he went to his loves room.

He opened the door and was greeted by Natsu and Lucy had just got done visiting with Juvia and left to let Gray have some alone time with her.

Gray took the wilted flowers out of the vase and replaced them with the fresh new ones. He sat in the chair right beside Juvia's bed and took her hand.

"I'm back Juvia." He sighed.

He stayed like this for about ten minutes when suddenly he felt movement. He jumped from the feeling and realized Juvia hand was moving! He looked at her face and saw her eyes flutter open!


"Gray-Sama?" After his name left her mouth she started to look around.

"Where is Juvia?" She asked but instead of an answer she had Gray pulling her into a hug.

"Gray-Sama?" Juvia asked curiously.

"I was so scared that you wouldn't wake up." Gray whispered as she kissed her cheek. She could feel his tears and was shocked.

"Gray-Sama what happened? All Juvia remembers was getting in a big fight with you and then extreme pain."

"Y-You were hit by a car as you were crossing the street." Gray stated as he pulled away from Juvia and looked down at the floor with guilt.

"I am so sorry Juvia it's all my fault that this happened to you, if hadn't gotten so jealous about you hanging around Lyon then none of this would have happened." Juvia frowned at what Gray said and took his hand into hers.

"This is not at all Gray-Sama's fault, Juvia should have looked both ways before crossing the street and she also shouldn't have overreacted about your jealously."

"Juvia if anyone over reacted it was me I should have trusted you." Juvia was quite for a few minutes and the asked.

"Gray-Sama how long has Juvia been unconscious?"

"About three months."

"Three months!" Juvia screamed Surprised.

"What's with all the screaming? " A nurse said as she busted through the door and then gasped when she saw Juvia.

"Doctor Miss Juvia is awake!" She yelled running out trying to find the doctor.

"Everyone's so surprised about Juvia being awake." Juvia said giggling a little.

"Yeah that's because everyone's been worried sick about you." Gray said as he captured her lips with his.

"Oh by the way what were you doing with Lyon?" He asked as he separated from the kiss.

"I was looking a birthday present for you and I needed a little help." Juvia said laughing at the face Gray.

"Did you find anything?" Gray asked laughing a little too.

"Yes actually I did but your going to have to wait for another week until you get to see it!" Juvia said as she pointed at the calendar on the wall.

"Yeah I guess you're right." Gray said sighing as he saw his birthday was in a week. Silly girl if you get out of this hospital that would be the best gift I have ever received. Gray thought to himself with a smile.

"Juvia I'm sorry for all of this."

"Silly there's nothing that you need to be sorry about!" Juvia said with a smile that made Gray's heart melt.

"Thank you Juvia for staying with me"


The end!

Yeah I know this really sucks and was pretty cheesy too but I hope you enjoyed!

If you have any request please just comment what couple I should write about next!

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