Jerza-An Unexpected Meeting

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Hello everyone here's another one shot! This one is of Jerza!!! Jerza is love Jerza is life 😭😭😭😭

Oh and this book has over 6k views!!! Thank you so much for reading these one shots 😊

Rating-PG-13/ Sorta R rated (it gets kind of steamy)

Disclaimer-You already know how this goes


-Erza's POV-

Something humiliating happened today. So our Master decided to let our guild go on a vacation. You know to reward us for not destroying a town for an entire month! So he found us a nice five star beach house to relax at for an entire week!

He said it wasn't too​ expensive but I doubt that. Anyways, we arrived to the beach house and it was as beautiful as expected. But, there was a surprise waiting for us. Well, me at least.

The lone guild Crime Sorciere was there! Now they said it was for important business but I highly doubt that. I have a feeling that Ultear and Meredy talked Jellal into staying at a relaxing place for just a short amount of time.

Anyways, I panicked as soon as I saw Jellal. Yes I know it's stupid to freak out over seeing a childhood friend, but I don't know if you know this but I'm sort of in love with him. I know it's crazy and my guild mates have no clue so I can't bother them over it. So I have no idea what to do.


-Third POV-

"Woo hoo we're finally here!!!" Natsu screamed with joy.

"Natsu do you have yell so loud?" Lucy grounded as she rubbed her pounding.

"Yeah flame brain Juvia's asleep and could have woke her!" Gray glared at Natsu.

"What was that ice panties?!" Natsu shot back not lowering his volume.

"Didn't your girlfriend tell you to quiet down pyro freak! You better shut up or you'll wake Juvia or someone else!" Gray growled.

"Um Gray-Sama Juvia is already awake. No need for you to fight with Natsu-san at the." Juvia said nervously but Gray didn't hear her.

"I'll kick your ass, ash for brains!"

"I'd like to see you try snow cone!"

"Both of you knock it off!" Erza scolded smashing the two idiots skulls together.

"Alright everyone let's go!" Erza ordered as she hopped off the bus. (Pretend that's a thing in Fairy Tail)

They entered the beach house lobby and were heading to the front desk. They were about to gather there room key but stop at the sound of familiar voices.

"Oh come on! The buffet is probably delicious and we have plenty of time to spare!" Whined an adorable pink haired girl.

"She's right." Agreed a beautiful woman with raven hair.

"No, we came here for important business and we must focus on the matter at hand!" Said a handsome blue haired man. His facial expression showed seriousness and determination.

"J-Jellal?!" Blushed Erza as she layed her eyes on the man she was in love with. It's been months since the last time the two encountered on another.

Jellal heard his name being spoken and he turned around. His eyes met her brown ones and he froze. "Hey what's the problem?" Asked Meredy looking back. "Oh I see." She snickered. "Yeah it's his future wife." Ultear smirked.

"She's not my wife!" Jellal blurted out embarrassed.

"Hey we said future wife." The two corrected him with a sly smirk.

"Hello Meredy!" Juvia smiled hugging her friend.

"Hey Juvia how have you been?" Meredy asked.

"Juvia's been great! Gray-Sama took Juvia to a lovely restaurant just last week!" She swooned over her beloved. Meredy giggled nervously but she was happy for her friend.

"Hey Gray so I see you got with the water mage huh?" Ultear smirked as she patted Gray in the back.

"W-What are you talking about?!" He blushed furiously.

Ultear simply laughed while Gray's blushed continued to get darker.

"U-Uh hey there." Erza waved awkwardly.

"H-Hey your self." Jellal responded even more awkwardly.

Mirajane facepalmed at there pathetic excuse for a conversation and sighed. 'Seems like I'm gonna have to step in.' She thought as she prepared her plan.

She casually walked behind Erza and pushed her forward. This caused her to land on top of Jellal. Now this wouldn't have been that embarrassing but, Erza's breasts​ landed on top on his face. Nearly suffocating him. Mira giggled mischievously at the success of the plan. Ultear and Meredy busted out laughing and Jellal struggled to breathe.

Erza blushed furiously. She quickly jumped off of Jellal's face. "I-I'm sorry!" She screamed and quickly ran away. She ran outside of the lobby, onto the beach. 'That didn't just happen, that did not just happen!' She screamed internally as she continued to run.

She finally made it to an empty dock and fell to her knees. "It was the first time I've seen him in months and that's the first thing that happens." She sighed.

End of flashback

-Erza POV-

I can't believe Mira did that!

I can't believe I let it happen!

I feel like a fool and a pervert. It seemed as though I wanted to put my chest in his face! I hope he knows it was just an accident. A really embarrassing accident...

I sighed as I watched the waves crash along the shoreline. I could see the outline of fish swimming in the waters. I sighed once again. "I wonder if fish ever feel embarrassed?" I said aloud. I was so lost in thought, I didn't realize someone had appeared behind me.

"Who knows? They're pretty neat creatures, you have no idea what's going on in that head of theirs." The voice said. I whipped my head around and met the eyes of the last person I wanted to see. There Jellal stood, his hands in his pocket with that stupid handsome look on his face.

"W-What are y-you doing h-here?" I asked hiding my flushed face.

"Well after you ran off, I got worried and had to know where you went." He muttered slightly red. Is he embarrassed?

"I-I'm so sorry about what happened. He was an accident I never intended to do something that inappropriate and vulgar to you!" I nearly shouted hoping this day would just end already.

"It's alright Erza there's no need for you to be embarrassed. I saw that it was Mira that pushed you into me, and even if you did do it on purpose I wouldn't have been mad." He blushed sitting next to me. I blushed madly at his words.

"You wouldn't have been mad?" I asked.

"Wait d-did I actually s-say that out loud?!" He panicked​.

"Yes." I said shyly.

"Oh well, l-let's just pretend that didn't happen okay?"

"Alright." I agreed. Thank goodness that's over with!

We sat in awkward silence as the waves swooshed around.

"So uh what are you and your guild mates doing here?" I asked trying to create small talk.

"Well, Meredy and Ultear have both been complaining about me overworking them recently. So, I sort of tricked them into another mission here at this beach house resort thing.

I told them that we would be going to a relaxing place, but as soon as we arrived I announced we are searching for a possible hidden dark guild." He stated snickering slightly. I'm guessing he was imagining the looks of disappointment on the girls faces. I almost feel bad, but it is work before play.

"Wait! Did you say there could be a possible dark guild on the premises?!" I asked slightly worried. This isn't good, if there's a dark guild here the vacationers lives could be endanger!

"Yes, unfortunately I've sensed dark magic in this area for about a month. I've also noticed that the prices for a stay have dropped. I believe they're trying to lure innocent people, who want a good deal, for some sort of ritual or sacrifice." He frowned.

"Well that'll explain why the master said it was cheap. They may be trying to lure wizards. Do you think the magicless guest are in any danger?" He asked with a serious expression.

"I'm not sure but anyone with magic is definitely in the most danger. They'll probably use the innocent guest as hostages of some sort." He responded.

"We must keep a close eye on the staff and even the guest. For all we know they could be disguising themselves as simple guest." I stated as I stood up and dusted my skirt.

"You're right. What number are you and you're guild staying at?" He asked also standing up.

"Beach house number five." I answered. "Natsu,Gray,Lucy,Juvia,Wendy,and I are the ones staying in it." I continued.

"Alright I'm at house number 3 so we aren't to far from one another." He said with slight relief.

"Yeah well I better get going. The sun is starting to set." I said as I began to walk away.

"Wait Erza!" He stopped me by grabbing my hand.

"Please just be careful." He said.

"I will, don't worry." I reassured.

I feel as though he knows more about these people and he doesn't want to tell me. Is he afraid it will scare me?

Timeskip to midnight

-Third POV-

It was now midnight and darkness had engulfed the world. Everyone layed peacefully asleep except Erza. She couldn't fall asleep because her mind continued to race with unanswered questions. She layed staring at the unfamiliar ceiling and sighed.

"Damn it, if I was back home I would have been​ asleep in no time." She muttered annoyed at her inability to sleep. Erza was a heavy sleeper and cherished every minute of it. It was normally very easy for her to sleep and difficult for her to wake. Unless there was an enemy invasion or attack then she'd bounce into action immediately!

"Erza are you still awake?" Asked a groggy Lucy. 'Shit, I woke her up!' Erza cursed mentally.

"Uh no Lucy this is uh all just a dream." Erza nervously said.

Luckily Lucy was barely awake so she fell right back to sleep.

Erza attempted to sleep once more but she kept seeing Jellal in her mind. She thought of him placing his lips upon her own. The feeling of his warm fingers touching her soft skin. She shook the thoughts away with a blush and decided she wouldn't be falling to sleep anytime soon.

"I suppose going on a midnight stroll may tire me out." She whispered to her as she put on some more appropriate but comfortable clothes. She removed her red tank top and short shorts and put on a simple button up top ,and a pair of sweatpants. She grabbed a pair of flips flops and left the room as quietly as possible.

The air outside was nice and cool as it lightly blew Erza's hair. She let out a sigh of bliss. This weather is so peaceful. The wind isn't to hard nor cold and it's quite as well. She thought to herself.

Unfortunately she sensed an unknown presence. This presence had a dark sensation and aura to it. Could this be who Jellal was talking about? Erza thought as she summoned herelf a suit of armor and a sword. "Who's there?!" She yelled prepared for an attack.

"Well well you are quite impressive Ms. Titania I'm impressed you were able to sense me so quickly." A voice of a male said. Then a shadowy figure waltz out from behind an oak tree. Erza quickly faced him. Sending him an intense death glare. She was not going to be intemidated by this man.

"Who the hell are you? Answer or else I shall kill you instantly!" Erza threatened pointing the tip of her blade at the man.

"Ooh you truly are terrifying Erza Scarlet. I am the owner of this resort, as well as the leader of a dark guild. I'm here to kill you, members of Fairy Tail." He stated with a devilish smirk. He then began to step closer.

"Just why the hell would you tell me such critical information? You just revealed your goal to me, so now I can try and prevent it." Erza said as she charged at the man.

The man swiftly dodged the blade without​ receiving a single scratch! Erza then successfully kicked him in the stomach. I got him! She thought victoriously as she swung her blade to his arm. I can't kill him so I'll force him to beg for mercy. She thought.

Then the man grabbed the tip of her sword with his bare hand! "What the?" Erza gasped trying to pull her sword away. "Heh heh silly girl. It seems the great Titania doesn't have much of a brain or she's just very arrogant!" The man laughed hysterically. He grabbed Erza's wrist and flipped her over.

She landed roughly on her back and the air got knocked out of her! She gasped for air as he stood above her. Damn it! This is bad! I have to do something or else I'm screwed! Erza thought in a panic. "Maybe if you surrender I'll let you live." The man said in an almost soft tone. Erza glared at him with disgust. "I would never surrender in a battle. I'd rather die then do something as humiliating as that!" Erza screamed and she kicked him where the sun don't shine.

The man instantly collapsed on to the ground holding his uh thingy and groaned with pain. "I didn't think you'd resort to such a low technique." He grunted.

"Whatever works. As long as I don't have to surrender to a pathetic man like you, I'll do whatever's necessary." Erza stated as she took in a deep breath. Having that man stand above me, was one of the most disgusting feelings that I have ever felt. She thought in disgust.

"Do you really think you could defeat me that easily? You truly are a fool Ms. Erza Scarlet!" He screamed charging at Erza. Erza put her arms in front of her as a defensive technique. This is gonna hurt like a bitch! Erza prepared herself for the on coming pain, but it never came. She felt nothing. She opened her eyes and saw tall figure standing in front of her. His back was facing her but she could instantly tell who it was.

"Jellal?" Erza said confused. What is he doing here? She asked herself. Jellal sent a punch directly at the man's face and sent him flying. He then turned to Erza. "Erza are you alright?" He asked with concern in his eyes. Erza held back her blush. "Y-Yes I'm fine. Thank you for blocking that attack for me." She said. Jellal nodded his head in response. "It was nothing. Anyways, we need to take care of this guy." He said seriously as he glared at their opponent.

"Wait why are you here Jellal?" She asked.

"I sensed a dark presence here and came to check it out but I guess you sensed it sooner." He answered.

"Actually I was out taking a walk and this guy was planning on attacking me. Luckily I was able to sense him then and prevent anything worse from happening. This guy said that he was the owner of the resort and the leader of a dark guild. I'm guessing he was the one you were talking about?" Erza said.

"Yes he is. He has been attacking mages who seem vulnerable at around midnight and takes them to his office. His office is actually has a magic extracting machine in it. He has half of the power he needs to create a magic bomb. He plans to destroy the capital. Aren't I right Alexander?" Jellal yelled at the man know as Alexander. He smirked.

"My my Jellal Fernandez, I should have known you would show up here eventually. I was to preoccupied on the Fairy Tail guild that I didn't notice you and your own guild check into my lovely resort." He grinned stepping closer.

"That is a lie. This resort never belonged to you. You killed the original owner,who was an innocent old man, and have been masquerading as his son for about a month. The majority of the employees here are being held hostage and are forced to commit punishable crimes due to your sick plan!" Jellal said as he stepped closer as well.

"I'm curious as to how you obtained so much information on me Mr. Fernandez. Would you like to explain?" Alexander asked still with a smile.

"Not particularly. Let's just say I've been interrigating "your" employees. Luckily they weren't very loyal and they answered quickly." Jellal answered as he prepared to attack.

Erza was stunned at how brave and well awesome Jellal was! She always knew he was strong and not stupid. But, he was intelligent enough to gather all of this information within only a couple days! She felt proud that she was in love with a man as amazing as Jellal.

"Erza I want you to stay back for now. This guy has a bomb styled magic and I'm going to Meteor to dodge his attacks." Jellal whispered to Erza. Erza nodded her head. "Okay. Just please be careful." She said.

"I will." He answered as he activated his spell. He swiftly dodged all on coming attacks and landed a critical hit on Alexander. (I'm way to lazy to write out the full fight 😛)

"Damn it!" Alexander hissed as he fell to the ground. He then slipped into unconsciousness.

Jellal panted as he deactivated all of his spells and collapsed to the ground. He was quickly caught by Erza as she held his head in her lap.

"Are you okay?" She asked as she brushed strands of his hair out of his face. He blushed as he felt her fingertips brush against his skin. "Y-Yeah I'll be fine. I just need some rest." He sighed as he leaned his head further into he lap. "I'm glad you're alright. I don't know what I would have done If you'd got hurt." She stated with a bittersweet smile.

He then gripped her hand. He gave her a small smile. "I honestly don't know why you worry about me. But, I'm glad you do. I'm glad that I can always count on you to be there for me. Even if I don't deserve it." Jellal said. Erza blushed at his words.

"Don't say you don't deserve it Jellal. I love you just the way you are." Erza smiled but then realized what she had just said. Oh my God!!! I just said I loved him!!! What the fuck is wrong with me?! She was panicking on the inside and out. She had no idea what to do.

Jellal's face was bright red and he was confused. Did she just say she loved me? He asked himself as he stared at her. She had covered her face with her hands and way shaking her head.

"I-I'm so sorry! I-I d-didn't know what I was saying!! Please forgiv-" She couldn't finish her sentence we he had leaned up placed a kiss on her forehead.

"Erza I-I love you as well. So please don't feel ashamed." He blushed as he turned away. Erza touched her forehead and her blush now matched her hair. She then grabbed his face and crashed her lips onto hers. Jellal had no time to deny this kiss. Instead of pushing her away (like last time 😑) he returned the kiss.

He took in the strawberry flavor of her lips and the soft and gentle texture they had. They dived into the long awaited kiss and ignored the world around them. All that mattered was that they had each other and they could finally express their love for one another.

Jellal then felt a sudden bolt of confidence and licked the bottom of her lips​. She gasped and realized this as a way of asking for permission. She gratefully allowed him entry and the two battled for dominance. Jellal eventually won and pinned her lightly on the ground.

Jellal hungrily explored her mouth  with his tongue. He began to feel more and more lust for the woman beneath him as he brushed his tongue against her own. The feeling was weird and unusual at first but then began to feel pleasurable.

The twos faces were unimaginably red. Not just from embarrassment but also from the lack of oxygen.

They only pulled away for a few seconds and would instantly kiss once more. Jellal pulled away from her lips, leaving a small strand of saliva. This caused Erza to pout, she wanted to feel him again and the separation of contact made her unimaginably upset

He then then surprised her by kissing her neck. She felt his warm breath and his warm lips made contact with her creamy skin as he lightly nipped at her neck. He kissed a certain spot on her neck which caused Erza to let out a soft moan. This sound was music to Jellal's ears.

He smirked and continued to place his lips there. She wanted him the bite her there, but he teased her. He only lightly brushed his mouth against it. She grunted slightly and he chuckled. He then lightly bit the patch of skin. He kissed and left bite marks all over her neck.

He did this as a way to warn other men. He did not want any man looking at Erza with lust in their eyes, except for him. He felt suddenly possessive over her. So he continued to mark her neck with his teeth. Erza was moaning and gasping as he continued to kiss her neck and ran his hands along her body.

His hands brushed along her hips, waist,thighs,legs and breasts. He fingers were gentle as the traced her curves and delicately rubbed certain areas.

Erza felt like she was in heaven. Finally! She thought in bliss as she twirled her fingers threw his hair and let out another light moan as he rubbed her breast.

Jellal was about to play with the buttons of her top but he heard the sound of footsteps. Figures! He thought annoyed and let out an irritated growl.

"What is it?" Erza asked panting slightly.

"Footsteps." He said as he helped her up.

Erza frowned as the footsteps got louder. The figures then came into their line of vision. They revealed themselves as Meredy and Ultear.

"Hey Jellal are you guys okay?" Meredy asked as they were now face to face.

"Yeah, we're fine." Jellal said slightly annoyed.

Ultear could sense that Jellal was disappointed about something, and she also noticed that Erza was trying to hide her neck and had a red face. She then smirked​. So that's what you two were doing after your victory She thought as she patted Jellal on the shoulder.

"Don't be to upset Jellal. You've got plenty of time for that. Meredy and I extended our stay for two weeks. You can have your fun with Erza later." She giggled as Jellal and Erza blushed furiously.

"W-What are you talking about?" Erza asked trying to seem innocent.

Meredy also blushed at Ultears comment. "J-Jellal I had no idea you would do something so naughty!" Meredy said.

"Sh-shut up Meredy! Don't act like you've never done anything risque with that Lamia Scale boy!" He shouted embarrassed.

"Shut the hell up!!!" She squealed with embarrassment as she hid behind Ultear.

Ultear chuckled at her red faced friends.

Oh how they grow up so fast.

Chapter End

It seems like the more one shots I write, the closer they get to a lemon. So don't be surprised if soon I write one XD

I hope you enjoyed 😘

If you have any requests please comment them they and I will write them as soon as possible 😉

Don't forget to vote, comment,and share ❤ 👍

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