Jerza-Missing Him

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Woot woot first story update of the year!!! Let's make bets on how many times I'll actually update I bet five times 😂 just kidding I hope 😓

Anyways I hope everyone's having a happy new year and all well Trump's are president so yeah fun times 😓

Oh and thank you for getting this story 1.14k views!!! It really means a lot knowing that people continue to read my writing 😳

Well I hope you enjoy this chapter💜💜💜

Disclaimer-I don't own Fairy Tail or any of its characters


It was just like any other day in the guild for Erza. Natsu and Gray were fighting, as per usually. Lucy was chatting with Levy. Mira was tending to the bar and Elfman was chanting about being a man. Yup just a normal day at the guild.

Erza stared out the window at the guild (wait does the guild even have windows? Let's just say they do XD)
In deep thought ignoring the usual chaos in the guild. Her chin rested in the palm of hand as she sighed. "I'm such an idiot." "Why are you an idiot Erza-san?" The beautiful but strange blue haired water mage Juvia asked her scarlet haired friend.

"Juvia don't sneak up on me like that, are you trying to give me a damn heart attack?!" Erza yelled waving her arms in the air frantically. "J-Juvia's sorry, it's just she thought you looked a bit under the weather and wanted to help cheer you up." Juvia smiled a slightly sad and concerning smile to her guild mate. "It's nothing to concern yourself over Juvia, trust me everything is alright." Erza calmly replied.

"No Erza-san is not alright!" Juvia sternly stated, surprising Erza who remained silent.

"I'm sorry for shouting but I can not allow you do go wondering around all gloomy like I used too!" Juvia raised her voice even more, her body shaking from the raging emotions spiraling inside of her.

Erza's jaw now dropped due to the shock of Juvia speaking in first person. But she still remained silent and allowed her to speak her thoughts.

"Erza-san has been acting very strange because she hasn't stopped the fighting between Natsu-san and Gray-Sama, nor have you eaten a slice of strawberry shortcake at all today! It's just so unErza-san like, so please tell Juvia what is troubling your thoughts Erza-san!" Juvia screamed drawing attention from the other guild mates. Erza finally spoke up. "I'll tell you back at Fairy Hills." She muttered only loud enough for Juvia to hear. Juvia nodded her head in response and they both made their way to Fairy Hills.

Timeskip to Fairy Hills

"Juvia sees, so that's why Erza-san has been so depressed." Juvia spoke still comprehending what her friend just told her.

"Yeah, Juvia I'm so sorry for making you worry about me, I know that you probably wouldn't understand so I'm sorry for getting you involved." Erza looked at her feet in silence.

"No Erza-san Juvia does understand, she understands love problems, sure they aren't the same problems you're experiencing "Erza-san but I do know how much love can hurt." Juvia gave a sad but reassuring smile then continued.

"Juvia Juvia just wishes that Gray-Sama would acknowledge her and feel the same as she does and Erza-san wishes that Jellal-san would forgive himself and be with you. We both share at least one thing in common it's that-"

"The two boys we love are complete idiots?" Erza interrupted smiling slightly.

"Yeah." Juvia smiled back. "Trust me Erza-san Jellal-san will eventually be with you, I promise!" Juvia gave a big smile and hugged Erza. "Yeah maybe he will." Erza whispered.

Timeskip to around midnight

It's been hours since Juvia's left and everyone was asleep. Except for Erza. She was laying in her bed staring up at the dark ceiling.

"I'm doing it again." She sighed and turned in to her side. Her thoughts for Jellal have gotten more frequent recently. She just couldn't get him out of her head! All she could think about was his gentle voice,his hazel eyes,his red tattoo,and most of all his smile. "I'm losing my mind!" She screamed into her pillow. But her screaming fit was put to a halt due to a certain somebody crashing through her window.

"What the hell?!" Erza screamed and immediately stood up into a fighting position and summoned her self a sword. "Ow, damn that stupid Sawyer for throwing me through a freaking window!" The voice of a young man growled extremely irritated.

"Wait I recognize that voice, Jellal?!" Erza dropped her sword out of shock as the figure stood up revealing his blue hair and red tattoo in the darkened room.

"Erza." He simply stated as he stared at her. He noticed that she was some how even more beautiful then the last time they had seen each other!

"Jellal why are you here?! Shouldn't you be out destroying Dark Guilds or something?!" Erza said trying to get some information out of the extremely handsome man standing before her.

"Erza I was told you seemed unhappy and I wanted to see for myself." He said straightforward looking at Erza right in her brown eyes. "W-Who told you that?" Erza embarrassingly asked. She couldn't believe she allowed such information to get out especially to Jellal!

"Well I was actually told this by Meredy, who was told that by your water mage friend Juvia Locker." He said as he began to walk towards her.

Erza froze, she didn't know what to say. Was she going to lie and come up with some pathetic excuse as to why such a false rumor got out. Or was she going to fess up and tell the truth, that she needed his love right now! She decided to remain quite and looked away as he inched closer.

"Oh Scarlet." He sighed as he took a strand of her hair into his fingertips.

"If you wanted to see me all you had to do was tell me." He smiled as he stared at her flushed face.

"Wait a minute since when do you even let me see you?! Normally you're always going on about how what you've done is unforgivable but now you're teasing me for missing you!" Erza yelled confused at the entire situation.

"Wait I must be dreaming that's it, I knew this was to good to be true all I have to do is pinch myself and this will all be-" She couldn't finish her sentence when she stopped by a pair of lips covering her own. She returned the kiss and he deepend it. The two kiss one another as though there was no tomorrow.

He noted that her lips were soft, delicate,and tasted like strawberries. Why did her reject her kiss before this?! Was all he could think of at first but the he ditched those thoughts and moved his lips down to her neck.

"J-Jellal." Erza moaned slightly as her continued to feast on her neck.

"Erza I'm sorry for everything and not just for what happened in the Tower of Heaven, also for denying your feelings for so long. Erza I love you, I've loved since we were young children I was just to foolish to realize it and to ashamed to make a move on you later on."

"Jellal I love you and forgive you for everything. None of it was your doing and I believe that allows you to be forgiven."

The two gave themselves to one another through the night and they were finally able to feel fully happy.

Instead of Jellal leaving Erza he went to guild with Erza and announced her as his girlfriend.

Makarov offered him and the rest of his guild to become official members of Fairy Tail.

Jellal accepted the offer even though he knew the Magic Council would become an even bigger pain in the ass than they already were.

But it was worth it. Anything to be with Erza was worth it and now Erza was no longer missing him.


Ewww the ending is cheasy I want puke!!!!

If you have any requests please comment them and sorry for any grammar/spelling issues in the story (if there is any)

I hope you all liked it!!!

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