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As requested by tihalola who is also the creator of the amazing cover! (Or if I publish this before she gets it to me it will be up soon and I'm sure it'll be amahzing) Also bear with me please I'm trying and these may not be the best and they won't be too too long so yeah hopefully you enjoy!

~Lucy POV~

I sniffled and rolled over in my bed so I was facing the window. Natsu told me this was so amazing! Why did we take that stupid job?! It got me sick and now I'm missing the tree! I've never seen the tree bloom before and Natsu told me it only does this once a year!

I was hoping it would be romantic for me and Natsu and we could kiss underneath the rainbow tree...agh! I really need to stop thinking things like that.

I sighed and sat up with some difficulty and rubbed my forehead which wouldn't stop aching. I heard a knock at my door. "Come in," I called weakly, hearing the terrible rasp in my voice. It was getting better since Wendy had worked her healing magic on me but everything still kinda hurt.

Mira peeked in. "I was just checking in on you Lucy!" She came all the way in. "I figured you could use something sweet to cheer you up, so I brought you some homemade chocolate! I made it myself." She stated proudly.

Mira handed me a basket that smelled delicious. "Thanks so much Mira! I really appreciate it!" I said gratefully.

She let out a little giggle and smiled bright, "anytime Lucy. You're worth it! We all miss you! Especially Natsu." She winked at me and left before I could process what she'd just said.

I set the basket down on the floor and crawled over to the window and sat looking out at the city which was lit up bright now that it was getting dark.

I sighed once again and gazed out at the city. It really was quite beautiful...

Suddenly a pink head appeared outside my window. Taken by surprise, I tumbled backwards on my bed.

I sat back up and glared at Natsu. I heard his voice, muffled by the glass yelling, "Open the window Lucy! Happy can't hold me here the whole time!"

I rolled my eyes but smiled as I opened the window and Natsu carried by Happy shot in and crash landed on my bed. "What are you guys doing here?! Shouldn't you be with the other at the tree?"

Natsu untangled himself from the sheets and grinned at me, "well we couldn't see it without you! We're a team remember?!"

I smiled, getting a warm feeling. He's missing out on watching the tree just so he can be with me. He came and sat next to me by the window. "Look!" He exclaimed pointing at the tree which just peeked over the buildings in the distance.

A rainbow colored glow came up from the tree and leaves began spiraling up and away. They spread over the town and we could hear the cheers from my house. "This is amazing!" I exclaimed, "even from all the way over here!"

I crawled closer and stuck my head a little ways out the window. It was amazing! The sky was lit up with a ton of beautiful different colors and the air itself had a soft glow to it.

I leaned a littler farther out the window, leaning on my hands to stay steady. Suddenly my left hand slipped and I began to fall! I let out a little scream and heard Natsu yell my name just as he grabbed my hand and pulled me back into the room. I grabbed his shoulders and tried to calm my breathing.

"You ok?" I looked up and felt my face redden as I realized how close me and Natsu were. His eyes held nothing but concern for me. He may be an idiot sometimes but when you need it you can always count on him to save you.

I cast my eyes downwards and and murmured softly, "I'm fine."

"Lucy..." he gently wrapped his hand around my chin and tilted my chin up so I was looking into his eyes. Our faces were barely an inch apart. He closed the rest of the distance between us and pressed his lips against mine.

I was surprised at first but then I melted into the kiss. He tasted sweet and amazing and like every kiss I'd ever dreamed of us sharing put into one. And this was just one of many. I hoped.

We broke this kiss and he smiled to himself. "I've been waiting all this time to tell you. You have no idea how many times I wanted to go, 'screw it' and proclaim my love for you then and there. But I made myself wait until this night. The most beautiful night in Magnolia, to tell the most beautiful person I know that I love her."

Touched couldn't begin to describe how I felt right then. "I was always so scared you wouldn't feel the same way. But now..."

We both said it at the same time. "I love you."


Welp how was it? I think it's not too bad if I do say so myself. It's what I think should have happened that night. Also sorry it took so long I started at like 6 but I was babysitting so that happened. I needed to find the kids cuz you know food: it's kinda necessary. Anyways any requests for da next one? I was gonna do a Zervis one next but I realized it was more of a story so coming soon: Zervis fanfic!! Stay beautiful my unicorns!!!!!😘💖🦄🏊🏼

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