Fairy Tail in Wonderland - Part Two

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Like, what?  It seemed just like yesterday that I had just reached 200 views!  HOW HAD THINGS ESCALATED SO QUICKLY?!

*sigh*...anyway, thank you all so, so much for all of the reads, it is unbelievably amazing!  I apologize for any mistakes I have made, and please, continue with me on the journey throughout these one shots!

WARNING: This one shot has spoilers that is beyond the Tower of Heaven Arc.  If you are a newcomer to Fairy Tail and do not wish to read, then please disregard this one shot and read the other ones again.  And again.  And again.

Without further ado, let's go~

It didn't take you long to find the Blue Caterpillar that the flowers spoke of.  After all, heavy, thick smoke trailing from the caterpillar, and all you had to do was follow this smoke in order to find the caterpillar.

Why the heck is there so much smoke?! you thought, coughing a bit and waving your hands frantically before your face.  I hope the caterpillar hasn't suffocated yet.  Or got burned to death.

When you finally, finally got out of all the smoke, you found someone sitting atop of a mushroom.  Only, unlike you had expected, no caterpillar was in view.  Instead, a man with blue hair and a strange tattoo on his face sat on the mushroom, two of his slender fingers holding the pipe in his mouth as he blew out smoke from the pipe.  The only thing other than the pipe that was odd about him was the two antennas that poked out of his soft-looking blue hair.

(A/N: By the way, I am not encouraging smoking.  Seriously, that stuff is very bad for you...if you are doing so, please, either talk to me or someone you trust about it, because I care about all you lovely readers. <3)

You narrowed your eyes in recognition and alarm upon realizing who it was.  "Jellal," you growled his name, clenching your fists.

Jellal merely blew out a puff of blue smoke, somehow looking elegant all the meanwhile and nothing like the psychopathic maniac that blew up the council and tried to murder you and your friends.  "Who are you?" he asked calmly.

You frowned and kept your guard up--there was no telling what this man was planning.  "(Y/n)," you stated confidently.  "Perhaps you recall me as a comrade of Erza's?"

"(Y/n)?" Jellal questioned, his eyes widening a fraction as he stared at you in utter disbelief.  "Are you sure?"

"I'm pretty sure I know my own name," you spat in irritation.

Jellal's once even face contorted into that of slight fear and shock.  "You're 'The One,'" he breathed, setting his pipe of smoke down and jumping off his mushroom, seemingly fascinated in you.  "You really are."

You raised an eyebrow, crossing your arms.  "'The One'?" you asked, unimpressed.  "Everybody's been saying that lately...at least, everybody who I've met so far.  What is 'The One' and why do you believe I'm...whatever it is?"

"We've been under the rule of the Red Queen for so long that I've given up hope for you to ever arrive, (Y/n)," Jellal murmured, taking a step toward you as a soft expression overtook his face, "but you're here."

Upon seeing his gentle eyes, you couldn't help but flash him a look of reassurance, even though you had no idea why he looked so relieved.  "But I don't understand," you told him, confusion lacing your voice.  "You see, I'm not from--"

"--here," Jellal finished, cutting you off.  "Not from Wonderland.  Of course you're not...nearly all the girls of the land have been captured by the Red Queen."

"Captured?" you echoed, frowning as you recalled the words of the flowers from before.  "But...I heard that they were killed."

Jellal nodded, sighing heavily.  "They were ordered to by the Red Queen, yes," he informed you, "but, thankfully, the Knave of Hearts has been keeping the captured girls safe from the queen, secretively hiding them elsewhere and faking their deaths."

You felt relieved that those girls have been saved, but you asked, "Who's the Knave of Hearts?"

"Under strict orders, I cannot say at the moment," Jellal replied with an apologetic look.  "I'm sorry, (Y/n)."

"Orders?" you repeated incredulously.  "Don't tell me you're taking orders from this ruthless Red Queen I keep hearing about?!"

"No, never," he reassured you, shaking his head.  "She is the worst woman I have ever met in my lifetime.  No, my loyalty lies with you, (Y/n)...and with the author."

You blinked as you processed this before furiously muttering, "Of course...that stupid, cursed author..."

I can hear you, you know.

"Shut up!"

Jellal smiled at you.  "Worry not, (Y/n).  Nothing will hinder you when you stop the Red Queen from her wicked crimes, not even the author, for it is your destiny."

You stared at him.  "Pardon?"

"You are meant to strip the queen of her power," Jellal explained, waving his hand as an image, made of smoke, of you holding a sword to another woman's neck appeared in the air.  "You, (Y/n), are meant to save us all."

"I'm sorry, but I just got here," you protested, furrowing your eyebrows.  "H-how am I, someone who knows nothing of this world, supposed to stop some evil queen?  With pure luck?  I don't think so!"

"It is fate, (Y/n)," Jellal insisted.  "Please, I don't have much time.  Go to the Mad Hatter--he will take you to the White Queen, who will guide you onto the path of success."

You were completely puzzled with his instructions, especially when you remember nothing of the story relating to your scenarios.  "Wha--"

But before you could utter another word, blue smoke clouded around Jellal's form before he disappeared completely from view.  When the smoke was gone, so was he.

You muttered some colorful words under your breath as you trudged on aimlessly, grumbling about how the author should be locked in a jail forever due to insanity.

Time skip brought to you by chibi Zeref popping up

Ne, Jellal?

Jellal hummed lowly.  "What is it, Author-san?"

(Y/n) has a lot of potential, huh?

The blue-haired male chuckled as he picked up his pipe and blew blue smoke out of it.  "Yes," he agreed, "but she, herself, doesn't realize it yet."

Maybe if I tickle her more, she'll unlock her true powers.

"That's not how it works, Author-san."

Skipping through thyme~

You scratched your head in confusion as you looked around you; all of the trees looked the same to you, so you had no clue as to where you had come or where you were to go.  It seems Author-san was too lazy to grow all the trees, so she just copied and pasted them until they made up a forest.

"CURSE YOU AUTHOR!" you screeched, enraged.  "IS TORMENTING ME THAT MUCH FUN?!"

Well, if you must know, yes, I do find it quite enjoyable.


Now, now.  You're going to hurt the ears of the poor kitty in the trees.

You blinked in confusion.  "Kitty?"

Yeah, the one that's been stalking you for quite a while now.  Don't tell me you, "The One," didn't notice?

You pushed aside the author's teasing and scanned the dense trees surrounding you, squinting slightly.  You nearly jumped out of your skin when you finally saw that a pair of navy eyes were watching you from the shadows, the moon in the sky causing the eyes to gleam brighter.

You frowned when you realized that the eyes were not eerie, but, instead, quite beautiful.  The stare was not intense or sharp, but nonchalant and curious.  You didn't feel like the cat could do any harm, and since there were no others around you, you stepped toward the pair of eyes.

Cliff hanger!  Dun dun duuuunn~!!

Until next time, my lovely readers!  Stay amazing! <3 XOXO

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