Halloween Special

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How is it that when my crush from three years ago shows up, old feelings arise again?

...that's a little depressing to start with...

Hey guys!  Happy Halloween~! *spooky music*

What cool costumes have you guys dressed up as this year?  Comment what/who you were!

Also, the image above is literally me when I listen to the song...IT'S SO GOOD!

Don't worry, requests are coming soon.  I just wanted to do a Halloween one-shot before finishing the other one!

Either way, let's get to the story now~!

Gomen-ne = sorry

Daijobu = it's okay

f/c = favorite color

You stared at a crazy girl with crazed hair and a large smile on her face as she dumped the contents of a glass bottle into the large cauldron before her.  She grabbed hold of the stick and began mixing the cauldron in a slow, counterclockwise motion.

"Before long, the invisibility potion will be complete," she announced with a tiny giggle.  "Ah, this is true art!  To appreciate the utter beauty and amazement of witchcraft is a wonderful thing, don't you agree, my dear apprentice?"

You rolled your eyes and fought back the urge to snort as you nodded along.  Who knew that the legendary Witch of the Land was such a nutcase?

This was Miko, the witch of which you were learning after.  Since you'd wanted to do some kind of magic since you were a child and fairies just weren't exactly your thing (you couldn't control your wings no matter how hard you tried), you decided to be a witch.  Witches were powerful beings that made potions and cast spells that could do unbelievable things.

Of course, there was some difficulty finding a suitable witch to learn from.  Many witches were learning dark magic, something that your parents had cautioned you to stay away from.

At first, you didn't see the big deal between dark magic and light magic, but after your aunt came back to your hometown after a year of practicing dark magic, you could see the blatant effect the magic had on her outward appearance, as well as some of her inner personality.  Her once lovely skin had gone wrinkly and horns poked out of her hair, making her appear more like a reindeer with saggy skin.

You shuddered at the image and thanked whatever forced out there that you'd found Miko; after all, she may be a complete lunatic, but she practiced light magic and had been willing to teach you--

"ONE SIP AND ALL YOUR DREAMS COME TRUE," Miko declared as she scooped up some of the liquid and portioned it so that it was exactly how much the client was willing to pay for.  "Become invisible, you will!"

...but sometimes you wondered if all of this was really worth dealing with this psycho.

The client's eyes widened as he took the bottle and inspected it.  "Does it really work?"

Miko smiled at him.  "Indeed.  100% guaranteed.  But I want my money, loser."

You snorted at her words as the client grumbled before reluctantly tossing a bag of coins onto the counter.

"We agreed for more than that, don'tcha think?"

You jumped at the new voice as Matt, Miko's closest friend, called from behind you.  You turned around and saw him leaning against the doorway, smirking at the customer.

"Why do you always do that?!" you hissed, scowling.

"It's fun to see your reaction, (Y/n)-chan," he teased, grinning at you.

You sighed in frustration as the customer shot a glare at Matt.  "What are you talking about?"

Matt snapped his fingers and the bag that the client had tossed onto the table levitated into the air.  The customer's eyes widened as the bag opened and the contents flew out, laying themselves out onto the counter in four equal stacks.

"See, that's four piles of ten," Matt pointed out, holding his fingers out as he manipulated the coins some more (mostly to show off, you knew).  "We agreed on 60, remember?"

The client rolled his eyes but nonetheless reached into his pocket and fished out twenty more coins, placing them onto the counter with a soft clink.  "There we go!" Matt declared, smiling in satisfaction.  "Wasn't so difficult, right?"

You couldn't help but try to use the magic you'd been practicing for months on end; you branched out your powers and peeked into his mind, just a little.  "He's calling you bad words, Matt, can you hear that?" you asked innocently.

The man's head snapped toward you, his eyes widening.  "W-what?!"

You frowned.  "Hey, I don't look anything like a female dog so shut it."

"He didn't even say anything out loud, though," Matt pointed out, "but, honestly, I don't blame him.  You do kinda look like a dog."

You narrowed your eyes at his teasing.  "You're annoying," you complained, "but I'll take it as a compliment since dogs are kawaii."

"Aww, (Y/n)'s using her powers?  I'm so proud~!" Miko praised happily as the man backed away slowly.  "Warren would be, too!"

You frowned at her as you fought the urge to smile, but the creaking of the door resounded through the house as you all turned to glance at the exit, of which the man had just fled out of.

You sighed.  "I guess mind-reading is pretty freaky for people..."

"This is why witches had tarnished names," Matt sighed, strolling inside.  "Well, at least I'm a warlock."

"Some people hate you just as much," you countered, placing a hand on your hip.  "Warlocks are just witches, only male version."

"Did you just assume my--"

"Gah, you guys are so annoying!" Miko interrupted, glaring at you two.  "Urusai.  We have to prepare for the Halloween feast tonight."

Your eyes widened.  "Ah, it's Halloween.  I forgot."

Matt raised an eyebrow.  "You did?  But you're all dressed up for it."

You looked down at your outfit and furrowed your eyebrows in confusion.  "What do you mean?"

"I could've sworn you were going as a yeti or leprechaun or--"


Time skip~

"You've arrived!"

"Ah, Lucy!" you greeted as you embraced her.  "It's been a while!"

"It's so nice to see you, (Y/n)!" she agreed as you released her.  "Gosh, we need to catch up!"

"(Y/n)-sama, long time no see!" another voice chimed in and you watched as a certain white-haired girl rushed down the stairs.

"Yukino!" you realized, smiling at her brightly.  "Nice to see you!"

"We've booked two huge tables in this restaurant, which should be enough to fit all of our friends," the white-haired girl informed you with a smile.  "Of course, all the food in the restaurant is probably going to go towards our party, since the dragons are coming."

You laughed at her words.  "Yeah, probably."

"Mou, they really do have endless stomachs!" Lucy sighed, shaking her head.  "It's a limitless tunnel!"

"Lu-chan, (Y/n)-chan, Yukino-chan~!" a cute voice called.

You all turned to face two people walking up to you, one waving energetically while the other one had her arms crossed but was smiling just as brightly.  Both of them had pointed ears and a pair of translucent wings behind them--they were they mystical pixies.

The three of you beamed at them as you walked towards them excitedly.

"Levy-chan!" Lucy cheered as she hugged the blue-haired girl.  "It's been so long!"

"Erza!" you greeted, hugging her as well.  "I missed you so much!"

"As did I, (Y/n)," Erza answered, taking hold of your head and smashing it right onto her rock-hard armor.  "Nakama must never forget one another."

Despite the pain from the impact, you laughed in joy at seeing your friends again.  It's only been two months since the last reunion, but there was not a day that went by when you didn't miss your friends; they were like a huge, caring family to you.

"Do you like my costume?" Erza asked, pointing to the black bunny ears sitting atop her head as she smirked confidently.  "I think they're kawaii, don't you?"

You nodded in agreement.  "They really are!  You did say something about being a bunny for Halloween at the last reunion..."

"And Yukino-chan, it's really been a while with you, huh?" Levy added, grinning at her.

Erza nodded.  "We didn't see you last time."

Yukino smiled timidly at you.  "Mm, I wasn't able to make the reunion last time...gomen-ne!"

"Daijobu," you reassured her, waving a hand.  "I'm sure you, as well as Lucy, have lots of duties as angels of Heaven."

You stared at the white, feathery wings behind their backs and patted their heads.

"As if!" Lucy protested, huffing.  "Loke and Taurus both keep hitting on me and Virgo keeps asking me to punish her!  Honestly, are they really the spirits of the sky?!"

"They aren't that bad," Yukino said, smiling shyly.

"Lu-chan, you sure you aren't exaggerating?" Levy inquired with a tiny grin


A thunderous roar filled the air, shaking the very building as a few more roars followed, though none as ferocious as the first.  Your eyes widened and your ears perked up as you turned around, dashing outside and staring up into the sky.

As you had expected, six dragons soared through the sky majestically, all various colors and flying in sync.  The one leading it was none other than the bold, red dragon, spewing hot fire from its mouth; it was so strong and hot that you could feel a bit of it from where you were standing, even though you were sure you were at least a hundred miles apart.

A huge smile appeared on your lips as you called, "NATSU!!"

Upon hearing your voice, the dragon's eyes darted down to you and the fire ceased.  A grin stretched from the corners of its mouth before it swept down, causing a turbulence of air to rush towards the surrounding area, blowing a few leaves off of some trees.

Right before landing, the dragon shone a bright, pink light and the size decreased dramatically, showing the silhouette of a person.  The person landed on his feet before standing up straight, the light disappearing and the smiling face of Natsu Dragneel visible.

"Natsu!" you exclaimed before running towards him, encasing him in a hug.  "I missed you!"

"(Y/n)!" he shouted, hugging you back while ruffling your hair.  "I missed you too!  How are ya?"

"Fine, how about you?" you questioned as you released him, smiling brightly.  "Cobra sitting out as always?"

"Yeah, heard he destroyed seven cities in the last seven months," Natsu responded casually, shrugging.  "Proud of him."

You scoffed but giggled as the other dragons landed, all transforming into their human forms.  "Hey, Natsu, why do you have horns?" you questioned, pointing up at his head.

He glanced up at the horns attached to the sides of his head before laughing boisterously.  "That's my costume for Halloween!" he proclaimed proudly.  "I'm a demon!  King of the Underworld!  And my name is Etherious Natsu Dragneel!"

You blinked before bursting into laughter.  "A demon?!" you echoed, giggling.  "C'mon, are you mocking Mira, Lisanna, and Elfman?  They're the real demons here."


"Yeah, yeah, just stick to being a dragon."


"OI, SHUT UP!" Gajeel intercepted, scowling at him.  "YOU'RE TOO LOUD!"

A tick mark appeared on Natsu's head as he got all up into Gajeel's face.  "YOU'RE ONE TO TALK, IRON FACE!"

A chuckle escaped your lips as you glanced at Gajeel's head.  "Are you guys matching costumes?  That's cute."

True to your words, there was also a pair of horns on Gajeel's head identical to the ones Natsu were wearing.  Gajeel crossed his arms.

"This idiot insisted that we wear the same thing," he grumbled in irritation.  "I didn't want to do it.  He forced me."

"Oh really?" you questioned, laughing.  "How did he force you?  Blackmail?"

He averted his gaze as he coughed.  "He said that you...would...think it's...k-kawaii..."

Your smile widened as you teased, "What~?"

"WIPE THAT SMILE OFF YOUR FACE!" he screamed, beyond embarrassed.

"Shut it, you're going to make (Y/n) go deaf," a low voice muttered, "and me, as well."

You turned to see a certain blond with hands shoved in his pockets, his gray eyes staring somewhere else.

You raised a hand and greeted, "Yo, Laxus!  How's everything with the dragons?"

He offered a tiny smile.  "Hey, (Y/n).  Unfortunately, there's always fighting going on, so the day always ends with lightning and storms, the lightning striking down on certain dragons."

He glanced meaningfully at Natsu and Gajeel, and the gulped as they recalled being toasted by the furious lightning.  You stifled a laugh.

"(Y-Y/n)-san, nice to see you!" a mellow voice spoke up.

You glanced down at Wendy, who also had a pair of horns on.  "Wendy!  You look so kawaii~!" you complimented, squealing internally.  "I've missed you!"

Suddenly, a warm arm draped itself around your shoulders.  "(Y/n)-chan, looking good!" Sting's obnoxious voice praised.  "I sure have missed you in the past two months~!"

You smiled at him.  "Sting, nice to see you too!  Has your ego inflated since I was gone because there was nobody else to shoot it down for ya?"

Sting gasped dramatically.  "How could you say such a thing, (Y/n)-chan?!" he cried.  "I show you such fondness and this is how you repay me?!"

"You sound like Loke..." you mumbled, sweat-dropping.

A fist struck down on Sting's head as Rogue spoke up.  "Apologies, (Y/n), Sting didn't take his annoying-itis medicine today so he's extra annoying."

You nodded understandingly.  "Ah, I see."

"WHAT THE HECK?!" Sting shouted angrily, holding his head.  "THAT HURT, YOU JERK!"

"On a different note, it's been a while," Rogue continued, smiling endearingly.  "I've missed you, (Y/n)."

You beamed back at him.  "Same here, Rogue!"


"Sting-sama, the first thing you do when you arrive shouldn't be shouting!" Yukino scolded.


Time Skip!

Before long, all of the friends had arrived and were chatting away like there was no tomorrow.  Everyone was conversing with their friends and catching up with previous events, describing their lives to the fullest extent and speaking with incredible passion.

You smiled at the sight of your friends' socialization.  Despite you chasing after your dream of learning magic and, eventually, becoming a witch, you couldn't help the sadness whenever you thought of your friends.  Due to belonging in different clans, you weren't able to meet up so often as you had your own duties to fulfill, but you never forgot about anyone and you always looked forward to the next meeting, however long the wait may be.

You watched as Natsu, Gajeel, Gray, and Sting participated in an eating contest, which was ultimately undecided who the winner was.  You cried when Mira announced a toast and described how strongly your family had bonded, despite the long distance between you all.  You laughed when Juvia, the mermaid in her temporary human form, fawned over Gray, who was trying to avoid her at all costs.  You cheered when Bisca eventually confessed her undying love for Alzack (though you'd kind of expected it, considering how shy Alzack was) and proposing to him.

After about a few hours, Sting, Rogue, Yukino, and Minerva had all left, having to attend business elsewhere.  The rest of you had all finished eating but were still talking endlessly, none willing to leave.

This was when things began to complicate.

You heard some obvious comments being thrown around the room and you were sure that you weren't the only one who heard them.

"Hey, is that a mermaid and a cryokinesis user together?!"

"Why would angels even look at demons?  They're filth."

"Pixies?!  And dragons?!  What has the world come to?"

"Those stupid witches and warlocks should just go back into their shabby huts and never leave."

Your fingers twitched as you felt the strong urge to smack someone in the face.  Laxus' grip tightened on his fork, Gajeel ate his fork, Natsu melted his fork, Gray froze his fork, Mira's demon claws crushed her fork, and Erza bent her fork.


You smiled as you stood up.  "Indeed, those are some very good questions," you admitted, nodding as your salesman smile never faltered.  "Why would a demon choose to interact with an angel?"

"Why would a dragon willingly speak to pixies?" Lisanna demanded, her blue eyes narrowed as she stood up.

Gray pushed his seat back and shot up.  "Why would dumb witches and warlocks talk to mermaids and cryokinesis users?"

"Why don't clans and species just stick to their own kind?" Wendy chimed in, furrowing her eyebrows as she got up.

"Yeah, well, lemme tell you something," Natsu proclaimed, rage ignited in his eyes as his chair caught on fire and broke into a thousand pieces, slamming his fist onto the table and standing up.  "Yes, we are all different clans and species.  But you know something?" 

Everyone made an action to adjust their clothing or stance to reveal the Fairy Tail guild mark.  You exposed your (f/c) guild mark to the others as well.

"We're all fairies," Natsu declared as shimmering wings appeared on the backs of everyone in the guild, "and fairies we will forever be.  We stand together as one guild, one family, and if anyone dares to trash talk about us, we will not hesitate to crush you."

You smiled at the open jaws and wide eyes of the people around you.

Oh, did you mention?

You were a witch and a fairy.

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