Socially Awkward (Rogue)

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I know that many stories have a loooot of views, and this doesn't really have that many, but I'd just like to say...

ARIGATO~~*gives all the readers a huge hug*

We've reached the 550+ mark!  Ahh, ureshi~

Nakama = friend

Daijobu = are you okay

I hope you enjoy this part~

You looked around, your eyes filled with excitement while your hands fiddled with the hemming along your (f/c) gloves.  You felt out of place in such an extravagant environment, despite you being dressed up beautifully.

As you tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear, you noticed your best friend, the infamous idiotic Salamander, was nowhere to be seen.  You rolled your eyes--knowing him for more than seven years, you automatically knew that he was up to no good.  There was no reason for him to take this long--especially since everyone else were all ready.

You took a sip of your (f/d), trying to look graceful by not flipping over the fancy glass.  You were nervous, to say the least.

"Why are you nervous, (Y/n)?" a familiar voice questioned, and you turned around to see your red-haired nakama, Erza.

"I honestly don't know," you responded, laughing quietly.  "I guess it's just that I'm in an unfamiliar environment?"

She smiled at you.  "Well, don't be," she assured you.  "You look marvelous."

You scratched the back of your head sheepishly, but then hastily put your hand down once you realized it wasn't a very ladylike motion.  "Ah, arigato, Erza," you thanked her, smiling.

"Go on," she urged, turning around and beginning to walk away.  "Enjoy yourself while the night is still young."

She walked to a group, where she began to socialize breezily.  You sighed, eyeing her with slight envy.  I wish I could do that and not be so socially awkward...

"Natsu-san!" you heard a voice call, and you turned to see a certain blond-haired Sabertooth member holding up two glasses and a bottle cheerfully.  "Have a drink with me!"

"Natsu-kun!" Lector cheered in the background.

You blinked, then grinned as you waved.  "Hey, Sting," you greeted with a tinge of nervousness in your voice.  "Natsu the Stupidmander doesn't seem to be here right now."

He looked like he had just witnessed the death of an adorable puppy.  "Huh?" he mumbled, his eyes wide.  "I was thinking we could make a toast to our friendship..."

"Looks like your plan didn't work," Lector sighed, his arms crossed.

"Fro thinks so, too!" Frosch added.

A certain black-haired male showed up, and you could feel your heart accelerate as you stammered, "R-Ryos!" 

Real smooth, (Y/n), you thought bitterly to yourself, internally kicking yourself a hundred times over.  As smooth as sandpaper.

"Don't call me that," he sighed, and you couldn't help but admire his facial expression like the stalker you were--I mean, like a totally normal person with no issues whatsoever.  "It's Rogue."

"Of course," you said quickly, adverting your eyes from his piercing red ones.

There was a short moment of silence between you two.  It wasn't awkward and it was nearly unnoticeable, but it was enough to make you panic and freak out inside--shouldn't you say something?

"U-um," you began tensely, "so, do you know about the guy who came from the future?"

You just HAD to bring that up, you thought, slapping yourself mentally.  Even more idiotic than Natsu--at least he's more sensitive...

"Yeah," Rogue responded, scratching the back of his head and looking away.  "Even though he's me, it's pathetic."

You've made him uncomfortable! you thought, cringing horribly as you mapped our your brilliant plans to go and hide in a hole for the rest of your miserable life as soon as this conversation was over.  Thanks a lot, brain!

"But," Rogue continued, the determination and intensity in his voice catching your attention, "I'm not gonna become that guy, ever!" 

You stared at him, your (e/c) eyes wide as your stared at his face.  His determined face was adorable, and a light blush rose to your cheeks.

"(Y/n)-san?" he asked, staring at your dazed expression.  "Daijobu?"

"So handsome..." you murmured.

A blush exploded on his cheeks.  "E-EH?!" 

You realized what you said, and seriously felt like you wanted to disappear as your blush darkened.  "N-NOTHING!" you shouted, your voice loud as you caught the attention of nearby guests.  You blushed even harder, letting your hair shield your face as you gulped.  The embarrassment was too much to handle.

When you felt something brush against your ear, you squealed quietly so that nobody but you could hear it.  A hand brushed your (h/c) hair behind your ears so that people could get a better access to your lovely face.  You looked up to meet red eyes, and you continued to stare at him as his fingertips placed the gentlest of touches on your cheek.


"You shouldn't hide your face like that," he told you bluntly, a small blush visible on his face as he retracted his hand.  "You look much better in the light.  Besides, fairies are supposed to shine, not hide, ne?"

Speechless, you could only advert your gaze, trying to calm your wild heart.  Still, you couldn't manage to settle down, and you could feel the sweat gathering on your forehead and hands.

This makes me sweat more than the Grand Magic Games ever did! you thought, but then realization struck you.  That's it!  The Grand Magic Games!  I could talk about that with him...

"Ano..." you spoke up, but then stopped once you realize he said the same thing at the exact same time.

"You go first," the both of you said, then blinked.

"You can go," you chorused together again.

"Then I'll go first," you decided, but the Shadow Dragon Slayer had decided to say the same thing.

"Oh, you go first!" 

You stared at each other, and then burst into laughter, you covering your mouth and him running his fingers through his black locks.

"You can go first," you quickly told him, not wanting for him to see you as an idiot.

"Okay," he agreed, shrugging as he grinned at you.  "I wanted to ask if you'd like to dance."

You smiled, and nodded as you reached your hand out to take his, but right before the two of you touched, a loud yell made you both jerk back in surprise.




You stared in disbelief while your guildmates began fighting for whatever reason they had been arguing about.  After blinking and staring for about a minute, you laughed.  This was the guild that you cared about and loved with your whole heart.

"...there always has to be a fight, doesn't there?" Rogue muttered, sweat-dropping as he backed away from the chaotic ruckus.  "They're gonna tear down the entire ballroom!"

You giggled.  "Of course!  Where there is Fairy Tail...there is destruction!"

Thanks for reading~

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