[Boys x Reader] Boyfriend Scenarios

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Sorry I have to do this XD
i'll put almost every fairy tail
Boy I can think of xD
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××How y'all first met××

Natsu Dragneel
Natsu was walking in the woods with Happy, coming back from a week's job alone with his partner Happy. He heard a rawr and a scream, He ran towards the source where the scream came from.

There he saw a Vulcan (I hope that's what their called) ripping apart a girl,
“Aren't those supposed to be Pervy?!” Natsus partner, Happy said. Natsu didn't hesitate to help, “Wing Attack of the Fire Dragon!!” He yelled, sending the Vulcan miles away.

He turned his attention to the girl on the ground, her clothes all ripped up, blood, bruises, and scraps all over all her body.

“Hey are you okay?” He asked kneeling down to the girl. Tears started coming down the girls eyes. She hugged the salmon hair mage.

“Y-You're..... My hero...”

Gray Fullbuster
“Gray! Go catch those thieves!!” Erza instructed him. He and Erza were on a mission together to take these thieves to the magic council for them to be imprisoned.

Gray Nodded and chased after the 4 thieves that escaped them, while Erza stayed and kept the other 6 at bay with her magic.

He heard yells and screams. The sounds of bones breaking and sword slices, followed by gushing sounds of blood.

Sending chills down his spine he still followed where they went.

“What... The hell...” He couldn't believe what he was seeing. There laid the 4 thieves covered from head to toe with blood. In the middle stood a girl with [H/C] hair covering her eyes, shaking as if she was going to die.

“I. I didn't mean too...” She spoke, looking into Grays eyes. Her dead
[E/C] eyes looking into grays. “W-What did you do...?!” He said taking steps back, frightend. He didn't want to die like those thieves just did.

“I'm sorry.” Then she collapsed down to the ground.

(I was going to do Gajeel but he is such a 'whaddaheck' guy to do so IDK how to write about him!!) <maybe in future one-shots though!!>

Laxus Dreyar
Walking through the rough thunderstorm happening right above you, you tried your best to make your way back home to your home.

“The one day I don't have an umbrella..” You mumbled. You were quite scared of thunder and the loud noises it made.

You being a silent mage loud noises hurt your ears badly.

Lightning strikes beaming down near you, you started to be scared. Yes you could hear the breaths of other people, the moves of where their attacks would come from, but you had no idea where this lightning would come!!

Continuing your way back home you shivered and trembled, both over the rain. Looking up you saw a guy with a big jacket on.

Why isn't he using that Jacket... It'd be better than walking out in this storm... You thought.

You exchanged glances with him, and of course you had to slip on the water. Letting your now wet bottom soak even more onto the wet cement.

You heard a chuckle from the man. You heard footsteps get closer and closer to you,

you looked up to see the same dude with his hand extended out to you. “Thanks...” You mumbled, grabbing his hand.

Once you got up you heard another rumble of thunder. You jumped buy didn't know you landed into the guys arms.

“I guess you don't like Thunder Storms huh?” He spoke. “I-It's not that I don't like them...!! T-They're just particular loud sometimes....”

“I'm Laxus by the way.” “Y/n.”

Sting Eucllife
“Sabortooth here we come!!” My Exceed, Spark said. “Yeah me too, even though they aren't the number one guild anymore I still want to join!!”

“Plus you got the hots for that new guild master of them.” I could feel myself cheeks turn 10 shades darker. “W-What?!”

“Don't you lie to me, I've seen your Sorceror Weekly's with the Top Ten Hottest Guild Masters.”

I stayed quiet, “I thought I did a job of hiding those too.....” I said. “Guess not.” Spark chuckled.

Having small talks near and there, eating random things we probably shouldn't, we found our way to the Guilds front doors.

They were open so I was glad I didn't have to do some grand entrance!

I walked in, almost no one noticed me, But I did gett some looks from left to right.

Making my way (downtown) up to the bar I asked where their Guild Master was.

What I think was a bartender told me upstairs and the last door on my left. I thanked her and walked along with my Exceed to where she said his office was.

I saw his name imprinted in a gold plate “This must be it.” I said calmly. “For you being a total fangirl I'm surprised how well you are acting.” Spark said crossing his arms.

I stuck my tongue out at my foolish friend, I looked at the spruce for and using the back of my index finger I knocked slightly.

“Come in.” Someone said, finally exhaling out I opened the door and saw none other than Sting Eculiffe.

“Did you need something?” He said pushing away what looked like a cross word puzzle to the side.

I walked over and bent over his desk and pointed to his cross word puzzle.

“You see, I can clearly see ‘untainted’ right there.” I smiled and drew a line with my finger showing where the word was.

“Oh.” is all he said. I continued to walk behind him and work his cross word puzzle. Making him forget why I was really here.

“There.” I crossed my arms. “Finished.” “Thanks. I guess.”

Over in front of me I could see a furious Spark about to explode. “Oh Right!! I came here originally to join your guild!!” I said jogging over to the middle of the room and smiling.

“You did?” He smirked. “Indeed I did, I specialize in Holy Dragon Slayer Magic.” I kept my smile on. “Reasons why you also have an exceed?”

“Yes!! This is spark!!” I grabbed Spark and squeezed him. I saw Sting open a drawer and pull out what looked like a stamp thing.

“Before you can have this insigna.” Sting said, With confusion I still nodded. He smirked.

“Go on a date with me.”

Rogue Cheney
“Where does a person get something to eat here....” I said kicking the ground with my left foot.

“Are you okay??” A person called, I spun around to see a person with pitch black hair, with one side pulled over a eye. He also had red eyes...

“I-, Uh yes.” Truth is, I wasn't. I was travelling for Three weeks and haven't had a decent meal other than stale bread.

“I can tell you're lying, let me get you something....” He gestured. “You don't have to... Be so nice...” I mumbled, I heard the man chuckle, then heard footsteps get closer to me, and grab my wrist.

I sprung my head up at his face, shocked at what he just did. “I'm Rogue.” He gently smiled.

My heart skipped a beat, “Y/n..” “Well, Y/n, let's get you something to eat, I can tell you haven't eaten anything in awhile...”

Jellal Fernandes
Run, run but you'll never escape.

Run but you'll never escape them.

the sins I bare cannot be atoned, but I try my best... Fighting off dark mages and bringing at least.... Some peace...

What a runaway criminal I am.

I kept running to God knows where.

“Jelly-man let's go find some herbs!!”

Jelly-man?!’ I thought. “Meldy stop. I Sence Magic Power. Someone's here.” I heard another person whisper.

I freaked out, I can't go back to prison, not yet!!!

I heard running then I found a person with a red tattoo and piercing blue hair infront of me.

My eyes grew wide,

‘he must know who I am, I guess this is the end of my tale...’

“Who are you. And what are you doing here...” He said with a serious face.

‘he doesn't know who I am...?!’

“Are you going to just stay their quiet or talk.” “I-I... I'm Y/n, Y/n L/n. A runaway criminal, running from the magic council.”


“Ah, so you're like us..” He said. “Us...?” Soon a girl with pink hair up in a ponytail came out behind a tree. I knew her, she was a member of Grimware Heart.

“You're Melody, a member of Grimware Heart, One of the Seven Kin Of Purgatory.” I said.

“So you know she is but not me?” The man said again, I chuckled at him. “Guess not.” I smiled.

“Well since you're a runaway criminal as you claim, would you like to join our guild?” He said extending his hand.

I was shocked at his offer. “This guild was formed for us to atone all the sins we've made and try to banish dark guilds.” Melody said.

I nodded and took the man's hand. “Welcome to Crime Sorcéior.”

Zeref Dragneel
Walking threw the thick forest of the Tenroujima Island, it being Fairy Tails most sacred land. I wanted to pay my respects to my old friend...

Mavis Vermillion.

I remember the day so clearly, the day she ran right past me in that street. Me teaching her and her friends magic. All I remember, even if was around 100 or so years ago...

I stopped in my tracks right after the sounds of leaves crunching. “W-Who goes there.” I said, no one or nothing should be on this island. Even after the Grimware Heart Attack on Fairy Tail.

“S-Show Yourself!!” I yelled. I saw a girl with the same color hair as me walk out of trees and into the opening I was standing in.

I saw the expression on her face.

Afraid and Scared.

“W-Who are you, and how did you get to this island.” I saw her eyelids grow larger and her eyes start to tremble.

She brought her hands over her mouth like she was seeing the worst thing of her life.

“D-D-Dr-Dr....” She trembled.

“What?!” I said.


•  •  •
Yeyey ^~^
I probably forgot to do many
Other boys but oh well, it's already
1,800 words already...!!!

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