[Jellal x Reader] Partners in Crime

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sorry for the lack of updates..... ^^;;

Also A/N at the end so please read it for important things about updates!!!


That was basically all I did for a living,

running from my sins.

Running from my reality....

Running from life itself,

that was what I am doing.....

And all I will ever do.......

Is run.

"Hey Jelly-kun, when will we stop??" I heard. it sounded like a girl, a tired one as a matter of a fact, like she had been running non-stop for days. "Coast looks clear, we can stop here..." another voice said, 'Rune knights?!!' I thought.

I had to leave, as soon as I could. I planted my foot forward, leaves crunching underneath it, completely blowing my cover that someone was here. "Stop... Someone's here.." The same person said, my breath went quick, my stomach started turning. I didn't want to go back...

I didn't want to go back to prison..... 

I heard footsteps, getting closer to where I was. I didn't know what to do, was running all I could do? Run away once again from my destiny, my destiny in prison. My breath hitched up, scared as if I was going to get killed.

I took a step forward, then started sprinting. Running as fast as I could away from those people, "Over there!" The female one said. I heard steps behind me, trailing along mine. 

Tears starting trailing down my face.

"Heavenly Body Magic: Meteor!!" A man said, I looked behind me to see a bright light and a gust of electric blue hair. My eyes widened as I felt something, well more like someone tackle me. We both tumbled down onto the ground.

Once the light died down I say who the person was on top of me. He.... wasn't a Rune Knight... He had a red tattoo over his eye. 

"Who..... A-Are you?" I asked, utterly shocked at the fact that this man came after me. "I... Should be asked you the same thing..." He said, looking down into my eyes. 

"Y/n." I spoke sternly. His eyes widened, then went back to normal. I saw him smirk. "What's so funny eh?!"

"You're a criminal. Aren't you?" His smirk never came off. I gasped at the fact how he knew who I was. Even if I wasn't as popular as any of the other world wide criminals.

"I can see it from your facial expression, are you. Aren't you?" "What's it matter to you??" He chuckled slightly, causing a weird expression to form on my face.

He got off of my and stood back up, extending his hand out to mine. "What are you...-" "Just take it." He said, smiling down to me.

I lifted my hand slightly and took his, he jerked me up, making me jump up slightly.

When I turned back around to him, he was gone. "H-huh?!? H-Hey!! Come back you!!!"

I saw a piece of paper slowly float down, I grabbed it and read it,

If you ever need us, just call.

The paper shriveled up and lit itself on fire. It was some sort of magic paper.

I giggled to myself, "And indeed I will..."

Sorry it's so short, I just took like a 2 month break of writing... sorry about that! But anyways I'd like to make an announcement! I'm starting a new book!!

It's going to be titled Anime one shots, yes. I know. Original. Don't worry x readers will be in there too

But I've just wanted to make one shots from animes instead of making like a whole book! You know?

But I'll make a list of the animes I'll be doing, so if you could please go check it out!!!

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