[Natsu x Reader] The Lost Dragon Slayer

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Changing things up in this One-Shot ^s^


"Natsu look what I found!!" A little girl yelled running up to the little Dragon Slayer. "What is it??" The boy asked. She showed him an egg that looked familiar to the one he found earlier today.

"Isn't it cool?!" The little girl asked, "Yeah!! Did you tell Serendina?!" (Pronounced: Sair-en-dee-na) "No not yet, I wanted to show you first!!" She once again cheered, "Well, go show her!!" The boy said clapping his hands together, "Go together??" "Sure!!"

"Natsu look!! They're hatching!!!!" The girl squealed, "I hope mine is a huge dragon and is so powerful so it can beat your dragon's butt!!!!!" Natsu yelled, flames coming from his mouth.

Minutes later two Cats with pearl white wings popped out of the eggs, Natsu blinked blankly while the girl had her jaw to the floor,

Natsu's egg hatched a blue cat-like exceed while the girls was a lilac purple cat-like exceed aswell. "I love them!!!" The girl cheered, running over and cradling her lilac exceed.

"I guess they're cool...." Natsu bluffed. "What are you going to name yours?!" The girl once again questioned him.

"I'll name him...... Happy!! So I'll never forget how happy you were on this day!!" The little boy cheered. (like Jellal and Erza... XDD)

"Awww!!! I'm going to name mine.... Lilah!! (totally not my cats name irl xd) Sounds like the color of her fur!!" The girl said hugging her new friend,

"Aye sir!" The two tiny exceeds chirped.

"Lets go show Serendina and Igneel!!!" The little girl said running to where the two Dragons were, Natsu followed the girl to where the dragons were.

"Serendina look!!" The little girl said holding up her newly exceed, "What a lovely thing you've got there...." The Flame Dragon, Serendina said,

(I know Flame and Fire are basically the same thing but just go with it XDD)

The little girl giggled and saw Natsu tell Igneel about his new friend too.

The two kids backed up to one another and the two dragons smiled, Happy that their 'children' got some new friends.

"Ya'll need to take care of them, They're your responsibility..." Igneel said calmly. "Hai!" The two kids both said in-sink.


*flashback two*

"Igneel why do you and Serendina always kiss in front of us?! That's really gross...!!" Natsu protested to the two dragons, With the little girl right next to him.

"We love each other, that's why." Igneel told him, "So does that make us siblings?!" The little girl next to Natsu said, holding her exceed.

"No, it does not, We hope some day you will love each other just like we do, And maybe be Husband and Wife!!" Serendina joked,

"Ewwww!!!!" Natsu yelled, The little girl giggled, She had a little crush on the Fire Dragon Slayer, but he was too dense to notice.

"Do you think we really will [Y/N]??" Natsu asked the young girl. "Maybe!!!" The girl cheered, The two dragons laughed and watched them talk about 'cooties'.

"So what if we do get married?! What will it do?!"

"Well, Natsu. Do you love her?? Other than a sibling....??" His father Igneel said,

"................maybe" Natsu mumbled to himself, "So what if I do!??"

"Awwww Natsu!!!" The little girl awed, she kissed his cheek which mad both of them blush. She gave him a smile then ran away, hoping Natsu would follow.

Which he did, And they continued to play, like that conversation was nothing, But of course the little girl would always tease him every now-and-then about it.


*flashback three*

"N-Natsu?!!?" [Y/N] (the little girl) yelled, the two dragons were gone, gone where they normally were. [Y/N] started to cry, She didn't know where her mother was along with her best friend and his father.

[Y/N] looked and looked, She finally found Natsu with tears in his eyes, "N-Natsu...?!!" [Y/N] Said, she rushed to his side and asked him what was wrong.

"T-Their gone...." "Who Natsu?!!"

"IGNEEL!!! IGNEEL AND SERENDINA ARE GONE!!!!" He cried harder and harder, [Y/N] Had more and more tears coming down, "W-What?! That's impossible, They are our parents!!! They just can't leave...!!!!" She yelled.

"I'm going to find them......" Little Natsu said, minutes later.

And with that he got up and started walking away along with his blue exceed; happy. "Natsu wait!!! Let me come!! We can search t-together!!" Tears kept coming down the girls eyes.



Running, That's all she did. Run and run, closer to him.

Closer and Closer she got with each step she took, to Magnolia, home of none other than the guild itself, Fairy Tail.

Seven years, Seven years of searching for this boy, Seven years of searching for Natsu Dragneel.

Finally making to Magnolia the girl started to cry, She's been looking for him for so long...

Does he remember me?! Did he look for me just like I did?? Did he miss me?? The girl none other than [Y/N] thought to herself.

[Y/N] Soon found herself in front of the Fairy Tail guild doors. She did so much research on Natsu and where he was, She found out he joined a guild, Fairy Tail.

"Natsu..." She murmured to herself. She ran into the guild with her purple exceed, Lilah right behind her, Her and Happy were very very good friends.

She ran into the guild and stopped a few meters from the door. The whole guild was silent when she busted in, She was a little scared at all the people, She was also nervous, afraid, happy and sad.

Her heart started to beat a thousand times faster when she found her Natsu. He was just as shocked just as she was,

(Their meeting is sort of like the one Natsu and Zeref had on the Tenroujima Arc)

".......N-...Natsu....." [Y/N] cracked, Natsu's eyes were forming tears, just like [Y/N]'s. [Y/N] felt like the world was stopped in time, That her and Natsu were the only ones alive.

"[Y-Y-Y/N]..........." Natsu's heart was racing, he wanted nothing more than just to hug her, and which he did, He sprinted to her and engulfed into a hug.

Happy and Lilah also did the same, they had tears in their eyes as they embraced each other. But we aren't here for a Exceed love, are we??

[Y/N] Hugged Natsu tightly, not wanting to let go of him, She was the happiest person on the whole planet right now.

When they broke away they were forehead and forehead, Their tears were now pouring down both of their faces, They embraced each other once more,

Natsu took [Y/N]'s hand and ran out of the guild, the guild members didn't know what was happening, they didn't know this girl or who she was to Natsu...

Natsu took [Y/N] to a hill overlooking all of Magnolia, Silence was all there was until Natsu broke it,

"W....Where have you been......?!! ..........I thought you died?! You know how many nights I cried thinking of how you are dead along with Lilah!!??" He yelled, tears left and right.


[Y/N] and Natsu were walking threw a forest, With their Excceds on top of their heads, They were travelling the world finding their Dragons, together.

Soon a pack of Forrest beasts came out and attacked the two along with their Exceeds. The two where both beaten up badly along with the exceeds, One beast came up and picked up [Y/N] with Lilah,

"L-LET HER GO!!!" Natsu yelled, but couldn't do much, He was injured so badly he couldn't move. "N-Natsu.... A-Am I..... Going to D-Die...?" [Y/N] whimpered, "[Y/N] you aren't!!!"

The beast started to tighten his grip on [Y/N], making her scream in pain, along with Lilah.


She lost conciseness which Natsu thought she died, The beast started to walk away along with the other ones, with what Natsu thought was a dead [Y/N] and Lilah....


[Y/N] cried silently, "N-No... I escaped about two days later with Lilah... After that I devoted my life to find you, with Lilah by my side...

Then I found out you were in a guild... I pondered if you didn't care about me anymore.... I thought you didn't care anymore, or that you forgot me...."

Natsu kept quiet,

"I missed you...." He said, looking at the ground, [Y/N] hugged him, and he hugged back, They stayed like that until Natsu broke their hug and kissed [Y/N].

She slowly kissed back, shocked at first. After about 17 seconds later they broke away, "I really missed you..." He said, once again. All [Y/N] did was smile then kissed him, for the second time.

*back at the guild right after the two left*

The guild slowly started to go back to it's normal self, loud and crazy. Erza walked up to the two exceeds along with the rest of Team Natsu, and a few extras, Mira, Cana, Levy, Juvia, and Gajeel.

"Sorry to bother, but who are you?" Erza firmly asked.

"I'm Lilah!! I'm [Y/N]'s Exceed...!! The one you just now saw hugging Natsu." The lilac exceed said.

'How does she know she's an exceed??' The scarlet mage thought. "Can you tell your story?" The solid script mage spoke up,

"I'll try to sum it up for y'all," She spoke again, "[Y/N] is a Flame Dragon slayer-" "Aren't her and Natsu the same thing then?? Fire and Flame??" Gray spoke,

"I-It's hard to explain...!" Lilah said, She continued "Anyways, [Y/N] grew up with Natsu with her Dragon Serendina, The Flame Dragon.

Serendina and Igneel were.... well I don't know how you put it... Dating?? In love??? Well, something like that." "So they are like siblings??" Charles asked,

"Wrong, Once Igneel and Serendina told them to be husband and wife!!" Lilah laughed along with the rest of the guild,

"Our lives were wonderful, but then Serendina and Igneel left, We don't know why, on the year 777.... Natsu, Happy, [Y/N] and I all looked for them until we were attacked by Forrest Beasts,

They injured us then took [Y/N] and I away, We never saw Natsu and Happy ever again.... So [Y/N] devoted her life to finding them both, and that brings us to now...." Lilah told,

The group was in utter shock, "How come Natsu never told us about this??" Lucy. Lilah looked a bit sad but shacked it off. "That's all there is." She finished.

"When [Y/N] get's back I'll bring her to Master..." Mira said, everyone nodded then started to leave one by one, leaving Team Natsu and the lilac exceed.

"Sorry to ask Lilah, But how do you know you are an exceed??" Erza asked her as they all sat down, with Lilah and Happy on the table.

"Prince Jellal.!" Erza froze at her words, she new Mystogan was from a different world but they world 'Jellal' always made her freeze. "So you know about Edolas then??"

"Correct!! [Y/N] and I ran into Prince Jellal when the world went all.... weird, and he sent us to Edolas, It was weird...." The lilac exceed spoke.

"So you where there in the battle with the palace?!" Gray said, Lilah nodded, "But we didn't know what to do, Prince Jellal said stay aware, So we just wandered around.... Trying our best not to get caught...."

Team Natsu was amazed by all of this, well, all except Lucy Heartfillia.

She was heartbroken, The man she loved had another?!

'Maybe their just childhood friends! Maybe they don't feel the same!!' The celestial mage thought to herself.

(dawww, poor luce (╥︣﹏᷅╥) )

About an hour later Natsu came in running with his hand gripped onto [Y/N]'s wrist, "Where's master!!?" He said, excitedly?

"In his office! Why?" Mira asked, Natsu pushed [Y/N] forward and she ran into a room that was labeled 'MAKAROV'.

Minutes passed and Natsu was back to fighting with Gray. [Y/N] Can out but instead with the Fairy Tail guild insigna (idk how you spell it XD) on her left arm, the color red. Right where Natsu's was.

Makarov came out with [Y/N] and got onto the stage with her, "LISTEN UP BRATS!! WE HAVE A NEW MEMBER!!! [Y/F/N] (Full name) !!!


Natsu gave her his signature toothy grin with a thumbs up which made her smile, [Y/N] Smiled at everyone else and waved shyly "H-Hi minna....!",

"LET ME FIGHT HER!!!!!" Natsu yelled, "Oh wait... She's my girlfriend.... Heh oops!! But I don't care!! [Y/N] FIGHT ME!!!" Natsu said getting riled up,

Cana spit out her beer she was drinking, "GIRLFRIEND?!?! CONGRATULATIONS!!! I always thought you were too dense to know what love is!!!" Cana joked,


Hours passed and the guild partied for their new member and couple, [Y/N] Couldn't have asked for a better life.

I'm not lost anymore....


What'd ya' think?! Okay enough?? ^p^

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