Chapter Two

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      Natsu opened his eyes and saw that he and the others were chained to a wall with magic nullifying chains. He looked around, and his eyes widened. He was in the hallway of the Crocus castle. It was the exact time where Future Rogue told them who was going to close the eclipse gate. He tried to move, but he couldn't. Once Natsu was finally able to take action, it was already too late. The shadow weapon hit Future Lucy. Suddenly, everything started to go back in time, back to when he first had the flashback, and it happened over and over again. Natsu's eyes were covered in shadow as tears started to stream down his cheeks.
      "Natsu?" Happy whimpered when he saw Natsu crying, which was a rare sight. Suddenly, there was an explosion. They dark wizards guarding the door fell unconscious. Two girls, about the age of sixteen, walked out of the smoke and went to the middle of the room. Their eyes were covered in shadow. Then, one girl who appeared to have short, brown hair lifted her head. Her eyes were as white as snow.
      "Making people see the worst time of their life over and over again..." The brown haired girl started.
      "IS JUST SICK!" The girl with the long blonde hair finished, her blood-red eyes flashing in defiance. The guild members that they now recognized as the Snakeroot guild looked in shock at the intruders.
      "Get them." The Snakeroot master growled. The Snakeroot members obeyed their master and lunged at the two mysterious girls. Erza, Natsu, Lucy, Gray, Juvia, Wendy, Charle, and Happy could only state in horror as the bloodthirsty Snakeroot members came at the girls, their most powerful magic activated. The strange thing was, as that was happening, all the two mysterious girls did was glare at the Snakeroot guild members.
      "Well, if that's how you want it..." The brown haired girl sighed and raised her hand in front of her. "SNOW FURY!" She shouted. Snow shot out of the brown haired girl's hand and engulfed the Snakeroot guild in a swirl of frozen crystals. Half of them were entirely wiped out, and half of the chains holding the Fairy Tail members broke off. The Fairy Tail members stared in disbelief.
      "My turn." The blond haired girl said, a mischievous grin on her face. She made an X with her arms and then raised them wide on each side. "REFLECTION SHELL!" She screamed as jagged, grey magic shot out everywhere, taking out the rest of the Snakeroot members and destroying the rest of the chains holding the Fairy Tail members.
      "Noelle." Erza said and nodded at the brown haired girl as she sat up. "Elizabeth." She then said and looked at the blond haired girl. Natsu, Lucy, Gray, Juvia, Wendy, Charle, and Happy were confused. They then saw Noelle and Elizabeth's guild marks. Noelle had a purple guild mark on her left shoulder. Elizabeth had her pale blue guild mark on her right hand. The guild marks were of Fairy Tail.
      "Erza, who are they?" Juvia asked, looking very confused.
      "These girls are twins, Noelle and Elizabeth Eclipse. They are S-Class wizards. The twins and their mom and dad, Lynn and William, who are part of the Ten Wizard Saints, came to the guild a couple years after I came. I also heard they also have a little brother and sister, but I never got the chance to meet them." Erza explained, smiling.
      "If they are in the guild along with their family, why haven't we noticed them before?" Charle asked, crossing her arms. Everyone in the Fairy Tail guild muttered in agreement. That is, except for Noelle and Elizabeth, who were finishing off the last of the Snakeroot guild members.
      "I can only presume that they are usually on missions like the rest of their family." Erza said. Natsu, Lucy, Gray, Juvia, Wendy, Charle, and Happy stared. Their attention was suddenly to another explosion in a far wall. Four dark wizards crept out on top of the rubble. They smirked as they surrounded Noelle and Elizabeth.
      "Hello. We saw you took out an entire guild. We are The Five Dark Wizard Saints." One of the mysterious men said. Noelle raised an eyebrow at their introduction.
      "Um... There are four of you." Elizabeth stated, holding up four fingers.
      "I am the fifth." The Snakeroot guild master said, shooting magic at the Fairy Tail wizards, except for Noelle and Elizabeth. Fairy Tail's strongest team's eyes widened as they saw the worst moment in their life repeat.
      "Suffer. See the ones you love die right in front of your eyes over, and over again." The Snakeroot master growled, grinning statistically. Before he could send more magic at the ones who were suffering, someone spoke.
      "You know, it is hard to lose someone you love, but going through that same pain again is even harder." Elizabeth said, her typically loud voice trembling, shadows covering her eyes.
      "It's like you're being broken in half, like everything you've ever known doesn't anymore." Noelle affirmed, her usually quiet voice growing louder with rage.
      "NO ONE WANTS TO RELIVE THAT SAME PAIN AGAIN! NOT NOW! NOT EVER!" Noelle and Elizabeth screamed at the same time, eyes glowing and magic power surging everywhere.
      "How cute, but your little speech won't save you. With our power combined, we are as strong as Zeref. Now, prepare to die." One of the other four mysterious men said. Noelle and Elizabeth raised an eyebrow at the statement. The Snakeroot guild master, and the four men grinned, and dark magic energy started flowing around everyone. Before anyone knew it, the dark magic energy shot at Noelle and Elizabeth. The twins smirked. Noelle raised her left hand out on the side of her, and Elizabeth put her right hand on it, both hands side by side.
      "REFLOW!" The twins shouted in perfect sync. With a flash of light, everything went quiet and deep blue smoke swirled everywhere. No one could see what happened as the mysterious smoke engulfed everything. When the smoke cleared, The Five Dark Wizard Saints were on the ground, seriously injured and unconscious. Noelle and Elizabeth, whose eyes were no longer glowing, we're in the middle of the unconscious Snakeroot guild master, and four mysterious men. They collapsed to the ground in exhaustion. The twins suddenly looked over to the shell-shocked Fairy Tail members. Noelle and Elizabeth rushed over to them. Natsu, Gray, and Happy's eyes widened.
      "HEY! I KNOW YOU!" Happy exclaimed, looking as if he was trying to seem, well, Happy.
      "But what are your names?" Natsu and Gray asked at the same time, then glaring at each other. Erza slapped her forehead and sighed in annoyance. It seemed Natsu, Gray, and Happy forgot everything she had said before. She pulled out a picture of Noelle and Elizabeth when they were young, which Erza conveniently had.
      "NOELLE?! ELIZABETH?!" Natsu, Gray, and Happy screamed at the same time.
      "Hey." Elizabeth and Noelle said in sync, raising their hands meekly and waving.
      "It's good to see you." Gray said, grinning. However, Juvia shot a death glare at the twins. Noelle and Elizabeth looked at each other and put their hands up in defense. The other Fairy Tail wizards chuckled, but it was short lived. Their eyes widened in horror.
      "There must still be some of the effects of the spell. Elizabeth?" Noelle said and looked at her sister, signalling Elizabeth to do what she had to do. Elizabeth stood up, took a step back, raised her hands at the other wizards, besides Noelle, and spoke a spell.
      "Reflect." She said and Fairy Tail's team was released from the remains of the spell.
      "You use the same magic as Midnight." Charle stated, eyes narrowing.
      "DON'T JUDGE ME! And also, mine is not like Midnight's magic. His is nightmare, and mine is illusion." Elizabeth shouted, then calmed down a little. Still upset, and she put her hands up for protection. Noelle chuckled at her sister's defensiveness.
      "Our family was born with the magic we have today. It's very rare to be born with the magic you have, but when you are born with magic, you are more powerful than most." Noelle explained.
      "Yes, that's true Noelle. Elizabeth, it's okay that you have similar magic to Midnight. Now everyone, we will wait out the night here, then keep moving the next morning. You got that?" Erza commanded. Everyone replied with 'Yes ma'am.' and laughed nervously.

Me: Hello and welcome back everyone! I hoped you all liked it. Well, SEE YOU NEXT TIME FOR SOME MORE REFLOW!!!!! BYEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!

Everyone: BYEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!

P.S. I am so sorry for the wait. Please forgive me. T-T


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