Chapter 5 The Arrival

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  Hey everybody how are you? So here's the fifth chapter. So I'm working on currently on a Jerza one shot and was actually planning on finishing it before  posting this chapter but I had a lot of ideas running through my head for this story that I wanted to write done

I hope you all enjoy!! 😺

Omg my story has had one hundred views!!! Thank you!

Disclaimer I don't own Fairy Tail or the fanart above Fairy Tail belongs to the amazing Hiro Mashima and the fanart art belongs to the respected artist

-No one's POV-
There are two vehicles for everyone too get into. Unfortunately not everyone could fit on to one bus.

Bus 1
and Levy

Bus 2
Everyone else that wasn't on bus 1 I'm to lazy to name all them

"Okay everyone get into your assigned vehicle and you can sit by whoever like!"

"Aww but master can't we have boy and girl sit next to each other?" The beautiful white haired wizard Mirajane whined.

"NO!!!" Everyone screamed not wanting to be part of her matchmaking

Everyone climbed onto their assigned bus and looked for a place to sit.

-Lucy's POV-

I looked around for place to sit when I heard the voice of a certain blue haired girl call my name.

"Lu-Chan let's sit together!" My blue haired friend Levy smiled she was very excited and so was I!

"Okay" I smiled back

We chose ourselves some seats and I took the one closet to the window.

I looked over and saw Wendy casting Troia on the dragon slayers,well at least now Natsu won't be so miserable. Then I heard the voice of a certain matchmaker.

"Okay has everyone chosen a seat?!" She yelled

"Yes!" We all called back

"Great now let's play a game to make the time go by quicker!" She smiled

I could tell the bus driver knew there was going to be lots of chaos while we played a game. I felt bad that he's stuck in here with a bunch of crazy wizard.

"How about Truth or Dare?"

"Sure that sounds like fun Mira but no question about our love lives." I heard Erza say with a serious face. She was sitting Cana who was drinking a bottle of booze, no surprise there.

"Hmm fine but it won't be as fun." Mira said sticking her tongue out playfully.

"Okay I'll go first." Erza said

"Gajeel Truth or Dare?"

"Give me your worst dare Titania!" Gajeel smirked this should be interesting

"Okay you asked for it, I dare you to spray a bottle of whipped cream all over Laxus!" She smirked Erza can be very evil sometimes.

"Tch piece of cake." He stated as he took the bottle of whipped cream from Erza.

He walked over to where Laxus was peacefully taking a nap. He held the bottle right up to his face and..... sprayed it all over his body and face!

Gajeel certainly does have some guts.
Laxus instantly shot up fron his slumber and kicked Gajeel in his...sensitive area.

"What the hell?!" Laxus voice howled

Laxus stood over Gajeel who was toppled over in pain.  He had whipped cream all over his body and hair. His usually blond hair now looked white cause of the cream.

Natsu burst out laughing

"Bwahaha Laxus you look so stupid and Gajeel is such a wimp he got kicked in the balls."

"Zip it Flame brain!" Both the men yelled.

"Here you Laxus." Mira said as she handes him a towel, a water bottle, and a change of clothes.
"You can change in the changing room over there" She pointed.

The reason that there is a changing room is because some people want to wear their Pajamas on the ride. It's not even a room it just a curtain you change

"Hn thanks" He mumbled as he took the things from Mira. He went behind the curtain and started change/clean him self.

The game continued for a while nothing to eventful happend except Natsu was dared to grab my breast! Which was super embarrassing!

I was playing Anger Birds on my phone. Levy was reading the first Hunger Games book and looked tired but kept on reading. Almost everyone was asleep.

I let a big yawn and felt tired. I went behind the curtain and change to something a little more comfortable.

When I returned I saw Levy was dozing off. I got into my seat as quietly as possible trying not to wake anyone up. I got myself comfortable and drifted off into dream land.

Time skip morning time

I woke up to the feeling of someone shaking me.

"Luce wake up!"

I know that voice but I'm to sleepy to open my eyes.

"Luce Wake up!"

"Hmm what?!" I groaned I opened my chocolate brown eyes which were met by a pair of onyx colored eyes.

"Ahhh Lucy slap!!" I screamed I knew it was Natsu but seeing him up so close to just...well surprised me.

"Ah Lucy whatcha do that for?!" I heard him yell hand over his now red cheek.

"Natsu I'm so sorry but you scared the hell out of me."

"Meh whatever anyways were almost to the boat dock."

"Boat dock?"

"Yeah did you forget that we need to ride a boat to get there."

Oh yeah I almost forgot the resort is on a huge island which means we would have to take a boat to get there.
"Oh and Gramps said that they're gonna cast this spell that will make the boat go super fast so it'll only take a couple hours to there."

"Awesome the quicker we get there the better." I smiled

"Well I'm going to go and change into some nicer clothes be right back." I added

I grabbed a change of clothes and went in the changing room and got dressed.  I was now wearing a red t-shirt and a blue mini skirt.

When I stepped out everyone was getting ready to get off the bus. So we were at the dock.

We got of the bus and ran to the boat. The boat wasn't super big but still I'm glad we won't be on it for long.

Everyone was on the bus either standing or sitting. Natsu and Gajeel were hanging their heads of the side of the boat. I guess Toria wore off. I could tell that Wendy was looking a little nausea too, poor thing.

I felt the ship start moving and heard the cries of misery coming from the dragon slayers.

I looked off the the distance and smiled well resort here we come!

Time skip two hours
(I'm to lazy to write anything about the boat ride and I kinda wanna hurry up and get to the resort XD)

-No one's POV-

The ship finally arrived at a huge island,all the crazy wizards that we all know and love were unimaginably excited.

"Woo hoo land sweet land!!" Natsu started yelling as he jumped off the boat and started to kiss land.

"Stop kissing the ground Flame Tard!" The voice of the tsundere ice mage hollered.

"Make me Elsa!"

"Shut up you two!" Erza yelled while smashing their heads together.

The Fairy Tail guild members plus Jellal started making their to the resort.

They reached the resort and stepped into the cool room.

"Alright you brats I'm going to go and sign us and and gather our keys,so I expect you all to be on your best behavior, that means you NATSU!"

"Hey what about Gray?!"

"Don't bring me into this!"

"Both of you knock it off!" Hissed Erza

"Y-Yes ma'am." They said with fear in their voice.

The girls all decide to sit down in the living looking area of the lobby.

"This is so exciting!" Lucy squealed

"Juvia agrees!" Smiled the water mage

The girls all started chatting away about  how excited they were and about how nice the lobby looked. They didn't realize that a male figure was making his way over to them and this was not one of our favorite mages!

Ooooo cliffhanger!

So I don't know if there should be more than one of these well lets say rivals or if there should be just one what do you guys think?

So here's a list of all the ships that I plan on doing besides Nalu, Gruvia, ,Jerza,Gale,Miraxus, and Rowen

Stingyu ( I love this ship it's so cute at first I was like hell no! But then after Sting and all of Sabertooth changed and became awesome I started shipping it so hard! I always have this feeling Sting likes Yukino it's probably just me but yeah these two are super cute)

Rogura ( Another ship that I love and hope happens come on Hiro make it happen!)

Elfgreen (like seriously who doesn't ship this?)

Kinabra (Kinana and Cobra deserve way more love they are so cute together! )

Lories (I've shipped this ever since Loke/Leo's back story with Karen they are seriously one the most underrated ships ever!)

Albis (Now these two are underrated! They are married and they have an adorable child so why is there so little love for them?!)

Lyredy (Sqeee Lyredy is becoming canon a few chapters ago Hiro had made all us Lyredy shippers dreams come true!)

Baccana (I don't remember their official ship name but I think these two would make a pretty good couple)

Zervis (Okay I don't know how I'm gonna do this but some how I'm gonna make it work!)

Cappy (So this is a pretty cute ship that I think should hurry up and become canon)

Sherry/Rin (They're engaged enough said)

Hibiki/Jenny (We did see them kissing during the Grand Magic Games so yeah it's happening in my fanfic)

Eve/Sherria ( I love Sherria so I don't want her be left out so I thought her and Eve looked cute together so yeah sorry if you don't like this ship)

Max/Broom (we all know this is canon 😂)

So yeah those are the ships that you will be seeing in the future

Hope you all enjoyed

Check out my Instagram account @Anime_Loving_Snowleopard

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