Chapter 7 Sabertooth

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Hello everyone how are you?

My story has over 200 reads now!!

Thank to everyone one that has read my crappy story :)

I'm bored right now so I'm going to tell you 5 facts about me just for the heck of it

1. My real name starts with an A

2. I'm trash

3. I'm a huge Evanescence and Melanie Martinez fan I also like Sia alot too

4. I don't have a lot of friends

5. I'm 5'8

Disclaimer I don't own Fairy Tail the amazing Hiro Mashima does


-Lucy's POV-

We were heading towards the stairs that lead up to our floor when I heard the sound of voices.


We looked over and saw Sting, Rouge, and Yukino making their way over us.

"Yukino!" I gasped as I saw the white haired celestial spirit wizard.
Over time we've became closer and I now see Yukino as a sister.

I ran over to her and gave her a huge hug.

"I missed you guys!" Yukino smiled

"We missed you too!" I giggled

"Yo Sting how's Sabertooth?"
"Everything's going pretty good we had a bit of a money issue for awhile though"

"Haha Fairy Tail's always having money issues!" Natsu laughed

"Natsu that's not something you should laugh about" Erza facepalmed

"Ah Sabertooth it's good to see you!" Master Makarov smiled as he looked up at the guild members.

"It's nice to see you too Master Makarov thank you very much for inviting us!" Sting smiled

-No One's POV-

Everyone was chatting and having a good time when a voice interrupted them.

"Hey" The voice of a woman said

"Oh yeah I forgot to tell you that we wanted her to come along too." Sting said nervously while rubbing the back of his head.

Everyone looked over and were very surprised by who they saw.

In the lobby stood Minerva, she was wearing a long blue dress that showed off her curves, the dress had a long waist length cut around her right leg and she also wore black gloves on her and hands. Her hair was up in two buns on top of her head and she wore blood red lipstick and heavy eyeliner.

"M-Minerva!" Lucy said

"What the hell are you doing here!?" Cana yelled

"Everyone calm down Minerva is no longer our enemy." Erza said trying to calm everyone down.

"Lucy Heartphilia it's been a while hasn't it" Minerva smirked

Lucy didn't respond she didn't know what to say. She remember the day that Minerva tried to kill her very well, she even had nightmares about it.

Minerva started walking to where Lucy.

Everyone was frozen they didn't want to start a fight but they also didn't want Lucy to get hurt.

Minerva was just about in front of Lucy when Natsu stepped in her way.

"Move it Salamander"

"Make me" Natsu said glaring at Minerva

"Natsu please move" Lucy spoke
"I want to speak with her"

Natsu slowly stepped out of the way watching to make sure Minerva wasn't planning on attacking Lucy.

"Minerva I am no longer afraid of you!" Lucy said raising her voice.

"I will not allow you to hurt any of my-

"I'm sorry!" Lucy's eyes widened.

"W-What did you just say?"

"I said I'm sorry for hurting you and your friends, I have rejoined Sabertooth and I have changed, I know that a mere apology is not enough for you to forgive me so I hope you could find it in your heart to." Minerva was about to continue but was interrupted by a hug from Lucy.

"Of course I forgive you!" Lucy smiled

"All I needed was for you to say sorry so that we could be friends!" Minerva was extremely surprised that Lucy was forgiving her this easily.

"Wait are you sure it's okay I mean I tried to kill you and your forgiving me so easily you should hate me more than anyone!" Minerva yelled very confused that Lucy accepted her apology and also wanted to be friends.
"Minerva I never hated I knew you were suffering and were filled with hate, but I can definitely tell you've changed a lot."

Minerva almost wanted to cry. She was surprised and thankful that Lucy was being so kind to her.

"Well if Lucy wants to be your friend than count me in too!" Cana smiled putting an arm around Lucy's shoulder.

"Oh thank God that went way better than I thought it would!" Sting said with relief.

"You guys knew about her wanting to apologize?" Erza questioned

"Yeah but we didn't want to say anything just in case you got mad." Rouge responded

"Um (clears throat) are they with you guys or are they from another Guild?" Ryan asked

"Oh we are members of the guild Sabertooth" Minerva answered

"Oh okay well my boss told me that they will be sharing your guy's room because there's not that many of them"

"I'm fine with it what about you Sting?" Rouge asked

"That sounds awesome!"

"Yay I can hang out with Happy-kun, Carla-kun, and Lily-kun!" Lector said with joy.

"Fro thinks so too!"

As started to walk over to the elevator Yukino wasn't paying close enough attention to her surroundings when she tripped over a bag on the floor!

"Oh no!" Yukino gasped she was prepared for the impact and embarrassment but she didn't feel anything.

She opened her eyes and gasped at who she saw.

"S-Sting-sama?!" She saw him laying under her why did he take the impact? Was all she could wonder.

"That was a close one!" Sting smiled

"T-Thank you Sting-Sama!" Yukino said still in a bit of a daze.

"No problem just be more careful okay?" He smiled

She nodded with her cheeks redder than Erza's hair

Yukino actually had a little bit of a crush on Sting after he let her rejoin Sabertooth. So she was very surprised and embarrassed to see him catch her.

Mirajane was squealing and fangirling in her head while Rouge was snickering and teasing Sting after what happened.

Ryan just rolled his eyes in disgust as he watch the scene between the two.

Everyone walked to the stairs and started to go up them.

-Time skip to the rooms-

"Well here we are!" Ryan said

"The room to the right is the girls room, and the one to the right is for boys." Ryan said as he handed the keys to Makarov then he left.

"Mirajane I'm going to put you responsible for the keys to the girls room."

"Okay Master!" Mira smiled

"And Laxus I hope that I can trust you with your room key." Makarov said sternly as he handed the keys to him.

"Don't start worrying so much I am responsible it's not like I'm Natsu."


"Shut up Natsu" Laxus yelled

"Fine but if I hear you've been causing trouble then I'll come down here to kick your asses oh and I'll be on the next floor so if you're causing any sort of trouble I'll know!" Makarov yelled as he started to walk away.

"Well girls let's go check out our rooms!" Mirajane smiled.

"Right!" All the girls said


It seriously took me forever to finish this chapter so sorry that it took a little while

I'm really starting to become a big fan of Stingyu I'm planning on doing more moments between the two than I originally planned too

I hope you enjoyed ❤

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