Chapter Fifteen: Braedey VS Erza

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WARNING: this chapter contains slushies, fighting, and women's breasts.

You have been warned now on with the show!


Behind the bar in the Fairy Tail Guild Hall, GearRunner had several items neatly grouped in piles across the countertop. He had an assortment of metal mechanical parts, bolts and screws, a glass cylinder-shaped tank, various hoses, cooper wire, and a lacrima crystal. At his side were tools such as a screwdriver, pliers, and a tiny hammer.

GearRunner is a 10-inch-tall Cybertronian in a silver metallic colour scheme. His body is shaped like a human, only with what could be a gear built into his back, with the Transformatrix insignia on his chest, and the Fairy Tail mark in his size, and on his left shoulder in black.

GearRunner held his chin as he looked at the piled items, humming while doing so. He examined each part he had collected and memorized them. Once he finished scrutinizing the materials, he closed his eyes and put together a blueprint in his mind. After a moment, he opened his eyes back up and smiled impishly. He had everything he needed to begin his project.

Nearly three days had passed since the Ultimate Team and Elfman defeated the Rabid Weasels and the Transformatrix's malfunction was corrected, turning the affected mages on both sides back to normal. For the team's part in bringing the Dark Guild to justice, the group received an eighty-thousand jewels reward from the Rune Knights. Unfortunately, most of that money went to purchasing new materials to repair the damage done by the Rabid Weasels and the Fairy Tail wizards who were transformed into versions of Braedey's aliens.

They were a bit bummed but understood fully; after all, the destruction inflicted on the still incomplete Guild Hall by them was considerable, especially the damage Natsu made while he was in Cannonbolt form. However, even after draining most of his reward on building materials, Braedey was still left with enough to acquire most of the aforementioned objects before him. The rest had come from the storage area in the Guild Hall's cellar.

"He-he," Braedey cackled mischievously, rubbing his hands together, "everything mechanical-wise is here. Time to get started,"

GearRunner immediately got to work on constructing a metal cube, which would be the main body of the device he was building. It was made from the metal panels he had gathered. Once it was finished, he threw in a variety of mechanical parts, tubes, hoses, wires, and lastly the lacrima crystal within the cube. Braedey jumped in next and began arranging and connecting the various parts.

An hour passed and the rest of the Fairy Tail gathered at the still incomplete Guild Hall. Some were helping in the construction while others were taking breaks by relaxing at the bar; more specifically Cana, who was chugging down a barrel of beer. Later, the rest of Team Prime arrived on the site and approached the bar area.

Natsu burped out a torrent of fire. "Man, that was a good breakfast." He noted; a satisfied smile on his face.

"Aye sir," Happy replied, flying right by.

"I wonder why Braedey couldn't join us though." Lucy pondered.

Gray shrugged. "I went to ask him this morning but he wasn't anywhere in my house."

"That's odd." Erza commented. "I wonder where he could be." Then, without glancing at Gray, the redhead ordered sternly, "Gray, put your clothes back on."

The ice wizard blinked before he looked at himself. True enough, he had stripped down to his boxers. "CRAP!" he panicked.

Natsu laughed hard at his rival. "Ha! What a loser!"

Gray glared back and got in the Dragon Slayer's face. "WHAT'D YOU SAY, PYRO!?"

"I SAID YOU'RE A LOSER, YOU ICY PRICK!" Natsu shouted back with equal rage. "YOU GONNA DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT?!"

Suddenly, before a brawl of fire and ice could break out, Erza appeared by them and slammed their heads together hard. They promptly collapsed to the ground next to each other while the red bumps on their foreheads throbbed in pain.

"No!" Erza yelled. "You've already caused enough damage to the Guild Hall. There will be NO fighting! Am I clear?"

Natsu and Gray both groaned before they replied, "Yes ma'am."

"Erza's super serious today." Lucy commented.

"That's Erza for yah." Happy replied.

Mirajane walked by the team, carrying two items. The first item was a wooden box filled with bananas, strawberries, kiwi, pineapple, and various types of tropical fruits. The second was a large container of ice, which wasn't melting.

"Good morning, you five," Mirajane greeted cheerily.

"Hey Mira, good morning to you too," Lucy replied.

"What's with the box of fruits and the ice?" Erza inquired curiously.

"Oh, I got these for Braedey. He needs them for a little project he's working on right now." Mira answered, smiling brightly.

Natsu and Gray grunted as they returned to their feet, rubbing their sore heads while doing so.

"Braedey's already here?" Gray questioned.

"Do you know what kind of project he's working on?" Lucy asked.

Mirajane tapped her chin in thought. "No," she said, "he just said he was fixing what he thought of as, and I quote, 'a problem in this world'."

"Huh?" Natsu, Gray, Lucy and Happy remarked in confusion. Question marks appeared over their heads. Erza cocked a brow, curious as to what Mira meant by that.

Natsu scratched his head. "A problem in this world? What could that be?"

"Maybe he's trying to increase the fish population?" Happy suggested; a hopeful expression on his face.

Lucy sweat dropped. "I wouldn't bet on it, Happy."

"Do you know where he is?" Gray asked.

Mira smiled. "Yes. He's over here behind the bar. C'mon I'll show you."

The beautiful white haired maiden led the team to the bar area. On the countertop behind the bar was a cube covered by a blue tarp. From inside the tarp covered box, they could hear a hammer banging, parts being screwed together, and a voice muttering technical gibberish that no one could understand. Mirajane set the box of fruits and ice down close to the tarp covered box, and then tapped on it.

A a 10-inch-tall Cybertronian in a silver metallic colour scheme pulled up the cover and walked out onto the counter. His body is shaped like a human, only with what could be a gear built into his back, with the Transformatrix insignia on his chest, and the Fairy Tail mark in his size, and on his left shoulder in black.

GearRunner spotted the ingredients Mira had procured for him and smiled. "Thanks for getting the ingredients, Mirajane."

"My pleasure, Braedey," Mira chirped.

"Braedey, what are you doing?" Lucy asked. "You missed breakfast with us."

"And you sneaked out of my house without a word this morning too." Gray added.

"Oh," GearRunner scratched his neck sheepishly. "Sorry about that. I couldn't wait to get started on this project. I've gathered enough materials from the Guild Hall's cellar and purchased the rest with what I had left from my cut of the reward for bringing in the Rabid Weasels."

"What exactly are you doing?" Erza inquired, eyeing the tarp covered project inquisitively.

GearRunner smirked. "You'll find out soon enough. I just need to finish the refrigeration system and inaugurate the power source."

"Mhmm... yum... yum," GearRunner looked over to his right to see Natsu helping himself to the fruits Mira had gotten him. "Yeah, I have no idea what you just said." he muffled through the food in his mouth.

Braedey's left eye twitched in irritation. "Cut it out, Natsu! I need those!"

"Can't help it," Natsu replied, taking a bite out of a banana. "I'm hungry."

"HUNGRY?!" Lucy demanded angrily. "You just ate four plates of food this morning!"

"Natsu, I'm warning you." GearRunner said threateningly. The tone in his voice portrayed that he was not kidding around.

Natsu snorted. "Yeah right. Like I'm supposed to be scared of that tiny form," The Dragon Slayer continued chowing down on the delectable fruits.

GearRunner narrowed his eyes at the pink haired wizard. "Oh yeah?"

The ten-inch-tall alien jumped onto Natsu's shoulder, bent down, and pinched a specific nerve. Suddenly, Natsu's eyes popped open as he fell backwards in a limp heap. Everyone looked on in shock and surprise.

"WHOA!" Happy exclaimed. "Braedey just beat Natsu by grabbing his shoulder!"

GearRunner jumped back onto the countertop and wiped his hands together. "Neuro Grip," he explained, "it's useful for subduing all matter of prey."

Some of the other Fairy Tail wizards had also witnessed the scene. Wakaba and Macao, who were sitting at a table enjoying their beer, stared in awe and disbelief.

"Whoa," Wakaba gapped, "did you see that?"

"He just took down Natsu by touching his shoulder." Macao added in equal shock.

Erza looked on with wide eyes. She too along with the other mages who witnessed the spectacle was dumbfounded. Another part of her was impressed that Braedey had defeated Natsu with such a small form.

On the floor, Natsu gritted his teeth as he tried to move his body; however, to his confusion, his muscles wouldn't respond. "What... did you do? I can't move!"

"I grabbed a certain nerve that would cause instant body paralysis. Don't worry it's temporary. It'll wear off in like ten minutes." GearRunner responded. He turned his back and smirked. "Maybe next time when I warn you not to do something, you'll listen."

Natsu turned his head to the side and muttered incoherently, an angry expression on his face.

"That's one heck of a grip." Cana commented from her barstool.

"No kidding." Gray agreed. The ice mage then looked at his hand. "I wonder." He reached out for Cana's shoulder, but the brunette beauty swiftly elbowed him in the gut, causing him to double over in pain.

"Don't even think about it." Cana said as she resumed her drinking.

"I still can't believe something so tiny beat Natsu." Elfman muttered.

GearRunner glanced back at the white haired giant and stated, "One's strength is not measured by their size, but by the size of their strength."

Erza smiled in agreement and admiration. Those were wise words indeed.

Elfman seemed to agree with Braedey's logic, and remarked, "HA! Now that's manly!"

He slapped the Transformatrix teen on the back. GearRunner cried out as the slap sent him flying across the counter. The little alien then smashed dead centre into Erza's breastplate. He stuck on her chestplate for a few moments before he let out a groan and fell to the floor.

Erza kneeled down and picked up the small alien, who had swirls in his optics, and cradled him in her armoured hands. She then glared at Elfman, who sheepishly rubbed the back of his head. "Uh...whoops,"

A minute later, GearRunner recovered and resumed his work on his project behind the tarp. Team Prime, minus Natsu - who was still on the floor - sat on the barstools, waiting patiently for their friend. They were curious as to what Braedey was making. After all, Braedey did say it was something that would solve a problem in their world.

As GearRunner worked on his project, they heard him laugh maniacally behind the tarp. This, in turn, caused Lucy to jump back in fear, earning a few laughs from the Fairy Tail wizards present. Happy let curiosity get the better of him as he tried to sneak a peek under the tarp, but got whacked in the head by GearRunner's small wrench.

Ten minutes passed and during that time, GearRunner had finished his work on the actual project and was carrying fruits and yogurt under the tarp. The others only looked on in bewilderment, unsure of what Braedey was doing. The sounds of a motor caught them off guard and only piqued their curiosity further.

Finally, when the motor stopped, GearRunner finally stepped out from behind the tarp.

"Okay," he said proudly, "it's done."

Braedey's team – minus Natsu who was still on the floor limp – Mira, and Elfman approached the bar. Cana, who was drinking a mug of beer, turned her gaze to the group. GearRunnee hopped to the floor and tapped the Transformatrix dial on his back. In a flash of blue, he reverted back to his human form.

"So what's this project you've been working on?" Elfman asked, folding his arms over his broad chest.

Braedey grabbed the blue cover. "Ladies and gentlemen, may I present..."

Happy flew and clutched onto Braedey's shirt. "PLEASE JUST SHOW US ALREADY!" he shouted impatiently. "The suspense is killing me!"

Everyone sweat dropped in response. "A little much, don't yah think?" Lucy said.

Braedey pulled the blue cat off of him and sat him on the counter. "May I present," he then pulled off the tarp, revealing his creation. "The Magic Slushie-Maker."

Sitting on the countertop was a white cube-shaped contraption with blue highlights. Decorated on the sides was the words "Magic Slushies" painted in bubbly, red letters and emblazoned alongside it was the Fairy Tail symbol painted in orange. On top was a clear see-through tank filled with a pinkish-red substance that appeared to be slushie. Poking out from the front of a tank was a nozzle that seemed to be a drink dispenser.

The group eyed the peculiar device with confusion, intrigue, and interest. They had never seen anything like it before.

"Magic Slushie-Maker?" Lucy repeated.

Braedey shrugged. "Yeah, its a stupid name. I couldn't come up with anything better."

"Wait," Gray said, "didn't you say slushies were some kind of drink you had back in your universe?"

Erza cocked a brow. "I'm confused. How does this fix a problem in our world?"

"The problem in this world is that there are no slushies!" Braedey replied. "And plus, I'm not one to have an alcohol drink. I had one before, and it was bad. I've developed a dislike to alcohol."

Everyone groaned and sweat dropped.

"You spent all this time worrying about some frozen drink?! That's not manly at all!" Elfman remarked loudly.

Braedey could see their downcast expressions. Clearly they were expecting something greater. Braedey thought for a moment and then hatched up an idea that was sure to rejuvenate the unruly group of mages.

"Why don't you all try one?" Braedey suggested. "Then, you'll see where I'm coming from."

They all looked at each other and shrugged. It wouldn't hurt to try. Braedey smiled and picked up a glass on the counter. He held it under the nozzle and pulled down on the lever. A stream of semi-frozen reddish-pink substance poured from the dispenser and into the glass, the ice in the beverage shining in the light. Once it was full, he added the final touch and put in a straw.

Braedey turned to the group and searched for someone to try Fiore's first ever slushie. "Here you go, Erza." He offered the glass to her.

The redhead blinked twice. "Me? I don't know, Braedey. Perhaps..."

"C'mon," Braedey urged, "you'll be the first person in Fiore to taste the very first slushie; besides, its strawberry flavour." He smiled slyly, knowing the mighty Titania had a weakness for strawberries.

The instant Erza heard 'strawberry', all vigilance immediately left her as she took the glass and sucked on the straw. When the icy, reddish-pink touched her tongue, she stopped drinking. Everyone leaned in, curious to what her reaction would be. Suddenly, Erza let out an uncharacteristic girlish-like squeal as hearts filled her eyes.

"IT'S SO GOOD!" She exclaimed gleefully, earning shocked expressions from everyone except Braedey, who only smirked.

"Whoa," Gray breathed, wide eyed. "I've never seen Erza so... so..."

"Cheery?" Lucy asked.

"Yeah, that." Gray confirmed.

Erza sucked down on the smoothie very fast, lost in the unbelievably wonderful taste of the beverage. Braedey's smirk fell into an expression of concern.

"Erza, you should slow down drinking that," Braedey cautioned, holding his hands out. "If you drink it too fast, you'll get a..."

Suddenly, Erza stopped sucking on the straw as her eyes opened wide. Without warning, the armour-shifting wizard fell to her knees, clutching her head in agony. "CURSES! My head! It feels like it's going to explode!"

Braedey smiled and couldn't hold back an amused laugh. "Yeah, that's what one can call a brain freeze."

"WHAT?!" the other wizards cried out.

"You mean her brain is actually frozen?!" Happy shouted; his face paling in horror.

Braedey chuckled and shook his head. "No, no. Its nothing like that. It's a headache caused by drinking an ice cold drink too fast, which causes a numbness in the brain. It'll wear off in a minute. Just drink it slowly and you won't get one."

"Oh," they replied simultaneously.

Later, everyone - including Cana - had decided to try Bradley's creation dubbed: Magic Slushies. All the wizards who tried it seemed to greatly enjoy it. Though they couldn't get intoxicated from it, they couldn't deny how good it tasted. Mirajane had asked Braedey how to use the Magic Slushie-Maker. The machine was actually very easy to use and only took Mira five minutes before she understood its workings, and how to create a plethora of flavours.

Everyone who wasn't working on the construction efforts was chilling at the bar and tables, talking to one another and enjoying their smoothies. They had to admit, they now knew why Braedey loved them so much.

Braedey, Gray, Lucy, Happy and Erza were at the bar drinking their slushies, the latter was sucking down her third slushie; though she did heed Braedey's advice and drank it slowly. They were just discussing going on a job until a certain Dragon Slayer finally regained motion.

Natsu jumped up and threw his arms in the air. "ALRIGHT! I CAN MOVE AGAIN!" He shouted, exhaling a torrent of flame.

"Aw man," Gray groaned, annoyed. "I was hoping he'd stay down there all day."

Lucy turned to Braedey. "I thought you said he'd be moving in like ten minutes. It's been like thirty since you did that neuro grip on him." She mentioned.

"Recovery must be slower on some people?" Braedey guessed.

Natsu turned his hard gaze to a certain jacket-wearing teen and pointed an accusing finger at him. "There's no way I'm letting you get away with that, Braedey!" He ignited his fists with flames and took a fighting stance. "It's time to fight! I'm calling you out!"

Most of the wizards present only groaned and face-palmed. Was Natsu really calling Braedey out again? Even after Braedey beat him the first time?

Braedey sighed, frustrated. "Seriously? Did you forget our agreement from when we fought before? If I won you'd never fight me again, and I did win."

"C'mon man! You owe me! Your stupid watch turned me into Hotrod and I had to save your sorry butt from those Weasel guys." Natsu countered. "That's two favours you owe me."

Gray, Elfman, Lucy, Happy, and Erza all sweat dropped in annoyance. "We all helped save Braedey and take down the Rabid Weasels too, yah know." Lucy muttered, exasperated.

Natsu seemed to ignore Lucy's comment. "And for my first favour, I demand a rematch on two conditions. One, you can't go Bumblebee again. And two, you can't use that neuro grip thingy!" he proclaimed.

Erza placed her smoothie down on the bar counter and stood up, glaring at the pink haired wizard with glowing red eyes. "Natsu," she growled, "What did I say about fighting at the Guild?"

"Hold on Erza," Braedey held out his hand in front of her. "I hate to admit it, but Natsu's right."

"HUH?!" Every single wizard said; shocked at what Braedey had just said. The Fairy Tail mages all began murmuring with each other.

"I don't believe it." Droy said. "Did Braedey really just say that Natsu was right?"

"Believe it or not, he did." Jet replied.

"That's a first." Levy noted.

"What? What do you mean he's right?" Erza inquired sternly.

Without glancing back, Braedey answered, "Natsu did help save me from the Rabid Weasels while I was powerless and defenseless. I think it's only fair that I oblige him."

"I can't let you two fight here and cause more damage than we've already inflicted." Titania stated.

The Transformatrix hero looked at her, and whispered, "Don't worry. This'll be quick and I promise not to wreck anything. Trust me." He gave her a confident wink.

Erza starred hard at Braedey; after a moment, she sighed heavily and gave her approval with a nod. If things were to get out of control, then she'd step in; however, she was interested in seeing the outcome of the fight between the shape-shifter and Dragon Slayer. After all, she did unfortunately miss the first time Braedey and Natsu fought. This might be fun.

Braedey smiled in thanks and turned to look straight at Natsu. "Okay, Natsu. I accept your challenge... again."

"ALL RIGHT, I'm all fired up!" Natsu bellowed; the flames coursing around him intensifying.

"Are they seriously gonna fight again?" Lucy asked fearfully.

"Aye, this'll be fun." Happy replied, chewing on a fish.

Gray smirked. "I'll say. Watching Natsu get his butt kicked is always fun."

"WHERE ARE YOUR CLOTHES?!" Lucy demanded.

True enough, Gray had stripped down into his boxers within the blink of an eye. "CRAP! Not again!" He cried.

Braedey pulled up his sleeve and activated the Transformatrix. Any wizard close by quickly stepped away from the imminent fight about to take place. Erza stood by with her arms folded over her breastplate, eyeing the two keenly; more specifically, Braedey.

As Braedey scrolled through his playlist, he grinned cockily. "You remember how I had to transform a couple of times to beat you before, Natsu? Well, not this time. I've got the perfect form to take you down quickly."

"We'll see about that!" Natsu retorted, charging at Braedey with his fists shrouded in flames.

When he found the alien he wanted, Braedey tapped the Transformatrix faceplate. In a flash of blue, standing in Braedey's place was a large, bulky, reddish-brown Cybertronian standing 20ft tall. It had what was a rocky camouflage design, a molten lava planet core at the centre of his body, big blasters attached to his back, whilst possessing large six-finger hands, tank treads on the lower legs and lower arms, and what could be gravity conductors inside of his shoulders. He wears the Transformatrix symbol on his chest.

Natsu leaped at Braedey with his fist cocked back. "Fire Dragon Iron Fist!"

However, just metres before Natsu's flaming fist could make contact, Braedey held out his hand. Suddenly, all the momentum Natsu gained was lost as he stopped in midair. The Fairy Tail wizards were intrigued with this new form they hadn't seen before. Erza was the exception as she smirked slyly, realizing what Braedey was planning.

"Hey!" Natsu shouted, shocked and confused. "What's going on?"

"I don't think you've been properly introduced to Gravitread. Now, about I take you for a spin, Natsu?" Braedey quipped, grinning impishly.

Before Natsu could comment, everyone was taken by surprise when Gravitread transformed his body into a tank-like vehicle with an energy cannon on the roof. Gravitread used his gravikinesis to pull Natsu into an elliptical orbit. The Transformatrix teen increased his pull on Natsu and before long the Dragon Slayer was being spun around him at insane speeds until he was nothing but a blur.

"Whoa," Macao murmured, impressed. "He's spinning Natsu around really fast."

"Yep," Wakaba replied, taking a puff from his pipe. "That should do it."

"I've never seen that form before." Lucy noted with wide eyes. "What's he doing to Natsu?"

"That form is called Gravitread," Erza explained, gaining the attention of Lucy, Gray, and Happy. "He's using his control over gravity to trap Natsu in his gravitational field and spin him around very fast."

"He's using Natsu's motion sickness against him again." Happy said cheerfully.

"Wow," Gray commented, "this guy never ceases to amaze."

After a moment, Gravitread transformed back into robot mode, stretching himself up to his bipedal form. He stopped spinning Natsu around him and held him in place a few metres in front of him. Natsu's face had turned a sickly green and his eyes were spinning. He looked ready to hurl at any moment.

"I think you've had enough." Gravitread said.

Natsu only groaned in response. Braedey was about to let go until he spotted something. Floating above Natsu were two bricks. It appeared that they had gotten captured in his orbit along with Natsu. Braedey smirked as a mischievous idea came to mind.

Gravitread dropped Natsu to the ground in a dizzy heap. Natsu tried to get up, but when the two bricks fell onto his head, he collapsed back to the ground. A couple red bumps sprouted from his head as he laid there, groaning. Natsu had been knocked out.

Everyone present who had witnessed the one-sided fight burst out into laughter. After all, seeing Natsu get beaten so quickly was an uncommon sight. The only mages in the Guild who had been known for defeating Natsu that fast were Erza and Gildarts, the latter was someone Braedey still didn't know about; however, Laxus and Mystogan were also candidates who could defeat the Dragon Slayer easily.

"Way to go, Natsu!" Gray taunted.

"Yeah! Guess we know who the real man in this Guild is!" Elfman added, holding his sides from laughter.

Gravitread tapped the Transformatrix on his first and, in a flash of blue, transformed back to Braedey. He stood tall with his arms folded over his chest and adorned a confident smirk. "I guess I win." He said.

"Wow," Wakaba gaped, "he actually beat Natsu in less than a minute!"

"Why didn't he just use that form the first time?" Macao wondered.

Erza took her slushie and sucked down the remaining contents, making sure to drink slowly. Once the glass was emptied of its divine substance, she sat it back down on the counter and approached Braedey.

"Impressive," Erza complimented, "using your opponent's weakness to your advantage."

Braedey shrugged. "It was no big deal. I did it the last time too. Only I used Bumblebee instead."

Erza allowed a smile to cross her lips. 'I like it when a man is modest. However, I believe he is more powerful than he is letting on.'

"Then perhaps, you'd like a greater challenge than Natsu." Erza offered.

Braedey blinked and lifted an eyebrow in confusion. "Huh? What do you mean by that, Erza?"

Erza smirked. Watching Braedey defeat Natsu effortlessly was entertaining; however, it left the redhead wondering how powerful Braedey really was. She knew there was only one way to find out how to truly measure Braedey's strength.

Suddenly, Erza summoned a silver magical sword into existence, and with quick reflexes, she pointed the tip of her blade at Braedey's throat. The brunette's eyes had widened in surprise as he held up his hands in a placating gesture.

Braedey chuckled nervously, and said, "Are you really doing this again?" He was of course referring to the time when Erza had her sword pointed at his neck on Galuna Island.

The Fairy Queen's expression turned serious as she honed her brown eyes on him. "Braedey Martin," announced Erza, "I challenge you to a one-on-one battle."

All the present Fairy Tail wizards gasped in shock and began talking to each other.

"Whoa," Wakaba remarked. "Erza never challenges anyone; it's usually the other way around."

"More specifically Natsu," Macao mentioned.

"I can't believe it!" Lucy gaped. "Did Erza really just challenge Braedey?"

"Aye," Happy said, "Erza doesn't kid around when it comes to a fight."

"Two of the most powerful people in Fairy Tail duking it out," Gray paled a little. "Things might just get messy."

Braedey blinked a couple times and looked at the redhead in confusion. "You want to fight me? But... but why? Are you still mad about the brain freeze earlier? I tried to warn you about that but..."

"No," Erza interrupted, "It's nothing personal at all. I just want to gauge how powerful you really are, and there's only one way to test that."

"C'mon Braedey!" Elfman routed. "If you're a real man, than you'll accept the challenge!"

Soon, more Fairy Tail wizards began to gather from the construction site and cheered for Ben to accept the challenge. Braedey looked between all the mages before returning his gaze back to Erza, who still had her blade pointed at his throat.

"How about it, Martin? Will you accept? Or are you scared?" Erza smiled teasingly.

Braedey's trademark confident grin spread on his face. Though he knew she was teasing him, there was no way Braedey was going to let her get away with that. If this mage in w wanted to fight him, then he would oblige her. Besides, with everyone behind him rooting for him to accept, how could he disappoint them?

"Alright Erza," Braedey said juvenilely, "you're on! I accept your challenge."

Erza pulled her sword away from Braedey's throat, a smile gracing her lips. "Excellent. We'll fight first thing in the morning."

Immediately, everyone broke out into applause. They had all been hard at work for the past couple weeks repairing the Guild Hall. Now, they had something entertaining to break the monotony. Everyone was excited; first thing tomorrow morning, they would witness the fight between the Queen of the Fairies and the Bearer of the Transformatrix.

'Although, was the sword-against-the-neck thing really necessary?' Braedey thought.

A moment later, Natsu finally overcame his vertigo and returned to his feet. He grinned hungrily; though he was still nauseous at the time, he had overheard Braedey accepting Erza's challenge. Needless to say, like the others, the Dragon Slayer was eager to see the fight too.

"Hey Natsu!" Gray called out.

Natsu's smile turned into a frown from hearing Gray's voice. He turned to face his rival sitting at the bar area. The ice mage held up a large mug of strawberry slushie, and then motioned to another sitting on the counter right by him.

"I bet I could finish my slushie before you finish yours." Gray dared; a cocky smirk on his face.

Natsu growled and clenched his fists in anger. No way could he turn down a challenge from the ice prick. The pink haired wizard rushed over and grabbed the other slushie mug.

"You're on!"

They both lifted their mugs to their lips and chugged the slushie contents down; however, Gray was the fastest to drink his. He sat the mug down, a triumphant grin on his face. Thanks to his ice powers, he was immune to getting cold. That also meant he was impervious to getting a brain freeze.

Unfortunately for Natsu, when he got to the halfway point, his eyes widened as sudden, agonizing pain struck his head.

He fell to the floor, twitching from the severe brain freeze.

Gray smirked, and commented, "Idiot."

Lucy, who was sitting close by, remarked, "A little harsh, don't yah think?"

The black haired wizard shrugged nonchalantly. "What? I didn't know he had a brain to freeze."


The next day, around seven-o-clock, all of Fairy Tail was gathered in the courtyard. Everyone was geared up and greatly excited for the fight about to take place. Many had beer or smoothie mugs in their hands, some prattled about random things, and others were placing bets to predict the winner. Cana, of course, was taking everyone's bets.

But, there were two important people missing from this scene: Braedey and Erza. The two powerhouses were found when they stepped out from the bar area, both carrying a slushie. Braedey couldn't help but smirk. Though everyone had liked his creation, Erza seemed to love them more than anybody else in the guild. The teen hero was happy that there was finally someone who could understand his love for slushies.

However, before the fight could begin, a man ran into the courtyard. He was small in stature, roughly five foot four and very rotund. His hair was black and shaggy, his face was round, and his eyes were dark green. He wore blue trousers, a white button up shirt with a blue vest to go over it. Everyone looked at the man in bewilderment.

The man ran up to Braedey and Erza, who were standing in the middle of the crowd. He was breathing heavily, his face covered in sweat. His hands were on his knees as he struggled to catch his breath. It was obvious this man, whoever he was, was definitely out of shape.

"Um, hello. Who are you, if you do not mind me asking?" Braedey asked.

"I... am... Travis... the mayor's... assistant." He gasped for air in-between pauses. "I have deliver... a message. The mayor heard of this fight... and... has forbidden you two from... fighting... in Magnolia."

"HUH?" everyone, besides Braedey and Erza, remarked.

"Can't fight?! What do you mean they can't fight?" Nab, a Fairy Tail mage, shouted.

"The mayor... knows how powerful Ms. Titania here is, and... he's heard that this one... here," he pointed at Braedey, "can change into a humungous titan. The damage these two... could cause is unthinkable."

"Do not worry, sir," Erza said politely. "I wasn't intending on having the fight here. We will fight at my training ground. It's a large open area in the East Forest and a couple miles away from Magnolia. The town will be safe."

Travis the messenger blinked a couple of times. He let out a long groan, before he collapsed to the ground, realizing he had run all that way for nothing.

"Sorry we didn't inform the Mayor beforehand." Braedey spoke to him.


An hour later, the Guild had relocated to Erza's training ground as she instructed. Most of them were annoyed that they had to pick up and walk a couple miles outside town; mainly because beer kegs were very heavy. However, the rational wizards such as Makarov, Lucy, Gray, and Mirajane understood why the fight would need to be held somewhere secluded. Others, like Natsu, were a different story.

Erza's training ground was a large open area of grass and dirt in the middle of the lush East Forest. The long grasses had been cut short, no doubt from Erza and her continuous training. The wizards of Fairy Tail were gathered around the southern rim of the area, giving Braedey and Erza plenty of room.

"Ugh!" Natsu ignited flames around his body in anticipation. "C'mon, let's get this fight started already!"

From across the crowd, Cana was sitting on a wooden crate. A barrel of beer was by her side while she gathered bets from other members in the Guild. Nearly everyone was betting on Erza to win. Natsu and Gray were among that group; though they knew Braedey was powerful, the duo still had doubts he could beat Erza. After all, this was the girl that had tormented them and haunted their nightmares ever since they were kids.

Master Makarov, Cana, and Happy were part of the small group that betted on Braedey.

"Keep your shorts on!" Cana shouted at Natsu. "I still got people placing their bets."

Macao and Wakaba walked up to the brunette drinker and placed their bets. Macao wagered three hundred jewels for Braedey to win in less than five moves while Wakaba betted two hundred jewels that Erza would win by only having to Re-Quip twice.

"Man, it's no wonder I get rich off you, Wakaba." Macao said smugly. "Erza can't win. All Braedey has to do is change into that titan form and step on her."

As Mirajane walked by, she overheard Macao's statement, and mentioned, "Braedey won't change into Metroplex, Macao." It was true. Right before the Guild left for Erza's training area, Braedey made it specifically clear that he would not transform into Metroplex. It would sound like he was cheating if he used the Titan Autobot.

Macao seemed to have forgotten. His confident demeanor seemed to deflate from that realization. Wakaba grinned at him, taking another puff from his pipe. "Which means Erza's gonna wipe the floor with him."

Macao glared back at the smoking wizard, and countered, "Don't count on it, pal! Remember, he still has like seventy other Take-Overs."

Meanwhile, Natsu, Gray, and Lucy were standing together. The former two waited in anticipation for the fight. Lucy, however, wasn't as thrilled.

"I don't know if this is such a good idea." Lucy said nervously.

Gray cocked a brow as he looked at her, confused. "What do you mean, Lucy?"

"I mean, what if Braedey and Erza hate each other after this? What if this breaks up our team?" the blonde mage pointed out.

Natsu laughed and dismissed her fears. "Why are you getting so worked up, Luce? It's only a fight. They're not gonna hate each other after this."

"Yeah," Elfman approached and stood behind them, standing tall. He folded his arms over his massive chest, a serious expression on his face. "Besides, they have to do this to prove their manhood to each other."

Lucy sweat dropped. "Erza's not a man, Elfman."

"Although," Gray implied, "you gotta admit that she is manly."

Happy landed on the ground and faced the group, more specifically, Lucy. "So Lucy, who'd you bet on?"

"I didn't bet on anyone! I don't want either of them to lose!" the Celestial mage cried.

"Geez," Natsu muttered, "you're no fun. Wouldn't hurt to lighten up and live a little."

Happy looked up at Lucy's shoulder and had a thought. He sprouted his wings and flew behind her. The blue cat looked at his paw and then at the blonde mage's shoulder. Out of curiosity, Happy began smacking his paw into Lucy's shoulder.

Lucy turned to him; at first, confused by Happy's actions. However, she soon realized what he was trying to do. "Are you trying to use that neuro grip thingy on me!?" She shouted angrily.

In the middle of the field, at least fifty yards away from the assembled Fairy Tail wizards, Braedey and Erza were facing each other, separated by about ten yards. Both opponents wore a smile of confidence and stood calm and collected.

"Are you ready, Erza Scarlet?" Braedey asked. "Don't think just because you're a girl, I am gonna go easy on you; not when you're the strongest woman known in Fairy Tail."

Erza smirked. "I would expect nothing less from you. And I must warn you, Braedey Martin, I won't be going easy on you either."

"That makes it all the more worth it for this fight," Braedey grinned.

"All bets are in!" Cana shouted.

Once Master Makarov heard Cana's announcement, he took a few steps in front of the crowd and raised his hand. "Begin!"

Braedey swiftly activated the Transformatrix and already found the icon he wanted. "How about I start this off with an old favourite?"

His body was shrouded in brilliant blue light. As it died away, standing in Braedey's place was a 20ft tall robot with a jet black colour scheme with a flame job across the doors and the hood. A pair of door wings are sitting on his back, similar to that of a pair of wings, with two tyres as the shoulders, with a muscle car-like front built into his chest, whilst the other two tyres are on his ankles. His legs were slim from the thighs to the knees, whilst below his knees, his power legs were thick armoured. In addition, his arms were slim and wrapped in black and yellow, whilst his hands had four-digit fingers. His helm had a two optics, a silver face with yellow armour wrapped around his helm, and two black racing stripes on it. Finally, the Transformatrix insignia was present in the centre of his chest, whilst the Fairy Tail mark was on his left shoulder in red with and orange fiery design around it.

"Hotrod!" He shouted in a deep, raspy sounding voice.

Everyone looked at the fire-car with intrigue and slight awe. It wasn't every day you see someone like Hotrod. In the crowd, Natsu grinned brightly. He remembered Hotrod from Galuna Island and immediately thought he was awesome.

"A warrior that has control of fire, quite interesting." Erza comment, she then smiled. "But I have the perfect armour for this situation."

Suddenly, her body was covered in golden-white light as her Heart Kreuz outfit disappeared. When the light faded, she was clad in an armour that was primarily dark red, but also sported orange and black parts, with the first ones being shaped like flames and the second resembling the limbs of a Dragon. Her bright scarlet hair was tied into a pair of high, long pigtails. In her right hand was a long red, flaming sword.

"Flame Empress Armour," Macao said, "good choice for fighting someone who's made of fire."

"That means that Braedey's fire attacks will only be half as powerful." Happy noted.

Hotrod overheard Happy's statement, and smirked. "Only half as powerful? All that means is that I can turn the heat up as much as I want!"

Lucy tapped her chin in thought. "You know, that line sounds familiar."

"All right," Hotrod took a fighting stance. "I'll start this off! Take this!"

He summoned fireballs in his hands and threw them straight at Erza. The Fairy Queen stood stationary, not attempting to dodge the attacks. She held out her crimson sword and deflected the fireballs with ease. She then collected fire along her sword, reared back her sword, and unleashed a powerful fire wave at her opponent.

The Transformatrix bearer held out his hands and concentrated. To everyone's surprise, Hotrod absorbed the attack into his hands, making his body burn brighter.

"He can absorb fire like Natsu!" Lucy said, stunned.

"That was unexpected." Gray added.

Seeing that distance-attacks were to no avail, Erza crouched low and leapt at Hotrod to engage him in close-quarters. Her Flame Empress outfit allowed her the ability to fly for short distances.

Braedey discharged a torrent of fire from the soles of his feet, causing his body to blast forward like he was a rocket. Hotrod intensified the flames in his fists, whilst Erza gathered fire on her sword. When the two collided, a shockwave was created while an inferno erupted and engulfed them both.

The Fairy Tail wizards were transfixed on the scene, watching anxiously. When the smoke finally cleared, Hotrod and Erza could be seen standing in a shallow crater a few yards apart. Gray haze of smoke was billowing from the rim and cracks in the earth.

The wizards could see that Erza had a few minor dark marks on her torso and dragon-like gauntlets, other than that she was relatively unharmed. Hotrod had a small, minor gash on his chest from Erza's sword; however, to their surprise, they could see that the gash was steadily healing itself.

"Wow! After an explosion like that, they're unharmed?" Lucy gaped.

Hotrod then deployed his exhaust pipes in front of his doors, and flames shot out of them. To everyone's surprise, the flames started to change shape, becoming that of fiery angel wings, and they picked up the Autobot, letting him hover in the air.

"He can make flaming objects like Natsu?" Gray said, shocked.

Natsu grinned. "That's so cool!"

"Aye," Happy agreed.

The Pyro Autobot looked down at Titania Erza; needless to say, she was impressed by this ability Hotrod seemed to possess.

"Aerial superiority. You're going down, now!" Hotrod began throwing a barrage of fireballs at Erza.

With a few swipes of her sword, she easily parried his attacks once more. Erza leapt in the air and gathered flames on her blade. When she reared her weapon to its zenith, she let out a fearsome cry as she discharged a wave of fire at Hotrod again.

Braedey swiftly outmaneuvered the fire wave and flew in a circle around Erza. Giving it one last shot, Hotrod brought his hands together and discharged a humungous blazing blast at his opponent. The earth erupted once more into a conflagration. A small cloud of dust and smoke arose from the spot.

Hotrod stared at the billowing aftermath, watching for any signs of movement. Without warning, a red blur leapt out from the smoke and struck Heatblast's platform, promptly destroying it. As Braedey fell back to the ground, he grunted when a pair of armoured boots kicked him in his torso. He looked up to see Erza above him.

The Pyro Autobot collided with the ground hard, throwing up another dust cloud. The Fairy Tail wizards all focused on the smoky spot. For a moment, nothing happened. Suddenly, the billowing cloud was blasted away when a giant pillar of flame shot from the cloud.

The flaming torrent sent Erza sliding across the ground for a few metres until she came to a stop. She held up her sword, ready to attack. Hotrod jumped from the crater he and Erza made, and to hers and everyone else's shock, he was unscathed.

"I do not understand." Erza said. "How could you possibly not have the slightest injury after that attack?"

Ben smirked. "I'm a pyrokinetic Cybertronian now. You'll have more success trying to drown a fish in water than you will defeating Hotrod with fire."

"Aye sir," Happy shouted, "I love fish!"

Erza narrowed her eyes at the Transformer. "I see."

Hotrod stomped his foot on the ground. Shockingly, four boulders blasted from the ground and levitated in the air. He increased the temperature of the rocks drastically until they became flaming hot, molten rocks.

Hotrod flashed a cocky grin. "Also, I have a bit of geokinesis as well."

The wizards of Fairy Tail were shocked and stunned by this amazing ability. It appeared that Hotrod was as good at manipulating fire as Natsu was, much to the Dragon Slayer's annoyance.

"Try deflecting these!" Hotrod shouted as he threw the molten boulders at her.

Erza crouched low and jumped forward. She cocked back her flaming sword and destroyed the first magma boulder. Using the second magma rock as a springboard, she propelled herself forward. Erza cried out as she unleashed a powerful wave of fire at the last two magma rocks. Fire and burning rocks was scattered across the area as a result from the rocks' destruction.

Braedey's eyes widened. He had no idea that her armour and sword was that strong. Hotrod was so lost in his musings, he was almost struck by Erza's sword; however, at the last moment, he back-flipped to avoid Erza's vertical swipe. Her blade cut deep into the ground as fire erupted from beneath her.

When Hotrod feet hit the ground again, he took a stance and focused on Erza. Both opponents stood still, ready to engage at a second's notice.

The Fairy Tail mages looked on in excitement. So far, the fight was turning out to be good.

"Whoa, this fight is awesome!" Natsu said; a bright grin on his face.

However, a certain ice wizard seemed to be less amused by the battle.

"This fight sucks." Gray folded his arms over his chest. "They're at a stalemate. Neither one can hurt the other."

Makarov, who was sitting on a beer barrel not too far away, turned to Gray. "Wait for it, Gray. Those two are just getting warmed up... literally."

Erza made the first move as she leapt straight for Heatblast at an incredible speed, her sword reared back. Nevertheless, the Transformatrix hero was ready as he grabbed her blade with his fiery hand. Using his free arm, Hotrod punched Erza in the torso, making her slide back a few meters.

The Fairy Queen winced in pain as she coughed out a bit of spit. She definitely felt the strength behind that punch; however, Erza had a sneaky suspicion that Braedey was holding back.

'This is pointless.' Braedey thought. 'Even though she can't hurt me as Hotrod, I can't seem to hurt her while she's in that Flame Empress Armour. I'm gonna have to change it up.'

Hotrod created another fireball in his hand and threw it at Erza's feet. The explosion of fire and smoke provided a distraction for Braedey to slap the Transformatrix dial. As Hotrod was engulfed in blue light, the Fairy Tail wizards immediately knew that Braedey was changing forms.

When the green light died away, standing in Hotrod's place was a 35ft tall aerial Cybertronian, with a pitch-black body with blue on his chest. His fingertips looked like copper sockets, whilst a pair of powerful and shocking energy conductors on the shoulders, a pair of big wings on his back with blue lining on the leading ledge and flaps, two jet turbines built into his feet and lower legs, blue electricity zapping between them, and blue pulsing lightning bolts in the lower arms. It wore the Transformatrix symbol on its chest.

Braedey looked at himself and smiled. "Thunderbird." He spoke in a slick American voice.

Erza eyed this new transformation peculiarly. She, along with the others, had never seen this form before. She arched a brow, wondering what its capabilities were. Erza got her answer when Thunderbird's right conductor lit up with bright blue electricity. After a moment, Thunderbird held out his right arm, firing a powerful bolt of electricity at Erza.

The Fairy Queen was quick to jump high to avoid the attack, letting the bolt strike the ground where she had been previously standing. Everyone was shocked and impressed by Thunderbird's electrokinetic abilities. It reminded them of a certain powerhouse of a wizard that happened to be the master's grandson.

When Erza's feet touched the ground again, she shouted, "Re-Quip!" Suddenly, her form was bathed in golden-white light again.

After the flash faded, Erza had donned an armour that was gold and light bluish in colour. The breastplate was lined with golden trimmings, and had thin plates extending upwards to surround her neck. Adorning her head was a yellow band with two yellow ribbons on it. Erza's hair was stylized in a long braid. In her right hand was a long spear that had a very large blade and a decorated circle resembling a shield attached to the shaft.

"What kind of armour is that?" Lucy asked.

"That's Erza's Lightning Empress Armour." Happy answered. "It grants her the ability to counter and attack her enemies with lightning."

"Which means she can counter Braedey's lightning," Gray deduced.

"Ooh, nice getup." Thunderbird said, popping his knuckles. "What do you plan to do with that outfit?"

Erza smirked. "I'm glad you asked."

She held her spear out in front of her, pointing it straight at Braedey. All of a sudden, bluish-white energy began to accumulate around the tip of the spear. A moment later, a Lightning Beam discharged from the spear's tip.

Thunderbird dodged to the left just in time before the energy blast fried the spot where he had been standing. Erza jumped in the air and hovered in place. She aimed her spear and fired more volleys of Lightning Beams at her adversary. The A-10 Thunderbolt jet fighter Autobot sprinted along, running in a zigzag pattern to dodge her attacks.

Braedey then went on the offence as he changed course and charged directly at Erza. Using his arm and leg muscles, Thunderbird propelled himself toward her with his electric-charged fist reared back. With her trained reflexes, Erza ducked the attack and let Thunderbird fly over her.

Still in the air, Thunderbird turned his body to face her, transformed into his jet mode, and released a powerful blast of lightning from his main turbine engines!

Erza spread her legs to give herself a wide base and then shoved her spear into the ground in front of her. A red magic circle appeared but was then replaced by a dome-shaped shield of blue energy. Thunderbird's attack was quickly absorbed by Erza's Lightning Shield.

When Braedey landed back on the ground, he was moderately surprised that Erza had blocked his attack. Thunderbird clenched his fists and charged forward. Erza held out her spear and fired a Lightning Beam; however, the Cybertronian swiftly jumped over the blast.

Thunderbird descended towards the redhead, his fist once again cocked back and surrounded by bursts of electricity. The Fairy Queen instinctively jumped back just as Braedey punched the ground, causing a small tremor. Thunderbird ran at her again, and threw a right jab and then a left hook at Erza, both charged with electricity.

Erza dodged each blow and counterattacked by jumping up to send a forceful kick into Thunderbird's chest. Thanks to her Lightning Empress Armour, she was protected from Thunderbird's electric-charged body.

The lightning Autobot slid back for a few meters, his feet scraping a trail in the dirt. He returned his gaze to Erza, who had leapt back in the air and hovered there. Another red magic circle appeared at the tip of the spear. Erza cried out as multiple bolts of blue electricity fired from the magic seal and struck Thunderbird. As a result from her Lightning Cyclotron attack, the ground shook while a cloud of dust and rock was thrown up.

"Well, I guess that does it then." Wakaba said. He turned to Macao with a smug expression. "Now, why don't you go ahead and pay up."

Macao glared back at the smoking wizard. "No way! Wait until the dust settles and we'll see for ourselves what happened."

Erza came back to earth and looked into the dust cloud, searching for any sign of her opponent; however, the dust-choked air was obscuring her line of sight.

'I can't see him yet, still...' Erza thought, 'that attack should've taken him down.'

Without warning, an blue light flashed out from the cloud. A 20ft tall, blue and white colour schemed 'Bot with the vehicular form of a six-wheel Toyota Hilux pickup truck abruptly drove out from the cloud and toward the redheaded mage. The four rear wheels were on his lower legs, the other two on his back, whilst the front bumper and windscreen was the chestpiece, the rear truckbed and tray being the back pieces, the helm in a design combination of Bumblebee and Bulkhead, with a few hints of Starscream and Dreadwing, whilst the hands were similarly shaped like Optimus's hands.

"Freezerburn," Braedey announced eerily.

Erza was caught by surprise when Freezerburn fired an icy attack upon her. The Fairy Queen had no time to react, before her body was encased within a chunk of ice. The crowd of wizards who were there when Braedey first fought Natsu quickly recognized Braedey's current form. It was the Arctic Autobot that seemed to have ice powers.

"The Arctic Autobot," Gray said. "I was wondering if he'd change into him."

Natsu scoffed. "I like Hotrod better."

The ice wizard glared back at the Dragon Slayer. "Of course you would, dragon breath."

"WHAT'D YOU SAY?!" Natsu exclaimed angrily.

All of a sudden, the ice that Erza was entrapped in shattered outwards. Titania had re-quipped into her Black Wing Armour. She looked up in the air at Freezerburn with her lethal looking sword held out in front of her.

"Ice powers? Very impressive," Erza admitted, "but it's nothing that I can't handle."

Freezerburn smirked. "Is that so, Erza? Well then, I guess it's time I step up my game."

He slapped the Transformatrix dial on his chest again; this time, four spikes popped out as another blue light enveloped Braedey's body. The only noticeable change to Freezerburn was that his body colour changed to an assortment of red, orange, and yellow to give him a fiery appearance.

"Ultimate Freezerburn," Braedey shouted.

Braedey extended his arm, deploying a blaster, and fired a stream of flames out from his hand. Erza was quick to take to the air to avoid the attack; however, what she didn't notice was once Ultimate Freezerburn's fire hit the ground, it suddenly turned into ice!

While in the air, another golden light enveloped Erza's body. When the light died away, she was attiring her Flame Empress Armour.

"Bad move, Braedey." Erza said as she flew at him, her sword reared back. "Did you forget that I can counter fire attacks?"

"Oh, I didn't forget." Ultimate Freezerburn rasped. "I was actually setting you up... for this."

The hyper-evolved Arctic Autobot fired a powerful torrent of fire at his opponent. Erza, who looked unworried, held out her sword and absorbed the flames into her blade. However, her apathy immediately vanished when the flames she absorbed transformed into ice.

"What?! ICE?!" Was all Erza managed to say before her body was completely trapped in a thick chunk of ice, and fell to the ground.

The eyes of every Fairy Tail member bulged open in shock and disbelief. Makarov's eyes had widened a bit in interest and surprise.

"Whoa," Wakaba remarked, "his fire just turned into ice!"

"How can that be possible?" Macao added, shocked.

"Hey, by the way," Cana said to Macao and Wakaba, "you two owe me money. So pay up."

"WHAT?!" Wakaba and Macao shouted in unison.

She pointed at Wakaba. "You said Erza would only have to Re-Quip twice to beat Braedey. She's re-quipped four times now." The Guild's heaviest drinker then shifted her attention to Macao. "And you bet Braedey would beat Erza in less than five moves. You both lose."

Macao and Wakaba's shoulders slumped as they moaned in defeat. The duo began digging into their pockets for money.

"Fire that freezes things? How does that work?" Lucy wondered.

Natsu clenched his fists and stated indignantly, "Fire is supposed to burn stuff!"

Ultimate Freezerburn smoothly landed back on the ground, as if his body didn't weigh a thing. "Actually," Braedeh explained, "it is not really fire. It is plasma that sucks the heat out of..."

All of a sudden, the Transformatrix bearer was interrupted by the sounds of shattering ice. He turned back to Erza to see that she had broken free from the ice chunk.

"Oh... right, the fight." He muttered. "All you need to know is that it is fire so cold it burns."

Erza stared hard at Braedey as she held up her flaming sword. "Fire that turns into ice," she commented. "I must admit that's quite peculiar, but remarkable."

"There is plenty more where that came from." Braedey replied in an eerie whisper. He cocked back his head before unleashing another fiery attack at Erza.

She was quick to dodge to the side, and she crouched low and leapt forward at a breakneck speed. Erza cried out, prepared to slash her opponent; however, to her shock, she and her sword went straight through Ultimate Freezerburn's body. When she landed behind him, ice began to form on her blade and armour.

Erza shivered madly for a moment before she ignited the flames on her weapon and armour to melt the ice. Braedey turned around to face her, a smug expression on his face.

"Intangibility," Ultimate Freezerburn said, "nothing you attack me with can touch me."

The Fairy Queen narrowed her eyes as she honed in on the hyper-evolved Arctic Autobot. She didn't show it, but she was astonished by this new ability.

"You may want to consider giving up, Erza." Ben suggested. "I can handle any kind of armour you could throw at me."

Erza thought over Braedey's words and realized he was right. There was no way she could combat Braedey's current form; at least, not with her current armour. Suddenly, a devious, outside the box type of idea entered Erza's mind. She did possess one suit of armour that could take Braedey by surprise and shift the tide in her favour.

However, it was a suit that she had yet to try out and she was saving it for private purposes. But in this situation, against a formidable powerhouse of an opponent like Braedey, she decided to make an exception.

Erza felt her face flush a little, knowing what she had to do. "Is that so? Well..." her body was shrouded in gold light again.

When the flash died away, Erza was wearing a daring maid outfit composed of a long white apron that was tied behind her neck and back, worn over her bare chest, and revealed much of her breasts' sides. She had adorned a pair of long fishnet stockings that reached up to the middle of her thighs, pair of dark panties that exposed much of her buttocks, and a maid's hat. Ribbons were tied around her arms, and sported heart-shaped elbow guards. In her right hand was a sword with the words "Come on Boy" emblazoned on the blade. This was Erza's Seduction Armour.

"How about this?" Erza said huskily.

All of the men present were left dumbstruck and starred at Erza in a hypnotized manner with drool trailing from their mouths. The sounds of wolf whistling could be heard from every corner of the crowd.

"Oh WOW!" a Fairy Tail mage cried out. "Erza's hot!"

Even Master Makarov was drooling in excitement from the sight of the sexy outfit.

The females of Fairy Tail, however, were absolutely shocked. Their faces had paled and their jaws had dropped to the ground.

"W-w-hat is that?" Lucy stuttered; her face had gone white.

"I think that's her Seduction Armour." Happy responded.

Natsu and Gray were both wide eyed and were stammering incoherently. The sight of the woman they most feared wearing a very revealing outfit was causing them to spaz out of control. Finally, the Dragon Slayer and ice wizard closed their eyes and collapsed to the ground, twitching.

Ultimate Freezerburn's optics went wide from shock. If he were in human form, a shocked and downright dumbfounded expression would be plastered on his face. No matter how much Braedey's rational side told him to turn away, he just couldn't. His body was frozen like a statue and his eyes were locked on Erza's sexy body.

Erza smirked, realizing that her plan had worked. Within a blink of an eye, the Fairy Queen summoned a large metal mallet and leapt at Braedey with a battle cry. Before the teen hero could process what was going on, he was struck in the face by Erza's mallet.

The blow sent the hyper-evolved Arctic Autobot careening back thirty metres. He hit the dirt hard and rolled a few times before coming to a stop on his chest. Ultimate Freezerburn used his arms to steadily lift his head off the ground. Getting hit by a hammer and rolling across the ground had snapped Braedey out of his hypnotized state. He focused his gaze on Titania and glared at her.

"Now that was playing dirty." Ultimate Freezerburn remarked sourly.

In a gold flash, Erza re-quipped into her usual Heart Kreuz attire. She held her sword loosely in her right hand and rested her left one on her hip. She grinned at her opponent in a mischievous manner.

"You sure handled that armour pretty well." Erza mocked.

Ultimate Freezerburn narrowed his eyes at the armour-shifting wizard. "Oh yeah," he said, "Well, two can play that game."

Braedey fired a torrent of flames at the ground between him and Erza. The moment the fire hit the ground, it turned into a frozen, spiked barrier. He tapped the Transformatrix dial again and, in a flash of blue, turned into a twenty-foot tall dark blue robot that seeks to only have an assortment of spikes coming off his shoulders, helm, legs and lower arms. There were no signs of anything based of a vehicle mode with this form. The being had whitish-blue optics, and the Transformatrix was on his chest, and the Fairy Tail mark was on his left shoulder in white.

"Makeshift," Braedey said in raspy voice.

Suddenly, to the shock of the Fairy Tail mages, Makeshift instantly dug himself into the earth. He burrowed through the ground with ease until he was right below Erza. Erza was taken by surprise when multiple metal vines sprouted from beneath her feet and wrapped around her legs and waist.

The vines pulled Erza into the ground. A moment later, Makeshift busted out from the earth in the centre of the training ground. A series of metal tentacles had stretched out from his back, and they were now wrapped around Erza's body.

Makeshift smirked, taking notice of the dirt and grime all over her body and armour. "You're not the only one who can play dirty."

Erza ground her teeth together as she struggled to break free, but the vines were just too strong for her to physically break through.

"Re-Quip!" She shouted. In a flash of golden-white light, she had suited up in her Heaven's Wheel Armour.

Without warning, in a flash of white, Erza had summoned nearly a dozen magical swords. Using her telekinesis, she had the blades slash every part of Makeshift's tendrils until she was finally free. She flew back to put distance between her and Makeshift, who's parts were instantly regenerating.

Makeshift brought his head up, only to see Erza summoning more swords around her.

'That cannot be good.' Braedey mused.

After gathering at least thirty swords, Erza soared at Makeshift with two blades in her hands; however, the other weapons she summoned remained behind. Makeshift picked off a couple explosive rounds from his back and threw them at Erza. The Queen of the Fairies evaded the rounds as they exploded behind her.

Erza held out her swords and slashed Braedey in an X-shaped pattern. The Cybertronian held up his forearms in a feeble attempt to block her attack, only to have his arms cut off again. The redheaded mage then flew off, and yelled, "Scattered Petals!"

All of a sudden, the thirty swords Erza had re-quipped before glowed in silver-white light before they shot at Makeshift like bullets. Makeshift was bombarded by the magical blades and promptly cut into many blue and grey pieces that lay scattered across the ground.

Quite a few wizards in the crowd watching the fight cried out in horror, thinking that Erza had just killed him.

"OH CRAP!" Macao yelled with wide eyes. "She killed him!"

"I knew she'd pummel him, but I didn't think she'd go that far." Wakaba said, shocked.

"WAIT!" Gray shouted. "LOOK!"

The crowd turned their attention to where Gray was pointing and gaped in astonishment. The grey and blue, chopped up pieces started moving and converging into a big pile of blue and grey metal scrap pile. In a few seconds' time, the pile reformed into Makeshift. The Decepticon rubbed the side of his head and closed his optics.

"Whoa. That was a rush." Makeshift commented.

Erza landed several yards in front of Makeshift; her eyes wide in amazement. She knew Braedey would regenerate; otherwise, she wouldn't have performed that attack, but Erza didn't expect him to heal that quickly.

"Very impressive," Erza complimented.

Makeshift pulled some more ecologist ordinance from his back. "Well, if you thought that was impressive, then how about this?"

He tossed the explosives at her, but she swiftly jumped in the air to avoid them as they ignited into an inferno on the ground. The Cybertronian picked off more seeds from his back and threw them at the redhead. Erza summoned more blades out of thin air and launched them to intercept the pods, causing a series of explosions.

Using the smoke cloud between them as a distraction, Erza slashed her two blades in a delta formation. "Trinity Sword!"

A silver-white energy wave took the shape of a triangle and shot toward Braedey. Makeshift quickly burrowed into the ground feet first to elude the attack. Erza, who was still in the air, ceased any attack she was fixing to do and scanned the area, keeping a vigilant eye out for her opponent.

Makeshift sprouted out of the dirt right behind Erza. "Miss me?" He picked off more explosives and threw them at her.

The armour-shifting mage was quick to turn and defend herself with her blades; however, the moment they struck her swords, the explosions sent Erza crashing to the ground. Seizing the opportunity, Braedey tapped the Transformatrix dial. In another blue flash, he was replaced by a 20ft tall silver robot with red highlights, wings on it's back, high-heel shaped feet, missiles on it's forearms, clawed fingers, a red fin in the centre of its helm, red optics and the Transformatrix symbol in the centre of its grey chest, with the Fairy Tail mark in white on the left shoulder.


Starscream transformed into jet mode, and flew into the air until he was above Erza, then he fired two Energon blasts at her. With her skillfully trained reflexes, she shook off the pain and dodged the red beams in time.

"Re-Quip!" She shouted, causing her body to be engulfed with gold light. When it disappeared, Erza was now wearing her Black Wing Armour.

She leapt into the air and flew at Braedey with her silver blade in hand. Starscream fired his Energon blasts at her again, but Titania managed to deflect them with her sword. The Transformatrix bearer ceased his eyebeam attack and switched to the direct approach. At blinding speeds, his engine roaring at full power, Starscream launched himself at Erza and before the redhead could register what happened, the Decepticon transformed into robot mode, firing jets of flame from his back, grabbed her by the shoulders and changed his course to fly straight up in the air.

When they were at least five hundred feet high, Starscream spun his body and threw Erza higher. As the Fairy Queen careened back at a breakneck speed, trying to gain control, Starscream shifted into jet mode, and fired Energon blasts and his two missiles from his wings. The attack converged and formed an even stronger blast. Erza was unprepared when the powerful blast struck her, making her fly up further with a smoke trail in her wake.

The Fairy Tail mages all looked up to watch the aerial battle between the Guild's undoubtedly two strongest members. When Erza was struck by Starscream's attack and sent hurtling higher, Lucy commented, "That had to hurt."

Despite the force of the blow and the pain she received, Erza recovered and gained control of herself. She shot her body straight down toward Starscream, flying at incredible speed. The scarlet haired wizard held out her sword and slashed in an arc pattern.

"Moon Flash!"

A powerful silver-coloured wave fired from her blade and collided with a surprised Starscream. The Cybertronian crashed into the earth with a ton of force, throwing up a dust cloud in the process.

"Not as much as that." Gray retorted to Lucy.

Erza hovered above the cloud, her sword at the ready as her senses were on an alert for any possible counterattack. From within the dust-choked air, a blue flash shined out. The Fairy Queen immediately knew that Braedey had once again changed forms.

Suddenly, Erza felt her body become very heavy. She cried out in surprise when a strong force pulled against her and smashed her into the ground. Then, the armour-changing mage felt her body become very light as she floated up high. Erza tried fighting against the strange force overwhelming her, but found that she couldn't. When she got up to a height of two hundred feet, her body became heavy once more.

The scarlet haired beauty plummeted back down at an absurd speed and slammed into the ground with a terrific impact. The impact was so hard, that a small tremor was created and another cloud of dirt was thrown up. From within the shallow crater, Erza weakly opened her brown eyes. The pain coursing through her body was excruciating; nevertheless, the trained warrior fought through it and tried to get up.

Then, a heavy object landed in front of her with an audible thud. When the dust settled, standing before her was a large, bulky, reddish-brown Cybertronian standing 20ft tall. It had what was a rocky camouflage design, a molten lava planet core at the centre of his body, big blasters attached to his back, whilst possessing large six-finger hands, tank treads on the lower legs and lower arms, and what could be gravity conductors inside of his shoulders. He wears the Transformatrix symbol on his chest.

"Remember me?" Gravitread grinned brightly.

Erza's eyes widened. She knew that combating this particular form would be rather complicated.

Gravitread stretched his hands out as invisible energy that distorted the air collected around them. Erza felt herself become very light again as she floated into the air again.

"I know you do not have motion sickness like Natsu," Gravitread said, "but let us see how you handle being on a ride I like to call Zero G."

Suddenly, Titania of Fairy Tail yelped when she began to spin in a circle. Her speed began to increase very rapidly until she was nothing but a blur in the air.

"Why is he spinning her? Erza doesn't have motion sickness like Natsu." Lucy inquired.

"Oh, he's making her real dizzy." Happy answered the blonde Celestial Spirit Mage. "Nobody can take being spun around real fast for very long."

Erza ground her teeth together, trying to fight back against the pull; unfortunately, the gravity was just too much for her. She felt herself become lightheaded while her vision became blurry. If she didn't do something soon, she would pass out. Then, like a floodgate opening, another idea came to her.

"Re-Quip!" Her body illuminated in gold light once more. In the wake of the flash, Erza was now adorned in her Giant's Armour.

Braedey knew that Erza had re-quipped yet again. He was wondering what armour she'd be in this time. The teen hero got his answer when a long, gold and blue pole with a long blade fired from the blur and struck his chest hard. Though the force couldn't pierce his armour, it did make Gravitread slide back a couple feet and lose his concentration.

Erza landed on her two feet with a loud thud. Using her telekinetic abilities, Erza lifted the Spear of Ha-Ja off the ground and back into her right hand. Gravitread focused on his opponent and her new armor.

'Giant Armour,' Braedey thought, 'I see; she's trying to enhance her strength to fight against my gravity powers.'

Erza spun the long spear above her head a few times to gain momentum before she crouched low and shot herself at Braedey like a missile. Gravitread quickly held out his hands and focused his gravitational field around Erza, making her five times heavier. The gravity pulled her back down, and a five foot deep hole was forged when her armored feet collided with the ground.

Gravitread focused on applying more force against Erza, causing her to groan out in discomfort. Eventually, she fell to her hands and knees from the incredible force pushing against her. Even the ground around her began to crack and cave inward.

"You might want to give up, Erza," Gravitread suggested to the scarlet haired wizard. "There is no way you can get beat my gravity powers."

The redhead warrior gritted her teeth; her pained expression was replaced with determination. She put more magical power into her legs. Remarkably, the armour-clad mage fought against the strong gravitational pull and stood up, much to Braedey's shock.

"You were saying?" She retorted.

"Whoa," Lucy gaped. "She can stand up?"

"Erza's using her Giant Armour to fight against Braedey's gravity." Happy realized.

Erza, Titania of Fairy Tail, cocked back her spear to its acme, and then hurled it straight for Gravitread. Braedey focused his attention on the weapon and guided the spear away from him and trapped it in his orbit. However, in the process, Gravitread had lost his concentration on Erza, allowing her to break through the weakened gravity field and jump at Braedey, kicking him in the gut.

Gravitread hunched forward while he slid backwards a few feet. In swift motion, Erza used her telekinetic ability to bring the Spear of Ha-Ja back to her. She leapt at Braedey again and lifted her weapon over her head to strike him. Gravitread brought up his bulky forearm to block the hit.

She jumped up to hit him again, but Braedey blocked the blow once more. She then turned her body and jabbed the base of the spear into his side, causing him to hunch over slightly. Erza cried out as she spun her body once more and struck Gravitread in the face with the long spear.

The strength behind the attack actually made Gravitread slide across the ground again. Gravitread brought up his head and glared at Erza; though his skin was made of tough armour, he still felt a bit of pain from the blow. The Fairy Queen charged at him and jumped high in the air with her spear held high over her head.

Braedey held out his hand and increased the gravity around her. Erza felt as if hundreds of pounds of weight had been instantly tied to her body as she crashed into the ground very hard.

Some of the Fairy Tail wizards winced from the impact.

"That had to be painful." Gray noted dryly.

Gravitread was about to transform into his vehicle mode and spin Erza around again, when her body was suddenly bathed in golden light again. When it faded, she was now wearing a cheetah printed outfit with a large collar around her neck and a tail hanging from the back of her shorts, both made of bushy fur. On both sides of her head was a pair of large cheetah ears. In her hands was a pair of short swords with elaborate hand-guards similar to a rapier's, shaped like a rose's thorns.

"What's that kind of armour?" Lucy asked.

"That's Erza's Flight Armour." Happy explained. "With it, she can run very, very fast."

"How does that help her take down someone with gravity powers?" Gray wondered.

Gravitread cocked a rocky brow at Erza's bizarre cheetah outfit. What could she do with that armour? The Gravity Cybertronian got his answer when Erza broke through his gravitational field, running at absurd speeds. Before Braedey could process what happened, Erza slashed her twin blades across Gravitread's chest, arms, and face all within a second.

The Gravity Autobot went careening back a few meters and fell on his back. Since Erza had changed her mass by re-quipping into a lighter armour, she was able to escape Gravattack's gravitational field. Though Gravitread's armour kept Braedey from getting cut badly by Erza's swords, the speed behind her attack took him by surprise.

Gravitread rolled onto his front side and turned his head to Erza, who was standing ten yards away from with her twin blades held ready. Braedey was considering transforming into his vehicle mode and attempt to trap her in his orbit again; however, he settled for another idea.

"Well, two can play the speed game, Erza." He remarked.

Braedey tapped the Transformatrix disk again. In another blue flash, Gravitread was replaced by a high-speed Cybertronian about Braedey's height, with sharp angular aerodynamic like wings across the body, whilst having blue and black armour, and a blue visor across his optics. The Transformatrix symbol was displayed prominently on his chest.

"Blurr," Braedey shouted.

In a blue blur, Blurr zoomed forward and sent a wicked right hook into Erza's face. The speed and strength behind the blow sent the armour-shifting warrior flying back to the other side of the training ground. Some of the Fairy Tail mages winced at the hit Blurr gave Erza.

Erza grunted each time her body bounced off of the ground. When she came to a stop, she rubbed the spot where Braedey had punched her as she climbed to her feet, shooting Braedey a scary glare. Blurr, however, smirked at her cockily and gave her a "come on" motion with his hand, as a mask folded over his mouth.

Growling, Erza disengaged her blades and sent them back to her personal pocket dimension. If Braedey wanted to fight hand-to-hand, so be it. She then shot forward like a missile and Blurr followed suit. When the two speedsters collided with each other, a loud bam and a small shockwave was the result.

To the shock and awe of the Fairy Tail mages, Blurr and Erza were fighting hand-to-to hand at insane speeds that the human eye couldn't register. In the middle of the fight, the Transformatrix hero and the Fairy Queen were trying to punch, kick, and jab one another, but each of their attacks was blocked and parried by blows of equal speed.

A moment later in the intense, speedy one-on-one match, Erza threw a right hook, which was blocked by Blurr's left forearm. She spotted an opening and kneed the speedy alien in the gut very hard, making him hunch over. Erza jumped in the air, spun her body 360, and delivered a powerful kick into Blurr's face.

Blurr slid back nearly halfway across the training ground before he came to a stop. He brought up his head and glared at his opponent. He recovered instantaneously and shot forward, leaving a trail of dust in his wake. Erza immediately bent her knees and blasted forward as well.

Just as the two speed demons were about to collide, Blurr slapped the Transformatrix dial, causing Erza to momentarily blinded by the blue light. Out of nowhere, the armour-switching mage ran straight into a two-armed metal clothesline, courtesy of...

"Piledriver!" Braedey yelled in a deep, raspy voice.

The Cybertronian picked Erza up and threw her into the ground so hard, that she dug a small trench that stretched for at least thirty yards before she came to a stop.

Lucy gasped; startled by the amount of force that Erza was thrown into the ground with. "Oh wow!" She shrieked fearfully. "They're really getting into it."

"Aye," Happy agreed cheerfully.

"It's an awesome fight, huh Lucy?" Natsu asked; a bright smile on his face. "This is crazy cool!"

"More like terrifying." Lucy deadpanned.

Erza clenched her teeth and suppressed a groan. Pain was flowing through her body in waves. As she sat up from the trench, her arms shook and struggled to hold her up. Erza's body was now covered in dirt, cuts, and bruises while her Flight Armour was tattered in places.

The sound of a low, guttural yell caught her attention. She looked up to see Piledriver descending toward her with all four arms reared back. In spite of the pain, Erza dove out of the trench just as Piledriver slammed his forearms on the ground with a loud smash.

Piledriver leapt at Erza again, but the redheaded warrior sprinted in a zigzag pattern to avoid his attacks. Finally, having enough, the four-arm Autobot pulled back all four of his arms as far as they could go before bringing them together, creating a powerful thunderclap. As a result, Erza was knocked all the way back across the training grounds by the shockwave.

Elfman's mouth dropped a little, his expression portraying shock; however, his shock immediately transformed into excitement. "OH YEAH! Now that's manly!"

Piledriver sprinted to where Erza was shakily standing up, but halfway there, he was temporarily blinded by a gold flash. Suddenly, Piledriver was forced to hold up his forearms to shield himself from a bombardment of glowing swords. The blades shattered into pieces against his tough armour skin, but the speed they traveled at did force Braedey to backpedal.

When the barrage of swords stopped, he looked up to see Erza in her Heaven's Wheel Armour once again. But, what the teen hero really noticed was the determined look in her eyes; the determination to never give up. Piledriver smiled; he admired the spirit that the redhead warrior had. He had the same spirit within him as well, which was why he was certainly not going to lose this challenge.

As Erza floated in the air, a dozen magical swords flashed into existence around her. "Dance, my blades!" The swords began to orbit around her, reminding Braedey of Gravitread. "Heaven's Wheel: Circle Sword!"

After taking a disc formation, the blades shot toward Piledriver. Braedey's optics widened as he back-flipped to dodge the attack. When the swords crashed into the ground, a heavy amount of dirt and rock was thrown up and rained down on Piledriver.

He held his upper arms over his head, trying to shield himself from the dust-choked air. Visibility inside the dirt storm was relatively zero. His eyes widened once more, he knew that he was not a good position right now.

Without warning, Erza soared into the dust cloud and slashed her twin blades against Piledriver's chest in an X-shaped pattern. Piledriver backpedaled from the attack.

Just as Erza flew off, she shouted, "Scattered Petals!"

Piledriver was taken off guard when a few dozen swords slammed into his body. Though they shattered immediately from contact with his tough armour, the velocity at which they traveled sent the Cybertronian flying back. He bounced off the ground a couple times before skidding to a stop on his back.

A gruff groan emanated from Piledriver's throat as he rolled over and stood back up. He turned back to Erza, only to see a couple dozen swords flying at him. Braedey swiftly dodged to the side, letting the blades collide with the earth. Erza was flying at him, summoning more swords around her and then launching them at Braedey.

Piledriver was forced to go on the defensive as he ran, jumped, and back-flipped to avoid the sharp weapons being shot at him. However, a few did manage to hit him and shatter against his body, but that didn't mean that they failed to sting his skin.

As the Transformatrix hero evaded Erza's attacks, he began to think. 'Gravitread was my best advantage over her, but with Erza's Giant Armour, she can fight back against him. Although all the forms I have changed into so far are strong, I do not want to go full-out on her and seriously hurt or even kill her.'

Braedey sweat dropped when a thought occurred to him. 'I wonder if she shares the same concern. I mean, she's fought me with a lot of sharp weapons so far and has shot me with God knows how many swords!'

He was interrupted from his musings when he was forced to backpedal again, sidestepping the swords that Erza fired at him yet again.

'I know after all these transformations that I can't have much power left in the Transformatrix.' Braedey thought. 'How can I beat her? She's just as versatile as me! Anything I become, she has an armour that can counter my attacks and fight back.'

Suddenly, Piledriver's optics widened when a realization hit him like a freight train. 'Her armour! That's it!'

Braedey slapped the Transformatrix dial again. Erza looked away from the blinding blue light. When it disappeared, standing in Piledriver's place was a 20ft tall robot with a black colour scheme. A pair of door wings are sitting on his back, similar to that of a pair of wings, with two tyres as the shoulders, which the metal around the wheels were taller than the helm, with a muscle car-like front built into his chest, whilst the other two tyres are on his ankles. His legs were slim from the thighs to the knees, whilst below his knees, his lower legs were thick armoured. In addition, his arms were slim and wrapped in black, red and blue, whilst his hands had four-digit fingers, reminiscent to that of a magnet. His helm had two optics, a silver face with black, red and blue armour wrapped around his helm. In addition, his helm was floating in place, as if it wasn't connected to his shoulders or neck. Finally, the Transformatrix insignia was present in the centre of his chest, and Fairy Tail emblem was marked in yellow on its left shoulder arch.

"Magnetron," Braedey yelled out in a scratchy, metallic voice.

The wizards of Fairy Tail eyed this unseen transformation peculiarly. It looked weak and unimpressive. But what really caught their attention about this form was its head floating in-between its shoulders.

Erza eyed Magnetron with a raised brow, Ben's new form didn't appear threatening or strong; however, she withheld judgment for the moment. She knew that underestimating an opponent like Braedey would be a big mistake.

"What kind of form is this?" Erza inquired.

Magnetron sneered. "This is the form that is going to beat you!"

Erza scoffed. "Forgive me, but I find that very unlikely." In multiple flashes of white, Erza summoned a few dozen swords around her. "I've already forced you to change forms several times now, and like I said before, I will not be going easy on you!"

With a fearsome cry, Erza launched the swords straight at Magnetron; however, to everyone's confusion, the black armour alien didn't attempt to dodge the incoming projectiles. Magnetron smirked as he held out his right pincer and blue magnetic waves emitted from it, which distorted the air.

Suddenly, the swords Erza had launched stopped in midair and instead of striking Lodestar they gathered above him. Erza's eyes widened exponentially, as her mouth gaped a little. No one had ever been able to stop her swords like that.

The mages watching the fight were just as stunned by the spectacle as Erza was.

"How?" Erza stuttered. "How did you stop my swords?"

Magnetron stretched out his other pincer, which emitted another set of magnetic waves. To Erza's shock and bewilderment, she was being pulled toward Magnetron by some type of strong force.

"You and your blades just can't resist my magnetic personality." Magnetron quipped.

When she got within ten yards of him, she was suddenly slammed into the ground. Erza suppressed her cries of pain as the magnetic Autobot slammed her into the ground a few more times until her body had formed a shallow crater. He brought her up in the air in front of him. Her skin was bruised and cut in places and her armour had a few dings in it.

Braedey really felt bad about giving her those injuries, but she was the one who'd challenged him in the first place; besides, he really had no choice since the Transformatrix didn't have much power left in it. If he was going to win, he needed to finish this quickly.

"And it would appear that your armour finds me to be very attractive too."

As Magnetron focused his magnetic energy on Erza's armour, bits and pieces of her Heaven's Wheel Armour began to break away and began to accumulate a few meters above her. Her metal, feather-like angel wings on her back and the plates on her skirt, boots, and gauntlets all began to tear away. Even her thin, feather-shaped breastplate began to peel back, causing Erza's eyes to widen in horror.

Magnetron saw this too and sweat dropped in panic and embarrassment. "Okay, maybe not all of it."

Just before the breastplate was ripped off completely, Braedey stopped peeling it back and shifted it back to its normal position.

Magnetron pulled off enough metal parts from her armour and sent the blades that Erza fired at him earlier into the metal ball above her. Focusing hard on his abilities, Magnetron actually made the metal of the sword bend and meld with the broken armour parts. The end result was a big, smooth silver sphere.

Erza's eyes widened when she realized what he was doing. Before she could react, Braedey swiped his hands down, causing her to crash into the ground with the giant ball falling on top of her. The earth shook from the impact while a cloud of dust was thrown up.

The Fairy Tail wizards starred in anxiety and anticipation. All of them were wondering what happened. When the dust settled, Magnetron could be seen lifting the metal ball out of a hole and laying it to the side. Most of them gasped while others stood petrified when Magnetron lifted an unconscious Erza next. Her Heaven's Wheel Armour was broken in various spots and she had sustained many cuts and bruises on her body.

When he gently laid her on the ground, a low moan escaped from her lips. "I think you have had enough. Rest now. Doctor's orders." Magnetron said.

"This fight is over and Braedey is the winner!" Makarov exclaimed.

For a moment, everyone was quiet as they looked on in shock and disbelief. Despite that neither one was going full-out, they couldn't believe that Titania Erza had really lost. After it sunk in, everyone broke out into a thunderous applause for him like they had when he'd beat Natsu. Even though most of them bet on Erza and lost money, they couldn't help but cheer for Braedey and his well-earned win.

However, Natsu and Gray were another story entirely.

"NO WAY!" they both shouted together, their expressions depicting shock. "ERZA ACTUALLY LOST!"

"Makes you think twice about challenging Braedey next time, huh?" Lucy noted, giggling a little at the two.

"YAY!" Happy yelled, enthused. "I just won a lot of money! I wonder how much fish I can buy!"


Wakaba's pipe fell to the ground as his mouth dropped. "I don't believe it. Erza, our Erza, Queen of the Fairies... lost?"

"Yeah," Macao replied, "though I bet on Braedey, I'm still kind of mind-blown myself."

Elfman smirked and crossed his arms over his chest. "Now that's a real man right there."

"And that real man just won me a ton of money! Woo-hoo!" Cana cheered as she jumped in excitement.

Erza groaned again as her eyes fluttered open. Her vision was blurry and all she could see was a black armoured figure standing by her. When her eyes readjusted, she could see Magnetron looking down at her. The Magnetic Cybertronian held out his right hand, offering to help her up.

As her dazed state passed, Erza reached out and grabbed his index finger, letting Magnetron pull her back to her feet. Her knees almost buckled but Braedey steadied her and kept her from collapsing back to the ground. In a flash of gold, Erza re-quipped into her Heart Kreuz Armour.

"Are you okay?" Magnetron asked, concerned that he may have overdid it.

Erza turned to look at him hard with a frown, her right eye concealed by her hair. Magnetron's optics widened a bit, he had to admit that Erza's scarlet hair was beautiful. 'Wait! Did I just say Erza's hair is pretty? Well... I cannot deny that.'

The redheaded warrior's frown turned into a smile. "I will be."

"If you want, I can go Steampunk and reverse time around your injuries." Braedey offered.

Erza shook her head. "I appreciate your kindness, but I'll be alright, Braedey." She said gently. "Congratulations, on the win. I must admit, I've never been in a fight like that."

Lodestar shrugged. "Thanks. I must admit myself, I can see why everyone in the guild call you The Fairy Queen. You had me on the ropes there for a while. You really are a great, powerful fighter. I certainly wouldn't wanna get on your bad side."

Erza smiled from his compliment. "It's been a long time since I have ever lost at anything." Her determined smile returned. "I will train harder to defeat you in our rematch someday."

Magnetron sweat dropped. The thought of fighting a powerhouse like Erza again made him cringe. "I'm not so sure about that."

"Master, can you believe it? Erza really lost a fight?" Mirajane asked, shocked.

With his head hung low, he hummed in contemplation. "Yes. Very impressive that Braedey managed to defeat one of our strongest S-Class wizards."

'He'll make an excellent candidate for the S-Class trial this coming December.' He thought.

"However, I really envy him." Makarov continued.

Mirajane turned to him, confused. "Why, master?"

The dwarf-sized mage laughed giddily, "Because he got the full view of Erza's Seduction Armour. OH WOW! NOW THAT IS ONE LUCKY YOUNG MAN!"

"MASTER!" Mirajane reprimanded.

Elfman walked up behind Braedey, who was still kneeling by Erza. "Great job, Braedey!" He applauded. "That was one of the manliest fights I've ever seen!"

With closed eyes, the white haired giant slapped the back of Magnetron's helm for a job well done; however, Elfman had unintentionally struck his helm so hard, it went flying off and straight toward the crowd.

Lucy saw a silver object hurdling toward her. She stretched out her arms and caught the object and brought it to eyelevel, but her face went blank when she saw it was Magnetron's helm.

"Nice catch, Lucy." Magnetron said.

The blonde mage looked at the metal head blankly, before letting out a high-pitched scream and throwing the head back into the air. Magnetron's helm fell back down and landed in a barrel of beer right next to Cana.

"Hey guys? A little help here." Braedey managed to shout before his head sunk.

Seeing his friend in distress, Natsu rushed toward the barrel with his right fist on fire. "Hang tight, Braedey!"

The Dragon Slayer leapt at the barrel with his flaming fist cocked back. Cana quickly lifted the barrel up and smashed the bottom of it against Natsu's skull, driving him face-first into the dirt.

"Keep your shorts on!" the brunette yelled.

Cana lifted the barrel to her mouth and proceeded to drink it all. After a few big gulps, she had consumed all of the booze and reached in to pull out Magnetron's beer-soaked helm.

"Phew. Thanks, Cana," Braedey said.

Cana smiled, and replied happily, "I should be thanking you. The money that you won me will cover my whole tab."

The sound of crashing caught everyone's attention. They turn to see Magnetron's headless body smashing the trunk of a tree on the perimeter of the training ground.

"Hey! Cut it out!" Gray shouted at the body.

"Don't bother, Gray," Magnetron said. "His ears are over here with me. He can't hear anything you're saying." Magnetron looked at the one responsible for this mess, and yelled, "Hey Elfman, could you grab my body?"

As Elfman walked over to the headless body, Erza watched the scene and blinked. "With his head knocked off he's completely helpless and his body just wanders around searching for it." She narrowed her eyes and frowned. "That would have been useful to know during the fight."

Elfman easily got behind the wandering body, picked it up, and carried it to where Cana and Magnetron's helm was.

"Thanks Elfman," Magnetron said. "Cana, could you put me back in-between my shoulders?"

The brunette drinker placed the metal head in-between Magnetron's arched shoulders and let go. His head was now floating back in its normal position.

"Thanks, feels weird when your head's detached from your body." Magnetron noted.


"Hey, after you caught me, why'd you freak out and throw me like that?" he asked.


Magnetron was silent for a moment before he conceded, "Okay, point taken."

"Alright," Makarov announced, "this fight is over. Everyone pick up your things and head back to the construction site or your homes."

With that, the Guild members picked up any stuff that they brought and began to walk down the path that led back to Magnolia.

Magnetron tapped the Transformatrix dial and, in a flash of blue, transformed back to Braedey. He felt his eyelids grow heavy. After multiple transformations, Braedey felt a little tired and worn out. He was about to meet up with the rest of his team until Erza stopped him by turning him to face her.

Before Braedey could ask her what she needed, she cocked back her armoured fist and punched Ben in the gut. The teen hero hunched over and coughed up a bit of spit, waves of pain filling his insides, as he fell in his knees.

Erza glared at him. "That's for almost tearing off my breastplate."

Braedey cringed in pain with his eyes closed. He opened his right eye, and forced out, "Sorry about that."

The redhead's angry mood instantly vanished and was replaced by cheerfulness. "Now, let's head back to the Guild. After that fight I'm craving a few slushies. Coming Braedey?"

Braedey stood up and gave her a thumbs-up. "Yeah, I'll... I'll catch up. Don't worry."

She nodded and walked off with the others. When Erza turned away, Braedey fell back to his knees, clutching his aching abdomen.


Meanwhile, on a hill in the East Forest, not too far away from Erza's training ground, four figures had been watching the fight.

The first figure was a slim man of average height with waist-length light-green hair; his bangs were brushed to one side, covering the majority of the right side of his face, as well as a pair of thin strands jutting out backwards from the sides of his head, both shaped like lightning bolts. He wore a knee-length, double-breasted dark red coat with lighter-coloured cuffs. Strapped to his black leather belt on his left hip was his sword.

This was Freed Justine, leader of the Thunder Legion; one of the strongest teams in Fairy Tail that acted as Laxus's personal bodyguards.

The second figure was a tall, mildly muscular built man whose eyes were concealed by a silver grill that resembled the faceguard of a knight's helmet. He wore a dark, mildly fitting outfit with white vertical stripes that stretched to his head, which was covered in in a tight hood except for his face. His arms were adorned with two large armbands, and he possessed large shoulder pads each with a skull on its centre. His waist was circled by a simple dark band, which held up a massive waist-guard made of cloth, which came in four long, light-coloured pieces, each adorned by a dark "X", reaching down below his knees.

This was Bickslow, the second member of the Thunder Legion. Hovering around him were five wooden, can-shaped dolls with darker-colored wings attached to both sides and had different faces painted on them. These were Bickslow's dolls that were created by his Seith Magic, which allowed the caster to seal wandering souls inside objects and manipulate them as they wish.

The third figure was a woman with a very voluptuous figure paired with very large breasts and curvy hips. Her hair was light brown and stylized in a sideward ponytail and she had a pair of oval-shaped glasses over her dark brown eyes. She wore a green dress, moveable white wings on her back, and navy blue stockings with white sandals.

This was Evergreen, the third member of the Thunder Legion.

The fourth and final figure was a tall, well-muscled young man with spiky-blonde hair, spiked headphones over his ears, and a lightning bolt scar over his right eye. He wore a dark green shirt, a black coat with gray fur trim, and wine red pants.

This was Laxus Dreyar, the grandson of Master Makarov, and an S-Class wizard; he was one of Fairy Tail's top contenders for the title of 'most powerful wizard in Fairy Tail.'

Laxus and the Thunder Legion had heard of the fight between the Guild's newest addition, Braedey Martin, a powerful Take-Over wizard, and Erza Scarlet, the Queen of the Fairies, going on today. Like everyone else, they had come to watch, but remained secluded from the rest of Fairy Tail. Laxus was at the front of the pack, his arms crossed over his broad chest. He stared hard at a certain shape-shifter with a frown.

Freed approached him with a neutral expression. "He's quite powerful, wouldn't you say, Laxus?" He asked.

Laxus huffed. "Whatever, he's still just a kid."

"Kid or not, he's a lot stronger than any of those other weaklings down there; besides Makarov!" Bickslow yelled, excited. "Isn't that right, babies?"

The wooden dolls around him all voiced their agreements in happy-sounding voices.

Evergreen stepped forward and peered down at the training ground. As Magnetron transformed back to Braedey in an blue flash, she smiled lustfully. "Hmm... not only is powerful, he's also really cute too."

Freed and Bickslow looked at the brown haired woman, confused. The former shook his head and looked back at Laxus. "So Laxus, do you believe he would make a fine addition to the Thunder Legion?"

Laxus didn't answer as he turned and walked away with a scowl on his face. The Thunder Legion watched him saunter off, perplexed on why he seemed so angry. The three wizards turned their gaze back to Braedey, who was running to catch up to his team. He appeared to be holding his stomach for some strange reason.

"What do you two think?" Freed inquired.

"Hmph... certainly seems strong enough for me." Bickslow replied, smiling maniacally.

Evergreen smirked. "Powerful wizard, attractive body, handsome face," her eyes traveled lower and a light blush appeared on her face, "cute butt. He defeated Erza. Oh yes, I want him for sure."

Bickslow looked at her peculiarly. "Do you want him on our team, or do you actually want him?"

The brown haired beauty smiled shyly and blushed. "Both," she replied.

Freed and Bickslow both sweat dropped.

"Getting back to business," Freed said, "one of us should ask him to join us on our mission. It'll allow us a chance to gauge his strength and determine if he can be an ally of Laxus."

The leader of the Thunder Legion didn't have to wait before someone quickly volunteered.


An hour later, Mirajane had announced that despite the ongoing construction, the Guild would be taking on job requests again. This immediately got everyone excited as a crowd gathered around the Request Board to find a job. Other wizards were by the bar area, drinking beer or smoothies and talking; mainly about the earlier fight.

However, there was one Fairy Tail member who wasn't standing at the Request Board or lounging by the bar. Braedey was sleeping at a table with his head and arms lying on the wooden top. The moment he got back to the Guild, he felt really sleepy, no doubt from all the transformations during the fight. He only drank half a slushie before he was out like a light.

Natsu, Gray, Lucy and Happy were by the Request Board searching for a job. The former two were arguing which job would be the best, while Lucy sweat dropped in annoyance. Happy glanced behind him and noticed Braedey napping on a table nearby. His eyes then spotted an exposed white and blue wristwatch on Braedey's left wrist, causing him to laugh mischievously.

Happy flew over to Braedey's slumbering form and gently landed on the table. He eyed the Transformatrix in wonder, before he stretched out his paw and pressed the faceplate. The watch emitted a beep before a blue hologram full of Piledriver popped up.

"Ooh," Happy awed with a bright smile.

He scrolled through the various assortments of forms, looking for one in particular. "Leobreaker, Leobreaker, where is Leobreaker?" he whispered.

Erza was on her third strawberry slushie, making sure to drink it slowly. She certainly didn't want to experience that accursed brain freeze ever again. She saw Natsu and Gray by the Request Board getting into each other's face, ready to fight. The redhead frowned and made her way over there until she spotted Happy. He was playing with something on Braedey's wrist while Ben himself was snoozing on the table.

The armoured warrior changed direction and stopped by the table, standing behind Happy with her arms crossed over her breastplate. "What do you think you're doing, Happy?" She asked.

Upon hearing Erza's voice, Happy yelped in terror and accidentally fell forward onto the Transformatrix and unintentionally activated it. Braedey's body was engulfed with blue light. When the flash disappeared, Braedey was replaced by a 25ft tall reddish-orange and white robot. He had medical signs on his shoulders, whilst his lower arms were the front fenders and front wheels of his vehicle mode. He had an intelligent looking face with red eyebrow crests above each eye. His chest had the doors of the alt-form's cab, whilst his back was structured like the back of an ambulance, and the Transformatrix insignia was in the centre of his chest.

The blue flash caught the attention of nearby Fairy Tail members including Natsu, Gray, and Lucy.

"Whoa," Elfman said, "what kind of robot is that supposed to be?"

"I remember this form." Lucy responded. "This is the guy Braedey turned into when Natsu, Happy, and I first met him. I think he called him Ratchet."

A few more wizards such as Macao, Wakaba, and Mirajane approached the table that Ratchet was lying on, bewildered by Braedey's new form.

"So, a giant medic, huh?" Wakaba commented.

"I wonder what this one can do." Mirajane questioned.

"I'm quite curious myself." Erza admitted. "This form doesn't appear to be very strong."

Natsu remembered this alien and grinned brightly. "Oh, you guys got to see this!"

He ran to Ratchet's side. Using his impressive strength, Natsu opened a section of Ratchet's back, and, much to everyone's shock, forced Ratchet to transform into vehicle mode.

"Whoa!" Mirajane squealed with wide eyes.


"You guys calm down, he's supposed to turn into this." Natsu assured.

"Yeah," Lucy vouched, "he's right. And believe it or not, Braedey was able to shoot lightning out from his engine block in this form."

"Huh?" everyone remarked, confused.

"Hmm... I wonder," Natsu opened the hood of the ambulance, and curiously poked the side of Ratchet's alternator.

All of a sudden, Ratchet's engine roared to life, as he let out a surprised yell. Blue lightning fired out from his engine block and lashed out at random, one of them hitting Natsu and sending him crashing through the bar's counter. Seeing lightning come out of Ratchet's engine bay did startle some of the gathered mages.

"What the deuce?!" Ratchet cursed, stumbling back in shock.

When he finally composed himself, he closed his hood, then transformed into robot mode, and shot a certain pink haired wizard a glare. "You there, my intelligence-impaired, pyrokinetic friend. Don't you know that is inappropriate to open someone's cranial plate and expose and touch one's cerebral cortex; especially when said cerebral cortex has mastery in the arts of electrokinesis?"

Natsu blinked a couple times with a clueless expression on his face. "Who with the what now?"

Ratchet narrowed his optics in annoyance at the Dragon Slayer as he approached the bar. The field Medic reared back his pincer, and hit Natsu in the face, making him fall to the ground.

"Don't touch other peoples' brains!" the Transformatrix wearer yelled.

"HA!" Gray laughed. "Nice one, Braedey!"

"Where are your clothes?" demanded Lucy.

The ice mage's smugness was replaced by panic. "OH C'MON! HOW DOES THIS KEEP HAPPENING?"

Natsu grunted as he got up from the wrecked countertop. "What's the deal, man? I barely touched you!"

Ratchet glared at Natsu again and slapped the Transformatrix dial. Everyone was forced to shield their eyes from the blue light. When the flash died away, instead of seeing some kind of creature, they saw nothing. They looked around for any sign of Braedey, but found nothing.

"Huh? Hey, where'd he go?" Natsu asked no one in particular. He then smiled proudly. "Ha! Guess I scared him off."

"Don't count on it," a squeaky voice said from his ear, which baffled the fire wizard.

He probed his finger around in his ear, but couldn't feel anything. Suddenly, he felt a painful stinging sensation in his brain, which caused him to cry out and fall to the floor face first. His eyes were swirling while he groaned from an intense migraine.

Everyone looked at the Dragon Slayer, confused by his action.

"What's your problem, flame brain?" Gray asked.

"Hey, look!" Lucy pointed at a small green dot flying out from Natsu's ear. The dot increased in size until it was an inch tall. It appeared to be a silver-and-blue visor-eye creature. He looked like an armoured human-hornet, with a pair of blue wings on its back, and the Transformatrix insignia on its chest.

"Alright," the little creature landed on Natsu's head and held up its arms in triumph. "Nanodrone claims victory!"

"WHA!" the group said simultaneously, dumbfounded by the small creature.

"Braedey! Is that you?" Lucy asked, startled.

Nanodrove hopped off Natsu's head and, in another blue flash, transformed back to Braedey. "Who else would it be?" The brunette then turned his gaze back to a groaning Natsu, and smirked. "What's the matter? I barely touched you."

"What did you do to him?" Happy asked, flying over Natsu's body.

Braedey grinned. "I turned into Nanodrone, shrunk myself down until I was really, really small to where I could fly into his ear canal, then I zapped his brain."

The group of wizards blinked, starring at Braedey with dumbfounded expressions.

"No way," Gray breathed, "you actually found a brain in there?"


Later, after Natsu had recovered, he had gotten mad and challenged Braedey to another fight. The teen hero activated the Transformatrix and threatened to take him for another spin with Gravitread. The thought of being spun around again instantly made Natsu sick, and he quickly backed down; much to Gray's amusement.

Now, Braedey was sitting at the bar sucking down his Cherry slushie, enjoying his moment of relaxation. No one trying to fight him. No one messing with his head.

However, the relaxing moment was interrupted when he heard someone approach him. "Well, well, who do we have here?" a feminine voice said.

Braedey turned to the source of the voice coming from his left. The first thing Braedey saw was a very large bosom that was barely held by a green dress. He also took note of the Fairy Tail mark stamped on the woman's right breast. The woman was voluptuous, had light brown hair stylized in a sideways ponytail, and wore a pair of oval-shaped glasses.

Braedey blinked and couldn't help but blush. This woman was quite attractive, but the main reason his face was flushed was because her large, barely concealed breasts were right in front of him.

"Um... hi," Braedey gulped. He looked at her more and didn't recognize her. "I'm sorry, who are you? I've never seen you before."

The woman smiled bashfully and chuckled a little. "No need to apologize. You're still new to Fairy Tail. My name is Evergreen."

From the tables close by, a few mages were watching the interaction between Braedey and Evergreen with interest.

"Whoa," Wakaba said, "Evergreen? She hardly ever comes to the Guild."

"Yeah," Macao added. "Why's she so close to Braedey?"

"No way," Droy remarked from the table next to Macao and Wakaba's. "Is she... flirting with him?"

"That's new." Jet said with wide eyes.

"Evergreen?" Braedey repeated. "Well, it's nice to meet you, I'm Braedey Martin. I don't think I've heard of you. Are you part of a team?"

The brown haired beauty smirked. "I'm part of the Thunder Legion, the strongest team in Fairy Tail."

'The Thunder Legion? Why haven't I heard of them either?' Braedey wondered.

"Anyways, Braedeh," Evergreen continued, still smiling coyly, "I just came by to ask you something."

Braedey blinked. "What's that?"

Evergreen leaned in closer, with her breasts inching closer to his face, causing the teenage hero to blush.

"Would you care to join me and my team on a mission?" Evergreen asked.

This shocked the mages who were eavesdropping on Evergreen and Braedey.

"Did she really just ask him to go on a job with her?" Macao said, surprised.

"And with the Thunder Legion?" Wakaba added. "That's never happened before."

Meanwhile, Erza stepped toward the bar area. She had just accepted a request from the S-Class board and had sent the client a letter of notification of her accepting the job and her arrival. As per the standard of an S-class job it was going to be dangerous and Erza had a feeling that she may need backup. She was about to search for her team and ask them if they could accompany her until she spotted Evergreen and Braedey.

The armoured warrior noticed how very close the brown haired woman was in Braedey's bubble and how Braedey was subtly leaning away with a light blush. When she heard Evergreen ask Braedey to join her on a job, Erza froze.

'Why would Evergreen out of all people ask Braedey to join her on a mission?' Titania thought. She then took note of Evergreen's coy smile, and how she seemed to be eyeing Braedey like he was a hunk of meat. Her eyes abruptly narrowed as she tightly clenched her armoured fists. 'I see.'

Without a word, she headed straight for the duo. A trail of steam hissing out from her ears in her wake.

"Uh... well... the thing is...," Braedey stammered, unsure of how to respond to this brunette woman. He, of course, knew that this Evergreen was flirting with him for some odd reason. But asking him to join her team? Didn't she know that he was already part of one?

"He's already going on a job with me." another voice inputted.

Braedey turned to see Erza standing behind him, a scary frown on her face. The Transformatrix hero didn't know whether to feel grateful for Erza saving him or unsettled by her scary-looking facial expression; probably both.

Evergreen turned away from Braedey and shot a nasty glare at the opposing woman. "Titania Erza," Evergreen spat out with resentment in her voice. "What do you mean he's going on a job with you?"

"Wait!" Braedey interrupted, and turned to Erza. "I'm going on a job with you? Since..."

The redhead placed her armoured hand over his mouth to silence him. "Quiet." She ordered him, then took her hand away. "As I said, he's already going on a mission with me; besides," her glare intensified, "he's part of my team and I don't like it when other wizards try and steal my teammates away."

The two women starred at each other with obvious scorn. Braedey was stuck in the middle, looking between the two in confusion. The mages who were watching the scene unfold looked on, dumbfounded and surprised.

"Is... Erza really fighting Evergreen over Braedey?" Jet asked.

"Sure seems that way." Macao answered from the other table. "Damn, lucky guy."

"Man," Wakaba commented, "he's only been in the Guild for a few weeks and he's already gotten more girls than you ever have, Macao."

"Watch it, pal!" Macao replied angrily.

A moment passed as Evergreen and Erza continued to glare at one another in ire. Finally, it was Evergreen who backed down.

"Whatever," she snorted, "I need to get ready for my team's mission anyway." Evergreen then smiled shyly at Braedey. "Maybe next time, cutie."

"Huh?" Braedey remarked, dumbfounded.

Without another word, Erza grabbed Braedey by the hem of his black t-shirt and dragged him off; her expression darkened slightly after Evergreen's comment to Braedey.

"HEY! Erza, wait a minute!" Braedey shouted, but his protests fell on deaf ears.

Those observing the scene watched as Erza pulled Braedey away, leaving a steamed Evergreen behind.

"Guess we know who the winner is." Macao noted.

"Yep; round one goes to Erza." Wakaba joked.

When Braedey and Erza got into the courtyard, the former pulled the latter's hand off of his shirt. He straightened up his t-shirt and gave the redhead a serious look. "Okay Erza," he demanded, "I need an explanation right now."

Erza sighed. "Very well, you're going on a job with me."

Braedey blanked. "Since when?"

"Since a minute ago," she replied. "I wasn't going to allow her to steal you away from our team. I needed something to convince her that you weren't available."

"So," Braedey rubbed the back of his neck, "that was all but a ploy? You lied to her?"

Erza smirked. "I wasn't lying about that, Braedey. You will be going on a mission with me."

"Okay," Braedey said, lifting a brow, "what kind of mission are we talking about here?"

"It's S-Class," she answered, smiling slyly.

"S-Class? Don't I have to be an S-Class wizard to go on those jobs?" he asked.

"You don't have to be, not as long as you are with an S-Class wizard." Erza replied.

Braedey thought about it. He was confused why Erza would all of a sudden want him to go on a mission with just her, and an S-Class one at that. However, part of him was curious about what kind of job it was.

"So what exactly is the job?" inquired Braedey.

Erza's expression turned serious. She pulled out the job flier and handed it to Braedey and explained to him, "Peony, a town in the northern parts of Fiore, has been under attack by volcano demons for the last three weeks. Lava fissures pop up in random spots in town and groups of dangerous, volcanic creatures climb out and terrorize civilians.

"Several people have already been seriously injured, and it appears the attacks are becoming more frequent. If something isn't done soon, it is only a matter of time before innocent people are killed. The job is to go in and destroy these creatures before they bring any more harm to the people of that town.

"I'm not foolish enough to believe I can vanquish a potential colony of volcano monsters on my own. I can't bring the others with me since they are not ready for a job like this. I could really use your assistance on this mission, Braedey." Erza finished.

Braedey read the flier and the way it was worded, it sounded as if the town really was desperate for someone's aid. His hero instincts quickly kicked in, and he didn't hesitate to give Erza his answer.

"Alright, I'm in." Braedey said; eager to help the townsfolk.

Erza smiled in appreciation. "Thank you, Braedey. You'll also get a hefty reward when we complete this job."

Braedey blinked. "Reward?"

He hadn't bothered looking at the reward sum. After reading about the town's citizens falling victim to volcanic demon attacks, he honestly didn't care about it. However, since he was running very low on money, he took a gander at the reward.

His eyes widened slightly when he read the amount of jewels being offered.

If he and Erza succeeded, they would receive a compensation of ten-million jewels!! Split between them both, Braedey would still be left with a lot of money; enough that he could buy his own place!

Erza chuckled, amused by Braedey's surprised expression. "Yes. It's a very big reward. Even after we split it, you'll have more than enough money to get out of Gray's house and acquire your own."

Braedey smiled confidently and looked back at the redhead. "That's great. I'm more concerned with protecting those people, but I do need the money. So when do we head out?"

"We leave first thing tomorrow morning. Meet me here, we'll grab a slushie, and then head out." She replied.

'So I've gotten her hooked on slushies, huh?' the Transformatrix bearer inwardly smirked, feeling very accomplished.

He grinned, and responded, "Sounds like a plan."

"Hey guys," the shape-shifter and armor-shifter turned to see Lucy approaching them. With her were Natsu, Gray, and Happy. The Dragon Slayer and ice-make wizard were in each other's face, already insulting one another. Lucy stood in front of them, acting oblivious to what was happening behind her.

"They're at it again, huh?" Braedey remarked.

Lucy sighed, annoyed. "Yes."

"Natsu, Gray," Erza spoke in her commanding tone, "that's enough."

Instantaneously, the duo smiled and swung an arm around one another's shoulders as if they were good buddies. "Yes ma'am!" they both shouted.

Braedey chuckled. "Whipped."

"Anyways, I picked us out a job. It's defeating some bandits who've overrun Fort Term. We can leave in the morning." Lucy said.

"I'm sorry, Lucy, but I'm afraid Braedey and I can't tag along." Erza responded. "We're both going on a job of our own tomorrow."

This immediately caught Lucy, Happy, Gray, and Natsu's attention; the latter two even stopped quarreling with each other to focus their attention on Braedey and Erza.

"You two are going on a job already? What kind?" Natsu asked eagerly.

"Braedey and I are going on an S-Class quest to slay a colony of volcanic demons that have been terrorizing a town." Erza summarized.

The four's jaws dropped in shock and disbelief. First, Erza challenged Braedey to a fight, then Braedey won, and now she was taking him on an S-Class job?!

"NO WAY!" Natsu, Gray, and Happy yelled simultaneously; shocked expressions plastered on their faces.

"You're taking Braedey on an S-Class quest?!" Natsu shouted angrily. "To take down volcano demons?! AW MAN! I WANNA GO!"

"You guys have already accepted a job, haven't you?" Braedey pointed out; a smile on his face. "Someone has got to take down those bandits."

"Braedey is right; besides, you two are not ready for a mission like this; perhaps some other time." Erza added.

Natsu and Gray's shoulders slumped while their heads lowered in defeat. "Aww," they moaned.

Lucy, however, didn't seem affected at all; in fact, if anything, she looked relieved that she didn't have to go fight volcano monsters. "That's fine. You two have fun with that." She said cheerfully.

Lucy quickly grabbed Natsu and Gray by their shirts and dragged them away before the two dunderheads could convince Erza to let them tag along. She would rather take her chances with bandits than volcanic demons any day.

"Aw, but fighting volcano demons sounds a lot more fun than boring ole bandits." Natsu complained.

Lucy turned to him, and retorted, "You have a weird definition of fun."

"We'll see you all tomorrow before we head out." Erza then looked at her partner. "Braedey, I would suggest you get your things packed tonight."

Braedey rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. "Other than what I've got on, I only have a pair of PJs and a toothbrush. I accidentally damaged my other clothes when washing them this morning."

"Oh," the redhead said, "well, we'll go out shopping for your things when we get paid. In the meantime," she suddenly grabbed his wrist and began dragging him off, "you can help me pack my things."

Braedey sweat dropped again. "What? Why me?"

He knew of the ludicrous amount of stuff Erza brought on a mission. The thought of helping her pack all those things made him scared. What kind of mess had he gotten himself into?


A/N: What'd you all think? Before I sign off, I'd like to mention a few things.

I do remember saying I would bring in Diabolos again in this chapter. Well, I decided to hold off on that. I may bring him back in during the Pits of Infernus mini-arc.

For those who argue that Erza could've re-quipped out of her armour to escape Magnetron's magnetic pull, you have to remember that Erza is not entirely comfortable without her armour right now. That problem isn't solved until the conclusion of the Tower of Heaven. Besides, she wasn't aware that magnetism was Magnetron's power at the time.

Next chapter: Pits of Infernus, Part 1 Braedey has a short confrontation with Laxus. Braedey and Erza set off on their job. A new Ultimate form is revealed.

NOTICE: if you or anyone you know was harmed by the awesomeness of slushies, fighting, and/or women's breasts in this chapter, Braedey95 is not liable and cannot be tried.

Anyways, please leave any comments or critique in the review box. Remember, flames will be doused by Heatwave.

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