Chapter Thirty: The Entrapment - Our Darkest Hour

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"Oh man! Why did it have to be him?" Lucy fretted.

She recalled the fact that every new enemy they faced was stronger than the last. After barely pulling out a victory against the Unicron manifestation, the Celestial Spirit mage was now wondering if they even stood a chance against someone possibly tougher than him.

"So you're the Fairy Tail wizards that have been giving the Dark Entrapment trouble?" Ultimate Shockwave narrowed his purple eyes at the group and hummed. "I'm not impressed."

Erza clenched her teeth together and growled, ignoring the manifestation's remark. "Shockwave."

Team Prime looked at the mutation with contempt. After watching and learning of him kidnapping and murdering other aliens to absorb their powers, they all held great dislike for him; even if he was only another manifestation of the Dark Entrapment Spell.

"That's Ultimate Shockwave to you, girl. But I'll allow you to call me that since it makes no real difference to how this will play out." The manifestation said smugly. He then turned to Alpha Trion and looked at him rather darkly like a predator that just cornered helpless prey. "Hello Alpha Trion... or should I call you Braedey's subconscious?"

Team Prime looked surprised on the manifestation knowing the Cybertronian's identity, but now that they thought about it another surprise came to mind.

"You're still here? You've been disappearing every time we had to fight one of these duplicates but now you're sticking around?" Gray asked the question on everyone's mind.

"Believe me I would leave if I could." Alpha Trion said, looking quite uncomfortable.

"What do you mean?" Lucy asked.

Ultimate Shockwave chuckled, earning the group's attention. "What he means, little girl, is that he's no longer able to escape my presence. Allow me to demonstrate why." Shockwave said before he snapped his clawed fingers.

Suddenly, the entire surrounding area began to shift rapidly where even the ground seemed to spin, but despite that the members of Fairy Tail stayed in place as if they weren't touching the ground.

"What's going on now!?" Lucy cried.

Everything looked like it was being moved around similar to when a person was spun around and their whole view was a blur of movement.

"I think I'm going to be sick." Natsu groaned, kneeling over a bit as he started feeling dizzy from all the spinning.

"We're not even being spun, you idiot." Gray bellowed.

The spinning finally stopped and revealed that the setting had completely changed.

The group was now standing in the middle of a rocky landscape littered with boulders, craters, and chasms. The color of terrain was silvery-white and resembled dust. However, it was the sky that really captured the Fairy Tail group's attention. Billions of stars filled the sky; in fact, it was so clear that the haze of the Milky Way galaxy took up most of it. Not that the wizards had any knowledge of the Milky Way or the galaxies beyond, so to them it was unknown and captivating.

"It's so beautiful. I've never seen so many stars before." Lucy commented, fascinated by the scene.

Natsu groaned as he stood up, recovering from his motion-sickness. He looked at the ground curiously and scooped up a bit of silver-white dirt; it was rough and scratched his skin mildly. This didn't feel like normal dirt. "What's up with the dirt? It feels... weird."

"Whoa... where are we?" Gray wondered, looking around.

Alpha Trion took a quick glance around and immediately knew what the new setting was. "Take a look at the horizon and you'll figure it out."

The wizards did as the manifestation suggested and saw a big blue and white sphere peaking over the jagged, rocky horizon.

"Why's the moon so big... and blue?" Natsu asked dumbly.

Erza gazed at the azure marble thoughtfully for a moment before her eyes widened in realization. "That's not the moon! That's-"

"The Earth," Ultimate Shockwave interrupted. The group instantly turned toward him to see the manifestation was standing on the edge of a cliff that was twenty feet high. "Yes... this is the moon. This will be the site of your graves." The mutated Cybertronian sneered.

Lucy and Happy both shivered at his threat.

"What have you done, Shockwave?" Erza demanded, glaring up at him.

"I just changed the scenery." Ultimate Shockwave answered in a bored tone for what was clearly obvious before regaining his smirk. "You see while you incompetent fools have been wasting your time sight-seeing on our host's memories and combating manifested clones of said enemies, the Dark Entrapment's hold on the host has been growing stronger and stronger. Now, I'm strong enough to have some slight control over this boy's mind. And you, Alpha Trion, can no longer pull a vanishing act in our presence anymore."

Alpha Trion narrowed his eyes at the Dark Entrapment manifestation as things began to make sense. "So, that short memory we had just witnessed... that was your doing." He stated, rather than questioned.

Ultimate Shockwave smirked. "Yes, it was. I wanted you wizards to witness a little taste of the power I wield before you faced me."

"So the Dark Entrapment has gotten that strong?" Lucy said worriedly. She was apprehensive not only for her friends and herself, but Braedey as well.

"It doesn't matter because we'll beat you and save Braedey!" Natsu proclaimed. Without a second thought, he jumped up with his flaming fist reared back.

"Natsu, DON'T!" Alpha Trion exclaimed, but his cry fell on deaf ears.

Ultimate Shockwave wore an impassive look as he held out his right arm and blasted a powerful jet of water at the Dragon Slayer. Natsu's flames were quickly extinguished and the pink-haired wizard was sent careening back until he smashed into the ground, throwing up a cloud of white dust.

"Natsu!" Lucy and Happy cried out.

"Predictable," Ultimate Shockwave scoffed.

Gray looked back at the manifestation and scowled. "How's this for 'predicable'?" the ice wizard placed his right fist on top of his open left palm. "Ice-Make: Lance!" A volley of icy lances shot out from his magic circle.

Ultimate Shockwave didn't even flinch at the incoming frozen projectiles. Air began to swirl around his centre before bubbles of compressed air shot out of the holes in his torso. The air bubbles promptly shattered the ice lances and slammed into the ground in front of the team. The wizards cried out as they were sent flying back from the shockwave. A cloud of white moon dust billowed over them.

"Yes. That was predictable as well." Ultimate Shockwave remarked.

The dust settled and the group was lying dispersed on the ground. Groans escaped from the team's throats as they regained their bearings and returned to their feet. The wizards cringed from the sharp dust rubbing against their skins; it felt like glass particles.

"Didn't see that coming," Gray admitted, fighting to ignore his sore body.

Natsu coughed up a bit of water and wiped off his mouth. "This seems familiar." He noted, remembering when Heatwave sprayed him during his first fight with Braedey. Natsu glared up at the Entrapment manifestation and clenched his fists. "Cocky bastard. I'll show him not to mess with us."

Erza stood up from the ground and stared at Ultimate Shockwave pensively. "Hold on!" she exclaimed to Natsu before turning her attention to Alpha Trion, who was on her shoulder plate. "Alpha Trion, we didn't see much of Shockwave's abilities from that memory. What can you tell us?"

The ancient avatar looked up at Shockwave with an unsettling expression. He took a moment before responding, "He's powerful. Very powerful. Braedey fought him on several occasions after that fight you all witnessed..." he lowered his head and continued, "and he bested Braedey each time."

Erza's eyes widened as a shocked expression spread over her face. The others overheard Alpha Trion and looked at him in stunned disbelief.

"What?! You sayin' Braedey never beat this loser!?" Natsu exclaimed.

"As a matter of fact, he didn't." Ultimate Shockwave listened to the group's discussion and figured he would add in his own two cents for them to fully realize the gravity of their situation. "Martin never defeated Shockwave; especially when he was in this form. Not even Martin's Ultimate Forms were a match against him." He smirked.

"That can't be true." Gray dismissed, a few beads of sweat racing down his face. He turned to Alpha Trion for confirmation. "Can it?"

Braedey's subconscious lowered his head and shoulders in disappointment. "It is. Shockwave was stronger than anyone Braedey had ever fought at the time... including Unicron." he replied grimly.

The eyes of the Fairy Tail group widened considerably after hearing this terrifying news. The manifestation of Unicron had been the toughest opponent any of them had ever faced, and they had just barely managed to defeat him together. Hearing that this Ultimate Shockwave was stronger made the team questioned their chances.

"But... how did Braedey-" Erza, whom was still processing the shocking revelation, was cut off.

"Braedey didn't defeat Shockwave." Alpha Trion finished her sentence. "It was Rex. He sacrificed his sanity and absorbed the powers of the Shiftmatrix. The mutation he undergone granted him the necessary power to defeat Shockwave and prevent him from gaining Ultimate Power."

'Ultimate Power...?' the group wondered.

Erza was about to question what Alpha Trion meant by that, but was cut off from Entrapment Shockwave.

"Yes, a shame his plans were thwarted by a last minute miracle. However, since said hybrid is not here nor is there an Shiftmatrix for him to absorb, there will be no miracles... and you're chances of victory are zero." Ultimate Shockwave added in a matter-of-factly tone.

Natsu gritted his teeth in the midst of his growing anxiety until suddenly an idea popped in his head. He turned back to Alpha Trion and asked, "Hey, Alpha Trion, can't you just change your form to Rex then?"

Gray's eyes widened from his rival's suggestions. "That's... actually a good idea." He admitted.

"I'm just surprised it came from Natsu of all people." Lucy commented, dumbfounded.

"Aye," Happy agreed.

"Can you do it?" inquired Erza.

Team Prime looked at the small manifestation hopefully; however, Alpha Trion's expression did not encourage them. He hoped off from Erza's shoulder and to the ground, looking down solemnly, and turned into human height.

"I'm sorry... but I can't. I don't have the energy to take on a new form; especially Rex's." He replied.

"I don't understand. When we first met you, I thought you said you only took this form so we wouldn't be weirded out by you looking like Braedey?" Happy implied.

"I... may have stretched the truth on that." Alpha Trion admitted.

"You... you lied to us?" Erza said, shocked.

"I didn't want to discourage you all so soon." Ben's subconscious said. "Please, allow me to explain... before you arrived here the Dark Entrapment had been steadily draining away Braedey's mental energy, including my own. By the time you got here, this... ancient form... was the only one I could assume to remain in the mindscape. But even like this, it's hard and... I can't maintain it all the time."

Erza's eyes widened as she quickly made the connections. "I see. That's why during our battles with the Dark Entrapment manifestations, you disappeared. You were-"

"-conserving the limited amount of energy I possessed... yes." Alpha Trion interrupted. "Along with the fact there was nothing I could do in a fight in this form."

"So... you can't help us fight?" Natsu asked, disappointed.

Alpha Trion lowered his head regretfully. "No."

"So much for that idea," Gray remarked.

"Guess we'll just have to take this jerk down the way we've been doin'." Natsu commented, punching his open right palm. "It'll be rough, but I know we can pull it off."

"Useless optimism," Ultimate Shockwave countered. "But before you foolishly rush to your execution, wouldn't you like to hear the good news and bad news?"

"What news?" Happy asked, both curious and nervous at the mention of bad news.

"The good news is that I'm the last memory-manifestation standing in your way from reaching Martin since you've beaten all the rest." The manifestation answered.

Even though it was clear that this Dark Entrapment avatar was strong, Team Prime could feel a bit relief swell through them from this revelation. They had come so far now. All they needed to do was win one more battle.

"Then that means once you're taken down, we'll have nothing left to worry about in rescuing Braedey." Erza speculated.

"Just one more fight and we can save Braedey." Lucy smiled, determined to save her friend.

"What's the bad news?" Gray asked uneasily. While the news of this Ultimate Shockwave manifestation being the last obstacle in their path was good to hear, he had a feeling that the bad news was going to be worse than the good.

Ultimate Shockwave grinned manically. "The bad news is that Martin has less than thirty-five minutes left before he perishes, and you will all be sharing the same fate before he succumbs to us."

Team Prime immediately gasped in horror as expressions of shocked dismay adorned their faces. Braedey's subconscious gritted his teeth in frustration.

'I knew he didn't have much time left... but that little?' the subconscious manifestation thought.

"Is he serious?!" Lucy cried worriedly.

"We only have thirty-five minutes?!" Gray yelled, panicked.

Erza tightened her grip on the hilt of her sword, anxiety storming through her being. 'This isn't good.' She fretted. 'We had a hard time enough with Unicron. If this Shockwave is truly stronger than him... how could we possibly beat him in such little time?'

"This is bad, guys." Happy said worriedly. "What do we do?"

"Well, we can't just stand here and do nothing." Gray said dryly.

"C'mon guys!" Natsu spoke up. "We beat Unicron and those other losers, didn't we? We can take this jerk!"

Ultimate Shockwave chuckled darkly. "Really now?" He suddenly levitated off the cliff-side and smoothly came to the ground about thirty yards in front of Team Prime, making them tense up. "I see the Dark Entrapment wasn't lying when it informed me of your fiery spirits."

'Wait a moment,' Erza's eyes narrowed from Shockwave's statement. 'The way he speaks, he almost makes it sound like the Dark Entrapment is... a person? Am I just imagining things?'

The redheaded knight was brought back from her musings when Dark Entrapment Shockwave continued.

"Since we have about half-an-hour before Martin kicks the bucket, let's skip the banter and get straight to the point." The manifestation stated. "Here's the deal, I want you wizards to attack me with all your power."

It took a short moment to process what the Dark Entrapment avatar said before they responded with a simultaneous, "Huh?"

"Am I hearing things, or did he just tell us to attack him?" Lucy said, dumbfounded.

"Aye." Happy added, bewildered. "This is new. Usually it's them who attack us."

'I know this guy is an insane monster, but why would he want us to attack him? Isn't he here to kill us?' Gray pondered.

Erza tightened her grip on her sword's hilt even more as she glared harder at Ultimate Shockwave. 'Something doesn't feel right about this.'

Natsu blinked in confusion before a roguish grin took shape on his facial features as he ignited his fists with fire. "Is that right, huh? Well, if you're looking to be burned to a-"

"Now hold on," Ultimate Shockwave interjected, his evil smirk never leaving his face. "In case you misheard me, I'll make this clear. Not half-strength, not ALMOST full power, no holding back whatsoever." The mutated Cybertronian paused as he narrowed his purple eyes at the group, putting emphasis on his next sentence. "I want you... to attack me... with ALL of your power."

Natsu's confident expression faded slightly while the others grew disconcerted from Shockwave's assertion.

"Is this guy insane?" Lucy said in disbelief. "Why would he want US to attack him?"

Natsu shook his head and regained his resolved look. "Who cares?! Braedey's life is on the line! I say we give this bastard what he wants!"

"NO!" Alpha Trion shouted in panic, causing the team to look at him in concern. "Don't do it! It's a trick. He wants you to attack him because he knows that you don't possess the strength to stop him!"

"Ah, c'mon! We can beat this guy!" Natsu argued.

"No, you can't!" Alpha Trion exclaimed harshly. "None of you can!"

Braedey's subconscious let out a heavy sigh as he slumped his shoulders and lowered his head, wearing a defeated expression. "This has gone on for too long." He admitted. "I honestly hadn't expected you to get this far, but I... in a weak moment... I thought you would succeed and continued along with this endeavour anyways."

"But we will succeed!" Erza avowed. "We can still destroy the Dark Entrapment!"

"NO! It's too dangerous!" Alpha Trion yelled frantically, a worried look plastered on his face. "You can still leave. Escape to the real world and you'll be safe."

Team Prime silently gasped in shocked alarm from Alpha Trion's demand. He... he wanted them... to abandon the mission and leave Braedey to die?

"We're... we're not just going to abandon Braedey!" Lucy chocked out. "He's our friend!"

"Yeah!" added a furious Natsu. "He helped us out of too many spots when he didn't have to!"

"And after seeing what he's gone through in the last few years and everything he's done," Gray chimed in, "he deserves a little saving of his own by now."

"I know. I am a part of him after all." Alpha Trion responded. "And I know that Braedey would never want anyone to die for him; especially, all of you! Now please, go! Save yourselves!"

"Never! We've NEVER turned our backs on a friend." Erza declared vehemently. "And we won't start now."

"You don't understand!" Braedey's subconscious cried. "You have to leave. You NEED to leave." the manifestation was shaking, visibly troubled as he clenched his tiny fists. "If you don't go... you'll die and that'll be it. Do you want Braedey to die knowing that he caused the death of all of you!

"It's not enough it's already happened to one person he cared for already!" Alpha Trion yelled in distress.

The Fairy Tail group was immediately caught off guard and stared at the Autobot manifestation in shock. Alpha Trion's eyes widened and his mouth gaped when he realized what he had just blurted out.

A tense moment of silence passed before Erza managed to utter, "W-what?" Her body stiffened in surprise. 'Braedey... lost someone close to him? Could that be why he was so depressed the past few days?' she thought.

"Oh... it looks like that cat's out of the bag." Ultimate Shockwave commented, observing the group's conversation in amusement.

"What does he mean?" Happy scratched his head, confused. "I was never in a bag."

"It's an expression, Happy." Lucy deadpanned, a sweat drop rolling down her face.

Ultimate Shockwave then shut his eyes and sighed, frowning. "But seriously, let's dispense of this dramatic nonsense. If you wizards are serious about saving your comrade... I suggest you attack me quickly. There isn't much time left." he advised in bored tone. "If you don't, I'll retract my deal and just kill you all now."

The group returned their full attention to the manifestation with mixed looks of worry and frustration. The fact that time was running out filled them with a renewed sense of urgency.

Erza grounded her teeth, a storm of emotions brewing in her head. She'll admit that she was curious as to whom Braedey lost, but there were more pressing matters at hand. They needed to defeat this Ultimate Shockwave as quickly as possible.

In a flash of gold, the Fairy Queen re-quipped into her Flight Armour with her twin blades in hand and sporting a resolved expression. "I appreciate your concern, Alpha Trion. But I'm not going anywhere. I swore that I would save Braedey and I'm not going back on my word."

"Yeah!" Natsu agreed boisterously. "There's no way I'm leaving either!" Scorching flames engulfed his arms.

"Damn straight!" Gray exclaimed, stripping off his shirt as an icy mist cascading off his body. "Fairy Tail doesn't abandon its members."

Lucy, who had been very apprehensive throughout this ordeal, looked up in determination and pulled out a Zodiac key. "I may be scared, but I'm not letting my fear keep me from helping a friend in need."

"Aye! You're facing Team Prime now, buddy!" Happy chimed in.

Ultimate Shockwave chuckled. "Ha-ha-ha! Team Prime, huh? I thought the word 'Prime' was only added when Martin joined your group." The mutated Cybertronian then grinned manically. "Well then, 'Team Prime', let's see how your strength fairs against the power of Ultimate Shockwave!"

With that, Natsu crouched low and sprung forward shooting a jet of flames from his feet. "You done yet?!" the fire covering his arms spread and engulfed his whole body. "Because I'm about to burn you to a crisp!"

"NO! Don't!" Alpha Trion cried out; however, his cries went ignored.

"Fire Dragon... IRON... FIST!" Natsu mustered up all his strength and delivered a powerful punch into Shockwave's face (who stood motionless), creating a small shockwave.

Ultimate Shockwave grimaced slightly as he went sliding back a few metres. Natsu didn't let up as he jumped in the air and collected his fire around his arms. "Fire Dragon... WING... ATTACK!" The dragon-wing shaped flames collided with the manifestation and sent him flying back toward the cliff he had previously been standing on.

"No way am I letting flame-for-brains hog the action." Gray remarked as he charged up his magic. "Ice-Make: Knuckle!" Before Ultimate Shockwave collided with the cliff-side, a set of icy fists erupted from the ground behind him and smashed into his solar plexus, stopping his momentum.

This time, Ultimate Shockwave's shut his eyes and clenched his teeth from the impact.

Erza swiftly jumped into action and sped over to the manifestation in a blur. "Sonic Claw!" she yelled as she swiped her twin blades mercilessly across Ultimate Shockwave's body and sent him barreling into the cliff-side.

Lucy swiped her one of her golden keys and chanted, "Open, Gate of the Maiden: Virgo!"

With the ring of a bell, Virgo appeared in front of Lucy and was in good shape despite being blasted by the Unicron manifestation's eye beams in the last battle. "Princess, is it punishment time?" She bowed respectively.

"Virgo, you see that guy right there?" Lucy said, pointing at Ultimate Shockwave who was pulling himself out of the cliff-side. "Punish him as hard as you can!"

"Very well," Virgo responded, her pupils glowing red.

When Ultimate Shockwave pulled himself out of the cliff-side rock, Virgo leapt into the air and wrapped the end of her chains around the manifestation's arms. She then pulled back and violently slammed Shockwave into the ground, spun around in midair, and tossed him into a boulder lying to the side of the battlefield.

Virgo kneeled down and placed her hands on the ground, yellow light shining around her. "Spica Lock!" Several larger boulders erupted from the ground around Ultimate Shockwave and encased him within a rocky moon ball with lightning shooting from the cracks. When the spirit released her hold, Ultimate Shockwave fell back to his feet with his eyes clenched shut and his face wrinkled with annoyance.

"Re-Quip!" Golden light enveloped Erza's body as she donned her Morning Star Armour, and rushed forward to Ultimate Shockwave and swiped her twin blades forward in an X-shape formation. "Photon Slicer!" She released two large yellow light waves, which collided into Shockwave's torso and sent him flying back.

Gray summoned an icy platform to launch him directly at his opponent as ice blades formed along his forearms. "Ice Blade: Seven Slice Dance!" He slashed his blades several times across Shockwave's face and torso, causing the Entrapment construct to grit his teeth. When Gray landed, the ice-blades promptly shattered and he took a moment to catch his breath.

Ultimate Shockwave hit the ground, bounced off, and flipped backwards a couple times before sliding to a stop on his back.

Lucy swiped the key in her hand and sent Virgo back to the Spirit World before pulling out another. "Open, Gate of the Golden Bull: Taurus!"

In a bright flash and the sound of a doorbell, the hulking cow-man known as Taurus appeared wearing his usual cocky, battle-hungry grin.

"Alright, Taurus, attack that guy with all you got!" Lucy ordered, pointing at Ultimate Shockwave.

"You got it, Miss Luuucy!" Taurus smirked as he pulled out his huge battle-axe.

The Bull Spirit crouched down and launched himself forward with his axe reared back. As Shockwave returned to his feet, Taurus appeared in front of him and slashed his axe across the mutated Cybertronian's chest and sent him flying upward.

Natsu, who was being carried by Happy, flew above the incoming Cybertronian. "Now, Happy!" he yelled.

"Aye, sir!"

The blue cat threw the Dragon Slayer straight toward the Dark Entrapment manifestation, who then wreathed his legs in fire. "Fire Dragon Talon!" Natsu kicked him as hard as he could right back to Taurus.

The cow-man leapt up and twisted his body around to gain momentum. "How do yah like this moOOOOoove!"

At the exact moment, Taurus slammed his axe into Ultimate Shockwave like a baseball bat with his full strength. A shockwave was made and shook the ground beneath. Ultimate Shockwave went crashing into the lunar surface and dug a shallow trench into the rocky terrain.

"Thanks, Happy!" Natsu said as the blue cat swooped and grabbed his buddy by the back of his vest.

"Aye, sir!"

"Good work, Taurus!" Lucy smiled as she swiped the key, sending the cow-man back to the Spirit World.

"MooOO. It's what I dooooo." Taurus remarked before he disappeared in a flash.

Lucy pulled out another golden Zodiac key and thrust forward. "Open, Gate of the Lion: Loke!"

Loke materialized in front of his blonde-haired master with a confident smirk.

"Loke, you still got enough in you for one more fight?" Lucy inquired, knowing that he used up all his magic in the last battle with Unicron.

Loke pushed up his shades, a glare reflecting off them. "I'm always ready to go into battle for you, gorgeous." He responded charismatically.

The Lion Spirit looked forward to see Ultimate Shockwave about fifty yards away, levitating out of the trench his body had carved. Golden light shone off of the spirit's body as he rushed forward in a flash.

Ultimate Shockwave was taken off guard when Loke rushed in front of him and sent several rounds of Regulus-empowered kicks and punches into the manifestation's face and torso, knocking the mutated Cybertronian back.

"You messed with the wrong group of wizards, pal." Loke grinned as he quickly loosened his suit's cuffs and rushed forward, his hands glowing in brilliant light. "Regulus Gatling Impact!" The Lion Spirit punched Shockwave repeatedly at super-speeds until several large explosions of gold-white light enveloped both the Dark Entrapment avatar and celestial spirit.

When light died down, Loke could be seen floating in the air with a golden aura around him whilst Ultimate Shockwave was plummeting to the ground with a smoky haze trailing him. The Dark Entrapment manifestation managed to regain control and landed on his right knee, making the ground crack and cave inward from the force.

Loke smirked as he smoothly landed approximately twenty yards away from his foe. "Hope that's not all yah got, you... whatever you are." He remarked.

Gray sprinted right by Loke and widened his stance and slammed his right fist into his open left palm. "Ice-Make: Fishnet!" A raging, cold wind blew out of Gray's magical circle and Shockwave was suddenly ensnared in an icy net.

"Less talking, more smashing!" Natsu barked from the air, still being carried by Happy. "We got to destroy this bastard now if we wanna save Braedey!"

Loke nodded as his charismatic demeanor shifted into a serious visage. "Alright then, well let's show this guy what we're made of." He spun his arms in a circular motion before firing a beam of golden light. "Regulus Blast!"

"Ice-Make: Arrows!" Gray summoned a crossbow and fired a barrage of deadly, icy arrows.

"Re-Quip!" In a gold flash, Erza adorned her Black Wing Armour. She swiped her sword forward and unleashed a silver-white energy wave. "Moon Flash!"

"Might wanna let me go for this one, buddy." Natsu warned the blue cat, who nodded and released his hold on the Dragon Slayer. As the pyromaniac descended, he swiftly gathered a large, brilliant sphere of fire over his head that shined like the sun. "Fire Dragon Brilliant Flame!" The tossed the scorching ball of flames forward.

The ice arrows, gold light, white energy, and fireball attacks struck the ice-entrapped Ultimate Shockwave at the same time. The resulting conflagration blasted up a huge cloud of mood dust into the air and created a tremor that rippled across the landscape. Large cracks in the ground expanded out of from the centre of the attack-zone.

For the umpteenth time, Ultimate Shockwave went hurling back once again; however, the manifestation caught himself in midair and landed on his feet, sliding back a few metres. Aside from smoke wafting off his body, he didn't appear to be sporting any injuries.

"RAGGGH!" Natsu bellowed, charging forward with an enraged look and flames enveloping his entire body. "I've just about had enough of you Dark Entrapment losers getting in our way! Take this! Flame Lotus: Fire Dragon... FIST!" Natsu punched Ultimate Shockwave in various places across his face, chest, and torso with incredible speed and strength that made him stagger back.

"Re-Quip!" Erza changed into her Purgatory Armour and summoned a large, deadly mace.

When Natsu finished his powerful punching-based spell, Erza rushed in and followed up with her own attack. A scarlet aura shone off of Erza as the mighty Titania let out a fearsome cry and slammed the mace into Shockwave Ma face with all her strength and power.

As a result, a shockwave was made that cracked the white, dusty ground and sent Shockwave crashing into a random boulder standing alone in the battlefield.

"Everyone! Let's finish this NOW!" Erza yelled, re-quipping into her Lightning Empress Armour.

"Right!" the others responded, determination etched into their expressions.

A blue, chilly aura cascaded off of Gray's body as he put more magical energy into his next attack than he normally would. He created a large ice-bazooka and placed it on his shoulders. "Ice-Make: ICE CANNON!" he exclaimed, shooting a large icy-blue cannonball.

Erza held out her Lightning Spear and inputted nearly all of her magical power into her next spell. "Lightning Cyclotron!" A huge volley of blue lightning bolts fired out from a red magical circle at the tip of her spear.

The raging inferno around Natsu intensified as he put all the magical power he could into his ultimate move. "You wanted our all? Here it is! Dragon Slayer Secret Art:" the pink-haired pyro's eyes shined gold as he unleashed long torrents of fire in a spiraling formation. "Flame Lotus, Exploding Flame Blade!"

Loke's hands glowed with light as he summoned a golden magic circle in front of him. "Regulus Impact!" A golden-orange lion head shot out of the circle, letting out a fearsome roar.

Shockingly, the ice-ball, torrents of fire, lightning bolts, and the light-based lion head all fused into a single attack! It created a golden ball of ice that irradiated fire, lightning, and a white icy mist. A long trench was forged underneath the attack and the lunar dirt beneath was either scorched or frozen.

Ultimate Shockwave pulled himself out of the boulder and stepped forward. His purple eyes widened slightly at the brilliant, multi-elemental projectile zooming right toward him like a comet. The bright light of the fusion attack engulfed him as the projectile collided with him dead on.

A large, brilliant explosion was created that promptly shattered the ground within a half-mile radius, throwing up tons of white lunar rubble high into the air. A shockwave stirred up a windstorm that kicked up a cloud of dust toward the Ultimate Team, causing the wizards to brace themselves and cover their eyes. Happy held on tight to Lucy's ponytail while Alpha Trion hanged onto a rock on the ground away from the battle.

Ultimate Shockwave went rocketing back at supersonic speeds and smashed through several rock formations before finally crashing into the side of a rocky plateau. The impact formed giant cracks that expanded across the plateau in a spider web-like fashion. Another resounding boom echoed across the moonscape.

When the dust began to settle, Team Prime uncovered their eyes and looked forward. A long, shallow trench had been carved into the white ground from the powerful beam that lead straight to the plateau where Ultimate Shockwave crashed about a fourth of a mile away.

Natsu, Gray, Loke, and Erza were breathing heavily from expending so much of their magical energy in a short amount of time. The former two had their hands on their knees, trying to catch their breath. Erza and Loke kept their gaze focused in the area where their opponent went crashing.

"Whoa," Lucy uttered. "That... was... intense."

"You think he's dead?" Happy asked, flying beside Natsu's head.

"He has to be." Gray asserted firmly as he stood up. "There's no way anything could survive that."

"For once, I have to agree with ice princess." Natsu added.

"Let's proceed with caution." Erza commanded.

Erza scooped up Alpha Trion, who was in a small size, in her right hand and placed him on her shoulder before she and the group sprinted along the trench toward the plateau. When the team got closer, they could see the large cracks in the side of the plateau that lead straight to a pile of debris at the bottom of the rock formation.

A tense moment of silence passed as the Fairy Tail wizards prepared for anything. After a short moment, Loke smirked and placed his hands in his jacket pockets in a nonchalant manner and whistled. "Well," he pushed up his shades, "I think it's fair to say that guy's history."

"Then why isn't the scene fading like it usually does after we beat a manifestation?" Happy wondered.

"Because..." Alpha Trion uttered in a soft, horrified voice, "'s not over."

"What're you-" Gray was cut off as the sounds of evil laughter resonated beneath the rocky pile, making him and the rest of the group freeze in trepidation.

"W-what...?" Lucy stuttered, shocked.

A few of the boulders shifted and were pushed aside as Ultimate Shockwave rose up out of the rubble and returned to his feet, completely unharmed. The mutated Cybertronian ceased his cackling and looked at the Fairy Tail group with a leering smirk.

"Is that the best you can do?" He wiped off a little bit of scoot that was present on his chest; other than that, there wasn't even a single scratch on his body! He tilted his head to the side and popped his neck before straightening it out. "Is that all the power you possess? Because I didn't feel a thing."

The team was in absolute shock over what they were seeing. The colour in their faces was completely drained as they stared at the manifestation in utter horror and disbelief.

"That's... that's not... possible." Lucy whimpered, her body beginning to shake in fear.

"How can that be?" Loke muttered in confusion and apprehension.

"What kind of monster could survive something like that?!" Erza shouted in terror.

"We... we put everything we had into that attack..." Gray murmured, with sweat racing down his face.

Natsu was speechless and continued to stare at the mutated Cybertronian with wide eyes and a gapping mouth. He was genuinely terrified for the first time in a while. Happy was trembling in fright as he hid behind Natsu's right leg.

Ultimate Shockwave chuckled, amused by the wizards' expressions. "Judging by your expressions, I can see you pests are finally getting it."

Natsu gritted his teeth and clenched his fists tightly. Despite his fears, he jumped forward with a mighty yell and reared back his fist in a last desperate attack. He ignited a small ball of fire around his fist, but it wasn't very hot since his magic was nearly depleted.

"Natsu, NO!" Happy cried.

Ultimate Shockwave easily caught the punch with his right hand, extinguishing the small flame. He then twisted his arm, causing the Dragon Slayer to fall to a knee and let out a sharp cry of pain.

"Now... let me show you wizards what true power is." Ultimate Shockwave stated.

Suddenly, blue lighting emitted out from the manifestation's hand and horribly shocked Natsu, making him cry out in agony. The Dark Entrapment construct ceased shocking Natsu and reared back his jackhammer-like arm to toss him into Gray. They collided into one another with a loud smack, promptly knocking them both out.

Ultimate Shockwave leapt into the air and levitated in place before firing a powerful water jet from his right hand into Lucy and Loke, which sent them both flying back and soaking them. He then discharged a blue bolt of lightning at the duo and electrocuted the duo. The blonde wizard and celestial spirit both cried out in extreme pain; the former rolled across the ground a few times, unconscious, while the latter laid on his back writhing in pain.

Erza narrowed her eyes angrily at the manifestation; however, inside she was alarmed from how easily he was taking them down. But this didn't stop the redheaded knight as she crouched low and jumped toward the mutated Cybertronian with her spear reared back and charging with electricity.

Ultimate Shockwave simply smirked. Suddenly, a bluish-white energy dome appeared around him and blocked Erza's weapon.

"What!?" Erza shouted, flabbergasted.

"Did you know Amphibicon's species can create energy shields?" Ultimate Shockwave pushed the shield forward and slammed it into her with a lot of force. Erza cringed from the blow but managed to recover quickly and held up her spear.

The mutated Cybertronian's purple eyes glowed as he fired two scarlet energy beams. Erza swiftly charged up the tip of her spear with lightning to deflect the radioactive beams. She was not prepared when a powerful tornado swirled out of Ultimate Shockwave's torso and sent her spiraling back. Erza cried out from inside the gale force winds and crashed into the ground with a loud impact.

In a flash of gold, Erza's armour vanished and left her in her torn white blouse and blue skirt. She laid in a shallow hole, unconscious.

Ultimate Shockwave looked around the scene. Natsu and Gray were lying together knocked out and Happy was by Lucy, trying to wake her up. He then spotted Loke shakily arising to his feet. His expensive-looking suit was tattered, revealing his cut and bruised skin. The Lion Spirit glared daggers at the mutated Cybertronian, who simply smirked in response.

"You... hurt my friends... my master." Loke growled furiously. "I won't... let you... get away with that."

Golden light shone off of the celestial spirit's body as he charged up in the air at Ultimate Shockwave with a loud yell. The duo continued to levitate as Loke launched several rounds of Regulus-empowered punches and kicks at his enemy, but - unlike last time - Ultimate Shockwave effortlessly evaded every single strike. The orange-haired spirit finally managed to land a solid kick into the left side of Shockwave's face and tilted it slightly; other than that, it had no effect.

"You amuse me less and less." Ultimate Shockwave frowned.

His sideburn-like tendrils wrapped around Loke's leg and delivered a powerful electric shock. Loke's expression contorted in agony as he let out a cry. Ultimate Shockwave tossed the celestial spirit back and he fired two radioactive eye beams, which went straight through the Lion Spirit's abdomen! Loke's eyes widened in pain and shock as he hacked up blood mixed saliva.

Lucy groaned as she returned to consciousness and steadily sat up. She and Happy both looked up and gasped at the horrifying scene.

"LOKE!" Lucy and Happy cried.

"Lu – cy..." he choked out before his body disappeared in a bright flash.

"Oh no..." Happy shook frightfully. "Is he...?"

"No. He just got sent back to the Spirit World, but he won't be able to help us anymore." Lucy clarified as she stood up.

Erza, Natsu, and Gray groaned painfully as they stirred from unconsciousness and sat up on their hands and knees. They turned to Ultimate Shockwave and scowled at him, despite the intense pain and exhaustion flaring through their bodies.

"How unfortunate. You came so far, and endured so much to try and rescue your compatriot." Ultimate Shockwave said in fake sympathy. "But sadly, this is the end of the road for all of you."

Alpha Trion, who was standing off to the side, lowered his head in defeat. "All is lost. He's far too powerful to fight."

Erza overheard Alpha Trion and her body began to tremble as she gnashed her teeth together. She had used up most of her magical power during their final assault and didn't have enough left to re-quip into any more armours. Even if she had enough, the Fairy Queen was certain it wouldn't matter. She doubted that even her Armadura Fairy Armour could hold up against this foe.

This was truly the Team Prime's darkest hour. They had each given it their all but this monster shook off their attacks like it was nothing. What else could they do?!

'Braedey...' Erza lowered her head, a few tears sliding down her face. 'I'm so sorry. I I failed...'

Suddenly, in the midst of this darkness, a burning light shined through in the form of a certain pink-haired Dragon Slayer. "I... ain't done yet."

Erza looked up and turned her gaze to the pyro wizard along with the others. He got off his knees and stood up albeit shakily. He focused his onyx eyes solely on the mutated Cybertronian with a burning fire still raging within them. This even took Ultimate Shockwave by surprise.

In truth, Natsu inwardly admitted he was scared and greatly intimidated by his opponent's power. But that wasn't going to stop him!

"I don't care how strong you are, or how much you hurt me." Natsu declared. "My friend is in trouble and I promised I'd save him!"

Ultimate Shockwave scoffed. "How utterly absurd. You're really going to sacrifice your life for someone you've only known a couple months? Someone who's not even from your world? An alien?"

"I don't give a crap about that!" barked Natsu. "Braedey may not have been a member of Fairy Tail for very long, but that doesn't matter. He's still one of us, and I'll never allow anyone to hurt my family as long as I can still draw breath!"

The rest of the team stared at Natsu in astonishment, captivated by his heartfelt proclamation. His courage and resolve seemed to spread to the others. At that moment, the rest of the Fairy Tail wizards regained their morale and remembered what they were here for.

"Whoever knew Flame Brain had a way with words." Gray smirked slyly as he returned to his feet, his knees shaking slightly. "But he's right. Fairy Tail doesn't ever abandon comrades."

'Huh... I just noticed Flame Brain's been right on several occasions during this fiasco. I wonder... could this really be the end?' Gray wondered.

Lucy stood up and gave the Entrapment avatar a resolved look. "You can do whatever you want to us, but we're not backing down!"

"How selfish of me," Erza snarled to herself, and stood up with her head lowered. "I was fixing to surrender just because of some powerful construct standing in our way. But I forgot... this pain... this pain I'm feeling... is nothing compared to what Braedey may be going through." The redhead lifted her head and shot a hard glare at the manifestation. "We'll never surrender. You'll have to kill us first!"

Alpha Trion's optics were wide and his mouth was agape as he stared at the Fairy Tail wizards in awestruck, shocked by their resiliency. Death was standing in front of them, yet they continue to fight for Braedey? Someone they've hardly known for two months?

"I...I..." Alpha Trion felt like he would leak Energon tears. What he was witnessing was truly having a profound effect on him.

Braedey had always wanted to help people even before he found the Transformatrix. Whenever bullies, namely Jack and Carmen, would pick on others, he would always try to stop them; unfortunately, it always led to Brqedey getting hurt in the process. When he obtained the powers of extraterrestrials, he was scared at first but it had quickly shifted into excitement. He finally had the power to make a real difference.

Yes, he did suffer bumps on the way; mostly from his own cocky attitude and selfishness. But, thanks to his Grandpa Jackson and Jessie, he learned and matured into the hero he was today. Braedey always knew his family and friends had his back and would help him, but never would he think a group of people he just befriended a short time ago would sacrifice everything just to save him!

Braedey's subconscious was truly touched from what he was seeing. These wizards... his friends...  were true heroes.

'I'm such a fool. Even after everything they've done, it's only now I'm seeing how much they care for Braedey.' Braedey's subconscious thought. 'Despite only knowing him for a short time, they treat him as if they've known him their entire lives. Is this... what Fairy Tail is truly about?'

Ultimate Shockwave glowered, annoyed from the group's pontificating. "Prattle on all you want, it won't change anything. The only thing that matters in this world or any world is power, and the reality is you don't have anywhere near enough to stand against me!"

Ultimate Shockwave reared back his right arm to its zenith and slammed his arm into the ground, creating a seismic tremor that ripped apart the lunar surface. The shockwave promptly knocked Team Prime and Braedey's subconscious off their feet.

The group cried out as they went careening back for a fair distance before hitting the ground and rolling across the white, rocky landscape. They eventually came to a stop and their bodies and clothing were battered and torn. A wave of pain and weakness overtook the wizards and cat; nevertheless, their spirit and morale was fully intact now.

Alpha Trion was the first to return to his feet and rubbed his aching head. The previous hopelessness that was plastered on his face had melted away and was replaced with stone hard conviction. 'I may not be able to fight, but there must be something I can do to help! But what?!'

Suddenly, Alpha Trion's expression perked up when he recalled something Ultimate Shockwave had previously stated.

"The good news is that I'm the last memory manifestation standing in your way from reaching Tennyson since you've beaten all the rest."

'If he's the last manifestation, then that means the conscious mind can't be that far away!' Alpha Trion realized. 'I just need to concentrate and sense my other half out.' The Cybertronian took in a breath and closed his eyes to concentrate. He searched as far as he could through the mindscape with his limited energy.

After a short moment, he saw nothing but a black void filled with dark amethyst storm cloud, with the occasional flash of purple lightning. The subconscious construct clenched his teeth and peered harder into the mindscape. Suddenly, Alpha Trion found something: a shadowy figure standing in front of a purple orb.

Alpha Trion's optics reopened as he let out a breath of air. That had to be it!

'Now that I know where he is, all I need to do is open a gateway and...' the subconscious manifestation was derailed from his train of thought as he focused on trying to open a gateway; however, it didn't seem to be working. Out of nowhere, Alpha Trion felt fuzzy for some reason and opened his eyes to make a terrible discovery.

He brought up his hands to his face to see they were starting to flicker between becoming transparent and remaining solid! 'No... my's... starting to run out. I don't have much time!' Braedey's subconscious inwardly panicked. 'I can't give up; if they won't, then why should I?!'

Alpha Trion closed his eyes again. He grunted as he dug deep into his reserves to find whatever power he had remaining. He reopened his blue optics with an unreadable expression on his face.

He could open a temporary gateway, but it came at a heavy price.

Meanwhile, Team Prime groaned painfully as they used their arms to slowly lift themselves off the white, dusty ground. The wizards and cat lifted their heads and stared in the direction of Ultimate Shockwave, whom was walking toward them in a nonchalant manner with a sinister smirk plastered on his face.

"Dammit." Natsu cursed underneath his breath. "How can anything be that strong?"

"What are we gonna do, guys?" Lucy questioned worriedly, pushing herself up in a sitting position. "I don't think we can beat this thing."

"Look, I've been thinking," said Gray, "maybe one of should go back."

"What?!" Natsu, Gray, and Happy turned to the raven-haired teen in shock while Erza glanced at him curiously.

"What're yah talking about?!" Natsu exclaimed, rising up to a knee.

Gray gave the Dragon Slayer a harden look. "Listen! We can't beat this guy on our own. I'm thinking one of us should go back and tell Master Makarov what's going on here. If anyone can defeat that monster, it's him."

"I'm afraid that won't work, Gray." Erza disputed as she returned to her feet albeit shakily.

The team looked at the redhead, confused.

"What do yah mean?" inquired Lucy.

"We can't leave this place without the Master casting the spell to extract us. Even if there was a way to leave on our own, we don't know how." Erza responded.

"Crap." Gray muttered indignantly. "I forgot about that."

"What else can we do?" Happy fretted. "This guy is unstoppable."

"I...I..." Erza trailed off as he racked her mind for an alternative solution for how to deal with this challenge; unfortunately, none came to mind. "...I don't know..." she lowered her head in shame and frustration.

"Wait!" Team Prime turned to the Amciemt manifestation, who stopped right in front of them, adorning an urgent visage. "I have an idea." This immediately gained their full attention as they looked at the subconscious avatar with mixed expressions of curiosity and hope. "It's dangerous and I daresay very desperate."

"Can't be any more dangerous than this," retorted Gray.

"Agreed. At this point, 'dangerous and desperate' is our only option." Erza added.

"Go on! Tell us!" Natsu urged.

"Shockwave mentioned that he was the last manifestation in our way. That means the conscious mind isn't far from here." Alpha Trion explained quickly. "I looked through the mindscape and I managed to find Braedey. I can open a gateway that will lead directly toward his location."

"You could have done that this whole time?!" Lucy exclaimed in angry disbelief.

"Of course not!" He snapped. "The Dark Entrapment was cutting off all direct access toward the conscious mind's location. That's precisely why we had to travel through all those memories in the first place! But now we're close enough that I can finally open a portal to Braedey." a pensive mien crossed the manifestation's expression. "But... there's a catch."

"And that is?" Gray pressed him to continue.

Alpha Trion sighed and revealed, "I only have enough energy to open a gateway to let one of you go through it."

"And leave the rest of us here to keep the Dark Entrapment Shockwave occupied." Erza nodded thoughtfully. "It's risky, but..." she paused and looked at Alpha Trion pensively. "There's something you're leaving out."

"I... what?" Alpha Trion sputtered. "I'm not leaving anything out."

Suddenly, the Cybertronian's left optic started twitching, which Erza immediately noticed and confirmed her suspicions. "You're just like Braedey, Alpha Trion. I notice subtle signs in his body language," she said flatly, "and when he attempts to lie, his left eye twitches."

Erza had first taken notice of this sign in Braedey's body language during their trip back to Magnolia from their mission in Peony. She was curious as to what a mutant Predacon exactly was after Braedey mentioned it in the spas. The redhead had inquired if said creature was a big, fearsome monster. He hesitantly responded 'yes'.

The next time was on the beach at Akane Resort. During their fun time together, she had occasionally spotted Braedey sneaking glances at her. She playfully teased him about it, and he immediately looked away and denied the accusation; however, she noticed his left eye twitching slightly and she finally realized what it signified. At the time, Erza had smirked, not even bothered at the fact that Braedey was looking at her.

The subconscious avatar groaned and covered up his left eye. He then left out a huffed laugh. "I should've known." He shook his head sheepishly. "However, I must admit, I had no idea you were paying so much attention to Braedey's body."

This earned snickers from the others as they struggled to contain their laughter and a vivid blush from Erza.

"I... That is beside the point!" Erza snapped. She then turned a sharp glare to the others, who cowered back in fear and immediately ceased their chuckling. The redhead looked back at Alpha Trion and asked, "Now tell me, what is it you're keeping from us?"

Alpha Trion slumped his shoulders and sighed in defeat. "Very well. If you must know, opening the portal will take away what is left of my energy. I won't be able to maintain my manifestation anymore, and I will... fade away." the subconscious avatar explained.

The team promptly gasped from this shocking revelation.

"What?!" Natsu exclaimed, shocked.

"So you'll die?!" Happy cried.

"B-but..." Erza stuttered. "....but Alpha Trion, we can't kill you!"

Alpha Trion shook his head and smiled softly. "I won't be gone. One of you will save Braedey, and I'll be there, inside him, a part of him."

"Still... there's got be another way!" protested Natsu.

"There isn't! We're out of time and options." Alpha Trion argued. "This is the only way!"

Erza grounded her teeth in frustration. "I... I..." she was unable to speak coherently. She didn't want to go through with this plan, but she knew Alpha Trion was right.

"You wizards have known all along that I was simply a manifestation of Braedey's inner subconscious, but you treated me as if I were a living person anyway." Alpha Trion smiled ruefully. "I appreciate that. But unless one of you goes and frees Ben from the Dark Entrapment, neither he nor I will make it through this...or any of you for that matter."

"I don't like this one bit, but we have no choice." Erza relented. "But how do we decide who goes?"

"That's a no brainer." Gray commented as he stood up and gave the redhead a straight look. "Erza, go."

"What?" Erza said, startled.

"Ice stripper is right." Natsu added, wearing an equally serious expression. "If only one person can go, it has to be you!"

"Aye," Happy chimed in. "If anyone can save Braedey, it's you, Erza."

"Listen to them, Erza." Lucy insisted, returning to her two feet and pulling out one of her Zodiac keys. "Go."

"B-but... I..." Erza stammered, inwardly conflicted of leaving her friends behind.

"Don't worry about us!" Gray stated strongly. "You're going. End of discussion."

Erza lowered her head and thought it over for a short moment. She didn't want to leave her comrades behind to face such a powerful adversary on their own; however, she knew that time was running out and this would be their only opportunity to save Braedey. With that, she looked back at her teammates with resolve.

"Very well. I'll go." Erza conceded.

Natsu, Gray, Lucy and Happy turned their attention to Ultimate Shockwave, whom continued to saunter to them nonchalantly; in fact, he seemed to be purposely taking his time and looked at them with his trademark smug grin.

"We'll hold this bastard off as long as we can." Natsu said. "Just promise to come back to us... and bring Braedey with you."

"I will. I promise." Erza said determinedly.

The redheaded knight then looked back at the Cybertronian manifestation with a desolate mien. "Alpha Trion..." she said forlornly.

"Don't despair, Erza." The subconscious avatar smiled. "I am a part of Braedey's psyche, and I will not perish when I disappear, but rather revert back into the depths of his mind."

Erza nodded in understanding, despite her left eye brimming with tears. "I know, but still... Thank you for everything."

"No need. Just save Braedey. We still have many adventures to go on together." The subconscious mind winked.

Erza smiled softly and nodded.

At that moment, Ultimate Shockwave came to a halt and narrowed his gaze at the scene transpiring; however, he did not make any moves to intervene.

The ancient manifestation turned forward and closed his eyes in order to concentrate. Suddenly, a bluish-white luminous sphere appeared in front of him, but this gateway seemed to be smaller than the other gateways that Alpha Trion had previously summoned.

"Go!" Alpha Trion shouted. "Now!"

Without hesitation, Erza sprinted forward and leapt into the portal. A couple seconds later, the orb vanished into thin air and Alpha Trion's body slowly became transparent.

"Good luck... to all of you." With that, Braedey's subconscious manifestation disappeared.

The present members of Team Prime struggled to control their emotions. He technically may have only been a manifestation, but they still saw him as a comrade.

Meanwhile, the last Dark Entrapment memory-manifestation's smug look was replaced with an indifferent expression as he observed the scene. His trademark smirk reappeared as he commented, "Hmph, what a touching moment. The subconscious mind sacrificed all his energy in order to transport her to the location of our host's conscious mind."

"Keep smirking while yah still can, ugly." Natsu remarked angrily. "Once Erza gets to Braedey, the spell will be broken and you'll be history."

'Hold on a second. Why didn't he try to stop us just then?' Gray pondered suspiciously.

"Doubtful. Not if he has anything to say about it." Ultimate Shockwave alluded.

Team Prime paused and was caught off guard from the manifestation's response. Who did he mean by he?

"What the hell's he talking about?!" Natsu barked.

"I thought this guy was the last obstacle in our way." Lucy questioned, confused.

"Aye. He must've lied to us." Happy presumed.

"Tch," remarked Gray. "Go figure."

'Are you sure it was wise to let the redhead go?' Ultimate Shockwave said inwardly.

'She... intrigues me. I'll have the pleasure of handling her myself. You take care of the rest.' A dark voice responded in his mind.

The manifestation nodded and refocused his attention on his prey. "Not quite," Ultimate Shockwave retorted, "I said I was the last 'memory-manifestation' in your way. I never said I was the last obstacle."

"Then who the hell's this he guy you're referring to?! HUH!" Natsu demanded furiously.

"That... is the least of your concerns, little Salamander." Ultimate Shockwave held up his right hand, which was already charging with blue electricity. "After all, you have problems of your own."


A bright flash shined through the darkness as Erza jumped out of the gateway. Just as soon as it appeared, it quickly disappeared. Unlike the last time she went through the portal, her magical energy and injuries were not fully restored – only partially. This confused her for a second before she quickly deduced the reason.

'Alpha Trion must've been using his power to heal us after the battles that took so much out of us.' Remembering how she and everyone else mysteriously felt one hundred percent after their battles with the Corrupticons and Unicron. Whatever little bit of energy that Alpha Trion had after opening the last gateway he must've transferred over to Erza.

Erza lowered her head ruefully. 'It's surprising he didn't fade away sooner.'

She shook her head and refocused on the task at hand. Her friends were back fighting for their lives against Entrapment Shockwave and Braedey's subconscious had given up everything he had, all so she could get to Braedey. She would not let any of them down.

Then, without warning, a dark amethyst light enveloped her and the scene around her.

"What the - ?" Erza cried out, taken aback by the sudden light.

A moment later, the purple light had died down and the scarlet-haired mage opened her eyes to see her surrounding had changed. Her brown eyes widened slightly when she realized where she was. The bright blue flooring and crystal spikes protruding haphazardly across the room were a dead giveaway: Erza was in the Tower of Heaven – again.

However, unlike the last time when the Entrapment Spell tried to break her spirit, Erza closed her eyes and sighed in exasperation. "Not this place again."

It didn't her long to figure out she was indeed on the top floor once more. The redhead knight looked ahead and spotted something of interest. In the middle of the crystal room was a humanoid adorning a dark cloak and hood over its head. They had their back turned to Erza and was looking at something else that caught her attention: a small glowing purple orb that appeared to have a radius of a couple meters.

Erza summoned a sword in her right hand and pointed in the direction of the cloaked individual. "You there! Who are you? And where's Braedey!?" she demanded firmly.

The mysterious character didn't seem to hear her as he or she continued staring at the purple orb, with their hands tucked in their coat pockets. Erza gritted her teeth and was losing her patience. She was about to engage the humanoid until...

"Hmph," the cloaked character chuckled, "I see that you've conquered your fears of this place; otherwise, you'd be on the floor trembling. Interesting..."

Erza's eyes widened slightly and her breath momentarily got caught in her throat. 'That voice...' she fretted. It was clear that voice belonged to a man, but could I really be-?

She shook her head from that thought and glared hard at the enigmatic character.

"Of all you pesky wizards trying to thwart my mission, you stood out the most to me... Erza Scarlet."

Erza narrowed her eyes and demanded once more with more force, "Enough! SHOW YOURSELF!"

The cloaked figure turned in Erza's direction, his face obscured in the shadows of his hood. "Very well..." The character that has been shrouded in mystery finally pulled back the hood.

Erza gasped and could've sworn she felt her heart stop. Her eyes widened to the size of saucer plates as a horrified expression plastered over her face. "No... it can't be..." she murmured fearfully.

A smirk spread across the unhooded man's face. "You know, Erza, if you keep making that expression... it'll ruin that perfect face of yours." He taunted in a soothing, yet menacing tone.

Erza bared her teeth as her apprehension was replaced with pure, seething rage. "JELLAL!" she yelled.

The blue hair, the red tattoo on the right side of his face, and the same wardrobe he wore at the Tower of Heaven: it was indeed Jellal Fernandez. The only notable difference was that the irises of his eyes were a dark purple. The identity of the enigmatic character has finally been revealed.

Or has it?

Jellal smirked in amusement from Erza's reaction.

"How are you still alive?! And what're you doing in Braedey's mind? Answer me!" Erza exclaimed, her voice overflowing with indignation.

"Oh Erza, I'm afraid you have it all wrong." Jellal sneered mockingly. "True, I may physically look like the one who cast me...but I'm not him."

"Then who are -" Erza paused as she instantly connected the dots. The one who cast him? It was clear who this was now. "You're... you're the Dark Entrapment."

A menacing grin formed over Jellal's face as his purple eyes shined brighter. A shadowy, blackish-purple energy began to emanate off of him, and strange purple glyphs wrapped around his body; they moved and flowed around him like bacterium.

"Very good." The Dark Entrapment Jellal revealed. "Yes. I am the Entrapment Spell... or at least the physical embodiment of the spell."

'As if manifestations created from the Dark Entrapment weren't enough... now the spell itself has its own form.' Erza thought fretfully.

The Fairy Queen exited from her musings and grounded her teeth. She steadied herself, tightening her grip on the hilt of her sword. "If you're the Dark Entrapment Spell, then where's Braedey?"

The black shadows and purple glyphs on Dark Entrapment Jellal promptly disappeared and his form reverted to normal. "Oh. You mean my host?" He gestured a hand in the direction of the purple sphere. "He's in there. Going through the most traumatizing experience he has ever faced again, again, and again. It won't be long now until he's finally given up and ready to die. If you want to get to him though, you'll have to go through me first."

The scarlet-haired knight glared daggers at her childhood crush-look alike. Thanks in part to the moderate amount of power that Braedey's subconscious transferred to her before fading away, Erza deduced she had enough in her to perform a few re-quips, but she had to be careful with how much magic she expended.

"That's fine by me! RE-QUIP!" Erza yelled. In a flash of gold, Erza now adorned her Heaven's Wheel Armour. With a warrior cry, Erza charged forward with her twin blades reared back.

'I won't fail!' Erza shouted inwardly. 'Braedey... my friends... they're all counting on me.'

"Unfortunately for you, it won't be that simple." Dark Entrapment Jellal swiftly sidestepped the swipe of Erza's swords, and started backpedaling.

Erza flew forward and slashed her blades at incredible speeds at the image of her childhood friend. However, with an arrogant smirk, Dark Entrapment Jellal easily evaded her strikes. The true Dark Entrapment manifestation jumped back and hovered into the air. A dark, ghostly ball with purple glyphs inside grew in his right hand, and a few tendrils suddenly extended out from it.

The scarlet knight recognized that attack and swiftly sliced the tendrils into pieces. Erza flew higher into the air and summoned a couple dozen swords, which began to spin around her. "Heaven's Wheel: Circle Sword!" The blades shot forward at the blue-haired mage in a disk formation.

Dark Entrapment Jellal scoffed. "Circle Sword? How predictable." He held out his right hand and fired a purple beam that destroyed the disk of swords.

Erza, meanwhile, had manifested several dozen more blades and, with a yell, launched them directly at her opponent. Multiple black-and-purple tendrils extended from Dark Entrapment Jellal's hands and swiped at the swords, promptly shattering them all into pieces.

Dark Entrapment Jellal stretched his right arm forward and a blackish-purple extension shot out from his hand. Erza was taken aback when the tendril took the shape of a clawed hand and started firing a barrage of shadowy darts out from the palm – just like the Corrupticons were capable of doing.

Nearly taken off guard, the Fairy Queen managed to bring up her twin blades in time and swiftly deflected the tiny projectiles. However, with her full attention on keeping the darts at bay, she was left wide open for another attack. Dark Entrapment Jellal dipped his left arm down before bringing it back up, tightening his fist. This action summoned another large ghostly hand from underneath Erza; it was equipped with a dark amethyst gauntlet with a bright purple gem in the center that was similar to Unicron's - albeit with a different colour scheme.

Erza saw the purple gauntlet fist too late as it rammed into her hard. The scarlet-haired mage cried out in pain from the blow as she crashed into the ceiling, causing it to crack in a web-like fashion. As she fell, the gauntlet hand backslapped her into a crystal spike. The impact caused the spire to nearly shatter apart and threw up a cloud of azure crystalized dust.

"How do you like my Dark Extensions?" Dark Entrapment Jellal sneered. "The foes that my host has fought in the past are excellent for drawing inspiration from. Wouldn't you agree?"

Gold light flashed through the dust cloud as Erza blasted forward adorned in her Black Wing Armour, with an enraged look plastered on her face.

The true Dark Entrapment manifestation aimed his left hand at Erza, which in turned caused his giant Unicron gauntlet hand extension to point at her as well. It then discharged a powerful amethyst beam straight at her. However, in her Black Wing outfit, Erza was quick to fly up and avoid the beam, which created a shallow trench into the crystal floor before firing out into the distance.

Erza let out a grunt through her clenched teeth as she brought her sword down on the gauntlet hand, slicing it into nothingness. Dark Entrapment Jellal brought up his shadowy Corrupticon hand and shot out another salvo of darts. Erza countered by rearing back her blade and charging it with silver-white energy.

"Moon Flash!" She swiped it forward and unleashed an energy wave that cut through the darts and into the clawed hand, causing it to quickly dissipate.

Erza then came in to deliver a diagonal swipe into Dark Entrapment Jellal, but he proved to be too quick as he jumped back across the room.

"You're as strong as my observations lead me to believe." Dark Entrapment Jellal admitted but had a taunting tone. "But I'm afraid it's no use."

"Just keep talking." Erza hissed. "The more you do, the more it'll push me to crush you!"

The furious redhead sprung forward with a trail of dust behind her. She continued slicing at the Entrapment Spell manifestation, but he simply backpedaled and continued to avoid her strikes easily. Dark Entrapment Jellal held out his hand to fire a black ghostly beam, forcing Erza to jump back into the air. He extended several more dark amethyst tendrils from his hands once more.

Erza reared back her sword and charged it silver-white energy, preparing to fire her Moon Flash. Dark Entrapment Jellal grinned when he spotted another opening. "Meteor!" All of a sudden, golden light shined off of his body as he shot forward at incredible speeds and, in the blink of an eye, appeared right next to Erza and slammed his knee into her open, left side.

The scarlet-haired wizard grimaced from the immense pain flaring up her body. The force of the hit caused her to drop her sword and smash into the floor, tumbling across the room.

"I guess I forgot to mention that I can utilize the abilities of whatever form I'm in... as well as my own." Dark Entrapment Jellal smirked smugly. "Sorry about that."

Erza grunted and grounded her teeth together as she shakily pushed herself off the floor. In a flash, her armour disappeared leaving her in her white blouse and blue skirt.

"Oh? Don't tell me you're out of magic already. This was just starting to get fun." The Dark Entrapment spell manifestation remarked snidely.

Erza turned to the blue-haired manifestation of her old childhood friend and snarled. It was true; her magic was indeed running low. The redhead's battle with Ultimate Shockwave had really taken a toll on her and the small amount of energy that Braedey's subconscious supplied her before dissipating wasn't enough to return Erza to full strength.

Nevertheless, Erza Scarlet was not backing down now. Her legs trembled slightly as she stood up and glared hard at Dark Entrapment Jellal. "I'm not finished." She growled.

She had enough magical power to perform a few more re-quips before she was completely exhausted of magic. The Fairy Queen needed to finish this now and stop wasting time.

In a flash of gold, Erza re-quipped into her Flight Armour and, in a burst of speed, rushed straight toward the Dark Entrapment manifestation. She slashed her twin swords diagonally across her opponent's chest, but Dark Entrapment Jellal saw the attack coming and swiftly leaned back to avoid the blades.

Erza expertly swiped her swords in various patterns at her foe, but despite her inhumane speeds, she still couldn't land a single blow on him. 'Even with the Flight Armour, I still can't keep up with him! How is he avoiding me so easily?!'

The arrogant smirk on Dark Entrapment Jellal's face never faltered as he swiftly dodged Erza's attacks; it was as if he saw every swipe before it came. "You're starting to bore me now, Erza. I'm sure you were much more fierce when you were facing the real Jellal?"

Erza snarled and charged up her blades with more magical power. "Sonic - " Before the redhead could complete her incantation, horrendous, shadowy tentacles burst out from Dark Entrapment Jellal's abdomen and wrapped around her wrists and ankles. Erza lightly gasped in surprise from ugly tentacles, which immediately reminded her of Cloaker.

The scarlet-haired knight struggled against the blackish-purple tentacles, but they proved too strong. A sick, sinister grin spread over Dark Entrapment Jellal's face when a purplish-gray beam fired out from his gut and struck Erza in her abdomen.

Erza let out an agonizing cry from the blast until she slammed into a crystal spire, which nearly shattered into pieces from the impact. The Fairy Queen collapsed limply to the ground on her front side; in another yellow flash, her armour disappeared once more. Her casual clothing was torn and in tatters while her body was covered in cuts and bruises.

The tentacles wriggling out from Dark Entrapment Jellal's gut dissipated. He placed his hands in his coat pockets in a nonchalant manner. "A little blast from the past." The mind spell embodiment then frowned. "Huh... I guess my host's knack for bad puns is rubbing off on me."

Erza grunted while using her right forearm to weakly lift her up. A trickle of blood leaked from the corner of her mouth and dripped to the crystal floor. She winced from the stinging pain in her abdomen from the hit she just took, which had left a bright, flaring red bruise. Despite the agony washing over her though, the Fairy Queen pushed herself up to her hands and knees.

"Your resolve is impressive, but surely you should know by now that it's hopeless. I've won." Dark Entrapment Jellal sneered. "And this time, there will be no one coming to save you."

Erza was silent for a moment as she struggled to catch her breath.

"I know... what... you're trying to do." She panted heavily in-between pauses, her arms and knees quaking underneath her. "This place... your appearance... you're trying to intimidate me with the horrors of my past. But that's not going to work!" Erza amazingly returned to her feet – albeit her legs were wobbly, but nonetheless - and directed a resolved, angered mien at the Dark Entrapment Spell. "I've already cast off my fears of Jellal and this wretched place! I won't falter before either of them anymore."

Dark Entrapment Jellal frowned and stared at Erza with a cold, calculating gaze. "I see. I had a suspicion this scene wouldn't have the same effect on you a second time around. However, to be fair, my appearance has nothing to do with being a tactic to scare you. I always take the form of the individual who casts me. I have ever since I was first conceived centuries ago." The blue-haired wizard's smirk returned. "But if this form doesn't suit you..."

All of a sudden, blackish-purple shadows cascaded around the manifestation until its form became pitch black and featureless. It then began to contort and take on a new shape. When the black, ghostly shadows dissipated... the Dark Entrapment Spell had taken on the form of Braedey! He wore his usual hero attire and looked like an exact duplicate – with the exception of the purple eyes and the sinister, uncharacteristic smirk on his face.

"...then perhaps this form will be more to your liking." He spoke in Braedey's voice, but with a malicious undertone.

Erza stared at the Dark Entrapment's new form with wide eyes and a slightly gapping mouth; her face drained of colour. Then, her body started to shake uncontrollably as her scarlet hair cast a shadow over the upper half of her face, concealing her eyes. The Fairy Queen clenched her teeth hard, struggling to contain the typhoon of emotions raging within her.

"How...dare you..." she whispered inaudibly.

Suddenly, crimson waves of magical energy began to emanate off of her body. The crystal floor beneath her cracked and bits of shattered crystalline objects levitated around her.

"HOW DARE YOU..." Erza looked directly at the Dark Entrapment Braedey with an expression of pure, unadulterated rage. "...USE HIS FACE!"

The scarlet-haired woman let out an enraged cry as golden light enveloped her body. When the flash died away, Erza now adorned her most powerful armour: Armadura Fairy. She stared at the duplicate of her dearest friend with a seething look that would make anyone cower in fear. Green mint-coloured lightning began to cackle around her in random directions.

"Armadura Fairy. You're most powerful Armour." Dark Entrapment Braedey said, unaffected by her re-quip. "Funny. I wonder why you didn't use this against Shockwave? Not that it would've made a difference, but still -"

Erza only responded with a roar as she blasted forward with her swords reared back. An evil smirk developed on Dark Entrapment Braedey's face as he pulled up his left sleeve, revealing a Transformatrix! He slapped down on the faceplate and a blue light enveloped his form.

At that moment, just as Erza thrust her blades to discharge her attack, a strange force suddenly pushed her arms upward and caused her to miss her target, unleashing the destructive power that she had been gathering above her.

The ceiling on the top floor was completely blown off by a tremendous blast of green magical energy, and the Tower of Heaven shook violently as a result. A series of cracks expanded down the tower's infrastructure and several sections even cracked off and fell into the ocean. Impressively, the tower still remained standing.

The top floor was choked with smoke and crystalline dust. Erza's eyes widened from confusion from her arms being forced up right when she had her target in her sights. How did that happen? She tried to pull her arms down, but they wouldn't budge an inch. What was happening?

When the dust settled, the Fairy Queen received her answer, causing her to gasp in shocked disbelief.

Standing before her was Magnetron! His right pincer was extended out and emitting blue magnetic waves which had magnetized the gauntlets of Erza's armour and forced her to re-aim her attack at the last second.

Like all the other Entrapment manifestations, his eyes were purple as well as the Transformatrix symbol on his chest. A haughty smirk was visible on his metal skull-like face. "As I said, I can utilize the powers of whatever form I take; including Martin's." he spoke in Magnetron's scratchy, metallic voice.

Dark Entrapment Lodestar focused the magnetic waves more around Erza and, all of a sudden, her armor began to vibrate and tighten around her. She arched her back and screamed painfully. Her swords fell out of her hands and disappeared in a white flash.

Erza would've fell backwards had Dark Entrapment Magnetron not raised his left pincer to levitate her in the air. Her armour plating concaved inward and began squeezing her tightly, bestowing more agony upon her.

"If I recall, this is the form my host used to defeat you, correct?" Erza's response was another high-pitched wail as her armour continued to constrict around her body. "Did you really think you could beat me? I am the Dark Entrapment Spell! All those I am cast upon perish before me in the pits of their own despair. This human, though quite a fascinating creature, will die like all the rest of my victims."

As the armour tightened around Erza's body, it cut deep into her skin and blood slowly began to leak out of her armour's creases. "No! I... won't... let you... win!" she cried.

An insane smile formed on Dark Entrapment Lodestar's metal face. "On the contrary, I've already won. You and your friends were doomed from the start. Ever since you arrived in this boy's mind, I've been watching you closely... learning how you think. Those manifestations of mine were essential in devising a strategy to defeat you. If they couldn't kill you, they're defeat would give me imperative information on your fighting techniques and magical spells. It wasn't until your battle with Vilgax where I discovered something crucial in finally defeating all of you: your limits."

Erza peeked an eye open and clenched her teeth painfully. The pressure her body was enduring was agonizing and if she didn't do something soon, she would die.

"Your friends are utterly powerless against a foe such as Shockwave and you fared no better against me. How ironic that the armour you wear to protect you, will be the cause of your own downfall." the Dark Entrapment Spell manifestation glanced over to the purple orb floating in the centre of the wrecked room. "Only fifteen minutes left before it is time. I'll admit you wizards have been quite entertaining, but this is where our journey comes to a close."

More blood began to pour from her wounds and washed over her crumbled armor plating, dripping down to the floor below.

"NO!" Erza screamed. "I made a promise that I intend to keep! I won't give up!" the scarlet-haired mage threw back her head and yelled. Suddenly, golden-white light encompassed her body.

"What?" Dark Entrapment Lodestar cocked a metal brow in bewilderment. "She still has magic in her even after all that?"

When the bright flash died away, Erza was wearing long red pants with orange flames at the bottom and a long strip of white cloth wrapped around her impressive breasts. Her hair was tied back in a long ponytail while a couple bangs hung on the sides of her temples. This was Erza's Clear Heart Clothing.

"Wait...why did she-" Dark Entrapment Lodestar stopped when he noticed he no longer could magnetize her as she descended to the floor. When her feet touched the cracked crystal flooring, she bent her knees and blasted forward with all her strength, leaving a dust cloud in her wake.

'She purposely re-quipped into something without metal!' the Dark Entrapment Spell realized.

Dark Entrapment Lodestar reached up to the tap the Transformatrix dial to transform into another form; however, it was too late. As Erza shot above him, she grabbed both sides of his metal head and pulled it out from the arch of his shoulders. When her feet touched the floor again, she came to a skidding halt and forcefully threw the metal head into a crystal spire at the edge of the room.

The metal head grunted as it formed an indention in the crystal with a circle of cracks around it. Dark Entrapment Magnetron opened his eyes and glared at the redheaded woman. He had never seen Erza re-quip into that outfit during her battles with the manifestations; in fact, the only time he ever saw it was when he was playing through Braedey's memories of the final battle in the Tower of Heaven. Even then he still wasn't aware of the outfit's capabilities and didn't account for her being so fast in it.

"Why you little..." he glanced over to his headless body, which was stumbling around aimlessly. "Hey! Over here!" the body didn't respond to his voice as it smashed its pincers into a few crystal spikes jutting out from the floor. "What are you doing?! Get over here now!"

"Don't bother."

The head turned its gaze back to Erza, who had her hands on her knees and was panting heavily. She glanced up with a smirk on her face. "Your ears are over there with you. Your body can't hear a word you're saying."

"I don't get it. How did you-" the Dark Entrapment Spell manifestation was cut off.

"You only looked at the memory of Braedey defeating me in our fight. You didn't, however, look at the events that transpired after our battle; otherwise, you would have known that changing into this form was a bad idea." Erza retorted.

Erza remembered after her spar with Braedey when Elfman had unintentionally knocked off Magnetron's head trying to congratulate him. She had made a mental note that day on how to beat that form if Braedey ever transformed into it again. The redhead didn't account for that time ever happening in a situation like this though.

The powerful scarlet knight let out a painful groan and fell to a knee, bright light flashing around her. When the flash died down, Erza was adorned in her casual clothing once more.

'That's it. I'm out of magic...' Erza said inwardly.

She looked at the purple sphere in the room before she turned back to her beheaded opponent. Before the knight could proceed toward her objective, she needed to clear one more roadblock. Erza limped across the room, leaving a trail of blood droplets behind her.

Her body was flaring in pain from injuries sustained in the battle – especially from having her armor nearly crush her – and exhaustion from exerting all of her magical power. Despite that, she pressed on.

"Tch," the Dark Entrapment Spell scoffed, "This proves nothing. I've still won. With the state my host is in, nothing can help him now."

"What're you talking about?" Erza hissed.

The metal head smirked sinisterly. "I'm sure you're already aware that I kill my victims by breaking down their will to live. I do this by putting them through an experience so traumatic that they will not want to live through it. This usually takes time and I'll admit Braedey Martin was a tough nut to crack, but everything has a breaking point."

"You'd be wise not to underestimate Braedey." Erza countered sourly. "Many scoundrels in the past have done so and suffered greatly for it."

"Perhaps... but this will be one fight he can't win." The Dark Entrapment sneered. "When you see the fragile condition Martin is in, you'll know what I mean. He's as good as dea-"

Erza punched Dark Entrapment Magnetron's in the head, driving him even further into the crystal spire. When she removed her fist, he had a dazed, painful look on his metallic face.

She gritted her teeth in anger. "I don't have time to listen to you. You've already wasted enough of it as it is."

With that, Erza turned around and began walking toward the purple sphere. When she finally reached it, she carefully placed her hand on the surface. She hissed in pain from the stinging sensation and tried to pull her hand away, but she couldn't. Her hand was sucked in and was now pulling the rest of her inside.

Erza let out a sharp cry as the purple orb sucked her in completely and, in a flash of purple, she vanished from the scene.


A/N: So the identity of the mysterious character has been revealed! I'm sure some of you are quite surprised while others are cheering in joy because that nailed it.

Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! I've got quite a few surprises in store for you all in the next chapter that I hope you'll appreciate!

Feel free to leave any critique or comments in the review box below.

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