Chapter Twenty-Five: The Entrapment - The Archenemy

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A/N: Okay, I just wanted to say I really appreciate the awesome support I'm getting for this story. You fine readers rock!

Anyways, enough of my babbling and on with the show!


Last time on "Fairy Tail: Robots and Fairies"...

"He beat those guys with GearRunner!?" Lucy repeated, shocked.

This shocked and impressed the team of wizards. Though Lockdown and Stinger were certainly not the strongest opponents they had faced, they were no pushovers. And the fact that a little brainy being like GearRunner defeated them made their victory less impressive.

Erza shook her head from her musings, a determined expression cast over her face. "None of that matters now. All that matters is saving Braedey." She stated.

The rest of the group now turned to Erza with determination and nodded in response.

"I could not agree more. But we must hurry. Time is running out." Alpha Trion replied ominously. He could feel the negative energy of the storm in the sky growing stronger by the minute. It was only a matter of time before the Dark Entrapment made its final move, and then that would be the end.

The subconscious mind summoned a white sphere in front of the group. Without wasting a moment, Team Prime sprinted into the bubble and into another memory from the life of their shape-shifting comrade.


After defeating the Dark Entrapment embodiments, which had taken the forms of Braedey's oldest enemies in Lockdown and Stingee, Team Prime had gone through another memory gateway. Once they sprinted through the luminous sphere, a bright flash engulfed their vision momentarily. When the flash died away, the wizards and cat blinked and looked around to find themselves in a new setting, which happened to be quite cramped.

This restricted space was in fact the inside of the faithful RV known as 'The Valkyrie'. The Fairy Tail wizards observed their new surroundings while trying to avoid bumping into each other.

"What is this place?" Lucy inquired curiously.

"Dunno. It is small though." Gray noted.

"This is 'The Valkyrie'." Alpha Trion explained. The team turned to see him sitting on the edge of a kitchen counter that was on the left side of the room, in a smaller physical form, around the size of Buzzshock. "It is the mobile home of Braedey's Grandpa Jackson."

"A mobile home?" Erza repeated.

When she looked out the window, her eyes widened a bit from a prairie landscape passing by them quickly. The others were a little surprised as well. True they had vehicles in Earthland, but not a mobile home type of vehicle. However, one member of the group was not quite as intrigued as the others.

"Mobile? You mean..." Natsu stammered nervously. He looked out the window and paled when he saw the scenery rolling past them. "THIS IS A VEHICLE!?"

Instantaneously, the Dragon Slayer's face turned green as he collapsed to the carpeted floor in a sick heap.

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!" Lucy shrieked incredulously. "This isn't even a real vehicle! It's just a memory, yet you still get sick?!"

Gray huffed, crossed his arms over his bare chest, and looked away in annoyance. "Geez, Natsu... you're really pathetic."

Natsu would've insulted his rival back; however, he was struggling to keep his lunch in his stomach. Wait... could he even have food in his stomach when their bodies had been converted into magical energy so they could enter Braedey's body? Hmm... good question...

Erza shook her head and turned forward. Braedey's Grandpa Jackson was at the front driving the Valkyrie, while his cousin Jessie was sitting at the booth, typing on a peculiar-looking contraption.

"Um... what's that thing that she's messing with?" Gray wondered.

"I'm not sure myself, Gray." Erza admitted.

"I dunno either." Lucy added.

"It looks really odd." Happy stated.

Natsu groaned sickly as he rolled on his back, trying to ease his pain; however, it was to no avail.

"That device is called a computer, or more precisely, a laptop." Braedey's subconscious answered.

The wizards and blue cat turned to the ancient manifestation and blinked in confusion.

"It is a device that stores a multitude of data and is capable of connecting with similar devices around the world, creating a sort or worldwide web full of information." Alpha Trion explained.

The group's dumbfounded miens only intensified from the manifestation's explanation.

Alpha Trion face-palmed, then decided to make it easier for then to understand. "In laymen terms, it is like a virtual library full of information."

"Uh... I guess I can understand that." Lucy said, tapping her chin in thought.

"I sure don't." Happy admitted, clueless.

Suddenly, Team Prime's attention, minus Natsu, was drawn back to Jessie when her device made a strange noise and the screen went dark; much to her confusion and dismay.

"Hey! What gives?!" Jessie yelled, tapping on a button repeatedly.

Without warning, the screen turned back on; however, it now had a blue circuit-like pattern on it with a visor and circle at the centre. Erza immediately recognized that pattern.

"Morpher?" Erza said, surprised.

The wizards and cat looked at the redheaded knight with curious expressions.

"Morpher?" echoed Gray.

"You mean that form that Braedey used to help you defeat that Magtartus guy in Peony a couple weeks ago?" Lucy inquired.

Erza simply nodded.

"Sorry. Request has been denied..." Morpher's 'face' oozed out of the computer screen and got up into Jessie's face. "...please try again."

"AHH!" Jessie screamed, and then narrowed her eyes in anger. "BRAEDEY!"

Morpher then oozed back into the computer as Jessie hit the table in frustration. "Get out of my computer!" yelled Jessie.

"I'm just entertaining myself." The young Transformatrix bearer retorted.

Jessie hit the table repeatedly as she shouted, "This is my private property!" She paused to pick up the laptop and shook it angrily. "And you're getting your cooties all over it!"

Just then, the laptop grew a black and white design with blue circuitry lines all over it, as well as a blue keyboard, and sprouted four pointed legs, similar to an insect's. This caused Lucy to jump back and yelp in surprise.

"Sorry! I just wanted to try and upgrade your laptop." Braedey tried to calm his cousin.

Jessie reached out to grab the insect-like laptop, but Braedey jumped back-and-forth and continued to dodge her.

"If you want, I can try and increase storage space and memory core data!" Morpher spoke up.

Jessie stopped, and looked at the Morpher/laptop. "You can do that?" She asked quietly.

Lucy huffed indignantly and narrowed her eyes. "Going through someone's property? That is so rude and immature!"

Erza nodded. "Yes, it is. Remember though he was only ten-years-old. Natsu and Gray were just as immature and ill-behaved when we were young as well."

"Oh, and you and Mira weren't?" deadpanned Gray.

Lucy turned to Braedey's subconscious, who was still sitting on the kitchen counter. "So, why did Braedey do that anyway?"

Alpha Trion looked off into space as he stroked his beard-like structure under his chin in thought. "Hmm..." he hummed, and then shrugged, "...I'm not sure... the girl had it coming."

From the driver's seat of the RV, Jackson glanced back at Braedey with a serious expression. "Braedey, now is not the time to go alien. Do you understand?"

Morpher's head oozed out from the computer once again, followed by the rest of his blobby body. "Sorry, Grandpa Jackson."

"We can't afford to attract attention right now." Jackson stated.

Morpher shrugged, "I'm sorry, Grandpa."

The Transformatrix dial on Morpher's chest began to blink red, and in a similarly coloured flash, Morpher turned back into Braedey.

"And what kind of attention don't we want to attract?" Braedey asked next.

Jackson returned his attention to the road and responded, "Never mind..."

Braedey and Jessie then turn to each other with confused expressions, neither of them able to understand why their grandfather was being so serious.

Erza, Lucy, Gray and Happy were quite bewildered as well as they watched the scene transpire.

"Why's his grandpa acting so on edge?" Gray questioned.

"You'll see soon." Alpha Trion replied impassively.

As Braedey and Jessie were sitting at the table, reading a book and computer screen respectively, they looked out the window to see several large plumes of smoke billowing from a city in the distance.

Braedey looked at Jackson and asked the obvious question. "Hey. What's going on there?"

Max looked out the window, and then turned his attention back to the road. "I'm sure the local authorities have the situation well in hand..." he dismissed.

Suddenly, a large conflagration erupted into a gigantic mushroom cloud of smoke within the city. Team Prime's eyes widened from the size of the explosion, with the exception of Natsu, who was still lying on the floor in a sick heap.

"Somehow I get the feeling they don't have it under control." Gray deadpanned.

"Those people need help. And fast." Braedey said determined, his face hardening in the process.

"He sees an enormous explosion and he gets excited?!" Lucy cried, shocked.

"This Braedey reminds me of Natsu, minus the motion sickness." Happy chimed, with a happy smile on his face.

Natsu groaned in response.

As Braedey activated the Transformatrix, Jackson turned back to him. "Braedey, I don't think that's the best idea-"

"Time to turn up Hotrod on these guys!" Braedey exclaimed, ignoring his grandfather's concern.

When Braedey found the icon for his Pyro-'Bot form, he jumped out of the RV, and slammed down the core. In a flash of blue, he was replaced with the fiery Autobot known as Hotrod. Suddenly, the RV stopped, with the group of wizards jumping out and following behind him. The instant the vehicle stopped, Natsu's motion sickness instantaneously vanished.

"Yes! I'm alive!" Natsu cried out triumphantly, with his arms raised in the air.

The instant Hotrod set his feet on fire, he propelled himself high into the air, shifting onto vehicle mode in the process, becoming a fiery flying car in the sky. Team Prime watched as Hotrod launched himself towards the city.

"Heading into battle with a hothead? You're right, Happy. This Braedey does remind me of Natsu." Gray remarked, smirking.

"At least I don't head into battle without any clothes like you, yah icy stripper." Natsu retorted.

Gray was about to counter until he noticed that he somehow stripped down into his boxers. "Dammit!" He shouted, scrambling around for his clothes.

Lucy simply sighed in exasperation while Erza closed her eyes in frustration from the fire and ice duo's antics.

All of a sudden, their surroundings became distorted and began to fade away.

"Hey, what's happening?" Lucy asked. "Are we going to another memory?"

"Not quite," Alpha Trion answered. He was standing on the ground right behind the group, causing Lucy to yelp in surprise. "We are shifting toward another scene of the same memory."

"Another scene?" Erza repeated.

The subconscious manifestation nodded. "Yes. Watch and you'll see for yourselves."

The Fairy Tail wizards turned around to see that they were now in an entirely new setting; much to their surprise. They were in the middle of a city. The building and street designs were quite larger and different than what they were used to in Earthland, and they would've marveled more at the architecture had it not been currently burning and falling apart.

There were countless drones walking through the streets. They were bipedal, all of them possessing the exact same purple colour scheme with black highlights. They stood at least twenty-five feet tall and their faces were only a red, horizontal visor. Also, they have wheels and fenders on their shoulders, whilst other robots have wings on their backs. They were walking about, firing red lasers at anyone and everything they could see, with many people fleeing for their lives all around them.

"The hell?! What are those things!?" Gray yelled.

"They... look like... giant metal humans." Lucy said frightfully.

"Those are called Vehicon drones." Alpha Trion explained; who was standing right behind them. "They are machines designed to kill and destroy anything in their path."

Without warning, Hotrod arrived and hurled fireballs at two of the drones, destroying them instantly. He then lowered himself down to the street, surrounded in the flames he had created during his descent.

"Why don't you pick on someone with real firepower?" Hotrod challenged.

"Awesome line!" Natsu praised.

Gray crossed his arms over his chest. "It wasn't that good, flame-for-brains."

Before an argument could ensue, their attention was drawn back to Hotrod as he was completely surrounded by Vehicons of hovering drones. None of them firing at him; simply staring.

"Oh scrap... I didn't mean all at once." Hotrod remarked. "Why do I get the distinct feeling that you all were expecting me?"

Hotrod surrounded himself in more flames, and used both of his hands to fire two large streams of fire at some drones. He then proceeded to spin slowly in place, blasting several more drones in the process. Additional robots then made their way toward Hotrod, only to be sliced in two by disks of fire created by the boy-turned-Pyro Autobot. He chucked a few fireballs at some of his enemies, before destroying the remaining ones with another stream of fire from his left hand, and a few fireballs from his right.

A grin of uncontainable excitement spread across Natsu's face. "And that's why he's Braedey's most awesome form!" he proclaimed.

"Get real, pyro. Freezerburn would've handled those things in less than half the time." Gray countered.

Natsu and Gray head-butted, fiery orange and icy blue aura's wafting off their bodies respectively. "That's a load of crap, ice princess! Hotrod can smoke Freezerburn anytime!"

"And how do you think he would do that when Freezerburn can go intangible?" Gray countered.

"You're both wrong!" Happy butted into the conversation. "Leobreaker is his most awesome form. No debate."

"Silence!" Erza commanded, making the trio flinch. "You need to focus and cease this banter! And for the record, all three of you are wrong. Morpher is obviously his most awesome form." She stated.

"Morpher?!" Natsu, Gray, and Happy yelled simultaneously.

Lucy slumped her shoulders and looked on in exasperation and disbelief. "Now Erza's getting into the argument...?" she sweat dropped. "What next..."

When all the drones were destroyed, Hotrod stood amongst the scrap metal debris with a triumphant smirk on his metal face, until suddenly, a bola-like device came from behind a cloud of smoke to his left, and pinned him to the wall of a building. The device was essentially six metal rods, connected by blue electricity.

This immediately caught the team's attention, and made them cease their rambling.

"Whoa... what was that?" Gray wondered.

Hotrod shook off his daze and lifted his head to see an incredibly large, spiked ball rolling towards him. It had the same colour scheme as the droids, which could only mean that they were connected in some way. The ball stopped rolling about two yards away from Hotrod.

Suddenly, the seam at its center began to hiss as steam poured out. The ball then split apart into two semi-spheres, and revealed a silver, horizontal tube within them. It had what appeared to be a door with a purple light on it. The door opened with steam pouring out from it as well. Once it was open, a large silhouette could be seen. It had ominous, purple eyes.

The being then stepped out from the strange vehicle, the ground shaking with each footstep. It was a very large, hulking humanoid, standing at least 60-feet-tall. Its legs, torso, chest, and shoulders were heavily armoured and layered, possessing spikes on the lower arms and legs. It's armour around its entire form was golden, black, and purple in all its place. A humungous pair of spikes curled up on his shoulder plates. His right arm was blunt and covered in symmetrical spikes while his left arm had a sharp blade sticking out just above the hand. The scariest feature of this being was its pair on horns hah curved upward on his helm, combined with the medieval-style helm and malevolent purple optics.

The wizards collectively gasped at the sight of the large, daunting being. Never before had they seen anything like it.

"W-what... is that thing?" Lucy stuttered fearfully.

Erza, as well as the others, was at a loss for words. She could only stare at the large, menacing being with wide eyes and an apprehensive expression.

"You..." Hotrod's optics eye widened. "'re the Transformer from my visions!"

"At last, we meet." The creature spoke in a dark, raspy, sinister voice. "The being that has caused me so much trouble..."

There was a short, tense pause as Hotrod and the towering behemoth stared down at each other.

"Who... who are you?" asked Hotrod.

" Unicron," he answered, "and I have come for the Transformatrix."

"Unicorn? I don't remember Braedey saying anything about this guy. Do any of you?" Gray turned to the others.

"Nope," Happy shook his head. "And its Unicron."

"Neither do I." Erza admitted.

"He looks super scary." Lucy admitted, trembling slightly.

"Well..." Natsu punched his open palm, a cocky grin on his face. "He doesn't look so tough to me."

"And... I'm guessin' you're not with the good guys." Hotrod remarked.

Braedey struggled against his restraints, his engine revving loudly, and melted the six metal rods, freeing himself. Hotrod leapt at Unicron, igniting his hands in flames and slamming a large fireball into the latter's chest. He then punched Unicron's massive leg numerous times. The boy-turned-Pyro Autobot then stopped and looked up at Unicron, only to realize that his attack had gained no reaction whatsoever from the knight-helmed alien.

Unicron then picked up Heatblast and casually threw him, sending him incredibly far and crashing through several buildings; much to Team Prime's shock and disbelief.

"Whoa," Happy gawked, wide-eyed.

Gray glanced over at a shocked Natsu with an irritated look. "Not so tough, huh?"

With Erza at the lead, the team ran down a few alleyways in the general direction that Hotrod was thrown.

"I don't believe it. That guy just tossed Braedey away like he was nothing but a toy!" Lucy yelled, still unnerved.

"He must be really strong if he can throw one of Braedey's forms like that." Gray noted.

"You have no idea." Alpha Trion commented. He was shrieked down to size, and was now sitting on Erza's left shoulder plate. "That was only a taste of Unicron's strength."

Erza glanced at the small manifestation with wide eyes. "Wait! Are you saying he's holding back?"

"Unicron naturally believes that his enemies are beneath him." The subconscious embodiment explained. "When he really begins trying, you'll see."

A minute later, the wizards discovered their shape-shifting friend lying in the middle of a street with building debris on top of him. He blasted the rubble off with two streams of fire, and to the group's surprise, he appeared relatively unharmed, save for the fact that he was panting.

"Okay..." he breathed, "this guy is really tough...!"

Remarkably, Unicron jumped a great distance over several buildings, and landed about fifty yards away from Hotrod. The impact created a crater and formed a dust cloud around where he had landed. The fearsome Bringer of Chaos wasted no time as he strolled towards Hotrod.

"I got to try and slow him down somehow!"

Hotrod then had an idea. He transformed into his vehicle mode, his rear bumper facing towards Unicron. He then deployed his side exhaust pipes, firing them up, and burning rubber, releasing two powerful fire burnouts at the street behind him. The intense heat from his flames melted the tar from the street into a thick, black liquid which, upon contact with Unicron's legs, caused the beast of an alien to trip and fall face-first into it.

"Whoa..." Happy awed.

"That was pretty cool!" Natsu remarked, grinning. "I so gotta try that!"

'That was actually not a bad strategy.' Erza thought. She turned her gaze to Unicron, who was struggling against the thick tar. 'However, I fear that won't be near enough to stop this... Unicron.'

Hotrod, his confidence now returned, shifted into robot mode, and stepped forward. "Not so tough when you're stuck like gum on a shoe, are you?" he taunted.

Suddenly, the Valkyrie pulled up directly in between Hotrod and Unicron. The door opened and revealed Jessie with an anxious expression on her face.

"Braedey! Grandpa says to get in! Now!" Jessie shouted.

Hotrod shrugged nonchalantly. "What're you talkin' about?"

As if on cue, the Transformatrix dial on Hotrod's chest began to blink red, and in a similarly red flash, he reverted back into Braedey.

"Talk about bad timing..." Gray said.

"Braedey Martin! Get in!" Jackson ordered sternly.

Hearing his full name spoken, Braedey wasted no time in hopping onboard the RV, with Jackson flooring it the second he did. Team Prime watched as the Valkyrie raced off down the battered street.

"He's running away?" Natsu said, confused. "Why didn't he just turn into that titan form and step on him?"

Alpha Trion turned to the Dragon Slayer, and answered to him, "Braedey did not have access to Metroplex's DNA yet, and even if he had it, it wouldn't have mattered."

The wizards looked at the Galvan in confusion.

"What do you mean?" Happy asked.

"Unlike the Transformatrix Ben currently possesses, the prototype he had as a child could only transform him into one form for ten minutes, then it required time to recharge before he could transform again." he answered.

"I see." Erza replied, understanding. "So his Transformatrix was not as powerful back when he was a child."

"Indeed," Alpha Trion nodded. "But it was still powerful enough to gain the attention of many evildoers; Unicron being the most fearsome and wicked of them all."

Before any of the group could comment, the scene began to distort once more as it shifted into a new setting. Within seconds, they were now in another part of the city, but there were less destroyed and burning buildings.

"Lemme guess; we shifted to another part of the same memory, right?" Gray implied to the subconscious manifestation.

Alpha Trion simply nodded.

Suddenly Team Prime's attention was gained by a peculiar and quite weird-looking creature. It was a

20ft tall robot with a dark green and jet black striped colour scheme. A pair of insect-like wings are sitting on his back, folded up, with what could be a wasp-like bug front built into his chest, whilst his ankles were spiked. His legs were slim from the thighs to the knees, whilst below his knees, his power legs were thick armoured. In addition, his arms were slim and wrapped in black and dark green, whilst his hands had six-digit fingers with spiked tips. His helm had two oval optics, a dark grey face with dark green armour wrapped around his helm, two black stripes on it, whilst two horns were on either side of it. A familiar symbol was displayed on its chest.

"EW! Gross!" Lucy remarked, disgusted. "What is that thing?!"

"That..." Azmuth answered impassively, " one of Braedey's original Predacon forms, Wasp."

"Wasp?" Erza repeated. "I've never heard of or seen that form before."

"Why would he call it that?" Natsu wondered.

Alpha Trion sighed. "If you ever get the chance to see him turn into it in the future, you'll find out why."

Wasp was currently flying through the city, trying to escape from Unicron, who was closing the distance between them. He was extremely persistent and refused to let up on his chase. Unicron leapt onto a rooftop and began pursuing him once more, leaping from one building to another. The structures cracked and crumbled underneath him.

Unicron leapt one more time and finally gained enough air to wrap his hulking arms around Unicron, preventing the insectoid alien from flying any further. Unicron and Wasp then crashed through a building, creating a large explosion on impact that destroyed the upper portion of it, and landing in the demolished street behind it.

Team Prime rushed toward the destruction, quite shocked by the large alien's strength, agility, and the damage he casually created. They watched as Unicron quickly rose from the debris unharmed, clutching a struggling Wasp with his left hand, who had shifted into robot mode.

"I grow tired of this." Unicron snarled.

The Cybertronian God pointed his right index finger at Wasp's chest, as it began to glow purple, and tapped the Transformatrix dial. Doing so caused a bright red flash to engulf the area, and when it faded, Wasp had turned back into Braedey; much to his and the wizards' surprise.

"Hey!" Braedey's eyes widened from shock. "How did you do that?!"

"A child...?" Unicron ignored Braedey's demand and clenched his right fist, growing angrier by the second. "The Transformatrix is in the hands of a mere child?!" He roared, outraged.

Unicron seemingly shook off his initial shock at Braedey's true identity, and placed his right hand over the Transformatrix. However, the device began to give off a blue glow, along with a burst of blue electricity. An instant later, the Cybertronian was sent rocketing back into a portion of a partially-destroyed building, leaving a large dent in it.

"Whoa! What was that?" Gray asked, surprised.

"Unicron tried to remove the Transformatrix, and caused the security function to activate." Alpha Trion explained.

It didn't take more than a second for Unicron to recover and approach Braedey once more.

"Looks like it didn't do anything to slow him down..." remarked Gray.

"Just how strong is that guy?" Natsu asked, narrowing his eyes at Unicron.

Alpha Trion was silent for a moment as he glared hard at Unicron, which didn't go unnoticed by a certain scarlet-haired knight. "Very, very strong..."

"It would appear the Transformatrix has already merged with your own DNA..." Unicron realized.

Braedey tried to scurry away, but was grabbed by the back of his shirt by the huge alien.

"I... don't suppose that means you're not going to leave me alone, does it...?" Braedey asked.

"Hardly..." Unicron retorted sourly.

Unicron's spiked, ball-shaped vehicle then rolled up and opened up to allow its driver to enter. The Bringer of Chaos tossed Braedey into the vehicle, and then stepped inside himself and took his seat. After that, the door closed, as does the sphere. It then begins to roll away and crashed through a building.

After that, the setting around the Fairy Tail wizards began to fade once more and refigure into a new one.

"So that's it? That giant dude captured Braedey?!" Natsu asked.

Alpha Trion nodded. "Yes... though this memory isn't over yet."

The group's surroundings then configured into a large, metal circular room. Several drones were hovering around the perimeter. In the centre, Braedey was hooked up to a big, dark ring-like machine that was suspended in the air. His legs and right arm were restrained by dark purple energy beams while his left arm and the Transformatrix were inside a tube-like device.

Team Prime glanced over to see Unicron looking a dark red, holographic screen that displayed multiple readings from the machine Braedey was hooked up to. Not that any of them knew that since they were still ignorant over the concept of computers.

"A child..." Unicron growled as he glanced back to the small boy. "I should've suspected as much. The Transformatrix being used as a play toy for entertainment..."

"Hey! I've saved hundreds and thousands of lives by using this watch." Braedey argued. "What could you do that can rival that?"

Unicron approached the young Transformatrix bearer until he was less than a couple metres in front of him. "You hold the key to a power struggle that is so ancient, and so vast..." he leaned closer, " is beyond your feeble human comprehension." The ancient God mocked.

"Picture an entire army, each in command of a Transformatrix, all of which are under my command..." Unicron paused as he imagined his vision. "I would be invincible... I will rule the entire universe! And the only thing standing between me and my destiny... is you."

The eyes of the wizards and cat widened from the Cybertronian God of darkness' declaration. Erza's mouth gaped a little as that unsettling thought raced through her head.

"An army of Transformatrix users?" Erza gasped. "That's his plan?"

Alpha Trion, who was still sitting on Erza's left shoulder in his small form, nodded. "Yes... quite frightening, is it?"

"I'll say..." Lucy trembled.

"Aye," Happy agreed uneasily.

"Braedey alone is as powerful as anyone in the guild." Erza stated. "I can't imagine the destruction and carnage an entire army of Transformatrix users under that monster's command could cause, especially if those troops didn't care about innocent lives or collateral damage."

"No kidding," Gray agreed.

"An army of Transformatrixes..." Natsu tapped his chin in thought. "You think I could have one of them?"

The team sweat dropped and groaned from the Dragon Slayer's foolish question.

With Unicron's last statement, a ring of mechanical, menacing blades rose up from the floor. Lucy and Happy gulped at the sight of them.

The Chaos Bringer turned to one of his drones. "Prepare for takeoff..." he commanded. The servant drone simply saluted and ran off to do as it was told. "Once we are in orbit, I will finally have the pleasure of destroying this miserable mudball planet, once and for all."

The group's eyes widened from shock once more from Unicron's threat. Did he really possess the means to destroy an entire world? Suddenly, Natsu's eyes narrowed as he thought over what Unicron said.

"Wait... takeoff...?" Natsu repeated. His eyes then widened in realization. "You mean... we're on a mode of TRANSPORTATION!"

As if someone flipped a switch, Natsu's face turned a sickly green as he collapsed to the floor. The group members, excluding Erza, could only gawk at the Dragon Slayer.

"SERIOUSLY!?" Lucy shrieked, annoyed. "You've been fine this whole time, but as soon as you find out we're on a vehicle, you get sick?!"

Happy sighed. "That's Natsu for yah..."

"What did you think we were standing in this whole time, pyro?" Gray yelled, irritated.

Erza face-palmed from frustration, and mumbled, "I swear..."

Team Prime's attention, except for Natsu who was now writhing on the floor, was drawn back to the memory taking place.

Unicron reached for the many blades surrounding Braedey, and took one that was seemingly only a hilt, though with a handle similar to that of a gun. However, from the hilt emerged a long, dark purple blade of energy, with many curves and points all along it. The God approached Braedey with the blade, prepared to cut off the latter's arm, as he struggled in vain to free himself. But before Unicron could do anything, the sound of a horn honking can be heard from somewhere nearby, distracting the warlord and his drones.

"What's that?" Erza wondered.

Suddenly, no more than a second later, a hole was blown open in the side of Unicron's ship, and through the smoke and debris, came the Valkyrie , albeit with the front grill extended outwards as a sort of high-tech battering ram; much to the group's surprise.

The RV slammed directly into Unicron, causing him to drop his energy blade and crash him into a door. After a moment, the high-tech motor home pulled back, and Unicron slowly but steadily rose to his feet again.

"Warning! Hull breach! Power surge!" a drone notified.

Just then, Jackson emerged from the door of the RV, but he looked much different than before. Now, he had a large, high-tech, blue and gray cannon strapped to his left arm. Attached to the cannon were tubes that connected to a mask of sorts covering his eyes.

"Claws off my grandson, Unicron!" Jackson yelled.

Braedey's eyes went wide from shock. "Grandpa Jackson?!"

Unicron lifted his head, and then narrowed his malevolent purple optics at Jackson. "Martin!" He growled.

Without another word, Jackson fired a large, blue beam of energy from the cannon at Unicron, sending the alien God through the door behind him, while causing a moderate explosion as a result from the blast.

"Whoa..." Lucy breathed, shocked.

"Braedey's grandpa is awesome!" Happy chimed happily.

"Gotta admit," smirked Gray, "he is a tough old man."

Jackson then dropped the cannon and ran straight over to his grandson.

"Grandpa... Do you know this guy?" asked Braedey.

"It's a long story..." Jackson replied.

Suddenly, the device around Braedey's left arm began to surge with electricity, much to Jackson's dismay. Braedey noticed this as well, but right after he took notice, he felt something strange. His body then began to twist and contort, until he was suddenly transformed into Blurr.

Blurr struggled against the surging energy. "Hey...!"

Blurr's body then shifted until it turned into Energon.

"What's going..." Energon groaned painfully.

He then randomly transformed into MetalMutt, and let out a roar, seemingly finishing his inquiry. The wizards and cat looked on in confusion.

"What's happening to him?" Erza asked, concerned.

"Yeah, why does he keep transforming like that?" Gray wondered.

"When the Valkyrie slammed through Unicron's ship, it caused a power surge which caused Braedey's Transformatrix to malfunction." Braedey's subconscious answered.

"The power surge must've affected the watch!" Jackson realized.

MetalMutt then transformed into Piledriver, and began to struggle against the device restraining his upper left arm, eventually breaking it with his enhanced strength, and easily freeing himself from the other three energy restraints. Piledriver then lifted up the ring-like device and threw it across the room with ease.

Just then, Jessie exited the RV as well and turned to her left to see several Decepticon drones making their way through the hole that Vilgax had been blasted through.

"Look out!" Jessie cried.

Jessie ran over to Piledriver and Jackson, as the drones open fired on her, narrowly missing.

Piledriver blocked a few laser bolts with his left forearms and reared back his fist and attempted to punch one of the drones; however, before his fist could make contact, he randomly transformed into Cloaker, and phased through the robot completely.

Cloaker looked at himself, and moaned, "Oh, scrap..."

Suddenly, Braedey began to transform again, just as another drone flew by, and a familiar, squeaky voice to the Team Prime came from inside the drone as it began to spark and twitch erratically.

"A little knowhow, and the toaster is toast..." GearRunner quipped.

GearRunner hopped from the disabled drone and onto another. He then climbed inside it, ready to do some more damage, until he seemingly transformed again.

A black and blue goo began to spread all over the Vehicon while also seeping into every open seam and getting inside its structure. A second Vehicon watched in confusion as its comrade was suddenly covered in what looked like black tar, but with cobalt blue circuit patterns over it.

The face visor flickered from red to blue, back-to-forth before it finally remained at a strong, vibrant cobalt blue. Now, the Vehicon was mostly onyx while the seams, joints, and visor glowed blue. The Transformatrix dial was present on the Vehicons' chest.

Meanwhile, Jessie was cornered by two more drones, which were about to fire on her, until...

"Try and pick on someone your own size!" Morpher/Vehicon shouted.

Morpher/Vehicon then deployed two blades and rammed them into the two drones, destroying them completely, and sending scrap flying in every direction. One small, smoking chunk landed directly on Jessie's head, much to her annoyance.

Meanwhile, as the team watched as Braedey wrecked the drones a certain ice wizard took notice of something. "Hey. Is it me or does it look like this ship is going down?" Gray implied, pointing to the large hole in the ship.

The wizards, minus Natsu, and cat turned to see the blue sky rolling past them as Unicron's ship plummeted back to earth.

"Yeah! You're right!" Lucy gasped.

"Ugh... feel... so... sick..." Natsu groaned sickly.

"Hang in there, Natsu!" Happy stood by the Dragon Slayer's side.

Gray sweat dropped, annoyed. He glanced over to Alpha Trion, who was in small size, still sitting on Erza's shoulder plate. "I thought you said nothing in these memories could affect us?"

The subconscious embodiment rubbed his chin, seemingly in deep thought. "Hmm... I am puzzled too. He should be fine."

"Natsu really hates transportation." Happy explained. "Though this place isn't real, I bet just the thought of being in a big, moving vehicle like this ship makes him sick."

"Of course it would..." Lucy mumbled.

"Talk about lame." Gray grumbled.

Erza did not comment as her attention was focused on the fight taking place.

Morpher/Vehicon proceeded to destroy more drones with his blades, as Max used a drill from Unicron's assortment of blades to wreck another drone.

"We've got to get the ship under control!" Jackson yelled, rushing off toward an array of monitors and computers against a wall near the hole he had sent Unicron crashing through.

"He can fly a spaceship?" Morpher/Vehicon said, shocked.

Another Decepticon tackled the Mechamorph Autobot, distracting him from his grandfather.

"At this point, nothing surprises me..." Jessie groaned.

As Jackson typed away on the computer's interface, a pair of menacing, purple optics and a familiar silhouette could be seen through the smoke cloud. Unicron grabbed Jackson by his shirt and threw him across the room, where the once-retired fighter was now only mere inches away from falling out of the hole his RV made when it plowed through the ship's hull.

Gray, Lucy, and Happy diverted their attention away from the motion-sick Natsu and toward Braedey's grandpa. Unicron approached Jackson and placed his massive foot on the elderly man's chest, catching Braedey and Jessie's attention.

"Grandpa!" Morpher/Vehicon and Jessie shouted simultaneously.

"Oh no!" Happy gasped, horrified. "He's gonna squash him!"

"No he won't." Alpha Trion rectified. "Just keep watching."

Unicron glared down at Jackson, ominously as the latter struggled to free himself but to no avail. "Your weapon won't help you now, Martin." Unicron rasped. "For as you can see, I am much stronger than in our last encounter."

Morpher/Vehicon sliced off the helm of the Vehicon he was fighting against, and without a second's hesitation, he charged straight for the warlord behemoth.

"NOOOOOO!" Morpher/Vehicon yelled.

Erza, Gray, Lucy, and Happy gasped in shock as Morpher/Vehicon tackled Unicron and sent them both flying out of the ship.

"BRAEDEY!" Jackson and Jessie cried.

The scene around the Team Prime once again began to contort and configure into a new setting instantly. The Fairy Tail wizards looked around to see they were now standing on top of a wide, stone mountain. A forest stretched across the hilly landscape below.

Instantaneously, Natsu's motion sickness vanished as he hopped up back to his feet, his body shrouded in flames. "YES! I LIVE AGAIN!" He exclaimed exuberantly.

"Welcome back!" Happy chimed.

"Where are we now?" Lucy asked, as she looked around, ignoring Natsu's outburst.

"On some kind of mountain apparently..." Gray replied.

"Hey! What are those things?" Natsu asked, pointing at the objects of interest.

The group followed Natsu's finger and could see that there were three giant faces carved into the mountain face. Under closer observation, they could see that they were currently standing on a fourth one. Out of their knowledge, they were standing on the carved head of Thomas Jefferson.

"Huh? What's with the giant faces?" Happy wondered.

"Dunno," Natsu grinned toothily, "but I kinda want my face on a mountain too!"

"We are on Mount Rushmore." Alpha Trion answered, gaining the team's attention.

Erza's eyes widened from recognition. "Mount Rushmore? I remember Braedey telling me about this place on our mission in Peony."

"Yes," the subconscious manifestation glanced away sheepishly, remembering the few incidents Braedey had with Erza on that mission. "This monument was built in honor of the four greatest leaders in Braedey's home country, the United States of America."

Before anyone could comment, a falling object in the distance caught the group's gaze. It impacted the ground miles away, creating a loud boom and a large crater as well.

"What was that?" Lucy squealed.

"You'll have to brush us up on our history later, dude." Gray remarked to Alpha Trion.

Their attention was then drawn to Morpher/Vehicon, who had managed to transform the Vehicon into its jet mode, and began to glide to the mountain. He was gently floating toward one of Mount Rushmore's heads; however, just before he could make it, he randomly transformed again, losing his connection to the Vehicon, which crashed to the ground, and this time, he had transformed into Hammerstrike. Hammerstrike fell down to the nose of Theodore Roosevelt's head, and was barely holding on with his sharp claws as he began to slip.

"Ohhh... sometimes I hate this watch..." Hammerstrike complained.

Gray folded his arms over his chest, and noted, "I wouldn't wanna be in that position."

Team Prime watched as Hammerstrike miraculously managed to find his footing and climb his way up the nose and up to the top of the head. They ran over to him to get closer, and see what happened next. Needless to say, Hammerstrike wasn't looking very good. He was crawling on all fours and breathing heavily.

"Can't... breathe... need... water..." Hammerstrike managed to say, as he flipped over on his back, completely exhausted from dehydration.

"I don't get it." Natsu scratched his head, confused. "Why did he change into that form? Seems kinda dumb changing into a fish on top of a mountain..."

"Why weren't you paying attention earlier, Natsu?" Erza growled, annoyed. "His Transformatrix is malfunctioning. This was explained clearly back on Unicron's ship!"

"But... but... this is the first I've heard about this..." Natsu whimpered, cowering in fear from Erza's wrath.

Lucy sweat dropped. "I guess she forgot that he was completely out in the last memory, huh?"

"That's Erza for yah." Happy commented.

Suddenly, the wizards and cat were snapped out of their musings when an all-too-familiar figure leapt from the forest in the distance and behind an immobilized Hammerstrike, the ground cracking beneath his metallic feet. Team Prime felt their jaws drop to the ground in shock.

"Whoa..." Natsu gawked.

"Did... he really just jump that far...?" Lucy trembled.

"Seriously..." Gray added.

Erza stared at the large, intimidating form of Unicron with wide, apprehensive eyes. 'Just how strong is this monster...?' She thought.

As Unicron approached an exhausted Hammerstrike, he mocked, "You are a slippery little fish, child... but no longer."

The Cybertronian God reached his hand down to the Transformatrix dial, prepared to disable Braedey's transformation. However, he became annoyed when the Sharkticon disappeared, leaving a dust trail in its wake. The Chaos Bringer turned around to see that Braedey had now turned into a certain speedy alien.

"You can't catch what can leave you in the dust!" Blurr quipped.

Blurr shifted into his speedy racecar form, then he disappeared in another blur, leaving another dust cloud where he once stood.

"You can't hide from me forever, boy!" Vilgax yelled.

The sight of another dust trail coming from behind the Cybertronian God of Darkness caught the wizards' attention.

"Who said I was hiding? Eat racecar!" retorted Blurr.

Blurr rammed straight into Unicron, creating a shockwave and a massive impact crater around the two. A dust cloud was thrown up and obscured the team's sight of the shape-shifter and the warlord.

"That had to hurt." Gray commented.

"I'll say." Natsu agreed. "That should've taken him down."

When the dust cleared, much to Team Prime's astonishment, Unicron was unaffected by Blurr's hit. In fact, he only stepped back a few feet, while Blurr had shifted into robot mode, was staggering and quickly feel to his knees.

"No way..." Lucy whispered, wide-eyed.

"What?!" Gray yelled, shocked, "How the hell could he still be standing after a hit like that?!"

"Owww..." Braedey groaned painfully. "I'm gonna feel that one tomorrow..."

"For you," Unicron approached the Transformatrix wearer, "there will be no tomorrow!"

Suddenly, a dark purple aura appeared down the arms, engulfing them like Natsu's flames would engulf his arms. Unicron raised his arms over his head and proceeded to slam them down in front of him, with Unicron only narrowly running out of the way in time. The sheer force of Vilgax's blow created a massive tremor that sent giant cracks all over Theodore Roosevelt's head, which eventually caused it to crumble away down the mountain side.

The wizards' and cat collectively gasped at the sheer strength that Vilgax demonstrated.

"He... he... punched part of the mountain away..." Natsu stuttered.

"...with one hit?!" Happy added fearfully.

Erza's brown orbs widened from apprehension. Though she and Braedey had destroyed a volcano together that was only because the latter had Morphed her Armadura Fairy Armour. This being, this Unicron, had punched an entire mountain side away with one hit. Needless to say, his strength did intimidate her.

Unicron wasted no time in lunging toward Blurr, attempting to punch him repeatedly, only for the Speedy Autobot to dodge him each time.

"You cannot escape me!" Unicron rasped, frustrated.

Blurr then jumped up and reared back his right hand, aiming it for Unicron's helm. However, the latter easily sidestepped the blow, and grabbed the speedster by his arm. He spun Unicron around incredibly fast and threw him into a large chunk of rock from the destroyed head of Theodore Roosevelt.

Without a moment's delay, bright blue shards flew out from the dust cloud created by Blurr, with Energon quickly following them, holding his arms out as he continued to fire more shards. The group noticed that Energon was in an outfit. He was wearing a sleeveless suit that was black on the right side and blus on the left, the Transformatrix dial was positioned in the centre of the chest.

"Special delivery, Unicron!" Energon quipped.

Unicron tried to punch Energon; however, the Crystal Autobot ducked, shifted his arms into diamond blades, and proceeded to punch Unicron's leg three times. When he looked down at his diamond hands, he saw that they were now nothing more than stumps.

"I thought that form's crystals were super-strong?" Natsu said, confused.

"They are." Erza assured; her eyes then narrowed at the horned alien. "However, it appears that Unicron's armour is far stronger."

"Just how strong is that guy...?" Gray muttered, surprised by Unicron's effortless display of dominance.

"Oh scrap." Energon grumbled, "I guess I should've seen that one coming."

Energon quickly reformed his hands, but Unicron quickly grabbed him by the face and slammed the Crystal Autobot into the ground with a ton of force. When Unicron lifted his hand, Energon could be seen lying on the ground, with his eyes barely open and his crystal face covered in cracks.

"He's strong enough to break his diamond body?!" Gray shouted, shocked.

The scarlet-haired knight's eyes widened from fear in seeing Energon's condition. She then glanced over to Alpha Trion, who was still on her shoulder plate. "Is this what you meant by 'when he really begins trying'?" Erza inquired.

The subconscious form nodded. "Yes. The heavy-hitters that Braedey possessed at the time were no match against Unicron's raw strength."

Unicron reared back his massive right fist again as Energon's body began to twist and reform itself. He let loose his punch, but was met with nothing but rock and dirt, as Braedey had just turned into Cloaker, and had instinctively went intangible, albeit still covering his facial plate.

Cloaker peeked through his hands, and then uncovered his eye. "Yes! Sometimes I love this watch..."

Cloaker teasingly waved at Vilgax and phased into the ground below them. Unicron's arms then lost their dark aura around them.

Once again, the scene around the Fairy Tail wizards began to distort as they transitioned to another scene. Once their surroundings reconfigured, the team looked around to see they were now in the forest below Mount Rushmore, standing on the edge of an enormous freshly carved trench. The wizards followed the trough to see that Unicron's ship had crashed.

"Hey, weren't Braedey's grandpa and cousin on that ship?" Lucy asked.

"Yeah," replied Gray, "unless they got off somehow."

"So," Natsu turned to Braedey's subconscious, "where'd Braedey go?"

Alpha Trion simply pointed toward the mountain. Natsu was about to angrily respond when Cloaker phased out from the side of the mountain and took a quick glance back at it.

"Don't switch on me now." He begged, referring to the Transformatrix.

Cloaker then took a look forward and saw that Unicron's ship had crash landed, with Jackson and Jessie presumably still inside.

"Oh no!" Cloaker rasped.

Cloaker immediately transformed into a sleek dark grey and silver supercar with a Japanese-like symbol on the hood, and raced off toward the crash site, Team Prime following behind him. When he reached it and shifted into robot mode, he found the Valkyrie completely trashed.

"Oh no," Happy said, scared. "Are they okay?"

"Only one way to be sure," Erza replied. "Let's keep following."

"Grandpa Jackson? Jessie?" Braedey called out.

As Cloaker phased through the Valkyrie, the wizards' and cat went around it. They approached the back the exact moment Braedey phased back outside. Cloaker looked forward and was shocked by what he saw. Team Prime followed his gaze and their eyes widened in horror as well.

Unicron had both Jackson and Jessie in either hand, both of them unconscious.

"No..." Braedey uttered.

"How'd he get down here so fast?" Lucy squealed.

"Seriously?" Gray cocked a brow at the blonde. "This guy jumped over buildings and a mountain with a single leap."

All of a sudden, Cloaker transformed into Grimlock, who shifted into Dino Mode. He let out a loud, angry roar at Unicron, commanding him to let his family go.

The alien warlord, of course, was unintimidated by his transformation. "It's your choice. You... or them..." He stated.

Expressions of anger crossed Team Prime's faces. Threatening to kill Braedey's family members to force him to surrender was enough to make the group's blood boil; especially Natsu and Erza's.

"That bastard..." Natsu snarled, clenching his fists tightly.

"What a coward," Gray growled, his anger matching Natsu's.

Erza, meanwhile, was ominously silent as she glared daggers at Unicron. If she could say anything at the moment, it wouldn't be anything good. What Unicron was doing made her sick to her stomach.

After a brief moment of snarling, Grimlock lowered his helm in defeat and gave himself up for his grandpa and cousin's safety.

Unicron dropped Jackson and Jessie's bodies and approached Grimlock. He tapped the Dinobot's Transformatrix dial and, in a flash of blue, turned him back to Braedey. He was on his knees with his head lowered and eyes closed in defeat.

"How noble..." Vilgax mocked.

Natsu growled as he ignited flames on his fists. "If I were there I would've turned that metalhead into a pile of scrap by now!" He proclaimed angrily.

"I dunno, Natsu," Happy disagreed. "This guy is really strong. Strong enough to beat Braedey's forms..."

"And how much success have you had against those, flame-brain?" Gray retorted.

"What'd you say?!" Natsu roared.

"Guys, we need to focus here." Lucy said desperately.

"Natsu... Gray..." Erza growled. "That's quite enough."

"Aye, sir!" the duo replied simultaneously, their arms slung over each other's shoulders.

"Another bad Happy impression...?" Lucy moaned, exasperated. "When will it end?"

Alpha Trion, meanwhile, shook his head and groaned in annoyance. "How does the conscious mind put up with this insanity?"

The team diverted their attention back to Unicron, who had picked up young Braedey by his shirt and proceeded to return to his ship. Without a word, they followed the two with Erza at the lead. Suddenly, a flash engulfed the wizards' and cat, and they suddenly found themselves in Vilgax's ship already.

"Huh..." Natsu blinked, confused. "How did we...?"

"That was me." Alpha Trion answered. "I simply transitioned you to this spot so you wouldn't have to follow Unicron inside."

"Huh...?" a question mark formed over Natsu's head.

"Just forget it, Natsu." Gray groaned, irritated.

Jackson and Jessie were both beginning to wake up, with the former noticing where Unicron was heading.

"Unicron, no!" Jackson yelled. "Don't go back in there!"

Ignoring Jackson's warning, Unicron leaped back into the hole in his ship. The Fairy Tail wizards stood to his left, metres away from him. From this distance, the Cybertronian God was certainly more intimidating. Lucy and Happy gulped fearfully while Natsu and Gray sweated a little. Erza simply narrowed her gaze at Unicron, clenching her armoured fists.

Unicron turned back to Jackson as his ship began to take off into the sky. "Foolish Earthling. Why would I-"

Unicron was cut off when he noticed a red light flashing and an alarm going off inside his ship. "What?! The auto-destruct launch sequence has been initiated!"He yelled.

"The what?" Gray asked, dumbfounded.

"It is a function that causes a spaceship to launch itself high into a planet's atmosphere and self-destruct." Alpha Trion explained.

Unicron immediately dropped Braedey and rushed over to a nearby computer, attempting to type something on its interface. As a result, sparking, blue electricity surged from the terminal and disabled the interface.

"MARTIN!" Unicron bellowed. "You are the thorn in my side-"

Suddenly, out of nowhere, a blast of blue energy struck Unicron and sent the God slamming into the computer in front of him, his body falling to the floor. The group turned to the source of the blast to see Braedey holding up his grandpa's large, blue cannon with a smirk across his face.

"Guess it just runs in the family." Braedey remarked.

The young hero quickly abandoned the cannon and made his way over to the hole in the ship, as Unicron attempted to push a large, piston-like mechanism off of his torso.

"Commencing self-destruct launch..." the computer articulated.

"NOOOOOOOO!" Unicron roared.

Braedey quickly activated the Transformatrix, found the icon he wanted, and slammed down the core. In a familiar flash of blue, he transformed into Hotrod and blasted out of the ship in a fireball. The scene began to contort and fade away just before Unicron's ship exploded.

The Fairy Tail team now found themselves in a bluish-black void, identical to the one they were in when they first entered Braedey's mind.

Gray smirked, crossing his arms over his chest. "Gotta admit, it was pretty cool how Braedey beat that metal dude in the end."

"I'll say." Natsu grinned roguishly. "Wish I had a cannon like that!"

"Aye, sir!" Happy chirped.

"You with a cannon...?" Lucy sweat dropped nervously. "For some reason, I don't find that to be a good combination."

Erza turned to Alpha Trion, who was now standing in front of the group, standing at human height, with his hands behind his back and an impassive expression on his face.

"So, I have to ask, was that the end of Unicron?" Erza questioned in a serious tone.

The subconscious manifestation shook his head. "No. In fact, that was only all but a prelude. Braedey would have many more deadly encounters with Unicron after that."

The wizards and flying cat all turned to Alpha Trion with shocked expressions.

"What?!" Natsu, Gray, Lucy, and Happy exclaimed together.

"What are you talking about?" Gray shouted. "That explosion should've killed him!"

"There's no way he could've survived that!" Natsu added.

Alpha Trion simply shook his head. "Wrong. There is a reason why Unicron is Braedey's archenemy. As you will see as we progress through his memories, Unicron has survived far worse than just that one explosion."

Their eyes all widened from the thought of being that strong and durable. After witnessing how powerful he is, it was clearly evident why Unicron was considered Braedey's archenemy.

"However, there is one other being that could be considered worse than Unicron." Alpha Trion implied.

"Worse?" Lucy stammered. "How...?"

The manifestation turned around and summoned a brilliant, white sphere in front of them. "Follow me and you'll see for yourselves."

"Wait a second..." Natsu looked around, "how come we haven't fought anyone else yet?"

"Natsu makes a good point." Erza agreed, turning back to Alpha Trion. "I'm surprised the Dark Entrapment spell hasn't sent anything else to stop us yet."

"I am also concerned." alpha Trion admitted. His green eyes then narrowed. "But, I warn you, keep your guard up."

The team nodded while Lucy trembled lightly. Natsu saw this and laid a supportive hand on her right shoulder. "Don't worry, Luce." He grinned toothily. "We'll be fine! And we're gonna save our pal, Braedey. You can count on it!"

Lucy stared at Natsu in shock for a brief moment, and then smiled confidently. She nodded in agreement.

With that, the Fairy Tail wizards and subconscious manifestation entered the luminous sphere and advanced to another memory of their shape-shifting friend.


In another part of Braedey's mind, a dark individual shrouded in shadows stood in a seemingly empty void. Purple lightning and booming thunder raged in the storm clouds above. Along with the sounds of thunder, another sound could be heard: screaming.

The unknown individual was standing a few meters in front of a glowing purplish-black sphere that levitated a few inches off the nonexistent ground. His hands were tucked inside the pockets of his long, dark coat. A sinister smirk grew on the exposed lower region of his face. The rest was obscured by darkness.

It appeared that the agonizing screams were emanating from within the dark amethyst ball. They grew more desolate after each passing minute. The figure's smirk grew wider. Everything was going according to plan. He knew that his prey wouldn't hold out for much longer. Once he was at his weakest, he would send the final blow, and that would be the end of it.

"It will not be long." The dark enigma noted.

The individual's eyes glowed purple for a brief moment. As a result, a frown crossed his face.

"I see that our uninvited guests are still scurrying about. I should've known the first wave wouldn't be enough to stop them." The figure was ominously silent for a moment before his smirk returned. "However, they are of no concern. Their opposition will only grow stronger after each battle while they grow weaker."

The dark man lifted his head and stared at the purple sphere, listening to the melody of screams coming from it. His smirk turned into an evil smile. "There is nothing they can do... to stop the Dark Entrapment."


A/N: I have to confess, I did originally plan to include another memory and a battle scene in this chapter, but I just never got the time to write it and I don't wanna wait any longer to upload this chapter. I have the feeling most of you don't either. I do plan to have Chapter 26 out in the next week or two, so that's something to be happy about.

Next chapter: The Entrapment, Part III: The Darkness Within - Team Prime ventures deeper into Braedey's memories and find themselves fighting another Dark Entrapment manifestation. This one though... is a lot stronger and scarier than anything they've faced before.

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