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This is probably one of the most controversial ships out there. You have half the fan base who love it! And the other half who just can't stand it. I'm part of the fanbase that loves this ship. However I will admit it's a crack ship and the hate it gets is reasonable and if you don't like this ship I totally get it and respect your opinion, but I'm going to say why I love this ship and maybe it'll make you all think more about the two being together. On my fairy tail amino account(you should all get this btw) I created a blog explaining why I ship Rowen. And so I'll repeat some of those reasons here. And also their age isn't why I ship them and isn't the reasons I ship them like I used to because whilst being close in age is definitely a good factor, I could say that about any of the other ships. So I guess I'll start this off with the most unreasonable reason.

They'd be really cute- I promise it gets more reasonable them this before you all start rolling your eyes at me😂But I mean they would look adorable, I mean both of them are adorable as it is. And even if you don't like rowen surely you'll all seen a fan art, and Rowen probably has some of the most cutest fan art ever. It would be interesting if it did happen as well, or if they has more moments at least, because it's not often you see such young main characters get together. I know some people are saying they'd be to young to get in a relationship,and whilst I don't want them getting in a relationship till they're older, you could still give them moments as around the ages of 13 and up, is usually when people start becoming more invested in to an e or start to gain crushes and feel more emotions.

They're personalities would go well together- Yes lots of people say this about crack ships but I think this reason really helps with this ship.When your similar to someone,it can really build a much stronger relationship with the person and,you can find that you can get along with them more quickly and a lot better. Both Wendy and Romeo are similar in many ways, they have similarities such as that they're caring and really appreciate their guild thinking of them as family, but I'm going to go over one similarity in particular. Both of them consider themselves quite weak, and they both have this passion to become stronger, because of this they both idol Natsu and they want to become as strong as him. Idols are big parts of someone's life and that's no exception when it comes to Wendy and Romeo, I feel like the two would help each other out in trying to become like Natsu, and eventually they'll grow to respect each other and encourage the other to be proud of who they are. I feel like Wendy would especially do this for Romeo, as she is quite encouraging of him in this one moment, which I'll talk about later on.

Character development- This is more about Romeo. A pairing I'm going to compare this to is Gale(my favourite ship). In the Gale ship it contains Levy and Gajeel. Whilst I would consider Gajeel a main character just like Wendy, Levy and Romeo aren't main characters they're side characters. The Gale ship has gave Levy more screen time and has let her develop more as a character, because we see more screen time of her we get to see her develop more then she originally was. Hiro was barley going to give Levy screen time at all, but because of the Gale ship we got to see more of this amazing,sweet and kind girl. If Rowen were to get more moments,then Romeo could get more development. A lot of people hate side characters in shows but that's because we don't see enough of them. If Romeo could get more screen time we could learn more about his character. I've always wanted to learn more about his character and he's backstory. Why did he start idolising Natsu? What happened to his mother? There are hints towards who is mother is but it isn't properly explained. If this ship happened it could really develop Romeo, and that's why I hope this ship will happen or at least get more moments.

This contains spoilers from the manga, so if you haven't read the manga don't read anymore of this blog.

Okay so the final thing I want to talk about is the the Rowen moment in chapter 496(there should be a picture if you scroll down). Now to me this moment was actually quite a deep and powerful yet sweet moment, and it had a lot of meaning to it. I know they had that moment in the dead men episode but I feel like this was there first proper big moment. In this moment Romeo was scared, he hated himself for being scared but he was. We can see that from this moment, Romeo felt comfortable enough to open up to Wendy about how he felt and how he was scared. When he told her how scared he was, she just gave him this smile. She gave him this look, and I think she saw what she used to be like inRomeo. This moment alone showed how Wendy has grown as a character. Not only has Wendy become stronger but it shows how she wants other people to be one stronger as well and that includes Romeo. She comforts him saying that she's sure everyone else is scared as well but they have to give it their all. Wendy was so encouraging of Romeo in this scene, it was just such a sweet moment.If they did have more moments Wendy could really help Romeo grow as a character. Now I understand this isn't a romantic moment as this is just simply a part of Wendy's character to be nice to others but this showed us how Wendy would act towards Romeo and how she can really help change and develop his character.


One more reason I came up with recently but really want to bring up is that I feel like Romeo would be Wendy's type. I can already hear people going but Terrie Romeo's a wimp a cry baby! And that's exactly why I think Romeo would be Wendy's type! Wendy for her whole life has relied on others to help her out, she's been weak she's been a cry baby. But her character developed into a wonderful strong young girl who's not scared or cries anymore. I feel like Wendy would be really proud of herself and the last great development she could have if she could turn someone else into a brave powerful person to, and Romeo gives Wendy that chance to make someone else a better person. And Wendy loves nothing more then helping people.

Well those are my reasons as to why I ship it, if you still don't ship it, that's completely fine we are all entitled to our opinions. I mean some people ship Wendy with other people such as Chelia. I'm a Chendy shipper to. Others don't ship Wendy with anyone, which is also very understandable.



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