Chapter 10

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Hey guys!!! What's up, other than you probably wanting me to kill me, I know that it's been a long time, but I haven't been able to get on the computer to type my chapters, and because we moved, I don't have access to the inter-web. And I'm sorry, I'm trying! I promise that I am! But life is hard, no writing is hard! I can deal with this bullshit that we call reality! But not being able to write on Wattpad, that might kill me! But that doesn't matter at the moment because here is a new chapter! And it's going to get interesting in the next chapter! I really like the rest of this book, after the next chapter, I'm pretty sure it's my favorite parts! And I'm pretty sure that my old English teacher was a bit disturbed. . . . . . . . . . . . . ooops. Anyway I would like to dedicate this chapter to TooBeADragon! She is a new follower! And guys you don't have to tell me, I know I'm way behind! And I will try my best to catch up! But, at the moment, I still don't have inter-web or a computer. So it's hard at the moment. But I should have inter-web by next week I think. Hopefully! Abyway, I love you TooBeADragon! Love you guys! Enjoy the chapter!


Lucy woke up to the sun like shining in through her window. She was very happy up until she remembered what was going to happen today, today the boys were leaving to go home. So she took a deep breath and rolled onto her side, trying to forget about what had to be done, but there was something laying next to her and she opened her eyes to see a boy with salmon hair.

"Ahhhh!" Lucy screeched. As she jumped out of her bed.

"Hey, Luce could you quiet down a bit? I'm trying to sleep here." Natsu said as he rolled onto his side.

"What the hell are you doing in in my bed?" Lucy yelled at him.

"Sleeping." Natsu said like it was nothing.

"When you were supposed to sleep on my couch!" Lucy yelled again.

"It wasn't that comfortable." Natsu said sitting up a bit.

"So you decided to sleep in my bed?" Lucy screamed again.

"Geez, why are you screaming?" Natsu asked.

"Because you're making me mad!" Lucy yelled once more, Natsu went to go say something else but stopped before he said anything, "What?" Lucy asked, annoyed, putting her hands on her hips.

"We're leaving today." Natsu said, and Lucy's anger disappeared in about two seconds.

"Yeah." Lucy said. "Well let's get ready because we're leaving at nine o'clock." Lucy said as she headed towards the kitchen, playing with the gold key around her neck.

An hour later they walked out of Lucy's front door and met up with Erza, Jellal, Levy, Gajeel, Gray and Juvia.

"Hey guys, ready to go?" Lucy asked they boys and they all sighed no.

"Do we have to?" Natsu asked and the girls shook their head yes, even though they didn't want to.

"We should probably get going." Erza said and the girls lead the way over to the front of the city and to an extremely large opening to a cave.

"What's this?" Gajeel asked.

"This is the Gate to Magnolia." Levy said. "The main way into here."

"Why didn't we come in from here instead of the cave up on the cliff." Gray asked

"Because that one was closer." Juvia said. "You wouldn't believe how big this island is until you had to swim around the whole thing for training."

"You had to train to be a Mage?" Natsu asked.

"Yeah it was hell." Lucy said.

"Erza always made us do double the training we had to do before, but now that we're actually Mage we work even harder." Levy said.

"Erza makes you train double?" Gajeel asked.

"Yep." Levy answered.

"Try triple." Gray said. "That shits a pain in the ass."

"Triple?" Juvia asked. "By who?"

"Him." Gajeel, Natsu, and Gray said pointing at Jellal, and all he did was smile.

"Paid off though didn't it?" Jellal asked them sarcastically.

"A man after my own heart." Erza whispered, more to herself, but the girls heard it.

"Now come on, we got to get you guys home." Levy said as she grabbed a hold of Gajeel's arm and started dragging him through the cave using her magic to light the way. Then when they got to the end, and walked through the mouth of the cave, it opened up to the beach, but when they looked behind them, there was no sign of the cave.

"What the hell?" Natsu asked.

"Where did the cave go." Gray asked.

"Don't worry, it's still there, it's just got an invisibility cloak on it." Lucy said, as she went to touch the rock, but her hand disappeared and there was rippling surrounding that area and when she pulled her hand back the rippling disappeared.

"That's cool." Natsu said.

"Yep, and it's all thanks to Levy!" Juvia said gesturing to her.

"It is?" Gray asked. "I thought you had Solid Script Magic?"

"I do, but that doesn't mean we can't learn spells." Levy said.

"So this is just a spell?" Gajeel asked, and Levy nodded.

"With a simple spell it can be taken down, but for now this is the best that can be done." Levy explained.

"Come on guys we have to go if you want to be home by sundown." Erza said.

"Who said we wanted to go home?" Jellal asked.

"No one, but we can't have humans here in Magnolia." Erza said.

"Why not?" Gajeel asked.

"It's not safe here for humans." Juvia said as she and the other girls walked to the water's edge.

"I thought the sharks didn't know about this place." Natsu said.

"That doesn't mean we don't have any other enemies out there." Lucy pointed out to him. "It's just not safe out here, you humans deserve to live on the mainland, not here." And after that they dropped the topic, even though the boys had an argument but they shut their mouths.

"Now come on." Levy said gesturing them to come near them.

"How are we going to be leaving?" Gray asked. "Because last night you said we weren't swimming."

"And we're not." Juvia said squatting down to the ground and dug something out of the sand, it was a large Triton's Trumpet Shell.

"How are we getting there then?" Gajeel asked.

"You boys are so impatient." Juvia said, standing up and brought the shell up to her lips, and blew into it for a long time; when she stopped and put the shell down the girls stood there and waited.

"What are we waiting for?" Natsu asked.

"They are impatient." Lucy whispered to Juvia.

"Hey!" Natsu yelled and the girls giggled and then there was a loud 'neigh' and the sound of a large wave approaching them, and looked to see just that with horse figures made of water running at them.

"What the hell." The boys yelled and tried to run away, but the girls stopped them and then as the horses were within a hundred feet, Juvia ran and thrusted her hands into the air stopping the water from going any farther up the shore.

Then the water stopped and Juvia put her hands down. And there floating in the water, four horses with fins as a mane, and front legs and a tail instead of the hind legs. One had multiple different blues blending together on it's skin, a red with a blue pattern, another one was blue with black swirls, and then the last one was pink with gold flames dancing all over it's body.

"What the hell are these things?" Gray asked after he cautiously walked up to one of them, in the water. Apparently the the horse didn't like Gray's attitude so it breathed out it's nose in his face and water went all over his face, and he wiped his face off as everyone else laughed at him.

"These 'things'." Juvia said quoting Gray in a teasing way as she started petting the front of one of the horses faces. "Are called a Hippocampus."

"And this is how we are going to travel." Erza said climbing onto the one with a red and blue one. Then all the girls climbed up onto one, Lucy on the pink and yellow one, Juvia on the blue one, and Levy trying to get on the blue and black one, but she was to short.

"Here shrimp." Gajeel said as he lifted her up onto the Hippocampus, and climbed up behind her. While Natsu decided to ride with Lucy, Gray decided to ride with Juvia, and Jellal was going to ride with Erza.

"Alright, let's go." Juvia whispered to her Hippocampus and it 'neighed' to the others and they returned it, then they started swimming out into open water. After a while Juvia got an idea, and leaned down to whisper it to the majestic creature. In response it 'neighed' as if it was telling the others, and they all looked as if they were smirking at the idea.

"You boys might want to hold your breath." Juvia told them.

"Why would we want to-?" Gray started to ask but was cut off.

"Now!" Juvia yelled and all the Hippocampuses jumped up into the air and dived down below the water line and they swam all the way down to the bottom, and they swam passed dozens of reefs and hundreds of different species of fish. Then after a while the boys needed air and tapped in the girls and they look a them and point to the the sky gesturing that they needed air. The girls nodded and aimed the creatures that they were riding upwards and they broke the surface and the boys got the air they needed.

"What did you boy's think?" Levy asked.

"That was amazing!" Gajeel yelled and the boys stared at him, knowing that he was more one to keep his feelings to himself, but at the moment was like a open book.

"Well, I'm glad you liked it." Levy said as she gave him a smile and he had a moment where his heart stopped. "You okay?"

"Fine." He choked out, and all the boys started laughing at him. Gajeel then turned to them and flipped them all off, which made them laugh harder.

"What's wrong with them?" Levy asked looking behind Gajeel.

"Nothing!" Gajeel said and used his hand to turn her head around to face the other way. "Everythings fine." He said as he glared at the other boys that were trying not to laugh. After multiple hours and right as the sun was high in the sky, they finally made it to land.

"Well here you are boys." Lucy said as the boys got down, landing in about waist deep water.

"We should probably head back now." Erza said, as she started turning the Hippocampus around to head back towards Magnolia.

"Wait, so soon?" Natsu asked.

"Unfortunately yes." Levy said. "We can not be here near the mainland for too long, it can be dangerous for us."

"How so?" Gray asked.

"There are some humans in the world who, believe it or not, would do anything to capture a mermaid." Juvia said.

"My mother was one of them." Lucy said as she looked away.

"I'm sorry." Natsu said as he held her hand.

"Well come on girls, let's go." Erza said, and they nodded turning their Hippocampuses around.

"Bye guys." Juvia said as they all waved to them.

"Bye." They all said and waved as well. Then the Hippocampuses dove under the water and the girls were gone.

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