Chapter 1

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Hello! And welcome to another book! I'm so excited! And I'm going to say, this is going to be a slower book, and by that I mean this is probably going to have slow updates. I don't mean for that to happen, but, nothing I can do. And this chapter is a little short, so sorry about that! And I'm going to say the same thing I have said in all of my other books. I don't know how often I will be able to update, since I'm in school. But I will definitely try to update whenever I can. I will also be dedicating chapters to fellow writers, or followers, or readers, or commenters, or voters, or friends, or even multiple of these. I will not be dedicating this chapter to anybody, because this is an announcement. So vote or comment for a chance to be dedicated to a chapter. So love you guys! Enjoy the chapter!


POV: Lucy

Me and Natsu were walking, while Happy flew, back towards the Guild from the trainstation, after just getting back from a job.

"Natsu, did you really have to blow up half the town?" I asked him.

"I didn't mean to." He said as he put his hands behind his head, like it was no big deal.

"You say that every time." Happy noted as he floated above our heads.

"And I mean it every time." Natsu told Happy. Then after a few minutes of silence we finally made it to the Guild. "We're back!" Natsu yelled as he practically kicked down the door. Everyone greeted us and Natsu left to go pick a fight with Gray, while I walked over to talk with Mira at the bar.

"Hey Mira!" I said as I sat down at my usual spot.

"Hey Lucy!" She said. "How was the mission?"

"Same as usual." I said rolling my eyes. "Natsu burned down practically half the town."

"But at least you finished the mission." Mira said, trying to make me feel better. And it didn't really work.

"Yeah, I guess." I said placing my chin in my hand.

"Hey Luce!" Natsu said getting my attention. He walked over to me with Happy at his side, and a bump on his forehead, probably from Erza. "Let's go on another mission."

"Already?" I asked him.

"Yeah, why not?" He asked, while shugging.

"Because you'll probably just blow something else up the next town." I told him. "Probably the entire town."

"We could come along to keep him from doing so, if you would like." Someone said, and I turned to see Erza along with Gray.

"I'm not that bad!" Natsu said getting an angry mark on his forehead.

"Yeah you are flame brain." Gray said as he crossed his arms across his chest over his bare chest.

"What did you say popsicle?" Natsu yelled at Gray and their foreheads collided, about to start another fight.

"Enough!" Erza yelled, and the boys hugged each other out of fear.

"I think that's a great idea Erza." I said trying to get back on track.

"Then it's settled." She responded.

"Wait, don't I get a say?" Natsu asked.

"No." Erza said and walked off towards the request board. Me and Happy were laughing as we followed Erza with Gray behind us along with a sulking Natsu.


Time Skip: Fifteen Minutes

"What about this one?" Happy asked as he flew down and handed me a request paper. I grabbed it and read it over.

"Happy you just want to do this one because it has to do with fish." I said.

"Yeah and think of how much fun it would be!" Happy said with hearts in his eyes, and I could tell he was thinking about all the different fish.

"Maybe you could save it and me, you and Natsu can go some other time." I suggested. Happy thought about it for a moment.

"Yeah I guess so." He said and put the request in his pouch.

"Hey what about this one?" Natsu asks.

"What is it?" Erza asked.

"Wolf pack terrorizing town. Twenty people have been taken and have not returned. Thirty people have been injured, twenty-four of them have not survived, the others will most likely not survive." Natsu read aloud to us.

"Why is that not on the S-Class board?" Gray asked.

"Does it matter?" Natsu asked. "Let's do it!"

"Natsu we might want to asked for a bit more help in this one." I said, not to sure about this job.

"Lucy's right Natsu." Erza said. "Maybe we should ask some people for help."

"Oh, come on!" Natsu begged. "We can handle it."

"Maybe, but It doesn't hurt to have extra help." Erza argued.

"Ugh." Natsu whined.

"We could always go check it out and if we need some extra help we can always call for back-up." I offered. Erza put her chin in her hand and thought for a few moments.

"I suppose we could always do that." She said a bit hesitant.

"Alright!" Natsu cheered, and I shook my head at him as I smiled. "Let's go!"

"Aye sir!" We all cheered together.

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