Chapter 25

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Hello! I know, I'm aweful! Did you guys like the last chapter? Probably not. . . . . . sorry. And anyway, lots of action in this chapter. And I feel like you guys are going to hate me and love me at the end of this chapter. Love me because of what happens, and hate me because of what you think is going to happen. But don't worry, whatever you think is going to happen is probably be 10x worse by the end of the story. But I would like to know what you think is going to happen before we get to the end. So what do you think? Is everything going to be okay? Is everything going to go back to normal? Is anyone going to die? What do you think is going to happen? And do know if you decide to share your ideas, I won't be responding because I don't want to ruin anything! But I would still like to see what is going on in your minds. And I know a lot of you probably skip this anyway, especially right now because everything escalated last chapter so I'm just going to move on. So I would like to dedicate this chapter to That_Blue_Cat! She is a new follower! Yay! Welcome to the family, hope you're enjoying the chapter, if you're reading it. If you're not, that's fine too. But anyway, love you That_Blue_Cat! Love you guys! Enjoy the chapter!


POV: Natsu

Lucy slowly stepped out of the shadows and stepped towards me with glowing gold eyes.

'Come on Luce, please.'

Lucy then lunged at me and wrapped her teeth around my neck. I closed my eyes and turned my head slightly away from her.

"No!" Everyone yelled as they struggled to try and get out of their chains. I heard a cracking noise and a 'clang'. But I didn't feel any pain. I peaked through my eye lids and saw Lucy attacking my arms. But I still didn't feel pain. I heard the noise again and looked to see Lucy was ripping the chains off.

"Lucy." I said, in surprise. She pulled my last chain off and I fell to the ground. I looked up and met Lucy's eyes, they were brown. Lucy brown. I looked at her legs and they were shaking, she was struggling to keep control. "Go." I said, and she started ripping everyone else's chains off. I struggled to stand up, but eventually got to my feet but I knew I wasn't going to be able to stay up for long, and there was no way in hell that I was going to be able to walk. When I finally stood somewhat steady, everyone else was able to stand as well. Lucy then looked at the cell bars and took a step back. Then she lunged at it and turned so that she could rammed her side into it. The entire cell wall detatched from the ceiling and floor and banged against the floor.

"Damn." Gajeel whispered under his breath. Lucy laid down on her stomach and looked at us. We weren't all going to fit on her back. So I lunged at her and grabbed her fur on her other side of her back and held onto her. Then everyone else did to. Happy grabbed her tail and held on. Lucy then stood up all our feet left the ground. We were all hanging onto Lucy as she walked up the stairs and carefully made her way out the door careful not to squish any of us. She looked around the room for a quick moment and we saw that there was no one in sight. Lucy the raced towards the door, as fast as she could without throwing us off, in hopes of getting us out. But then Ethan in his human form walked out into the middle of that large doorway, along with Alex, Kyler, and Roxy in their wolf form. Lucy stopped and stared at Ethan.

"Going somewhere?" He asked. Lucy looked to one side of the room and saw that Danny, Max, and Vallorie we're in their wolf form. Then on the other side was Hannah, Alisha, Noah, and Ella standing there in theirs. They started walking towards us and Lucy backed up, and ended up walking up the stairs in the center of the stage. Lucy looked around at the Natives and then looked at the stage. "That's right little pup. I promised your dream would come true." Then while Lucy stared at Ethan she lowered herself so that she was laying down and we looked up at Lucy.

"No." I said and Lucy turned her head to look at me. And even though she couldn't speak to me, the look in her eyes told me exactly what was going to happen.

"Lu please don't." Levy said, as she started crying next to me. Lucy looked at Levy and then looked behind her. I looked and saw that Gajeel was on the other side of Levy. He nodded to Lucy and grabbed Levy's side, pulled on her, and dropped to the ground. She started crying harder and tried to fight Gajeel, but she was to weak to fight. We all were.

"Juvia." Gray said as he pulled on her arms.

"No." She said into Lucy's fur as she held on for dear life, and she too was crying. Gray then wrapped his arms around her and fell to his side with Juvia crying on his chest. Mira looked up at Lucy and gently lowered herself onto the ground in tears. Erza looked at me and dropped to the ground.

"You guys can't be serious." I said just under my breath. Then Lucy stood up with me still on her back and Happy on her tail.

"Lucy, please don't leave us." Happy said. Lucy then got ready to charge, with her legs still shaking, but more than from in the basement. Then Lucy leaped off the stage and at the last second, Mira grabbed Happy. And I felt Erza grab a hold it my scarf and yank me backwards.

"Lucy!" I cried. Erza held an arm around my chest as I tried to get up, but I wasn't strong enough to fight. I wasn't strong enough.


POV: Nobody

Lucy hurled herself off the stage and towards Ethan, he smirked as she made her way towards him. All of the Natives, except Ella, ran towards Lucy and she was easily able to dodge them. Then when she got to Alex Lucy slid under her, and trip her as she stood up. She charged at Ethan and when she jumped on him, he disappeared in thin air laughing.


Lucy screamed in her head, until she realized what was happening.

'Max can make illusions.'

She thought to herself and slowly turned around and watched Ethan walk out from behind the curtain, as his wolf form. Natsu and everyone on the stage looked to see that Ethan was behind them. Lucy stood still for a moment as she realized that she had made a mistake in the way that she was trying to save her friends.

'Congradulations Lucy. You have successfully killed your friends.'

Ethan said, as he slowly stepped forwards towards Natsu and the others. Intimidating Lucy with every step. Lucy looked down at the ground as her head spinned slightly.

'Lucy you don't have much time left as yourself. You have to make a decision now.'

Lucy's other half warned. Then Lucy started growling.


Lucy lifted her head slowly, that made Ethan stop moving.


Lucy's head was all the way up and she was staring right at Ethan.


Lucy lunged forwards and towards the stage. Alex stepped in front of her and went to attack but Lucy was faster than she was before and rammed into her, knocking her back into Roxy and Danny. Hannah stepped forwards and whipped her tail forwards and tried to wrap it around Lucy but she dodged and bit down on her tail, swinging it around bringing Hannah with it. Lucy let go of her tail and Hannah went flying into Noah, Alisha, and Max. Alisha teleported from the pile, before hitting the ground and landed in front of Lucy on her back. Before she could get up and run, Lucy gripped the fur on the side of her neck and threw her towards Kyler. Alisha tried to stop herself from running into him but failed and tripped him. Then Lucy turned her head towards Ethan again, and stared at him. Ethan stared back, in complete shock that Lucy had gotten as far as she did so easily. Lucy went to step forwards, but then Vallorie stepped in front of her.

'You're not getting past-.'

Vallorie started to think to Lucy but was stopped when she was head butted in the forhead and she dropped to the ground.

'Yeah right ,bitch.'

Lucy thought to her and stepped over Vallorie's body as she tried to recover. She walked towards the stage, and got ready to charge. She went to run forwards but the second she moved Ethan barked and shot a chain at Lucy that one end of it wrapped around Lucy's throat and the other end connected to the floor behind her.

'I'd like to see you get out of that.'

Ethan thought and looked down at Natsu. Ethan used his paw to drag Natsu towards him by his foot and Natsu tried to crawl away but Ethan slammed his paw on his back.


Lucy yelled in her head and pulled on the chain. Ethan opened his mouth and went to strike.

'Ethan! Stop!'

Someone screamed in everyone's head, except the humans and Ethan stopped and looked in the direction that came from the voice. All the werewolves turned their heads to look and see a lone wolf standing off by herself. And she was glowing green, then she grew to be about five feet and stopped glowing as she stopped growing.

'Ella, what are you doing?'

Alex asked her.

'I'm leaving the pack.'

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