Chapter 27

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Hello! And welcome to what I probably going to be the 2nd saddest chapter in the entire story! And I'm sorry! But it is going to be so awesome! And I am so very much excited! So excited in fact that I'm going to cut this intro short. So I would like to dedicate this chapter to fire_and_keys! She is a new follower! Yeah! So I love you fire_and_keys! Love you guys! Enjoy the chapter!


POV: Nobody

Lucy was taken aback on what it was that Ethan had just said.

'What soul?'

'Oh did I not explain that?'

Ethan thought in an incident voice.

'Silly me, every descendent has two souls. One human, the other wolf. The rules still apply when it comes to giving in, or being taken over. But if , or I guess I should really say when, you lose your battle your soul will be gone and the other will take control.'

Lucy stood shocked a what it was that she was hearing.

'Why do you think there is another voice in your head?'

'So the voice inside my head and my other half . . . . . . is another life?'

'Not exactly but I guess that's a good way to explain it, yes.'

Ethan said.

'Is that true?'

Lucy asked the voice in her head.


'Why didn't you tell me?'

Lucy demanded.

'I didn't want to make it harder on you.'

It said.

'That's no excuse!'

Lucy argued.

'If you are your own soul, does that mean you have a name?'


The voice said hesitating a bit before answering.

'What is it?'

Lucy asked and the voice hesitated again.

'That doesn't matter.'

'Doesn't matter? Doesn't matter! I have a voice, another living soul, living inside my head! And you're telling me that your name doesn't matter?'

Lucy screamed, and the voice remained silent.

'What is, your name?'

The voice still remained silent for a few moments.

'Kenia.' (Like the country.)

The voice said.

'My name is Kenia.'

Lucy stared at the floor and tears could be seen I her eyes.

'This is why I didn't want to tell you. I knew it would make it harder for you if I told you that I was more than just a voice. I told you that I respect the you were here first rule. And I intend to keep it that way.'

Lucy thought to herself for a few moments and asked Kenia what seemed to be that most important question.

'Is there anyway I can save you? Without me dying?'

Lucy asked.

'Unfortunately no.'

Lucy then looked up at Ethan and the rest of the Natives, and got ready to charge again.

'Lucy, what are you doing?'

Kenia asked.

'I'm going to defeat the Natives. Get everyone home. And find a way to save you.'

'Lucy, you can't hold on much longer. And neither can I. You're going to get yourself killed.'

Kenia said, warning Lucy.

'Then at least I'll die trying, instead of sitting and doing nothing.'

Lucy then took off at the Natives and one by one the ran forwards to fight Lucy.

Vallorie rammed Lucy in the side and knocked Lucy to the ground. Vallorie laughed in her head, until she got kicked in the face by Lucy, sending her across the room and into some tables.

Danny ran fowards and jumped at her and just before he reached Lucy he dove down into the ground and became a shadow. He raced all around her before darting under her and coming back to the surface. Lucy went into the air on top of Danny's back.

Then Roxy ran forward and slammed into Lucy's front half making her spin around but before she could crash to the floor, Lucy was able to grab a mouthful of Roxy's fur, and threw her into her Mate, sending her and Danny to tackle Vallorie back into the tables.

Lucy got up again as Noah, Hannah, and Alisha ran at Lucy, Alisha teleporting in front of Lucy and went to attack, but Lucy rammed into her and shoved her back into Noah, that made them go rolling backwards. Hannah swung her tail but when Alisha and Noah were rolling away her hair got tangled into the ball of fur and got dragged and rolled away as well, passed the now small  group of wolves.

Alex took a feather behind her ear and ran at Lucy with Kyler beside her. Kyler stopped halfway and barked at Lucy, a blue Magic Circle appeared in front of him and shot multiple bullets at her, Lucy was able dodge them until she hear a scream and looked back. Mira had almost been hit. And if Lucy moved out of the way everyone on the stage could be shot. So Lucy turned her body and blocked the bullets with her body.

"Lucy!" Natsu said as he watched her continued to get shot. Lucy shook and whined with pain, but stood there and took it. Once the bullets stopped, Alex appeared in front of Lucy and placed a feather on her back, barking at it after she let go of it. Lucy's eyes widened as the feather stated glowing. Lucy tried to reach for it but it was just out of her reach. Alex laughed as she walked away from Lucy. Lucy looked at Alex and ran at her.

'Alex look out!'

Kyler warned as he stepped forwards to try and help one of his leaders, but it was pointless. Alex turned her head just in time to see Lucy jumping over the top of her upside down. Lucy landed on her feet and grabbed Kyler by the side of the neck and spun them around using Kyler to hit Alex, and throw the both of them over to one side of the building, where the two wolves landed on top of Roxy, Danny, and Vallorie. Alex sat up and saw something out of the corner of her eye, it was the feather glowing brightly on her shoulder. Alex's eye widened as the feather exploded and took Alex and Danny out.


Ethan screamed in his head. but she wasn't going to respond for awhile, since her left shoulder and part of her neck were gone.


Roxy stared horrified at the sight of her mate missing a part of his head. And he wasn't going to get up any time soon either. She nudged his head with her nose, whining at the sight Danny.

'How dare you!'

Ethan demanded as he raced at Lucy, and by the time Lucy turned her head to face Ethan he was already in front of her. He wrapped his jaw around  her neck and slammed her down into the ground. Then all of the other wolves ran forwards towards their leader, who was giving them a chance to get even.

"No!" Natsu called out as he tried to stand up. Try to help. Try anything. But his legs were still to weak. Lucy cried out in pain as fur and skin was torn from her body, and she was becoming a bloody mess. Images from when Lucy had died flashed into Natsu's mind and tears spilled from his eyes.

Finally once the wolves had their fill with the shredding that they were doing, they all backed off. Including Ethan. They looked at Lucy with pride and turned away from her bloodied body. Lucy didn't move as she was now back in her human form, barely breathing.

'Now lets finish this.'

Ethan thought as Alex and Danny limped their way over to them. Ethan nudged Alex a bit and their faces rubbed together. Roxy placed her forehead on Danny's and they both closed their eyes. Then they turned to the stage that held the Fairy Tail Mages and they flinched in fear. Knowing what was going to happen. They ever so slowly made their way towards that stage, as Ella ran out on top of it, growling at the pack that advanced towards her. She was breathing heavy due to the massive drain of Magic Energy. But she was willing to do what she had to.

'Lucy you should have given in.'

Kenia said as she stood in front of Lucy as a tall blonde wolf with golden eyes. Only she was in Lucy's head and looked almost like a ghost.

'Now Ethan is going to kill both of us.'

Lucy looked up at Kenia as a single tear fell.

"Help me." Lucy whispered.

'Lucy it's too late.'

Kenia thought to Lucy.

"Please let me save them, and you can have control." Lucy pleaded for her to help. Kenia looked at Lucy in shock. 

'Lucy, but if you live . . . . . you could take control. You could live your life. You could be with-.' 

Kenia thought but stopped when she got interrupted.

"You told me the first time we spoke, that if you got the chance to take control, you'd do it." Lucy said. "So take it damn it! Please, for me." Lucy begged as Kenia looked at Lucy with saddened eyes. "As my dying wish." That caught Kenia's attention, and she looked at Lucy with sorrow.

'Only for you, would I be so stupid.'

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