Chapter 8

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Hilo! Okay, so guys this is a seriously long chapter! Like I don't usually do this long of chapter in the beginning of the book! So I hope you guys fucking like it! Andyway, I don't have much else to say, so I would like to dedicate this chapter to Lillypillygully! She is a new follower! Yay! Anyway, so because this is such a long chapter, I will let you get on with it! Love you Lillypillygully! Love you guys! Enjoy the chapter!


POV: Lucy

I opened my eyes, as the sun shines brightly and I looked around. I was in my room, on the floor.

"Natsu!" I yelled, as I sat up.

"Hmm?" He groaned into my pillow, as he laid spread out in my bed.

"You son of a bitch, you pushed me out of bed!" I yelled at him as I started beating him with a pillow.

"Hey, hey, hey!" He said as he tried to block my pillow. "Wait a minute, I-!"

I then shoved the pillow on his face and held it down.

"Lucy, you're so mean." Happy said as he crawled into my open window. He had a few twigs in his fur, and looked exhausted. "You kicked me all the way to Hargeon."

"Keep complaining and I'll do it again!" I yelled, as I pushed harder on the pillow.

"Lucy, why are you trying to kill Natsu?" Happy asked, as he sat at the foot of my bed.

"Because he pushed me out of bed!" I yelled. Natsu then started to shout into the pillow and I moved it. "What?"

"I didn't push you, you fell out of bed!" Natsu yelled as he caught his breath.

"So why didn't you wake me up to get me back in bed?" I asked.

"I tried, but when I did you would start screaming." He said. "And I couldn't get you to wake up."

"Oh." I said. I then just looked at him and then sat on the floor, hugging the pillow to my chest as I leaned against the bed. "Sorry, for trying to kill you."

"Its okay." He said. "But what were you screaming about?"

"I don't know, but . . . . . . ." I started to say but stopped as I thought about it.

"What?" Natsu asked as he crossed his legs on my bed.

"After I woke up from my nightmare and went back to bed, I didn't dream again but I kept feeling the pain of the wolves biting down on my skin." I said. "The worst was on my shoulders."

"I shook your shoulders to try and wake you up." Natsu said.

"So instead of the wolves biting me, it was you." I said. "Wow." I laughed a little.

"What is it Lucy?" Happy asked.

"I didn't think this shake me up as bad as it is." I said, and it was quiet for a little while.

"Well, thats why were going to figure this out." Natsu said, and placed his hand on my shoulder, making me jump a little. "So go get ready ready so that we can get to the Guild." I smiled and nodded.


POV: Natsu

Lucy grabbed some clothes and walked into the bathroom to change.

"Natsu?" Happy asked.

"Hmm?" I hummed as I looked at him.

"Do you really think that were going to figure out what happened to Lucy?" He asked me a little quiet.

"I don't know." I said, just as quiet. "But for Lucy's sake, I hope we do."


Time Skip: Ten Minutes

I put my hands behind my head as we walked down the street towards the Guild.

"Hey Natsu?" Lucy asked.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Why did you lose your temper the way that you did?" She asked, and I looked over at her.

"When?" I asked.

"Back in the woods." Lucy answered.

"Oh, well you're my best friend." I said.

"Hey!" Happy whined.

"You too Happy." I said. Then I turned back to Lucy. "Why wouldn't I get mad?"

"I don't know." Lucy said. "I just didn't think you would set almost a whole forest on fire."

"Yeah well." I said not knowing what to say next. After that it was silent the rest of the time. And when we got to the Guild, we imediately went to the library, where everyone was already waiting.

"Took you guys long enough." Gray said as he leaned against the table.

"Shut up ice freak!" I said.

"The two of you are not to argue!" Erza yelled.

"Yes ma'am." We both said.

"Master, what are we even going to be looking for?" Levy asked.

"Honestly, I have no idea." Gramps said.

"What will you be doing Master?" Mira asked.

"I will be staying upsairs, in case anyone tries to get nosey." He said as he started walking up the stairs. "Good luck children." Once he left, it was quiet for a few moments.

"Thank you guys for doing this." Lucy said and she was staring at the floor.

"Not all of us are volunteering." Gajeel said. Juvia then slapped the back of his head.

"I know not all of you want to do this." She paused a moment to stare at Gajeel. "But I want to thank you anyway."

"Of course." Erza said.

"We would do anything to help Lu." Levy said.

"Speak for yourself." Gajeel said and this time Levy threw a book at his face, and I laughed as he fell out of his chair.

"Well then should we get started?" Gray asked.

"Where do we even start?" Juvia asked.

"I suppose a good place to start, is anything that has to do with wolf attacks and resurrection." Levy said as she thought for a moment. "And then we could go from there."

"Sounds like a good idea." Happy said as he flew to the top of the first bookshelf and we all spread out, looking for any kind of answer of what happened to Lucy.


Time Skip: Ten Hours

POV: Lucy

"There's nothing here!" I yelled as I slammed the seventy-sixth book I've read today closed.

"Calm down Lu, we'll find something." Levy said.

"You said the same thing thirteen books ago." Gajeel told her as he moved onto a new book.

"Yeah, because it's true!" Levy told him, and turned the page of her book. I took a deep breath, and then all of a sudden I got the feeling that I was going to be sick. I bent over and placed my forehead on the edge of the table.

"You okay, Lucy?" Natsu asked.

"No." I said, and lifted my head. "I feel like I'm going to be sick." I said. Gray then leaned over and placed his hand on my forehead and I relaxed into his hand as his cold hand made contact with my skin.

"Love rival." I heard Juvia say somewhere behind me, but I didn't care.

"You're burning up." He said, and pulled his hand away.

"Lucy you look really pale, maybe you should go home and rest." Mira said.

"No, I need to be here." I said and sat up, and I almost fell out of my chair from a head rush.

"Lucy go home." Erza said in her stern voice.

"But Erza!" I said.

"That's an order!" She said loudly, and it made my head pound.

"I'll take her home." Natsu said and lifted me onto his back.

"Thank you Natsu." Erza said as we walked up the stairs.

"I'll go with them." Happy said, as he followed behind.

"Get back here as soon as you can you two!" Erza said.

"We will!" Natsu said, and we walked out of the Guild.


POV: Natsu

I walked out of the Guild and brought Lucy home.

"You okay Luce?" I asked her as I placed her in bed.

"No." She said.

"Is there anything we can get you before, before we go back?" Happy asked her.

"An extra blanket?" She asked. I placed my hand on her forhead and even I could feel that she was burning up.

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" I asked.

"I'm freezing." She said, she said as she shivered.

"Alright." I said. "Happy will you go get a cool washcloth?" I asked him and he flew into Lucy's bathroom as I got an extra blanket off the couch from when I slept on it the night before.

"Here you go Lucy." Happy said, and placed a wet cloth across her forehead and I covered her in the blanket.

"Thank you guys." She said.

"You're welcome." I said as I walked over to the window. "Do you want the window closed?"

"No, it can stay open." She said.

"Alright then, we'll be back in a little while." I told her.

"For now you should probably get some rest." Happy said, and she nodded and rolled onto her side trying to get warm.


Time Skip: A Few Minutes

POV: Lucy

Once Natsu left, I tossed and turned trying to get comfortable, and get warm. But I just couldn't. I then laid so that I was facing the window, and then I watched the clouds move to reveal the moon, and the moment the clouds had uncovered the moon, my body started hurting. I groaned, and tried to roll over to get the pain to go away, and instead I fell out of bed. I tried to sit up, but ended up screaming as I watched the bones in my hands move in a unnatural way. And they changed.

'I have to get to the Guild.'

I told myself, and I stumbled to the door. Trying to walk on two legs, but ended up crawling on all fours. I reached up to turn the doorknob but I couldn't grab it, as my hands still continued to change.

'How am I going to get out of here?'

I thought as I groaned in pain again. But then I felt something on my changing skin, it was a breeze from the window. I ran at it, still stumling as I continued to run on all fours. I climbed up onto the window sill, and got ready to jump. But before I could jump, my legs started to shift under the skin and I groaned in pain as I fell from my window, landing on a pile of boxes, crushing them underneath me. I got up and before I could make it to the end of the ally, it seemed that my body had finally changed all the way. I then took off down the street as fast as I could, as I was still in pain, and it felt like my body was trying to collapse from the inside-out. People screamed as I ran passed them.

'What's happening to me?'


POV: Natsu

I walked back down the the stairs of the Guild to the library, and found everyone was eating.

"What are you guys doing?" I asked them.

"We decided to take a break and eat while you guys got Lucy home." Erza said.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because none of us have eaten all day, and we were hungry." Gray said. "Besides Gramps ordered us to."

"Here's your plate guys." Mira said and scooted two plates to one side of the table and we sat down.

"So you guys didn't find anything?" I asked as I started eating.

"Nothing." Erza said. "Unfortunately, I think Lucy might be right. I don't think there's anything here."

"We can always try different libraries as well." Juvia said.

"That's true." Gray commented.

"Is Lucy okay?" Levy asked changing the subject, as Mira took all the plates upstairs.

"I don't know, she was burning up but asked for more blankets." I answered.

"We might have to get Porlyusica tomorrow if she's not doing better." Erza said. Then a scream came from up stairs, followed by the sound of shattering glass.

"Was that Mira?" Juvia asked. Then shouting was heard along with loud footsteps.

"Are they fighting again?" Erza asked she started getting angry. But then there was a loud 'bang' that sounded like a table hitting the floor.

"That's not a Fairy Tail fight." I said and we ran up the stairs. When we ran into the Guild hall, everyone was shooting magic at one of the walls, and as someone's magic destroyed a table a small, three foot, wolf with blonde fur ran from underneath it, and under another one.

"Its one of those wolves!" Gray said and we ran towards it, and I lit my fists in fire. Then as the wolf saw us it ran from underneath it and headed straight for us.

"Fire Dragon: -!" I started to yell but got cut off as the wolf tackled me to the ground. I rolled over so the wolf was on its back and I was on top of it and pulled my arm back to punch it. But I stopped.

'Those eyes.'

I thought to myself, as I released my grip on it and leaned back a bit, putting my fists out. It stood up, and stared at me and I looked at its chocolate brown eyes.

"Natsu!" Everyone yelled as they were about to launch their magic at it.

"Wait!" I yelled and held my hand out. Everyone froze, and waited. I then looked at the wolf and slowly lifted my hand out to touch it. It slowly moved its head closer to my hand until half of its face was in my hand, and it closed it eyes. "Lucy."

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