Chapter Four ; The Baby

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The sound of wood against wood silenced the guild members. The wizards turned their attention to the tired, blue haired fairy. "Master!" Her small voice shook the guild. Crime Sorciere stood behind her with looks of strength and weakness. Scarlet hair flew towards the door as the small Solid Script mage fell to the ground.

    "Levy! Are you alright?" Her voice held worry. "What happened?" Instead of getting an answer, a maroon haired man took a step towards the two mages.

    "I think I know." His voice was gruff, but urgent. "I heard Jellal's thoughts. He said to tell Fairy Tail that Natsu and the his group need help."

    Levy nodded just slightly, confirming the wizard's claims, "Gajeel needs help too. Mira and Laxus are fighting Scar with him." Erza's expression hardened. She helped place Levy on a bench, then she requipped into her normal armor, Heart Kruez Armor, and pushed past Cobra.

    "Tell master I've gone to help Juvia's team." She grunted before Cobra grabbed her arm.

    "You can't go alone. He said to send back-up, which is more than one person." The master stepped up onto a table and studied the mages surrounding him.

    "Crime Sorciere will split up. Erik, Macbeth, and Erza will go help Team Juvia." The master gave a hopeful yet stern look to Cobra. "You can track them, can't you?"

    The poison dragon slayer nodded, setting off to retrieve their two original members and the rest of Team Juvia. The master, however, turned to the rest of Crime Sorciere. "You three will go to Team Gajeel with Wendy and Mest."

    "How will we find Team Gajeel?" Wendy's frail voice came from the group.

    Makarov looked at Levy, unsure if he should send the tired wizard. "My child, do you think you could help them find Team Gajeel?" Levy had a glass of water in her trembling hands.

    "Yes, I can go." She gave Wendy a smile and waved back at the rest of the guild members. She couldn't get her mind off of Gajeel, though. She was worried he wouldn't be able to take the large wizard down on his own. She kicked at the dirt as she walked with the quiet group of wizards.

    Wendy's long blue hair distracted Levy, allowing her to realize that she wasn't the only one worried. Crime Sorciere and Fairy Tail were both worried about Jellal, Meredy, Team Juvia, and Team Gajeel. A hand squeezed her tense shoulder. "Don't worry." Mest was the first to speak in the group. "They'll be fine."

    Gajeel, Mira, and Laxus were indeed fine. They had been giving the Moonlight wizard a pounding and he had been taking it. "You see?" Grunted Gajeel as his fist landed on Scar's stomach. "We aren't going to be easy to take down."

    What the Fairy Tail mages didn't realize was that there was a smirk playing on Scar's face. He chuckled as he grabbed Gajeel's incoming arm. "Learn to pay more attention, Fairy." He laughed maniacally as a bright light engulfed the room. The wizards were sent flying into the walls with magic circles on their stomachs. "While you, 'pummeled' me, I had been chanting a spell."

    Laxus helped Mira back onto her feet then, grunted at the man. "What did you do?"

    "Oh, nothing." He clicked his tongue. "Just, everytime you hit me, you get blasted by that magic circle, there." He pointed to the ominous, white circle.

    Gajeel laughed, vociferously. "You think that'll stop us?" He ran towards Scar.

    "Iron Dragon's Club!" Iron stretched out from his arm, hitting the wizard in the face, but at the same time, Gajeel was struck by a ray of light from the magic circle.

    The dragon slayer fell back in pain, not expecting such a strong blow. Mira didn't take another second to attack the laughing man. "You'll pay for that!" She screamed as a ball of dark energy formed in her hands. The dark energy was strong enough to send Scar flying, but that didn't mean Mira wasn't hurt. She tried to stop the magic circle, but was unable to and suffered the same fate as Gajeel.

    It was now Laxus' turn, but he didn't plan on going down from a simple beam of light. He threw his cloak off and jumped up and out of the broken ceiling, following the man Mira sent flying, using his lightning as a boost. The sounds of 'booms' and 'cracks' surrounded his fist as he roared,"Lightning Dragon's Iron Fist!" His fist landed in the Scar's stomach, causing him to crash back down into the ground.

    At this point, the roof of the bunker had been blown off, giving Levy, Wendy, Mest, and the rest of Crime Sorciere easy passage. Levy gasped as she saw Gajeel getting back up. Mira, Laxus, and Gajeel all had burn marks but they were still attacking the evil wizard. They attacked and attacked, the magic circle continuing its assault as well. Tears appeared on the rims of her eyes. "Gajeel!" She hollered, her eyes following the dragon slayer.

    The Moonlight mage heard this and smirked. He kicked Gajeel away from him and started chanting. "Moonlight's burning ray!" His fist pointed at Levy. Gajeel scrambled to get to her, while Mest and Wendy tried to block the attack, but they were too late. The ray hit her stomach, causing her to fall back in pain.

    "Levy!" Gajeel screeched as he ran to the small wizard, but all he could hear was the laugh of the man who caused Levy that pain. Mest placed his hand on Gajeel's shoulder and nodded, giving him the message that they would take down that wretched wizard.

    Gajeel lied over Levy's trembling form. "Is the baby okay?" He whispered, but this caught Mira's attention. She started crawl towards the two with a large smile.

    Levy's voice shook with fear and pain. "I don't know."

    Gajeel grabbed onto Wendy's arm. "Heal her, please."

    Wendy was still tired from healing Erza, but after seeing the tears in both their eyes and remembering what she heard a couple weeks ago... She knew she had to help. She got down on her knees and placed her hands on Levy's stomach and started healing the girl.

    "Will she be okay?" Gajeel whispered as he clenched Levy's hand.

    Levy had tears streaming down her face. "We can't hide it now, Gajeel! I need to know if my baby will be okay!"

    Wendy wanted to comfort the two, but she didn't know how. "I-I don't know... You'll need a doctor for that." Carla stood by Wendy, she didn't think it was right to stop Wendy even if she was tired.

    "Wendy, you're too tired and if we wait too long the baby might not make it." Carla mustered up the strength to tell her blue haired companion.

    Gajeel's eyes widened as he picked Levy up bridal style, but Carla stopped him. "I'll fly her back to the guild so she can get help. It'll be much faster." She said softly, flying up to grab Levy. Gajeel nodded, even though he wanted to go with the two.

    "Tell Lily to stay with her." He regained his composure and stood up.

    Angel summoned Caelum in its canon form. "Attack Caelum!" She shouted at the spirit. The cannon went off, but Scar blocked the attack with his arms. Racer sped towards the large wizard using his Motor technique, in which he combines his slowing magic and kick the enemy as fast as he can. Scar, however, was able to punch the wizard before he was able to land his seventh hit.

    Gajeel and Wendy had made it to the rest of the gang. Although Mest kept telling Laxus and Mira that they shouldn't attack, they didn't stop. Mira kept helping Caelum using her dark energy, making his attack even more powerful.    

    It was obvious they were tiring the Moonlight mage, so Wendy decided to use her Dragon Slayer Magic and take on the wizard by herself. Everyone objected, but everytime Mira, Laxus, and Gajeel attacked, they would get hurt. Angel and Racer were unable to do any damage, while Mest and Hoteye were tending to Mira and Laxus.

    Wendy stepped up to Scar with a confidant look and Carla by her side. "I'm the one you're fighting now."

    Scar laughed, clutching his stomach. "You? You're a puny Fairy." He clapped his hands together, a ball of light forming in them. Wendy began to prepare herself to defend, using First Sky Arrow. As the ball of light almost reached her, she covered her leg in a whirlwind and thrusted it at the ball. The light when flying backwards hitting Scar.

    "Good thinking, Wendy!" Carla commented on her choice of spell. The small girl nodded and asked the white exceed to draw closer to the enemy. She cloaked her arm in a whirlwind and screamed, Sky Dragon's Crushing Fang!" She hit Scar's arm, leaving behind a few deep cuts and a trail of wind.

    The man hissed in pain, but he wasn't far behind as he used a spell in which rays of light came down from the sky. "Moonlight Rain!" He chanted, but Carla flew away from them, keeping Wendy safe.

    Mest was ready to jump in, but it didn't seem like the girl needed any help. She was going to take down that tired man all by herself. He watched as the girl used Sky Dragon Claw and threw the large man back a few inches. The wizard she was up against was tired and worn down. He had battled quite a few wizards and he didn't have much magic energy left. He tried to cast a spell, but Wendy came at him again except this time with Sky Dragon Roar. The Moonlight mage fell to the ground, unable to stand up.

    Mest had a big grin on his face as he high fived Wendy. "Good job, Wendy!"
    Wendy took in a little bit of air to replenish her magic energy and nodded,"I was only able to do it because all of them-" She gestured to the injured mages as the magic circles faded. "-tired him out so much." She smiled and went to go heal everyone, but Carla stopped her.

    "You are not using anymore magic! You've already been drained enough!" Carla scolded the poor little girl.

    Wendy nodded, "Sorry, Carla! You're right." She sat down next to Gajeel with Carla.

    "Good job, kid." He started to pat her back, awkwardly. She thanked him even though she knew he wasn't very happy at the moment.

    "I wonder if Erza has reached Jellal and Meredy yet..." Wendy murmured as she tighten the grip on her hands.

    Erza and the other half of Crime Sorciere had reached Team Juvia long ago, but they didn't get any time to chat. In fact, as soon as they entered, they were forced into fighting Skull and Death. Erza had her sword up against another silver key celestial spirit, while Cobra was fighting a different silver key spirit. Midnight was on his own, fighting Death. On the other side, Natsu and Gray were teamed up fighting Skull even though he was messing with their minds. Juvia was helping by slowing the enemy down. Lucy, on the other hand, was trying to untie Jellal and Meredy so that they could get to safety.

    Meredy disconnected Jellal and Erza because she was about to pass out from using too much magic power. "Switch enemies!" Cobra shouted. "Gray switch with me, Natsu switch with Erza!" Death and Skull tried to intercept the switch but that only helped the cause.

    Natsu groaned, "Next time, this guy is mine!" Juvia followed Cobra's lead and switched out with Midnight. Gray took Juvia's place to fight Death, while Natsu and Juvia fought celestial spirits. "Gray!" Natsu shouted, "I wanted to fight him!"

    "Shut up, Flame Brain!" Gray yelled back as he caught one on Death's punches.

    Natsu growled as he used Fire Dragon's Claw to kick the spirit in the stomach. "Who ya callin' Flame Brain, Ice Princess?" He shouted.

    Jellal laughed as the two bickered while fighting. "They haven't changed at all, have they?" He whispered to Lucy. She nodded her head and rolled her eyes.

    Erza wasn't having it, though. "Are you two going to shut up or am I going to have to make you?" She screamed at the two mages. Natsu and Gray both stopped bickering, instantly. Natsu was able to take down the celestial spirit and decided to help Gray take down Death. Without his keys, Death wasn't able to do much, so it was easy to defeat him and once he was gone, the remaining celestial spirit left.

    Skull was trying to invade three minds at once and there was no way he could focus on all of them. Cobra decided to use his hearing abilities to confuse the mage and prevent him from listening anything but him. Skull was unable to think properly, rendering him powerless. He fell to the floor screaming, "Get out of my head!"

    Jellal cringed at the sight, "Looks like he got a taste of his own medicine, huh?" Meredy said, tapping Jellal's shoulder. He felt completely drained, bruised, and like he needed a nap, but Lucy wouldn't let him do that. He nodded, agreeing with Meredy, but then looked toward Erza, who was walking towards him.

    "Are you okay?" She asked, softly.

    Jellal nodded at the scarlet haired woman. "Just want a nap." His eyes started to close on their own and he didn't have the energy to keep them open.

    "No, Jellal! Don't!" It was too late, he had already closed his eyes. All they could do now was hope that he was only napping.

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