Chapter Sixteen ; Ready For Edolas

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Lucy, Erza, Wendy and Rain burst into laughter when they saw that their prank worked. While tickling his cheek, they had put mud in his palm, so that when he went up to swipe away the "fly," mud would smash into his face by his own doing. Natsu woke up with a snort, mud in his eyes, nose, and mouth. He sat up quickly and spat, glaring at the four girls who were still laughing, Lucy now sitting on the floor from laughing so hard, and Rain and Wendy leaning against each other for support.

Gray looked up from the sandwich he was currently eating for breakfast. He saw what the girls were doing and paid no attention to it. Besides, he wouldn't mind seeing Natsu with mud sliding down his face.

"Really? Right in front of my sandwich?"

That was the end of it for Wendy. She fell atop of Rain, bringing her down as she fell. That caused the girls to laugh even harder, and even for Gray to crack a grin.

Gray turned toward Natsu, the mud still on his face. "Hm. I don't really see a difference, Mudface. Although this does give me another name to use."

Natsu growled. "How about we put some mud on your face, Ice Boy." And he launched himself at the navy-haired boy. Natsu started splattering mud all over Gray, and by the end of the wrestle, both boys were covered in filth.

The girls had calmed down and were looking at the two boys with distaste. "Now, that was pretty gross. Go wash up, and then we'll leave."

The boys grumbled but dutifully found a small stream to wash the mud off in. Once everything was packed up, they went on their way back to Fairy Tail.

"Y'know, you'll have to do a lot of punching and kicking in Edolas. No magic whatsoever." Lucy mumbled to Natsu. "Good thing you have so much practice with Gray."

Natsu, walking carefree, hands on the back of head, laughed. "Yep. Ice Princess could use some work though. I'm obviously better."

Gray was walking a little way ahead and overheard them. Without turning around, he replied. "In your dreams, Mudface."

When they reached the guild, Rain was still deep in thought. She was not at all expecting applause when she entered the guild. Nor the joyous shouts of "Welcome back!" and "The family is back together again!" She found herself unable to stop smiling.

Her mind was going round and round. 'I guess I was wrong about leaving.'

She was surrounded by a crowd and was pressed against Varian. Many people were slapping her on the back and grinning at her. Rain had never thought so many people would ever be this happy to see her.

Above all the loud noise, Cana shouted. "And with the guild all together again, we can destroy the bastards that hurt our family!" Her announcement was met with even more shouting. Meanwhile, Gildarts stared at her with love hearts.

"That's my girl!" He elbowed Macao, pointing at Cana. "That's my daughter up there! I'm so proud!" Macao was not surprised to see tears brimming at the corners of the strong mage's eyes. The Alberona family had always been dramatic.

Erza had announced that, before they left, everyone would be paired up with another wizard and battle. After that, they would continue winner vs. winner. The last eight would go to Edolas, Gildarts and Laxus not included.

The pairings were, Lucy vs. Levy, Erza vs. Jet, Mirajane vs. Freed, Evergreen vs. Elfman, Bisca vs. Alzack, Cana vs. Droy, Gajeel vs. Juvia, Kinana vs. Laki, Lisanna vs. Rain, Macao vs. Wakaba, Wendy vs. Romeo, Max vs. Mest, Nab vs. Natsu, Bickslow vs. Gray, and Warren vs. Varian.

These matches got rid of some of the guild members like Levy, Jet, Droy, Freed, Elfman, Juvia, Laki, Lisanna, Wakaba, Romeo, Max, Nab, Alzack, Bickslow, and Warren.

The next matches were Lucy vs. Evergreen, Erza vs. Bisca, Cana vs. Gajeel, Rain vs. Mirajane, Macao vs. Wendy, Mest vs. Warren, and Gray vs. Natsu. Master Makarov decided that Varian would be fit to go to Edolas with the rest of the winners because he opens the anima and will be sucked in as well.

It took around twenty minutes for all matches, but one, to end. Natsu and Gray seemed to be equally matched. The master sighed,"You both can go! Now, end the match."

He looked over the winners,"The people going to Edolas will be Natsu, Gray, Wendy, Erza, Rain, Varian, Lucy, Gajeel, and Mest."

Mest walked up to the master and shook his head. "I won't be going, I don't know much about this place and won't be much help."

Gajeel nodded,"I'd rather stay here with Levy."

Some guild members awwed at Gajeel's statement, but he shushed them quickly. "Alright, looks like Team Natsu will be, with the help of Rain and Varian, going to Edolas!"

Cheers echoed throughout the guild. "Probably the best people we could've chosen." Someone laughed.

Natsu was standing by the guild doors. "Well? Lets get a move on! The Anima isn't going to open itself!"

Erza grumbled. "Can you be a little patient, Natsu? We should be prepared this time and pack some food and water."

"And extra clothes!" Wendy piped up.

Lucy grinned at Wendy. "Of course, after that, we'll be on our way."

The crowd of guild members cheered again. Upon hearing the news that the group would not be leaving right away, Natsu was already seated and eating once again.

Once the hype of a new quest had died down, and Team Natsu was about ready to leave, Pantherlily approached the Master.

"Master, I think it would be best if I went along with them to Edolas. For starters, I know the land the best out of all of them, and I also have connections there."

The Master nodded. "I was about to ask you if you'd go along with them. I'm glad we're on the same page about that. I think it would be in the best interest of this mission if you were to go along." The Master took a breath. "Good luck, Pantherlily."

Lucy looked at the ground worriedly. "I hope they haven't found any pieces of Aquarius' key..." she muttered, not paying attention to Lily.

The three exceeds joined the group. "We're coming to Edolas with you!" Happy smiled.

Natsu grinned at Happy. "Well, of course, little buddy! I wouldn't leave you behind."

Carla walked up to Wendy. "And there is no way that I would ever let you go to Edolas without me."

Varian looked at the Master and spoke up,"Where am I supposed to summon this thing?"

Rain looked at the ground and replied before the Master could speak. "At the old village. No one will be there but us."

Varian's head swings towards Rain. "What? Did I hear you correctly?"

Erza heard this and placed a hand on Rain's shoulder. "Don't worry, when we come back, it will too."

Rain nodded and turned towards the glass doors, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath before pushing it open. She hadn't even taken a step forward when her head collided with a blue-haired man's chest.

"Jellal?" Erza squeaked. "What are you doing here?"

"I was coming to tell you that I'm going to Edolas with you, but it seems you're already leaving." He explained. Erza looked at Makarov for approval, but all he did was throw a bag at her. She smiled and nodded at Jellal.

"You can come."

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