Chapter Twenty-Three ; Saved and Loved

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"I'm not promising you anything! Nothing except the fact that you'll live! You're not leaving, not yet." She ran, her legs pleaded her to stop, but her heart refused. "I'm not stopping. I'm not letting you die."

"Rain, calm down." Varian croaked, the poison eating at his body. "It's okay. I'm sorry I have to break my promise..."

"You aren't breaking any promises! I won't let you!" She screamed passionately, tears running down her cheeks as the grey blocks of the guild infiltrated her vision. "We're almost there! Keep fighting, Varian! Keep fighting!"

"R-Rain!" Someone called from the doors of the guild. A small blue haired girl stood by the doors. "Rain's back! Erza! Lucy! Guys!" Wendy called frantically, the wizards rushing out to see the girl running back.

"Get a medic!" Lucy screamed into the building, the Edo-Wizards rustling around to get a Mira. Natsu rushed out of the building, running to Rain, who was still quite far from the building.

"Give him to me!" He stopped Rain and took the boy from her arms and ran as fast as he could back to the guild. The dark haired girl fell to her knees, tears falling to the ground as worries manifested her mind. Her hands flew up to her eyes as she tried to wipe away the tears, but they didn't stop.

She felt a presence behind her, their hand rest on her shoulder. "It's okay, he'll be fine. He's strong." Gray's voice was reassuring, but his efforts seemed futile when talking to her.

Slowly, she nodded her head and stopped her tears. "You're right..." She wiped away her tears and looked over at the dark haired Ice-Wizard. "Thank you."

Gray gave her a small smile and helped her up. "That's what friends are for." He took her arm, guiding her back to the guild where Wendy waited anxiously.

"Rain!" She cried out, rushing to hug the tired wizard. The girl almost fell to the ground at the fiercity of the hug.

"Be careful, Wendy. Rain's a bit weaker than usual, right now." He ruffled the small girl's hair and took them both inside. The Fairy Tail wizards were in a back room with the doctor and Edo-Mira, the edolas Fairies waiting outside. Gray and Wendy forced a path through the people for Rain. She walked as fast as she could on her sore legs, bursting through the door.

"Rain!" Lucy called out, rushing over to the girl. The wizards were standing by another door, which lead to the patients. Within that room, there were two people trying to save Varian. Lucy helped the dark haired girl to a chair, forcing Natsu off of it. Rain and Mystogan had taken up the only seats in the small, white walled room. Erza kneeled in front of Rain with a reassuring smile.

"He'll be fine, I'll make sure of it." The red headed woman's words were deafened by the worries that screamed inside the dark haired girl's mind.

"Thanks..." She mumbled, inattention in her words.

"You may come in, now." The doctor opened the door and Rain jumped up, limping to the door while Natsu rushed to it. Lucy grabbed his shoulder and shook her head. Rain entered the room, closing the door behind her.

"Hey, Rain." Varian's voice was weak, but she didn't care. There was a pulse, a heartbeat, all that mattered was that he was alive. She rushed to the hospital bed, pulling a seat over.

"You're alive." She muttered, tears welling up in her eyes. Her hands stayed on her thighs, balled up as tears began to fall. "You're alive." Her head fell forward.

Outside the room, the wizards waited impatiently. They needed to know if their comrade was okay. Natsu paced around the room, while Gray yelled at him to calm down. Erza and Lucy didn't speak as they waited, desperately reassuring themselves within their minds.

"Rain, I'm okay." They could hear the boy speak through the door. "It's okay, stop crying."

"I know, I know." She croaked, her voice cracking. "I was just so scared. Don't ever do that again!"

Varian laughed at her words. "I'll try not to." Through the glass on the door, the Fairy Tail mages could watch as the two hugged and comforted each other. Rain wobbled onto her feet and limped to the door, opening it for the others.

"Come on in." Varian smiled at them from his seat on the hospital bed. 

A/N sorry for the super short chapter, I'm not feeling super well emotionally and I have a lot more to write for other books as well. Sorry again :(

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