Old Friends, Cherished Memories

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Au: Sorry it's been awhile guys. For those who do read this..... so this is an extra long chapter just for you guys. Enjoy.

Your POV

You were currently flying with Krillin to your left and Trunks to the right. You remembered you had a promise to full fill before you go over to Fairy Tail to see if you could join. 

Krillin: So where we going Y/n? You aren't just procrastinating are ya?

You hear his teasing tone and can feel him smirking at you, you just rolled your eyes and debated if you should roast Krillin.... But you knew he already had a big owned count and you didn't want to make it reach triple digits. Trunks got your attention and snapped out of your thoughts.

Trunks: I'm also curious, where are we heading Y/n? 

Y/n: I have to meet someone, I promised her that right before I go to Fairy Tail, I'd go to her so she'd give me a "pep talk" also she wanted to give me a pre celebration party of me getting in....

Krillin: Oh ho ho!! Who's the lady friend Y/n? Is it someone we know? Oh wait I know... It's your little Kagu isn't it? 

He said the last part with a tone full of tease, I ignore it but then the next thing he said made your cheeks turn red.

Krillin: AAANNNND she's giving you a....wink. Wink. Pep. Talk. You slllllyyy dog.

Y/n: K-K-KRILLIN!!!!!

You cover your face as you blush. You keep flying as Krillin starts laughing at your expression.

After a few minutes he goes back to messing with you.

Krillin: Hey man it makes sense.... Your 25 now right? And she's 23 now, you both have needsH. Hehehe

Trunks then speaks up as you try to regain your composer

Trunks: Uh, are you talking about Miss Kagura? I'm happy to hear you two are so close in this timeline Y/n.

You stop flying which makes Krillin and Trunks fly ahead, which they then make themselves stop and look back to you. Making both Krillin and Trunks feel confused and bad from your facial expression.

Y/n:.....heh, I wish that was the case Trunks. But Kagura's relationship with me is rocky to say the least. 

You then look towards Trunks and ask him a question.

Y/n: Wait Trunks, how do you know about Kagura? I don't recall talking to about my sad excuse of a love life.

Trunks rubs the back of his head and responds to your question.

Trunks: In my timeline you mentioned Miss Kagura sometimes during our training.... Though whenever I asked about your relationship with her, you avoided the question by changing the topic, or you'd just punch me.

You chuckle in response.

Y/n: Guess I wasn't the best master huh? Sorry you had to deal with my horrible teachings in your future trunks.

Trunks: What? No. You were a great master Y/n, best I could have hoped for and asked for. I appreciate all you've ever done for me and I'll always be grateful and indebted to you.

Y/n: Aw shucks, you must have been a great student.... Anyway let's continue flying and I'll give you a quick summary of my relationship with Kagura.

Krillin and Trunks nod their heads and you continue flying with your friends following close behind. After a few moments you begin to speak.

Y/n:  Well when I crashed landed on this plant as a baby, I was taken and raised by a village close by. Krillin and Kagura lived in this village and we were raised together for a while. Things were great, Kagura and I were very close. Then one day we were attacked by a cult that was in control by Demon King Piccolo, our Piccolo's father. Anyways I was captured and escaped later on and found Krillin and Kagura. We all became even closer then ever, and Kagura and I started to date... Until she found out her brother was killed by a man named Jellal. She left me to train for vengeance. Then I saw her again during the Cell games. Now we just acknowledge each other's existence. 

Trunks: Did you give her the gift?

Krillin: What gift?

Y/n: Oh Trunks had a gift from the future me to me.

Krillin: Huh? Explain to me how it all went down again. Guess I missed something.

Y/n: Sure, got time to kill....

Flash back Your POV

You were in one of Captain Ginyu's Space Pod, trying to set coordinates to earth. Somewhere they'll be no organism to get hurt from the crash landing. But you feel something is off, using the new instant transmission techniques you learned on Planet Yandarat, you were shocked to sense Frieza's energy on earth. You felt nothing but malice and evil intention within him. You also felt a presence as strong and as evil beside him, and few weaker ones around him. You quickly realize it's a bunch of minions. You were about to lock on to Frieza's location to face him, but all a sudden you feel half of the minions energy vanish, and a energy signature of a person you didn't recognize but felt pure hearted. You decide to let this person have a shot at Frieza and his gang as you put coordinates in the shuttle to land near bye.

Short Time Skip

You finished putting in the coordinates and then suddenly feel a huge energy coming from Frieza, not wanting to take any risks you decide to lick onto the energy signature and teleport to earth. You then put your two fingers to your forehead and teleport close by. You look around and find yourself on earth. Currently your behind some rocks and you hear voices close by.

???: Princess, you put too much power in that attack. Now the whole planet will be destroyed, what happened to writing for the other Saiyan? The one who hurt you?

Frieza: Sorry Daddy, I was just sick if seeing those accursed Super Saiyans.... Ugh. Lets just get out of here and wait so we can see that STUPID BRATS FACE WHEN HE SEE'S HIS STUPID. PLANET. DESTRO-


By this point you are now watching this fight. To your left you see Frieza covered in metal parts and some other guy that you presume to be his.... Daddy?

You also saw a bunch of dead evil minions just scattered across the ground with along with lost limbs, you were shocked and impressed. You then turned your head to the right where the other voice came from and become very much shocked and even more impressed as you see this.

Y/n: *That guy is definitely a licensed Bad Ass.... AND IS HE A SUPER SAIYAN!?!*

But what made things better was Frieza's expression. It took all of your strength not to laugh.

Then the mysterious Swordsman began to taunt Frieza after he claimed out of the crater the Super Nova made, which made it harder to not laugh.

Trunks: Looks like you've dropped the ball on this one huh?

Frieza regains his composure and keeps a strained face and doesn't respond.

Trunks: Dropped the ball.


Trunks: Dropped the ball


Trunks: Drrrrrooped. The ball


Trunks: DDDRRR-

Frieza: HEEEYAH!

Frieza then shoots a Ki blast at his Super Nova, at this point you decided to step in. You teleport a few feet in front the stranger who've you deducted is in fact currently a Super Saiyan  with a sword. You catch the incoming blast with your right hand and just crush it and key it explode in your hand. Showing the guy behind you that you two are a licensed Bad Ass. Hearing him quietly say "woah" and "cool" you then speak up.

Y/n: Damn Frieza, can't even deal with banter huh?... 

Frieza: YOU!?!

Trunks: Hello Y/n. Thanks for dropping by, names Trunks.

Cold: Ah so your the monkey that hurt my princess. I am King Cold and you will pay.

Y/n: Reeeally? Frieza's Pops? Well I hate to say it but... Your sons a disappointment and you need to learn how to raise a child cause you apparently suck at it.


Cold: Princess.... Why don't you take out the Saiyan who took your ball!?... Daddy is gonna beat up the Low Class trash.

Frieza: Hmph... Okay Daddy, I'll be quick so I can watch you vet Y/n to a pulp.

Y/n: Can you two not!?! I don't need any hints of the type of relationship you have with those nicknames.

Before they can respond you turn your head to Trunks and speak to him.

Y/n: Hey Trunks, you good with these partners? You good with beating Frieza for the first time as a Super Saiyan?

Trunks: Hell Yeah!

Y/n: Great, now you wanna enjoy the fight, or should we end this now?

Trunks: Honestly, the faster the better if you don't mind.

Y/n: None at all. 

You take a quick breath in, close your eyes and breath out. You open your eyes and look at Trunks in the eyes, you then look back.and forth at him and the Nova attack. Which he gets the message. With that you look at Cold in his eyes and say.

Y/n: Your Turn.

You then transform.

(Au: Your still wearing the Yandarat clothing still.)

As Cold tries to get Frieza's head in the game, you decided to take out Cold now. You charge at him from the smoke and Cold didn't even have the time to react. First landing a solid hit to his right cheek, causing him to be moved back. Within the second of your fist making contact to his face, you here a satisfying crack. You immediately follow by going being Colng to register what was happening and the pain he was feeling, you were already in front of him with your knee deep in his gut.

(Au: Buu is Cold, your Vegeta)

When kneeing Cold, he puked out spit which went past you. He then fell on his knees, holding on to his gut. He didn't know how to react or respond to your power. By this time Frieza has shaken himself from his day dream but is frozen in shock in how much faster you've become. Remembering that your new friend Trunks wanted this to be quick, you continued your onslaught on Cold. Forming your hand like a spear, you hit Cold in his the center of his neck, causing him to puke out blood and have trouble breathing, he puts on hand on his neck and the other on the ground to keep him from collapsing. You then put your hands together and walk next to Cold, you bring your arms up and smile and shout

Y/n: FORT!

You swing your arm like a golf club and hit Cold with enough force to send him flying into a wall of rocks. Blood splatters from his back and gets all over the wall from the impact, you see blood coming from his ears and nose. He slowly slides to the ground and struggles to stand up. You teleport in front of Cold and ask him to surrender and if he changes his ways you let him live. He responds by trying to hit you to the ground, so you quickly sidestep and counter with a powerful punch to the gut. Causing a Cold to cough up more blood and have to use the wall behind him to stand.

(Au: Cold is Frieza, your Goku)

Frieza realizing the gravity of his father situation, starts shooting Death Beams at you, but you don't feel them so you let them hit you. But the attack quickly ended when Trunks called to Frieza from the top of a cliff.


The three of you watch Trunks do some hand gestures and shout "BURNING ATTACK" as a huge blast heads towards Frieza. King Cold and you watch as Frieza jumps to dodge the attack just to run into Trunks sword as he brings it down into Frieza, cutting him in half. 

Which you respond by saying out loud

Y/n: Damn, Frieza is really half the man he used to be.

You ignore the death glare from Cold and the incoming punch, but Cold stops as he witnesses what Trunks does next. Watching Trunks cut Frieza into pieces and obliterating him.

Y/n: Well shit, now Frieza is just a fragment of what he used to be. I'd suggest him to go with the wind.... but that's my opinion.

As you finish your last sentence Trunks teleports in front of you and smirks at your horrible puns.

Trunks: Lets finish this now.

Y/n: Sounds goo-

Cold: WAIT!!!

Trunks and you look at Cold in curiosity and let him continue.

Cold:.... Please, let me see the sword...that killed my son.... I'm about to die, I'm outmatched in every way. Let me have some closure.... please.

Trunks looks at you for advice.

Y/n: Totally up to you man, your call. He is right about being out matched.

Trunks nods his head and takes out his sword, looks at it for a second and then throws it to Cold who weakly catches it and uses all his strength to stand up right to face both of you as he admires the sword.

Cold: Thank you.... wow what craftsman ship. No wonder you easily took out my son, this is a very good sword.

He tightens his grip on the sword, and you honestly wished you could bet money with someone on what he was going to do next, you saw it coming a mile away.

Cold: Yes...Yes... With this sword.... I'LL CUT YOU MONKEYS IN HALF!!

He swings the sword at Trunks and you watch as Trunks calmly dodges it gives Coldma bored expression. After a few slices, Cold turns to you and brings it down to your head, but you use your finger to reflect it back. Causing Cold to lose his balance and stagger back. He tried to slice you again, but realized he couldn't move his arms. Looking back you both saw Trunks holding the sword behind him. Both you and Trunks place get your hands out, ready to blast Cold to Smithereens. Cold was about to speak.... but you beat him to it.

Y/n: Were not going to spare you if your gonna try to sell us your galaxies you rule. Unless you decide to change your ways or at least free the people you dictate, your going to die today, no negotiations.

Cold:.... What about a planet?

Trunks: You just went down

Cold: I'm a good bargenir?

You and Trunks blast Cold point blank, killing him. When the dust settles you give each other a fist bump.

Trunks: Hey Y/n, minds if we talk in private before you go talk to your friends?

Y/n: Yeah sure, no problem.

Trunks takes you a little farther from the group which you sensed near by. Then Trunks begins to talk again.

Trunks: Thanks again for agreeing to talk to me in private I-

Y/n: First off I wanted to say thank you for helping me take care of Frieza. I appreciate the assistance man.

Trunks: Oh no problem, I knew that you were suppose to be here to beat Frieza, and though your early arrival surprised all of us. It wouldn't have been enough time before Frieza killed some of your friends.

Y/n: Yeah, the guy got a two hour headstart to earth on me.... I thought I'd have to ditch the space pod without giving it clear instructions of where to land before I'd go and face Frieza, but thankfully you came and distracted Frieza and his father so I could give more directions to the pod.

Trunks: Oh is that so? And how'd you get hear when you were more then two hours away from the planet?

Y/n: Oh a technique I learned on a planet called Yandarat. The technique is called Instant Transmission, basically gets me almost anywhere in seconds.


Y/n: No not time travel, I'm just traveling at the speed of light.... basically just teleporting to keep it simple

Trunks: Oh wow! That's still cool... But damn if I knew you didn't need my help I could have waited for you to be alone instead of risking it being with the others...

Y/n: Risking it? What do you mean?

Trunks: Well... I don't mind telling you, and I don't need to test your power since I've already seen it.... My name is Trunks. I am from the future, 20 years in fact. I've come back to help you all stop an incoming threat that risks destroying the entire human race. I also have a time machine, which is how I arrived.

Y/n: Huh do tell.

Trunks: I....I am part human and Saiyan, I am the son of -

Y/n: I am your father

You interrupt Trunks in a deep voice with your hand out trying to use the force to choke him. Trunks looks at you for a second and then starts laughing for a few minutes and you join him. After a few minutes you speak up.

Y/n: Glad that's still a meme in the future.

Trunks then wipes a tear and continues.

Trunks: Heh heh, you haven't changed a bit... Actually I'm the son of Vegeta and Bulma.

After a few minutes of looking really hard at Trunks and Bulma and Vegetation, you start to see the resemblance and let him proceed.

Trunks: I'll be born two years from now, but that's not important. Listen in three years from now on the morning of May 12th, two beings with power even greater then the two of ours combined will appear. Their monsters, killing off almost everyone on earth... Including the Z fighter's. Except you and Yamcha. They are androids they love what they do, which is to torment the humans.

Your expression gets serious as you question Trunks.

Y/n: WHAT!?!... Wait, what happens to Yamcha and me?

Trunks: Yamcha... Well once he found out who the father of me was... He decided to go meet king Kai and stay their for awhile.

Y/n: Wow.... Brutal.... Well I'll help him out afterwards, so what happens to me.

Trunks: Well... In a year from now you get diagnosed with an incurable disease. When the androids came all you could do in your situation was to get my mom and me safe. You became my master, teaching me magic and the way to fight, even swordsmanship. All the while you were fighting off your disease, and rebelling against the androids with as much power you could muster without it killing you. You do die eventually, leaving me alone to fight off the androids but teaching me all you knew and then some.

Y/n: DAMN... I'm sorry Trunks... For leaving this big responsibility on your shoulders.... How can I help you now?

Trunks: You already are. I want you to beat the Androids, giving me hope and possibly telling me his to do it. I want you to live the life you deserve. And with that I must go,but not before I give you this.

Trunks hands you a bottle and explains that its a possible medicine for the virus, but he wasn't completely sure if it'd cure you completely or at all. You say thank you and walk him to his ship. As he is about to leave he remembers something.

Trunks: OH Y/N HERE.

Two sword wrapped in chains appears in his hands and he tosses it to you. With it are two letters, one saying its to you, the other for....Kagura? You look up to question it, but Trunks is ahead of you.

(Au: pretend their wrappen in chains and that you see the two envelopes in Kagura's f/c)

Trunks: A gift from you to you. Read the letter that says its addressed to you. You'll understand afterwards.... I leave the rest to you. Don't forget to take the medicine when you begin to get suck. You'll know from the heart virus. I shouldn't be doing this... But I want a good future for everyone, and a good history.... Goodbye Y/n, I'll see you soon and good luck.

With that you watch as Trunk's ship flies up and disappears. You turn to where the others are hiding.

Y/n: You all gonna hide forever or come say hello to me? It's only been a year.

The current Z warriors and Bulma came over to hug you and celebrate your return. They question you a lot and you quickly tell them about your new technique, Yandarat, the swords, and the future threat. But you didn't mention Trunks parents and dodged the topic. You ended the story by summarizing everything,

Y/n: So yeah, we gotta train so we don't die in the future, I can teleport now, I have to give Kagura these gifts as a token of my love apparently..... and um... OH Yamcha?

Yamcha: Yeah?

You turn to face him and put a hand on his shoulder.

Y/n: You are my friend, I appreciate and care for you. I wouldn't be here if it weren't for you. Don't forget that.

Yamacha: Huh... wow, thanks Y/n.

Y/n: Why don't we train or spar together time to time. Like the good old days... hell why don't we all just hang out from time to time... we should that more. Especially since I'm dying.

Bulma: DYING!?

Y/n: Yup.... don't worry, Future Trunks got me the medicine for the heart virus.

Bulma: Well.... let me look at the medicine so I can make more of it.

Y/n: K.

Krillin: Wait.... I really wanna hang with you guys.... but Y/n, I can believe everything you've said  except the teleporting.... where the ship that you said you escaped from.

Y/n:.... Oh that.... it should land here in 3...2....1....

As you finish your sentence your space pod does in fact land surprising everyone. You all plan when to meet in the future to train or hang out until the day the androids were to supposedly arrive.

Present Time

Y/n: So yeah, that's basically the story. The swords were part of a set to give Kagura since she fights in the art of the Samurai. 

Krillin: OH YEEEEAH! I remember that now!... huh though that explains why you kept hanging out Yamcha during training. You really kept his spirit up after finding out about Bulma's baby.

Y/n: Eh I tried..... anyway's were here. 

You fly above a town and head to the edge of it, seeing a guild with the title Mermaid Heel. You fly behind it and descend to the ground. Behind the guild you all see a beautiful plain leading to a forest.

(Au: Like this)

Y/n: Before you two comment and try to tease me more, I'm not here to see Kagura. I'm here to see another friend.

You start to walk around while you look around, searching for someone. Krillin speaks up and asks a question.

Krillin: Hey do we know this girl?

Y/n: You do Krillin, but I'm unsure if Trunks knows-


You were then tackled to the ground, feeling someone's arms wrapped around you neck, legs around your waist, and someone's face rubbing against yours. Trunks and Krillin were shocked, unsure of what to do. After a few minutes, the person sat up, currently sitting on. Allowing you to get a good look at her, you realized it was your girl bestie Millianna.

(Au: This is what she's wearing)

Y/n: Hey Milli, how are you?

Millianna: HIIIIIIIII! I'm so glad you came today N/N! 

She lays out on you, pushing herself close to you and holding you. You respond with a chuckle and pat her back.

Y/n: I've missed you to Millianna, you remember Krillin right?

Her eyes light up as you mention his name, she jumps off from you and looks at Krillin and Trunks, immediately knowing who is who, she runs up and smothers Krillin's head with her breasts. Rendering him speechless, and after a few moments she puts down a blushing Krillin.

Millianna: KRILLIN!! It's been so long! How have you been since escaping the tower?

Krillin looks at Millianna in shock, realizing who this young lady was. Seeing her as a child alongside you and him. It took him a moment to register that the little girl has grown up to be a...... mature young women. Before he can respond though, she looks at Trunks. She eyes him up and down as he is looking down on the ground. To embarrassed to look at Millianna from her style of choice. She walks up to him, putting her hand on his chin and making him look in her eyes.

Millianna: I don't remember you.... I'm sorry were you also in the tower?

Trunks gains his composure and answers Millianna.

Trunks: No Millianna, I was not. I am Y/n's pupil. We've never met before, but it's a pleasure to meet you now.

Millianna smiles and gives Trunks a big hug, telling him it was nice to meet him to, them she politely pushed him away a little, still having her hands on his shoulders, giving him temptation to look as she looks your way.

Millianna: What brings you all here anyway N/N?

Y/n: Oh, I'm here to see your progress on your fighting skills, and to tell you that after the spar I'm heading to join Fairy Tail.

Millianna immediately squeals in delight and runs to you giving you a giant bear hug which you return.

Millianna: I'm so happy for you Y/n! We have to head over to the beach to celebrate!

Y/n: But Milli I'm not-

Millianna: NOPE! No buts. We both now they'll gladly take you in with your power. Then we'll face each other in the Grand Games and I'll get to really test out my skills against you!

You could tell she was excited and you didn't want to spoil the moment for her so you stay quiet as you roll your eyes. Before you start to spar your with Millianna, you all just talk and Krillin and her catch up from all the years they've missed. It was nice, after a few minutes Millianna said she was ready to fight. You give her a nod and she sprints and charge at you. She tries to slash at you with her claws. You just dodge with ease as she tries her best to slash and kick you.

(Au: Your Vegeta, Millianna is Majin minion.)

After a few minutes of this Millianna gets irritated.


Y/n: Heh, it's in my best interest to save my power. Sorry Millianna.

Millianna:.....TAKE ME SERIOUSLY!!!

You chuckle and jump back and put a finger up, signaling her to stop. She huffs and crossed her arms, not looking at you. You didn't want her upset so you came up with an idea.

 Y/n: How about this..... if you can use your claws to scratch my cheek in under a minute.... I'll do that thing you like.

Millianna:.... Which thing?

Y/n:.....The kitty thing..... for 10 minutes.

Millianna looks at you with twinkling in her eyes.

Millianna: REALLY!?!

Before you could respond she charges at you and tries to strike at you. At first you find it pretty normal/easy. She kept trying to slash your cheek and you read her movements. Trunks and Krillin are watching in intrigue and curiosity. They wonder what exactly you meant by Kitty thing and hoped to find out soon. They definitely knew that Millianna really wanted you do it, and she was very determined to scratch you. Though they didn't think she'd be able to scratch you with the power she's using now. Then all of a sudden, you watch slowly as you dodge one of her attacks, a small yet quick slash comes from one of her fingers. Being so close to her hand gave you no time to dodge it, and as a reaction you get mad and punch Millianna in the face. Immediately feeling shock and regret as she lands on her butt.

Y/n: Oh...OH!

You run to Millianna's side and get on your knees. Millianna starts to rub her butt and starts to get tears eyes and gets a stiffy nose.

Millianna:.....You hit me.... you meanie!

Y/n:..... It was a spar?

Millianna huffs and puffs her cheeks while looking away, she also crossed her arms and starts to cry a little. You quickly put your arms around her waist and nuzzle in her neck.

Y/n:  Want me to kiss you boo-boo?


You turn her to face you as she looks at the ground, you give her a peck on the nose and give her a hug. She giggles in response and hugs you back.

Millianna: Now the other one.

Y/n: Huh?

She gets out the hug moves back and says

Millianna: You hurt my butt too!

She gives you the most innocent smile on the planet..... 

Y/n: ummmmmm

Millianna: I'm waiting.

Krillin: Hey uh.... what's the kitty thing you gotta do know?

Millianna perks up and gets distracted, you thank Krillin internally and go with the subject change.

Y/n: Oh yeah...when do-

Millianna: DO IT DO IT DO IT DO IT!

You take a long sigh and give Millianna her reward. Which you use your shape shifting magic to become a kitten which Millianna immediately shrieks in glee and puts you in her arms. She pets you and plays with you for 15 minutes.

Trunks: Can someone explain this to me?

Krillin: ummmm I can't?

Y/n: Millianna really really reeeeaaally loves cats. She enjoys it when her best friend becomes a kitten... it's her favorite combination.

Millianna: YUP!

Trunks/Krillin: uh huh.

Y/n: I'll get more in depth later.

You then shape shift back into normal but Millianna keeps her hold on you. Having your head on her breasts, making you a blushing mess.


Millianna: One more minute.... you haven't visited in a while. As your best female friend I want to see more of you ok? How else am I going to help you get back with Kagura.

Y/n: MILLI!?

Millianna: Oh hush, I'm not giving up on the two of you. You guys are meant to be. I promised.


You are able to say something and request to be released when you hear a break you immediate know calling out to Millianna. The voice makes your heart skip a beat.

Kagura: MIILLLIAANNA!? Where are you. You said you'd help me today work on my.....N/n....blades?!

You all look to see the one and only Kagura Mikazuchi, looking directly at you whose head was in between Millianna breasts. You ears perked up when she said your nick name, but confused when she said blades. Trunks and Krillin were worried how this was going to play out. Millianna realizing the situation was worried that Kagura was gonna be mad that she forgot about their sparring lessons and now she didn't want to do it. No one was sure how this was gonna play out. Either way, Kagura looks confused, nervous, and mad.

(Au: She also has the other swords strapped to her hip.)

AU: That's it for this chapter, sorry it took so long for those who read this. Who knows what'll happen now. Until the next chapter- The Fairies and Dragons Collide.

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