A Mara story

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Third person 

Mara sits down at the Ftrs crew normal table for breakfast and starts staring off in to space as she waits for the others. 

Gilly and Jax walk in the cafeteria and sit across from Mara but she doesn't even move. "Mara?" Gilly asks the girl as she waves a hand in front of her face. 

Mara blinks several times before saying "Y-yeah?" Gilly and Jax share a look Mara's almost never studders. "You ok?" Jax asks. 

Mara nods slowly before replying "Yea just tired." 

"If you say so" Gilly says with a shrug and her and Jax start talking. 

Mara takes out her phone and starts scrolling on Pinterest. 

When everyone gets there Mara is looking at the far side of the room with a confused expression "what on-" she says under her breath. 

Kayla looks at her in surprise "whats wrong Mara?" Mara's eyebrows kit together and she shakes her head mumbling "nothing" before putting her head on Elise shoulder and continues to scroll on her phone. 

Kayla Ollie Gilly Jack Jax Hayley and AG all give her weird looks before Gilly says, "Did y'all study for the test?" And a whole new conversation starts.


Mara POV 

I'm on a Pegasus and in the air with all my friends and even Anna joined our free time flying. 

I stop my Pegasus and look at the roof of the school. "Why is there a thing that tells which way the wind goes?" I ask no one in particular.

Hayley raises an eye brow and says "Mara that's always been there" 

I look at it again and say "really?" Gilly nods in agreement " yeah u got ur hair stuck on it when u where on the roof about a mouth ago; u sure ur good?" 

"Y-yea I think I'm just dizzy imma land" I say and start desending to the ground. 

AG looks at the time "we have to go the gym anyway" 

Ollie corrects " actually me Kayla and jack have to go the health today " 

Anna "yea and I have to go the the fairy pet room"

AG sighs "do y'all really have to correct me all the time" 

"Yep" Kayla says as she gets off her Pegasus 


I walk into the gym and groan when I see that we're doing doogeball.

"Wow I'm so lucky today aren't I" I say with a sigh before walking onto the team that my friends are on. 

The game starts and we start throwing the dooge ball. 

We are about half way through the game and I'm sitting in the side lines because I'm out.

All the sudden Elise shouts "Mara watch out!!" And I turn to see a ball flying towards me.

It all felt like slow motion as it happened and still to this day that's the only way I can't tell you what actually happened.

I see a girl that doesn't like me and my friends throwing the ball. 

I hear my friends yell at me.

And the ball kept coming towards me so I put my arm up to caught the ball and time when back to normal.

The ball came rushing towards me fast but I was faster. 

My hand was already up so the ball flew right into my hand.

The force made my hand come back, closer to the side of my head. 

I threw the ball back at the girl hitting her in the face. Her nose started bleeding but I didn't care. 

All I cared about was what just happened. Harlow who was our sub for gym today starts clapped. 

"That was great Mara! Keep using that energy!" She says and I look at her in shock.

 "I don't even know what I did!" I say.

"I'm sure you'll find out soon" she said with a smile I didn't like.


Mara starred down at her food  during lunch with everyone.

 Ollie Kayla and Jack had just finished telling eveyone  what happened with the sub for there health class when Gilly says "So who's going to tell them " 

"Tell them what?" Maxine asked

"What happened with Mara in gym" Jax says before taking a drink of water.

"Oh" Maxine says.

Mara groans "I'm not doing it."

Elise sighs "I'll do it"

                                 ~after that~

Every one is looking at Mara after Elise tells them what happened but Mara's not paying attention.

Instead she looks like she's about to fall asleep right there. 

"Mara are u okay?" Anna asks

Mara looks pale and tired "Imma go to my dorm, I feel dizzy" Mara says numbly 

"How about me and Anna being u there just in case" AG says

Mara nods without saying any thing.


At the dorms Anna and AG lay .ara down and she falls a sleep.

~in the cafeteria ~ Jocelyn P.O.V.

When Anna and AG get back I said "I think I know what is happening"

Elises eyes go wide "Really what's going on!?"

I sigh and reply "When a person is magical then they wouldn't have all of their senses, they'll be able to see hear feel and all that but they won't be as developed as normal humans or half magics. 

"So Maras senses are developing right now. All this stuff happened to me when my senses developed." 

"That's odd but ok." Gilly says

The others nod in agreement.

"She'll be okay though right" Elise asks 

I nod "yeah she'll just be really tired for the next couple days" 

"Oh ok" she replies


Sure enough after a few days Mara was back to her self again. The only thing that we learned is that She needs glasses even tho her senses developed. So she got those but that's all that changed.

Hope u liked it I stayed up until 2am doing this so y'all better like it!! Lol jk but still this took forever!


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