How They Met You (Guys)

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(Y/N)=your name
(E/C)=eye color

*Natsu's P.O.V.*
I was walking through the forest to my house, when I heard a cry.

"Happy, did you hear that?"

"No what is it Natsu?"

"I heard something."

I looked around and moved a couple bushes to reveal a baby.

"Who would leave their baby out here?" -N

"What if their abandoned?" -H

"I'll take care of (Y/N) then!"-N


"It's her name of course!"-N

"Oh, how can you tell she's a girl?"-H

"I can smell it and, let's take her to the guil tommorow!"

"Aye sir!"

After that I walked home with (Y/N) and Happy. I smiled but wondered, who left (Y/N) all alone like that? If I ever found them I would teach them a lesson!

*Gray's P.OV.*
I was walking home when a cry rang out. I heard it again so I looked around. I located the source of the noise when I found a baby in a basket with a note.

"Please take care of my little girl, I can't, she would see things no child should see. Her name is (Y/N), give her the family and home I couldn't."

'(Y/N) huh? I'll take care of her' I thought as I picked up the baby and walked home. Plus I can take her to the guild tomorrow and see if anyone knows about her or who she is as well. In a way I hope no one will, I like (Y/N) and I haven't even known her for five minutes.

*Gajeel's P.O.V.*
I was on my way to the guild, to meet up with Lily who was picking out a job, when I heard a scream. I saw a man dead and a woman bleeding out while three men surrounded a baby. I walked over to them and punched the leader in the face. As I beat them up I held the baby.

"Take care of (Y/N)" was drawn in the sand, the mother must have drawn it while I was fighting the three men. Why would they want to kill her parents though? '(Y/N) ehh? Well since she has no parents, I'll be her parent! Besides why not the kid may or may not be cute with her (E/C) eyes and slight strange smile thing.'

*Laxus' P.O.V.*
I was about to step out of my door but that didn't happen due to the fact that someone left a baby at my door step. I looked at the baby and sighed. I picked the baby up and walked back inside. I held the baby before using a lacrima ((is that spelt right?)) To tell Freed to get Evergreen and Bicslow and get baby stuff. He looked at me strangely I sighed and told him I'd tell him later.

This kid was already giving me a hassle and I hadn't had her more then ten minutes. 'Why me?' I thought annoyed when the baby made a f*cked up noise and I looked at it to see it looking at me with something that I guess was a smile? Maybe, hopefully, that was smile because if not this kid was possessed. The kid was looking at me happiness in its eyes so it was probably a smile. Maybe the kid wouldn't be so bad after all.

*Sting's P.O.V.*
I was walking with Lector when I heard a baby. Since I was walking back to the guild from a mission it wasn't like I had to be anywhere anytime soon. I began looking around a sniffing trying to find out where the noise had come from. We were in a forest so more than likely someone had left the kid if there really was one. I pushed some vines out of the way after I caught a wiff of something I looked and found a filthy baby wrapped in an even more disgusting blanket. I think the blanket might have been blue at some point. I held the baby and showed it to Lector.

"Look, someone left their baby."

"What are you going to do Sting-kun?"

"I'll keep her and, her name will be (Y/N)!"

"Ok but, will you please change the baby or at least bath them? That blanket stinks."

"Yeah, first we will need to get clothes though...."

*Rogue's P.O.V.*
I was watching Frosh as s/he was looking at the sweets in the glass display case trying to pick just one.

"Can I please get two?"


"Yummy, thank you."

I nodded and Frosh got his/her food and we walked out of the store. I smelt blood and looked in the alleyway to the right of the sweets shop. I saw a group of boys kicking a girl who was protecting a baby. The girl however had already died. It disgusted me that they would do that. I walked over towards then and told them to scram. They took one look at me and ran. I picked up the baby and held it. The baby was fine, I would take her back to the guild and figure out what to do with her then.

"What are you going to name her? I like (Y/N), its pretty." Frosh said.

I looked at them and smiled.

"Them her name is now (Y/N)."

"Fro thinks so to!"

*Jackal's P.O.V.*
I watched Tempasta ((is it Tempasta or Tempester? I have seen it spelt both ways.)) Kill a woman and was about to destroy the house when I stopped him. I had seen a baby, I grabbed the baby and looked at it. It was a good thing I knew how to control my powers or the baby would be in pieces. The baby was kinda cute. It had (E/C) eyes and a slight smirk/smile thing. I liked this kid! I looked at Tempesta,

"This kids mine! I'll raise the kid!"

"Have you even named the child?"

"Uhh....... Her name is (Y/N)!" I said.

"Good enough for me, let's go."


As we walked off I caries my new baby. I smiled to myself, this was going to be awesome! I'll have someone fight with once the kid gets big enough. Plus the kid might be cute....

*Zeref's P.O.V.*
I was walking around when I stumbled upon a baby. The baby looked like it was cold as it kept trying to shift deeper in the blanket around it. I didn't want to hurt the baby but, they would die if I did nothing. I picked the baby up and held them. The baby stopped moving around as much and relaxed. I sighed and turned to go back to my cave with the baby.

I wonder where its parents are. Why would they leave their baby? The baby needed a name though. I thought of names until one seemed to fit with the baby perfectly, the baby's name would be (Y/N). I smiled to myself, at least I'll have some company now. (Y/N) shifted to get closer to me and I looked down at her then back up, we were almost at my cave.

((Sorry if these suck! Comment and tell me what you think I could do better please!))

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